/// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the Iok8sapieventsv1beta1Event class.
 /// </summary>
 public Iok8sapieventsv1beta1Event(DateTime eventTime, string action = default(string), string apiVersion = default(string), int?deprecatedCount = default(int?), DateTime?deprecatedFirstTimestamp = default(DateTime?), DateTime?deprecatedLastTimestamp = default(DateTime?), Iok8sapicorev1EventSource deprecatedSource = default(Iok8sapicorev1EventSource), string kind = default(string), Iok8sapimachinerypkgapismetav1ObjectMeta metadata = default(Iok8sapimachinerypkgapismetav1ObjectMeta), string note = default(string), string reason = default(string), Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference regarding = default(Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference), Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference related = default(Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference), string reportingController = default(string), string reportingInstance = default(string), Iok8sapieventsv1beta1EventSeries series = default(Iok8sapieventsv1beta1EventSeries), string type = default(string))
     Action                   = action;
     ApiVersion               = apiVersion;
     DeprecatedCount          = deprecatedCount;
     DeprecatedFirstTimestamp = deprecatedFirstTimestamp;
     DeprecatedLastTimestamp  = deprecatedLastTimestamp;
     DeprecatedSource         = deprecatedSource;
     EventTime                = eventTime;
     Kind                = kind;
     Metadata            = metadata;
     Note                = note;
     Reason              = reason;
     Regarding           = regarding;
     Related             = related;
     ReportingController = reportingController;
     ReportingInstance   = reportingInstance;
     Series              = series;
     Type                = type;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the Iok8sapicorev1Event class.
 /// </summary>
 public Iok8sapicorev1Event(Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference involvedObject, Iok8sapimachinerypkgapismetav1ObjectMeta metadata, string action = default(string), string apiVersion = default(string), int?count = default(int?), DateTime?eventTime = default(DateTime?), DateTime?firstTimestamp = default(DateTime?), string kind = default(string), DateTime?lastTimestamp = default(DateTime?), string message = default(string), string reason = default(string), Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference related = default(Iok8sapicorev1ObjectReference), string reportingComponent = default(string), string reportingInstance = default(string), Iok8sapicorev1EventSeries series = default(Iok8sapicorev1EventSeries), Iok8sapicorev1EventSource source = default(Iok8sapicorev1EventSource), string type = default(string))
     Action             = action;
     ApiVersion         = apiVersion;
     Count              = count;
     EventTime          = eventTime;
     FirstTimestamp     = firstTimestamp;
     InvolvedObject     = involvedObject;
     Kind               = kind;
     LastTimestamp      = lastTimestamp;
     Message            = message;
     Metadata           = metadata;
     Reason             = reason;
     Related            = related;
     ReportingComponent = reportingComponent;
     ReportingInstance  = reportingInstance;
     Series             = series;
     Source             = source;
     Type               = type;