void OnPostprocessTexture(Texture2D texture)
            bool isCompositeTexture = false;

                //id = CompositeTexture.assetToGUID(texture);
                int instanceID = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(assetPath).GetInstanceID();
                EDebug.Log("OnPostProcessTexture " + instanceID);
                if (CompositeTextureData.ExistsByInstanceID(instanceID) && CompositeTextureData.getTexture(instanceID).enabled)
                    EDebug.Log("is an enabled composite texture");
                    isCompositeTexture = true;
                    ct = CompositeTextureData.getTexture(instanceID);
            catch (System.Exception)
                EDebug.Log("exception in texture processor");

            if (!isCompositeTexture)

            EDebug.Log("do work");
            NormalToRoughness nr = new NormalToRoughness();

            ProcessTexture(ct, texture);

            // Instead of setting pixels for each mip map levels, you can also
            // modify only the pixels in the highest mip level. And then simply use
            // texture.Apply(true); to generate lower mip levels.
        static string[] OnWillSaveAssets(string[] paths)
            if (canSave)
                //foreach (string path in paths)
                //    EDebug.Log(path);

                var myPaths = paths.Except(seenPaths);

                foreach (string path in paths)
                    if (path.EndsWith(".mat"))
                        Material mat   = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(Material));
                        string   matID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(path);

                        int?rTextureID = null;
                        int?nTextureID = null;

                        rTextureID = getTextureIDFromMat(mat, "_SpecGlossMap");
                        nTextureID = getTextureIDFromMat(mat, "_BumpMap");

                        if (matPriors.Contains(matID))
                            if (rTextureID != (((MaterialPrior)matPriors[matID]).rTextureID))
                                EDebug.Log("ROUGHNESS changed @" + mat.name);
                            if (nTextureID != (((MaterialPrior)matPriors[matID]).nTextureID))
                                EDebug.Log("NORMAL changed @" + mat.name);

                        // log this as a prior
                        matPriors.Add(matID, new MaterialPrior(matID, rTextureID, nTextureID));

                        //EDebug.Log(rTextureID + " " + nTextureID);

                // these are our UNSAVED CHANGES in the project.
                // these operations occour between actaul saves...
                // check if either the normal or roughness map was changed

                foreach (string path in myPaths)
                    EDebug.Log("watching for changes @" + path);

                seenPaths = paths;

                string[] empty = new string[0];

        void OnGUI()
            EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("box", GUILayout.Height(150f));

            GUILayout.Label("New Composite Texture", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            matTemplate = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Import from material", matTemplate, typeof(Material), true) as Material;

            GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);

            style.alignment  = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
            style.fixedWidth = 70;


            GUILayout.Label("Texture A", style);
            textureAToAdd = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("", textureAToAdd, typeof(Texture2D), false, GUILayout.Width(70), GUILayout.Height(70)) as Texture2D;

            GUILayout.Label("Texture B", style);

            textureBToAdd = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("", textureBToAdd, typeof(Texture2D), false, GUILayout.Width(70), GUILayout.Height(70)) as Texture2D;

            cmToAdd = (CompositeModes)EditorGUILayout.Popup("", (int)cmToAdd, modesAsArray, GUILayout.Width(170));

            string texA_guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(textureAToAdd));

            // create texture
            bool texutresInPlace = false;

            if (textureAToAdd != null && textureBToAdd != null)
                if (textureAToAdd.height == textureBToAdd.height && textureAToAdd.width == textureBToAdd.width)
                    texutresInPlace = true;
                    texutresInPlace = true;
                    EDebug.Log("textures not of same size");
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Texture dimensions don't match", type: MessageType.Info);

            EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(texutresInPlace == false);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Create Composite", GUILayout.Width(170)))
                string errorMsg = CompositeTextureController.createCompositeTexture(texA_guid, textureAToAdd, textureBToAdd, 1f, cmToAdd);

                matTemplate   = null; // clear the previous fields after creating a new CT
                textureAToAdd = null;
                textureBToAdd = null;

                lastAddedCT_ID = texA_guid;
                //shouldScroll = true;





            ////////////////// MATERIAL TYPE DETECTION
            if (matTemplate != null)
                textureBToAdd = (Texture2D)matTemplate.GetTexture("_BumpMap");

                String shaderName = matTemplate.shader.name;
                // shaderName Standard (Roughness setup), Standard, Standard (Specular setup)
                //Debug.Log("shadername " + shaderName);

                if (shaderName == "Standard")
                    cmToAdd = CompositeModes.normalToRoughnessRGB;
                else if (shaderName == "Standard (Specular setup)")
                    cmToAdd = CompositeModes.standardShaderSpecularSetup;
                else if (shaderName == "Standard (Roughness setup)")
                    cmToAdd = CompositeModes.normalToRoughnessAlpha;

                if (matTemplate.IsKeywordEnabled("_SMOOTHNESS_TEXTURE_ALBEDO_CHANNEL_A"))
                    textureAToAdd = (Texture2D)matTemplate.GetTexture("_MainTex");
                else if (matTemplate.HasProperty("_SpecGlossMap"))
                { // standard and roughness setup have this
                    if (matTemplate.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap") != null)
                        textureAToAdd = (Texture2D)matTemplate.GetTexture("_SpecGlossMap");
                else if (matTemplate.HasProperty("_MetallicGlossMap"))
                    if (matTemplate.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap") != null)
                        textureAToAdd = (Texture2D)matTemplate.GetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap");
                    textureAToAdd = null;
                    textureBToAdd = null;
                matTemplate = null; //clear material area


            List <CompositeTexture> removalList = new List <CompositeTexture>();

            float scrollWidth  = position.width;
            float scrollHeight = position.height - 160f;

            scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, GUILayout.Width(scrollWidth), GUILayout.Height(scrollHeight));

            float itemHeight = 135f;
            List <CompositeTexture> ctsAll = CompositeTextureData.getTextures();
            List <CompositeTexture> cts    = GetCTinUIVisible(ctsAll, (int)itemHeight, (int)scrollPos.y);

            int fullScrollableHeight = (int)itemHeight * ctsAll.Count;

            GUILayout.BeginVertical("", GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Height(fullScrollableHeight));

            int firstindex = (int)(scrollPos.y / itemHeight);

            GUILayout.Space(firstindex * itemHeight);

            foreach (CompositeTexture ct in cts)
                if (ct.filesExist() == false)
                    EDebug.Log("missing a file");

                Texture2D texA = ct.getTextureA();
                Texture2D texB = ct.getTextureB();

                Texture2D texPreview = null;

                if (!AssetPreview.IsLoadingAssetPreview(texA.GetInstanceID()))
                    texPreview = AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(texA);

                Rect     lastRect2 = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("box", GUILayout.Height(itemHeight));
                GUIStyle lab       = EditorStyles.label;

                if (lastAddedCT_ID == ct.id)
                    lab = EditorStyles.boldLabel;

                if (lastAddedCT_ID == ct.id && shouldScroll)
                    if (lastRect2.y > 0f)
                        //lastAddedCT_ID = null;
                        scrollPos    = lastRect2.position;
                        shouldScroll = false;
                GUILayoutOption[] ctrlButtonOptions = new GUILayoutOption[1];
                ctrlButtonOptions[0] = GUILayout.Width(20f);
                GUILayoutOption[] toggleOptions = new GUILayoutOption[1];
                toggleOptions[0] = GUILayout.Width(11f);

                var toggle = GUILayout.Toggle(ct.enabled, "", toggleOptions);
                GUILayout.Label(texA.name, lab);

                if (GUILayout.Button("X", ctrlButtonOptions))


                if (toggle != ct.enabled)
                    if (ct.enabled == true)
                        CompositeTextureController.enableTexture(ct.id, false);
                        System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                        CompositeTextureController.enableTexture(ct.id, true);

                        EDebug.Log("ELAPSED " + sw.Elapsed.Milliseconds);

                //if (GUILayout.Button("mark unreadable"))
                //    texB.setReadable(true);
                //    String assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texB);
                //    AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(assetPath);


                EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(ct.enabled == false);

                GUILayout.Box(texPreview, GUILayout.Width(105), GUILayout.Height(105));


                //int texB_ID = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("composite texture", texB, typeof(Texture2D), true).GetInstanceID();
                string texB_ID = CompositeTexture.assetToGUID((Texture2D)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("composite texture", texB, typeof(Texture2D), true));

                CompositeModes cm = (CompositeModes)EditorGUILayout.Popup("Composit mode", (int)ct.compositeMode, modesAsArray);

                float strength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Strength", ct.strength);

                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    ct.update(texB_ID, strength, cm);
                    CompositeTextureController.enableTexture(ct.id, true);
                    EDebug.Log("value changed! " + texA.name);




            foreach (CompositeTexture ctr in removalList)

 static void refresh()
     EDebug.Log("refresh requested by GUI");
Esempio n. 5
        public TexelIndex(Color[] texColors)
            int mipLevels = (int)(Math.Log(texColors.Length) / Math.Log(4.0));

            EDebug.Log("TI miplevels " + mipLevels);

            int pixelCount = texColors.Length;

            //setup texels
            texelLevels = new TexelLevel[mipLevels];
            for (int i = 0; i < texelLevels.Length; i++)
                texelLevels[i] = new TexelLevel(pixelCount);
                pixelCount    /= 4;

            int sideDimension = (int)Math.Sqrt(texColors.Length); //256 becomes 16 , the side dimension

            for (int i = 0; i < texColors.Length; i += sideDimension * 2)
                for (int j = 0; j < sideDimension; j += 2)
                    int l = j + i;

                    Color[] targetC = new Color[4];
                    targetC[0] = texColors[l];
                    targetC[1] = texColors[l + 1];
                    targetC[2] = texColors[l + sideDimension];
                    targetC[3] = texColors[l + sideDimension + 1];

                    Texel tex = new TexelCalculation(targetC).getTexel();


            TexelOps to = new TexelOps();

            Texel[] target = new Texel[4];

            for (int i = 0; i < texelLevels.Length - 1; i++) // for each level (except the last one)
                TexelLevel texelLevel       = texelLevels[i];
                int        texelCount       = texelLevels[i].getTexelCount();
                int        mipSideDimension = (int)Math.Sqrt(texelCount);

                int capacity = (mipSideDimension ^ 2) / 4;
                //Debug.Log("mip side dimension :  " + mipSideDimension * 2);

                // combine 4 texels together and add the resulting texel to the next level
                for (int j = 0; j < texelCount; j += mipSideDimension * 2)
                    for (int k = 0; k < mipSideDimension; k += 2)
                        int l = j + k;

                        target[0] = texelLevel.getTexel(l);
                        target[1] = texelLevel.getTexel(l + 1);
                        target[2] = texelLevel.getTexel(l + mipSideDimension);
                        target[3] = texelLevel.getTexel(l + mipSideDimension + 1);

                        Texel combinedTex = to.CombineTexels(target);

                        // add combined texel to next
                        texelLevels[i + 1].addTexel(combinedTex);

        // the latest method for generating
        public void generateNormalToRoughnessTextureNew(CompositeTexture ct, Texture2D texC)
            Texture2D texA = texC;
            Texture2D texB = ct.getTextureB();

            // handle user deleting normalmap texture in GUI
            if (texA == null || texB == null)

            Texture2D LoadedImage = new Texture2D(texB.width, texB.height, texB.format, true);


            // resize the textures if unevenly matched
            if (texB.mipmapCount < texA.mipmapCount)
                EDebug.Log("sizing " + texA.width);

                // RGBA32, ARGB32, RGB24, RGBAFloat or RGBAHalf
                texB.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear;
                RenderTexture rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(texA.width, texA.height);
                rt.filterMode        = FilterMode.Trilinear;
                RenderTexture.active = rt;
                Graphics.Blit(texB, rt);
                Texture2D nTex = new Texture2D(texA.width, texA.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
                nTex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, texA.width, texA.height), 0, 0);
                RenderTexture.active = null;
                texB = nTex;
                texB = LoadedImage; // this makes the texture readable

            int mipLevels = texA.mipmapCount;

            texelIndex = new TexelIndex(texB.GetPixels());

            // do different things depending on blending mode requested
            if (ct.compositeMode == CompositeModes.normalToRoughnessAlpha)
                bt = delegate(Color roughness, float normalStdDev)  // standard shader roughness mode calculation
                    normalStdDev *= ct.strength;
                    return(new Color(roughness.r + normalStdDev, roughness.g + normalStdDev, roughness.b + normalStdDev, 1.0f));
            else if (ct.compositeMode == CompositeModes.normalToRoughnessRGB)
                bt = delegate(Color roughness, float normalStdDev)  // standard shader w/ metalic alpha
                    normalStdDev *= ct.strength;
                    return(new Color(roughness.r, roughness.g, roughness.b, roughness.a - (2 * normalStdDev)));
            else if (ct.compositeMode == CompositeModes.standardShaderSpecularSetup)
                bt = delegate(Color roughness, float normalStdDev)  // standard (specular setup)
                    normalStdDev *= ct.strength;
                    return(new Color(roughness.r, roughness.g, roughness.b, roughness.a - (2 * normalStdDev)));
                    //return new Color(roughness.r, roughness.g, roughness.b, roughness.a + (2 * normalStdDev));

            int mipDelta = texB.mipmapCount - texA.mipmapCount;

            EDebug.Log("mipdelta: " + mipDelta);

            int startingMipLevel = 1; // start from here for equally sized textures

            if (mipDelta > 0)
                startingMipLevel = 0;
            if (mipDelta < 0)
                mipDelta = 0;

            for (int mipLevel = startingMipLevel; mipLevel < mipLevels - mipDelta; mipLevel++)
                int mipSize = texA.width / (int)Math.Pow(2, mipLevel);
                //EDebug.Log("generating rougness mipsize:" + mipSize);
                Color32[] values = generateNormalToRoughnessValues(mipSize, mipLevel, rTexture: texA, p_mipDelta: mipDelta);

                texC.SetPixels32(values, mipLevel);