Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the original location of the corresponding assembly if available, otherwise returns the location of the shadow copy.
        /// If the corresponding assembly is not in the GAC, null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public static string /*?*/ GetLocation(AssemblyIdentity assemblyIdentity, IMetadataHost metadataHost)
            lock (GlobalLock.LockingObject) {
                var gacKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\Software\Microsoft\.NETCompactFramework\Installer\Assemblies\Global");
                foreach (var gacName in gacKey.GetValueNames())
                    if (IdentityMatchesString(assemblyIdentity, gacName))
                        var values = gacKey.GetValue(gacName) as string[];
                        if (values == null || values.Length == 0)
#if __MonoCS__
                IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum = new MonoAssemblyEnum();
                if (!GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded)
                    GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded = true;
                    var systemAssembly         = typeof(object).Assembly;
                    var systemAssemblyLocation = systemAssembly.Location;
                    var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(systemAssemblyLocation) ?? "";
                    GlobalAssemblyCache.LoadLibrary(Path.Combine(dir, "fusion.dll"));
                IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum;
                int           rc = CreateAssemblyEnum(out assemblyEnum, null, null, ASM_CACHE.GAC, 0);
                if (rc < 0 || assemblyEnum == null)
                IApplicationContext applicationContext;
                IAssemblyName       currentName;
                while (assemblyEnum.GetNextAssembly(out applicationContext, out currentName, 0) == 0)
                    //^ assume currentName != null;
                    AssemblyName cn = new AssemblyName(currentName);
                    if (assemblyIdentity.Equals(new AssemblyIdentity(metadataHost.NameTable.GetNameFor(cn.Name), cn.Culture, cn.Version, cn.PublicKeyToken, "")))
                        string codeBase = cn.CodeBase;
                        if (codeBase != null && codeBase.StartsWith("file://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            Uri u = new Uri(codeBase, UriKind.Absolute);
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the original location of the corresponding assembly if available, otherwise returns the location of the shadow copy.
 /// If the corresponding assembly is not in the GAC, null is returned.
 /// </summary>
 public static string /*?*/ GetLocation(AssemblyIdentity assemblyIdentity, IMetadataHost metadataHost)
     lock (GlobalLock.LockingObject)
         if (!GlobalAssemblyCache.s_fusionLoaded)
             GlobalAssemblyCache.s_fusionLoaded = true;
             System.Reflection.Assembly systemAssembly = typeof(object).Assembly;
             //^ assume systemAssembly != null;
             string /*?*/ systemAssemblyLocation = systemAssembly.Location;
             //^ assume systemAssemblyLocation != null;
             string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(systemAssemblyLocation);
             //^ assume dir != null;
             GlobalAssemblyCache.LoadLibrary(Path.Combine(dir, "fusion.dll"));
         IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum;
         CreateAssemblyEnum(out assemblyEnum, null, null, ASM_CACHE.GAC, 0);
         if (assemblyEnum == null)
         IApplicationContext applicationContext;
         IAssemblyName       currentName;
         while (assemblyEnum.GetNextAssembly(out applicationContext, out currentName, 0) == 0)
             //^ assume currentName != null;
             AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(currentName);
             string /*?*/ location     = assemblyName.GetLocation();
             if (location == null)
                 location = string.Empty;
             if (assemblyIdentity.Equals(new AssemblyIdentity(metadataHost.NameTable.GetNameFor(assemblyName.Name), assemblyName.Culture, assemblyName.Version, assemblyName.PublicKeyToken, location)))
                 string codeBase = assemblyName.CodeBase;
                 if (codeBase != null && codeBase.StartsWith("file:///"))
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given object is an identifier that identifies the same object as this identifier.
        /// </summary>
        //^ [Confined]
        public override bool Equals(object /*?*/ obj)
            if (obj == (object)this)
            ModuleIdentity /*?*/ otherMod = obj as ModuleIdentity;

            if (otherMod == null)
            if (_containingAssembly == null)
                if (otherMod.ContainingAssembly != null)
                if (otherMod.ContainingAssembly == null)
                if (!_containingAssembly.Equals(otherMod._containingAssembly))
            if (this.Name.UniqueKeyIgnoringCase != otherMod.Name.UniqueKeyIgnoringCase)
            if (_containingAssembly != null)
            return(string.Compare(this.Location, otherMod.Location, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0);
Esempio n. 4
    AssemblyStore GetAssemblyStore(AssemblyIdentity assemblyIdentity) {
      Contract.Requires(assemblyIdentity != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<AssemblyStore>() != null);

      IName assemblyName = assemblyIdentity.Name;
      foreach (AssemblyStore aStore in this.AssemblyHashtable.GetValuesFor((uint)assemblyName.UniqueKey)) {
        if (assemblyIdentity.Equals(aStore.AssemblyIdentity)) return aStore;
      uint value = this.CurrentAssemblyInternValue;
      this.CurrentAssemblyInternValue += 0x00001000;
      AssemblyStore aStore1 = new AssemblyStore(assemblyIdentity, value, this.CurrentNamespaceInternValue++);
      this.AssemblyHashtable.Add((uint)assemblyName.UniqueKey, aStore1);
      return aStore1;
Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the identity of the assembly containing the core system types such as System.Object, by asking
 /// each of the loaded units for its opinion on the matter and returning the opinion with the highest version number.
 /// If none of the loaded units have an opinion, the identity of the runtime executing the compiler itself is returned.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual AssemblyIdentity GetCoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity() {
   var coreAssemblyName = typeof(object).Assembly.GetName();
   string loc = GetLocalPath(coreAssemblyName);
   if (this.unitCache.Count > 0) {
     AssemblyIdentity/*?*/ result = null;
     foreach (IUnit unit in this.unitCache.Values) {
       AssemblyIdentity coreId = unit.CoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity;
       if (coreId.Name.Value.Length == 0) continue;
       if (result == null || result.Version < coreId.Version) result = coreId;
     if (result != null) {
       //The loaded assemblies have an opinion on the identity of the core assembly. By default, we are going to respect that opinion.
       if (result.Location.Length == 0) {
         //However, they do not know where to find it. (This will only be non empty if one of the loaded assemblies itself is the core assembly.)
         if (loc.Length > 0) {
           //We don't know where to find the core assembly that the loaded assemblies want, but we do know where to find the core assembly
           //that we are running on. Perhaps it is the same assembly as the one we've identified. In that case we know where it can be found.
           var myCore = new AssemblyIdentity(this.NameTable.GetNameFor(coreAssemblyName.Name), "", coreAssemblyName.Version, coreAssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken(), loc);
           if (myCore.Equals(result)) return myCore; //myCore is the same as result, but also has a non null location.
         //TODO: if the core assembly being referenced is not the same as the one running the host, probe in the standard places to find its location.
         //put this probing logic in a separate, overridable method and use it in LoadAssembly and LoadModule.
         //Hook it up with the GAC.
       return result;
   //If we get here, none of the assemblies in the unit cache has an opinion on the identity of the core assembly.
   //Usually this will be because this method was called before any assemblies have been loaded.
   //In this case, we have little option but to choose the identity of the core assembly of the platform we are running on.
   return new AssemblyIdentity(this.NameTable.GetNameFor(coreAssemblyName.Name), "", coreAssemblyName.Version, coreAssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken(), loc);
Esempio n. 6
 AssemblyStore GetAssemblyStore(AssemblyIdentity assemblyIdentity) {
   IName assemblyName = assemblyIdentity.Name;
   foreach (AssemblyStore aStore in this.AssemblyHashtable.GetValuesFor((uint)assemblyName.UniqueKey)) {
     if (assemblyIdentity.Equals(aStore.AssemblyIdentity)) {
       return aStore;
   uint value = this.CurrentAssemblyInternValue;
   this.CurrentAssemblyInternValue += 0x00001000;
   AssemblyStore aStore1 = new AssemblyStore(assemblyIdentity, value, this.CurrentNamespaceInternValue++);
   this.AssemblyHashtable.Add((uint)assemblyName.UniqueKey, aStore1);
   return aStore1;
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the original location of the corresponding assembly if available, otherwise returns the location of the shadow copy.
    /// If the corresponding assembly is not in the GAC, null is returned.
    /// </summary>
    public static string/*?*/ GetLocation(AssemblyIdentity assemblyIdentity, IMetadataHost metadataHost) {
      lock (GlobalLock.LockingObject) {
        var gacKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\Software\Microsoft\.NETCompactFramework\Installer\Assemblies\Global");
        foreach (var gacName in gacKey.GetValueNames()) {
          if (IdentityMatchesString(assemblyIdentity, gacName)) {
            var values = gacKey.GetValue(gacName) as string[];
            if (values == null || values.Length == 0) continue;
            return values[0];
        return null;
#if __MonoCS__
        IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum = new MonoAssemblyEnum();
        if (!GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded) {
          GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded = true;
          var systemAssembly = typeof(object).Assembly;
          var systemAssemblyLocation = systemAssembly.Location;
          var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(systemAssemblyLocation)??"";
          GlobalAssemblyCache.LoadLibrary(Path.Combine(dir, "fusion.dll"));
        IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum;
        int rc = CreateAssemblyEnum(out assemblyEnum, null, null, ASM_CACHE.GAC, 0);
        if (rc < 0 || assemblyEnum == null) return null;
        IApplicationContext applicationContext;
        IAssemblyName currentName;
        while (assemblyEnum.GetNextAssembly(out applicationContext, out currentName, 0) == 0) {
          //^ assume currentName != null;
          AssemblyName cn = new AssemblyName(currentName);
          if (assemblyIdentity.Equals(new AssemblyIdentity(metadataHost.NameTable.GetNameFor(cn.Name), cn.Culture, cn.Version, cn.PublicKeyToken, ""))) {
            string codeBase = cn.CodeBase;
            if (codeBase != null && codeBase.StartsWith("file://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
              Uri u = new Uri(codeBase, UriKind.Absolute);
              return u.LocalPath;
            return cn.GetLocation();
        return null;
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the identity of the assembly containing the core system types such as System.Object, by asking
 /// each of the loaded units for its opinion on the matter and returning the opinion with the highest version number.
 /// If none of the loaded units have an opinion, the identity of the runtime executing the compiler itself is returned.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual AssemblyIdentity GetCoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity()
     var coreAssemblyName = typeof(object).Assembly.GetName();
       string loc = GetLocalPath(coreAssemblyName);
       if (this.unitCache.Count > 0) {
     AssemblyIdentity/*?*/ result = null;
     IUnit referringUnit = Dummy.Unit;
     var dummyVersion = new Version(255, 255, 255, 255);
     lock (GlobalLock.LockingObject) {
       foreach (IUnit unit in this.unitCache.Values) {
     AssemblyIdentity coreId = unit.CoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity;
     if (coreId.Name.Value.Length == 0) continue;
     if (result == null || result.Version == dummyVersion ||
        (result.Version < coreId.Version && coreId.Version != dummyVersion) ||
         result.Version == coreId.Version && unit.UnitIdentity.Equals(coreId)) {
       result = coreId;
       referringUnit = unit;
     if (result != null) {
       //The loaded assemblies have an opinion on the identity of the core assembly. By default, we are going to respect that opinion.
       if (result.Location.Length == 0) {
     //However, they do not know where to find it. (This will only be non empty if one of the loaded assemblies itself is the core assembly.)
     if (loc.Length > 0) {
       //We don't know where to find the core assembly that the loaded assemblies want, but we do know where to find the core assembly
       //that we are running on. Perhaps it is the same assembly as the one we've identified. In that case we know where it can be found.
       var myCore = new AssemblyIdentity(this.NameTable.GetNameFor(coreAssemblyName.Name), "", coreAssemblyName.Version, coreAssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken(), loc);
       if (myCore.Equals(result)) return myCore; //myCore is the same as result, but also has a non null location.
     //Now use host specific heuristics for finding the assembly.
     this.coreAssemblySymbolicIdentity = result; //in case ProbeAssemblyReference wants to know the core identity
     return this.ProbeAssemblyReference(referringUnit, result);
       return result;
       //If we get here, none of the assemblies in the unit cache has an opinion on the identity of the core assembly.
       //Usually this will be because this method was called before any assemblies have been loaded.
       //In this case, we have little option but to choose the identity of the core assembly of the platform we are running on.
       return new AssemblyIdentity(this.NameTable.GetNameFor(coreAssemblyName.Name), "", coreAssemblyName.Version, coreAssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken(), loc);