Esempio n. 1
        public Form1()

            plcStatusLabel     = this.PLCStatusLabel;
            messageReceived    = this.MessageRecieved;
            messageSent        = this.MessageSent;
            ReadBitValue       = this.readBitValue;
            Read32FloatValue   = this.read32FloatValue;
            Read32InFloatValue = this.read32InFloatValue;
            Read32Value        = this.read32Value;
            Read16Value        = this.read16Value;
            SerialComms        = new USBSerialComms(this);

            Factory mbFactory = new Factory();

            var json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"c:\users\kevin\desktop\modbus.json");

            var objects = JArray.Parse(json); // parse as array

            foreach (JObject root in objects)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <String, JToken> app in root)
                    var n = app.Key;

                    var  appName              = app.Key;
                    var  type                 = (String)app.Value["Type"];
                    byte device               = (byte)app.Value["Device"];
                    byte writeCmnd            = (byte)app.Value["WriteCmnd"];
                    byte readCmnd             = (byte)app.Value["ReadCmnd"];
                    byte addHi                = (byte)app.Value["addHi"];
                    byte addLo                = (byte)app.Value["addLo"];
                    ModbusObjInitializer init = new ModbusObjInitializer(type, device, writeCmnd, readCmnd, addHi, addLo);
Esempio n. 2
        public void checkConns()
            if (!bInsideCheckConns)
                bInsideCheckConns = true;
                while ((bCheckConnsCheckAgain) || (bInsideCheckConns))
                        if (_serialPort.IsOpen)
                            _serialPort.Close(); //doing this early on to reduce likelyhood of trying to write to closed port which throws unrecoverable error
                        //unplugging USB Serial ports (which is what our PLCs act like) will cause an exception.  This try/catch lets the program continue after an exception.
                        String[] portNames = SerialPort.GetPortNames();
                        //ArrayList alCommPortInfo = new ArrayList();
                        List <COMPortInfo> alCommPortInfo = new List <COMPortInfo>();
                        foreach (String s in portNames)
                            // s is like "COM14"
                            COMPortInfo ci = new COMPortInfo();
                            ci.portName     = s;
                            ci.friendlyName = s;
                        String[] usbDevs = USBSerialComms.GetUSBCOMDevices();

                        foreach (String s in usbDevs)
                            // Name will be like "USB Bridge (COM14)"
                            int start = s.IndexOf("(COM") + 1;
                            if (start >= 0)
                                int end = s.IndexOf(")", start + 3);
                                if (end >= 0)
                                    // cname is like "COM14"
                                    String cname = s.Substring(start, end - start);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < alCommPortInfo.Count; i++)
                                        if (((COMPortInfo)alCommPortInfo[i]).portName == cname)
                                            ((COMPortInfo)alCommPortInfo[i]).friendlyName = s;

                        int iCommNumTemp = -1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < alCommPortInfo.Count; i++)
                            COMPortInfo myPort = (COMPortInfo)alCommPortInfo[i];
                            if (myPort.friendlyName.Contains("VelocioComm"))
                                String sCommNum = myPort.portName;
                                sCommNum     = sCommNum.Remove(0, 3);
                                iCommNumTemp = Int32.Parse(sCommNum);

                        if ((iCommNumTemp != iCommNum) ||
                            ((iCommNumTemp == -1) && (bDevicePluggedIn == true)) ||
                            ((iCommNumTemp != -1) && (bDevicePluggedIn == false)))
                            if (iCommNumTemp == -1)
                                form.Invoke(new delegateUpdateUSBEnabled(updateUSBEnabled), false);
                                form.Invoke(new delegateUpdateUSBEnabled(updateUSBEnabled), true);
                                _serialPort           = new SerialPort("COM" + iCommNumTemp.ToString(), 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
                                _serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
                                if (!_serialPort.IsOpen)
                                    _serialPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(_serialPort_DataReceived);
                                    iCommNum = iCommNumTemp;
                        //unplugging USB Serial ports (which is what our PLCs act like) will cause an exception.  This try/catch lets the program continue after an exception.
                        form.Invoke(new delegateUpdateUSBEnabled(updateUSBEnabled), false);
                    if (bCheckConnsCheckAgain)
                        bCheckConnsCheckAgain = false;
                        bInsideCheckConns = false;
                bCheckConnsCheckAgain = true;