Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gui event. Happens when brightness slider is moved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget"> Widget that the event is happening on. </param>
        public static void Event_Brightness_Changed( GuiWidget widget )
            // See if this is a slider:

            if ( widget != null )
                    // Cast to a slider:

                    Gui_Slider s = (Gui_Slider) widget;

                    // Set brightness:

                    CorePreferences.Brightness = s.CurrentValue;
                catch ( Exception ){}
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gui event. Happens when music volume slider is moved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget"> Widget that the event is happening on. </param>
        public static void Event_Music_Volume_Changed( GuiWidget widget )
            // See if this is a slider:

            if ( widget != null )
                    // Cast to a slider:

                    Gui_Slider s = (Gui_Slider) widget;

                    // Set music volume:

                    CorePreferences.MusicVolume = s.CurrentValue;
                catch ( Exception ){}
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gui event. Sets slider values for the options menu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget"> Widget that the event is happening on. </param>
        public static void Event_Set_Options_Sliders( GuiWidget widget )
            // Set all settings:

                // Try to find this object:

                Gui_Slider s = (Gui_Slider) Core.Gui.Search.FindByName("Slider_Brightness");

                // Set it's value:

                if ( s != null ) s.CurrentValue = CorePreferences.Brightness;
            catch ( Exception ){}

                // Try to find this object:

                Gui_Slider s = (Gui_Slider) Core.Gui.Search.FindByName("Slider_Music_Volume");

                // Set it's value:

                if ( s != null ) s.CurrentValue = CorePreferences.MusicVolume;
            catch ( Exception ){}

                // Try to find this object:

                Gui_Slider s = (Gui_Slider) Core.Gui.Search.FindByName("Slider_Sound_Volume");

                // Set it's value:

                if ( s != null ) s.CurrentValue = CorePreferences.SoundVolume;
            catch ( Exception ){}
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gui event. Opens up the previously open screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget"> Widget that the event is happening on. </param>
        public static void Event_Pop_Screen( GuiWidget widget )
            // Load the previous screen:

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary> 
        /// Chooses the current widget that is to be in focus. Picks the first widget that has the 
        /// 'DefaultFocus' flag set to true, or if that fails the first focusable widget.
        /// </summary>
        private void ChooseFocusWidget()
            // Lock the objects list:


                // Clear the current focus widget:

                m_focus_widget = null;

                // Run through the list of widgets and try to find a default focus one:

                Dictionary<int,GuiWidget>.Enumerator e = m_data.Objects.GetEnumerator();

                    while ( e.MoveNext() )
                        // See if this is a default focus widget:

                        if ( e.Current.Value.DefaultFocus )
                            // Found our focus widget: set

                            m_focus_widget = e.Current.Value;

                            // Call the gained focus event:


                            // Abort search

                            m_data.Unlock(); return;

                // Ok: run through the list of widgets that can have focus and try to pick one

                e = m_data.Objects.GetEnumerator();

                    while ( e.MoveNext() )
                        // See if this is a default focus widget:

                        if ( e.Current.Value.CanFocus )
                            // Found our focus widget: set

                            m_focus_widget = e.Current.Value;

                            // Call the gained focus event:


                            // Abort search

                            m_data.Unlock(); return;

            // Unlock the objects list:

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary> 
        /// Makes focus shift in the direction specified if allowed.
        /// </summary>
        public void TraverseFocus( FocusTraversalDirection direction )
            // See if there is a focus widget: we can do nowt if there is none

            if ( m_focus_widget != null )
                // Ok: see what direction we have to move in

                switch ( direction )
                    // Move focus to the left:

                    case FocusTraversalDirection.LEFT:
                        // Try to find the next widget to focus on:

                        GuiWidget next_focus_widget = m_search.FindByName( m_focus_widget.LeftWidget );

                        // If found then switch focus:

                        if ( next_focus_widget != null )
                            // Switch focus:

                            m_focus_widget.OnFocusLost();  m_focus_widget = next_focus_widget;

                            // Call focus gained on new widget:


                    }   break;

                    case FocusTraversalDirection.RIGHT:
                        // Try to find the next widget to focus on:

                        GuiWidget next_focus_widget = m_search.FindByName( m_focus_widget.RightWidget );

                        // If found then switch focus:

                        if ( next_focus_widget != null )
                            // Switch focus:

                            m_focus_widget.OnFocusLost();  m_focus_widget = next_focus_widget;

                            // Call focus gained on new widget:


                    }   break;

                    case FocusTraversalDirection.ABOVE:
                        // Try to find the next widget to focus on:

                        GuiWidget next_focus_widget = m_search.FindByName( m_focus_widget.AboveWidget );

                        // If found then switch focus:

                        if ( next_focus_widget != null )
                            // Switch focus:

                            m_focus_widget.OnFocusLost();  m_focus_widget = next_focus_widget;

                            // Call focus gained on new widget:


                    }   break;

                    case FocusTraversalDirection.BELOW:
                        // Try to find the next widget to focus on:

                        GuiWidget next_focus_widget = m_search.FindByName( m_focus_widget.BelowWidget );

                        // If found then switch focus:

                        if ( next_focus_widget != null )
                            // Switch focus:

                            m_focus_widget.OnFocusLost();  m_focus_widget = next_focus_widget;

                            // Call focus gained on new widget:


                    }   break;

                }   // end switch ( direction )
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary> 
        /// Clears the gui. This should be used as opposed to manually clearing gui data 
        /// when a level-wipe is required.
        /// </summary>
        public void Clear()
            // Recreate all objects and override the old ones:

            m_data = new GuiData(this); m_search = new GuiSearchQuery(this);

            // Clear the curretnly focused widget:

            m_focus_widget = null;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to invoke a given generic gui event function. The widget involved in the event 
        /// must be given or else this function will do nothing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <
        /// <param name="event_widget"> Widget involved in the event. </param>
        public static void InvokeGenericEvent( string event_name , GuiWidget event_widget )
            // If no widget is given then abort:

            if ( event_widget == null ) return;

            // See if this event exists:

            if ( s_generic_events.ContainsKey(event_name) )
                // Ok: get the event:

                OnGuiGenericEventFunction event_function = s_generic_events[event_name];

                // Cool: run the event. Catch any exceptions that happen


                // If something went wrong then show it on windows debug

                #if WINDOWS_DEBUG

                    catch ( Exception e ){ DebugConsole.PrintException(e); }


                    catch ( Exception ){}

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary> 
        /// Registers an objects name with the gui so the object can later be found by using this 
        /// name. The name does not have to be unique and multiple objects could be retrieved under 
        /// the same name. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"> Object to register name for </param>
        /// <param name="name"> Name to register the object under </param>
        public void RegisterName( GuiWidget obj , string name )
            // Abort if null object:

            if ( obj == null ) return;

            // Do nothing if the object has no ID or is not in the gui:

            if ( obj.Id == 0 || obj.ParentContainer != this || obj.ParentGui != this.m_gui ) return;

            // Do nothing if no name was given:

            if ( name == null || name.Length <= 0 ) return;

            // If the gui data is locked then just add to the list of pending gui data changes:

            if ( m_lock_count != 0 )
                // Add this change to the list:

                    new PendingGuiChange
                        obj                                     ,
                        PendingGuiChangeType.REGISTER_NAME    ,

                // Abort: do not actually add the object into the list - we will do this later on Unlock()


            // Make the name lowercase:

            string nameLower = name.ToLower();

            // Create a hash for objects with this name if not already in existance

            if ( m_names.ContainsKey( nameLower ) == false )
                m_names.Add( nameLower , new Dictionary<int,GuiWidget>() );

            // Add the object into the hash:

            m_names[nameLower][obj.Id] = obj;
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for the pending gui change structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="o"> Object in question. </param>
 /// <param name="t"> Type of level change. </param>
 /// <param name="n"> Name of the object at type of change. For name changes only!</param>
 public PendingGuiChange( GuiWidget o , PendingGuiChangeType t , string n )
     obj = o; changeType = t; objectName = n;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary> 
        /// Unregisters a widgets's type name with the scene. After this has finished the object will 
        /// no longer be found when searching for objects with this type name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"> Object to unregister name for </param>
        private void UnregisterType( GuiWidget obj )
            // Abort if null object:

            if ( obj == null ) return;

            // Do nothing if the object has no ID or is not in the gui:

            if ( obj.Id == 0 || obj.ParentContainer != this || obj.ParentGui != this.m_gui ) return;

            // Get the object's type name:

            string typeName = obj.GetType().Name;

            // Make sure the hash contains the type name

            if ( m_types.ContainsKey( typeName ) )
                // Get the hash for this type name:

                Dictionary<int,GuiWidget> hash = m_types[typeName];

                // See if this object exists in the hash

                if ( hash.ContainsKey( obj.Id ) )
                    // Bingo: remove the object from the hash

                    hash.Remove( obj.Id );

                    // If the hash is now empty then remove it from the parent hash

                    if ( hash.Count == 0 ){ m_types.Remove( typeName ); }
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary> 
        /// Registers a widgets type name with the gui data so the object can later be found by 
        /// using this type name. Multiple objects can be registered with the same type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object to register type name for</param>
        private void RegisterType( GuiWidget obj )
            // Abort if null object:

            if ( obj == null ) return;

            // Do nothing if the object has no ID or is not in the gui:

            if ( obj.Id == 0 || obj.ParentContainer != this || obj.ParentGui != this.m_gui ) return;

            // Get the object's type name:

            string typeName = obj.GetType().Name;

            // Create a hash for widgets with this type if not already in existance

            if ( m_types.ContainsKey( typeName ) == false )
                m_types.Add( typeName , new Dictionary<int,GuiWidget>() );

            // Add the object into the hash:

            m_types[typeName][obj.Id] = obj;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary> 
        /// Unregisters an object's name with the gui. After this has finished the object will 
        /// no longer be found when searching for objects with this name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"> Object to unregister name for </param>
        /// <param name="name"> Name that the object is registered under </param>
        public void UnregisterName( GuiWidget obj , string name )
            // Abort if null object:

            if ( obj == null ) return;

            // Do nothing if the object has no ID or is not in the scene:

            if ( obj.Id == 0 || obj.ParentContainer != this || obj.ParentGui != this.m_gui ) return;

            // Do nothing if no name was given:

            if ( name == null || name.Length <= 0 ) return;

            // If the level data is locked then just add to the list of pending gui data changes:

            if ( m_lock_count != 0 )
                // Add this change to the list:

                    new PendingGuiChange
                        obj                                     ,
                        PendingGuiChangeType.UNREGISTER_NAME  ,

                // Abort: do not actually add the object into the list - we will do this later on Unlock()


            // Make the name lowercase:

            string nameLower = name.ToLower();

            // Make sure the hash contains the name

            if ( m_names.ContainsKey( nameLower ) )
                // Get the hash for this name:

                Dictionary<int,GuiWidget> hash = m_names[nameLower];

                // See if this widget exists in the hash

                if ( hash.ContainsKey( obj.Id ) )
                    // Bingo: remove the widget from the hash

                    hash.Remove( obj.Id );

                    // If the hash is now empty then remove it from the parent hash

                    if ( hash.Count == 0 ){ m_names.Remove( nameLower ); }
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary> 
        /// Removes the given widget from the gui.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"> Widget to remove</param>
        public void Remove( GuiWidget obj )
            // Do nothing if objet is null:

            if ( obj == null ) return;

            // Do nothing if the object has no ID or is not in the gui:

            if ( obj.Id == 0 || obj.ParentContainer != this || obj.ParentGui != this.m_gui ) return;

            // See if object exists in gui:

            if ( m_objects.ContainsKey( obj.Id ) )
                // If the gui data is locked then just add to the list of pending gui data changes:

                if ( m_lock_count != 0 )
                    // Add this change to the list:

                        new PendingGuiChange
                            obj                                     ,
                            PendingGuiChangeType.REMOVE_OBJECT    ,

                    // Abort: do not actually add the object into the list - we will do this later on Unlock()


                // Cleanup after the object:


                // Unregister object name and type:

                UnregisterName(obj,obj.Name); UnregisterType(obj);

                // Remove widget from the master dictionary:

                m_objects.Remove( obj.Id );

                // Add this id to the list of free ids


                // Clear all the object's scene related variables

                obj.Id              = 0;
                obj.ParentGui       = null;
                obj.ParentContainer = null;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Gui event. Causes the game to end.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="widget"> Widget that the event is happening on. </param>
 public static void Event_Quit( GuiWidget widget )
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Gui event. Restarts the level.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="widget"> Widget that the event is happening on. </param>
        public static void Event_Restart_Level( GuiWidget widget )
            // Reload the level:

            Core.Level.Load( Core.Level.FileName );
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary> 
        /// Adds a given widget into the gui data block.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"> Widget to add </param>
        public void Add( GuiWidget obj )
            // Make sure object not in another scene:

            if ( obj.Id != 0 || obj.ParentGui != null || obj.ParentContainer != null ) return;

            // If the gui data is locked then just add to the list of pending gui data changes:

            if ( m_lock_count != 0 )
                // Add this change to the list:

                    new PendingGuiChange
                        obj                                 ,
                        PendingGuiChangeType.ADD_OBJECT     ,

                // Abort: do not actually add the object into the list - we will do this later on Unlock()


            // Choose an id for the object:

            int id = m_next_id;

                // If there are any free ids from deletion then use them: otherwise use the next free id and increment it

                if ( m_free_ids.Count > 0 )
                    // Use the next free id gotten from deletion:

                    id = m_free_ids.First.Value; m_free_ids.RemoveFirst();
                    // No id's ready from deletion: use the next free id and increment it


            // Set ID, parent gui and container:

            obj.Id              = id;
            obj.ParentGui       = this.m_gui;
            obj.ParentContainer = this;

            // Add to the dictionary for all widgets:

            m_objects.Add( obj.Id , obj );

            // Register the widgets name and type for later quick lookup

            RegisterName(obj,obj.Name); RegisterType(obj);