Close() public method

public Close ( ) : void
return void
        public TimeSpan GetRunTime(string filename)
            MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mediaInfo = null;
                mediaInfo = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                _logger.Trace("Getting media info from {0}", filename);

                mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.2");
                int open = mediaInfo.Open(filename);

                if (open != 0)
                    int runTime;
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out runTime);

            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.ErrorException("Unable to parse media info from file: " + filename, ex);
                if (mediaInfo != null)

            return(new TimeSpan());
Esempio n. 2
        public MediaViewModel(string Name = "",
            string ArtistName = "",
            string AlbumName = "",
            Uri Path = null,
            String Length = "00:00:00")
            Dictionary<String, String> tmp = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (Path != null)
                    MediaInfo lol = new MediaInfo();
                    if (lol.Open(Uri.UnescapeDataString(Path.AbsolutePath)) == 1)
                        foreach (string entry in lol.Inform().Split('\n'))
                            var tokens = entry.Split(':');
                            if (tokens.Length == 2)
                                tmp[tokens[0].Trim()] = tokens[1].Trim();
                catch (Exception e)
                    MessageBox.Show("MediaInfo: "+ e.Message);

            Song = new Media(tmp.ContainsKey("Track name") ? tmp["Track name"] : "",
                            tmp.ContainsKey("Performer") ? tmp["Performer"] : "",
                            tmp.ContainsKey("Album") ? tmp["Album"] : "",
                            Path, tmp.ContainsKey("Duration") ? getLength(tmp["Duration"]) : "");
        public static DateTime? GetVideoFileTakenDate(string filePath)
            MediaInfo mediaInfo = null;
                mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();

                DateTime? result = null;
                string recordedDate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Recorded_Date");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recordedDate))
                    result = DateTime.Parse(recordedDate, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal);

                if (result == null)
                    recordedDate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Encoded_Date");
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recordedDate))
                        recordedDate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Tagged_Date");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recordedDate))
                        var dateTimeStyles = DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal;
                        // Canon records local time as UTC
                        var canonCameraIdentifier = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "CodecID/String");
                        if (canonCameraIdentifier.Contains("/CAEP"))
                            dateTimeStyles = DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal;

                        result = DateTime.ParseExact(recordedDate, "\"UTC\" yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
                            CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, dateTimeStyles);

                if (result == null)
                    recordedDate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Mastered_Date");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recordedDate))
                        result = DateTime.ParseExact(recordedDate, "ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy",
                            CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal);
                return result;
            catch (Exception)
                if (mediaInfo != null)
            return null;
            public FileInput(string filename)
                this.filename = filename;
                MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();
                if (MI.Open(this.GetFileName()) > 0)

                    string s = MI.Option("Info_Parameters");

                    int width = int.Parse(MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"));
                    int height = int.Parse(MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"));
                    decimal aspect = (decimal)width / (decimal)height;
                    bool resize = false;
                    if (width > 1280)
                        width = 1280;
                        height = (int)(width / aspect);
                        resize = true;
                    if (height > 720)
                        height = 720;
                        width = (int)(height * aspect);
                        resize = true;
                    if (resize)
                        if (width % 2 > 0)
                            width -= 1;
                        if (height % 2 > 0)
                            height -= 1;
                        this._size = " -s " + width + "x" + height;
                    Log.WriteLine("resize=" + resize + ",size=" + width + "x" + height);

                    int videobitrate = int.Parse(MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"));
                    if (videobitrate > 7 * 1024 * 1024 || resize)
                        this._parameter = " libx264 -coder 0 -flags -loop -cmp +chroma -partitions -parti8x8-parti4x4-partp8x8-partb8x8 -me_method dia -subq 0 -me_range 16 -g 250 -keyint_min 25 -sc_threshold 0 -i_qfactor 0.71 -b_strategy 0 -qcomp 0.6 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qdiff 4 -bf 0 -refs 1 -directpred 1 -trellis 0 -flags2 -bpyramid-mixed_refs-wpred-dct8x8+fastpskip-mbtree -wpredp 0 -b 4096k ";
                        this._parameter = " copy";
                    this._parameter = " -vcodec " + this._parameter;
                    //Log.WriteLine("media info supported :" + s);


                if (this.GetFileName().ToLower().EndsWith(".mp4") || this.GetFileName().ToLower().EndsWith(".mkv"))
                    this._parameter += " -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb ";
                this._parameter += " -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ab 192k ";
Esempio n. 5
        public static void Main()
            MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();

            //change the files accordingly, tested with .avi, .mpg, .mpeg - these should be enough

            string display = "";
            display += "FileName: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "FileName") + "\n";
            display += "FileExtension: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "FileExtension") + "\n";
            display += "Title: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "Title") + "\n";
            display += "Subtitle: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "Title/More") + "\n";
            display += "Tags: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "WM/Category") + "\n";
            display += "Comments: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "Comment") + "\n";

            string sizeInKBStr = MI.Get(0, 0, "FileSize/String").Substring(0, MI.Get(0, 0, "FileSize/String").LastIndexOf(" ")).Replace(" ", "");
            double sizeInKB = Double.Parse(sizeInKBStr);
            double sizeInMB = (double)(sizeInKB / 1024);
            string sizeInMBStr = String.Format("{0:0.00}", sizeInMB); 
            display += "Size: " + sizeInMBStr + " MB" + "\n";
            display += "Date created: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "File_Created_Date").Substring(MI.Get(0, 0, "File_Created_Date").IndexOf(" ") + 1, MI.Get(0, 0, "File_Created_Date").LastIndexOf(".")-4) + "\n";
            display += "Date modified: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "File_Modified_Date").Substring(MI.Get(0, 0, "File_Modified_Date").IndexOf(" ") + 1, MI.Get(0, 0, "File_Modified_Date").LastIndexOf(".")-4) + "\n";

            display += "\nVIDEO\n";
            display += "Length: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "Duration/String3").Substring(0, MI.Get(0, 0, "Duration/String3").LastIndexOf(".")) + "\n";
            display += "Frame width: " + MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width/String") + "\n";
            display += "Frame height: " + MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height/String") + "\n";
            if (MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate/String") != "")
                display += "Data rate: " + MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate/String").Substring(0, MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate/String").LastIndexOf(" ")).Replace(" ", "") + " kbps" + "\n";
                display += "Data rate:\n";
            string frameRateOriStr = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate/String").Substring(0, MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate/String").LastIndexOf(" ")).Replace(" ", "");
            double frameRate = Double.Parse(frameRateOriStr);
            string frameRateStr = String.Format("{0:0}", frameRate);
            display += "Frame rate: " + frameRateStr + " fps" + "\n";

            display += "\nAUDIO\n";
            string bitrateOriStr = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate/String").Substring(0, MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate/String").LastIndexOf(" ")).Replace(" ", "");
            double bitrateRate = Double.Parse(bitrateOriStr);
            string bitrateRateStr = String.Format("{0:0}", bitrateRate);
            display += "Bitrate: " + bitrateRateStr + " kbps" + "\n";
            display += "Channels: " + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)/String") + "\n";
            string audioSampleRateOriStr = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "SamplingRate/String").Substring(0, MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "SamplingRate/String").LastIndexOf(" ")).Replace(" ", "");
            double audioSampleRate = Double.Parse(audioSampleRateOriStr);
            string audioSampleRateStr = String.Format("{0:0}", audioSampleRate);
            display += "Audio sample rate: " + audioSampleRateStr + " kHz" + "\n";

            display += "\nMEDIA\n";
            display += "Artist: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "Performer") + "\n";
            display += "Year: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "Recorded_Date") + "\n";
            display += "Genre: " + MI.Get(0, 0, "Genre") + "\n";            



 public Musiikki(string nimi, string filePath)
     FilePath = filePath;
     MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();
     Nimi = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "FileName");
     Pituus = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Duration/String");
     SoundEncoding = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Language/String") + "," + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "SamplingRate/String") + "," + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)/String") + "," + MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Audio_Format_List");
     TiedostonKoko = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "FileSize/String");
        private Int32 GetDuration(string location)
            MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
            mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.3");
            int i       = mediaInfo.Open(location);
            int runTime = 0;

            if (i != 0)
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out runTime);
 public Elokuva(string nimi, string filePath)
     Watched = false;
     FilePath = filePath;
     MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();
     nimi = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "FileName");
     Nimi = TrimNimi(nimi);
     Pituus = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Duration/String");
     VideoEncoding = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format");
     SoundEncoding = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Language/String") + "," + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "SamplingRate/String") + "," + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)/String") + "," + MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Audio_Format_List");
     TiedostonKoko = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "FileSize/String");
     Fps = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate/String");
     Resolution = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width") + "x" + MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height");
     Movie movie = Search.getMovieInfoFromDb(Nimi);
       //  movie.Elokuva = this;
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //Test if version of DLL is compatible : 3rd argument is "version of DLL tested;Your application name;Your application version"
            String ToDisplay;
            MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();

            ToDisplay = MI.Option("Info_Version", ";MediaInfoDLL_Example_CS;");
            if (ToDisplay.Length == 0)
                richTextBox1.Text = "MediaInfo.Dll: this version of the DLL is not compatible";

            //Information about MediaInfo
            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInfo_Parameters\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Option("Info_Parameters");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInfo_Capacities\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Option("Info_Capacities");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInfo_Codecs\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Option("Info_Codecs");

            //An example of how to use the library
            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nOpen\r\n";

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInform with Complete=false\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInform with Complete=true\r\n";
            MI.Option("Complete", "1");
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nCustom Inform\r\n";
            MI.Option("Inform", "General;File size is %FileSize% bytes");
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter='FileSize'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(0, 0, "FileSize");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter=46\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(0, 0, 46);

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nCount_Get with StreamKind=Stream_Audio\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Count_Get(StreamKind.Audio);

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter='AudioCount'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "AudioCount");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=Audio and Parameter='StreamCount'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nClose\r\n";

            //Example with a stream

            Crc16Ccitt A=new Crc16Ccitt(InitialCrcValue.Zeros);
            byte[] B = { 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x67, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x62, 0x0C, 0x9B, 0x35, 0x35, 0x38, 0x3B, 0x34, 0x31, 0x36, 0x20, 0x56, 0x9B, 0x38, 0x31, 0x3B, 0x33, 0x32, 0x20, 0x5F, 0x90, 0x6F, 0x90, 0x20, 0x41, 0x90, 0x7E, 0x9B, 0x31, 0x3B, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x20, 0x63, 0x9B, 0x30, 0x20, 0x58, 0x1C, 0x40, 0x40, 0x1C, 0x46, 0x40, 0x90, 0x20, 0x40, 0x90, 0x50, 0xC9, 0xB3, 0xC7, 0x89, 0x20, 0x1D, 0x61, 0x1B, 0x7E, 0xC0, 0xA4, 0xE9, 0xF3, 0xC1, 0xF3, 0x8A, 0x24, 0x72, 0x21, 0x29, 0x88, 0x1C, 0x4F, 0x41, 0x89, 0xE1, 0xAD, 0xB7, 0xB3, 0x8A, 0x21, 0x29, 0x89, 0x20, 0x8A, 0x21, 0x44, 0x89, 0xA4, 0xF3, 0xBF, 0xF9, 0xCD, 0xC3, 0xC8, 0x8A, 0x21, 0x29 };
            ushort C=A.ComputeChecksum(B);

            //Displaying the text
            richTextBox1.Text = ToDisplay;
Esempio n. 10
        private bool IndexCrop()

                string filename = "";
                AdvancedVideoOptions avo = null;
                foreach (StreamInfo si in demuxedStreamList.streams)
                    if (si.streamType == StreamType.Video)
                        filename = si.filename;
                        if (si.advancedOptions != null && si.advancedOptions.GetType() == typeof(AdvancedVideoOptions)) avo = (AdvancedVideoOptions)si.advancedOptions;

                string fps = "";
                string resX = "";
                string resY = "";
                string length = "";
                string frames = "";

                    MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mi2 = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                    mi2.Option("Complete", "1");
                    string[] tmpstr = mi2.Inform().Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    foreach (string s in tmpstr)
                    if (mi2.Count_Get(StreamKind.Video) > 0)
                        fps = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate");
                        resX = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width");
                        resY = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height");
                        length = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Duration");
                        frames = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameCount");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.Res("ErrorMediaInfo") + " " + ex.Message);
                    return false;

                if (avo != null && avo.disableFps)
                    fps = avo.fps;
                    length = avo.length;
                    frames = avo.frames;

                if (fps == "")
                    foreach (StreamInfo si in demuxedStreamList.streams)
                        if (si.streamType == StreamType.Video)
                            if (si.desc.Contains("24 /1.001"))
                                logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoFps", " 23.976"));
                                fps = "23.976";
                            else if (si.desc.Contains("1080p24 (16:9)"))
                                logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoFps", " 24"));
                                fps = "24";
                            // add other framerates here
                    if (fps == "")
                        return false;

                if (frames == "" || length == "")

                CropInfo cropInfo = new CropInfo();
                if (!settings.untouchedVideo)
                    if (settings.cropInput == 1 || settings.encodeInput == 1)
                        bool skip = false;
                        if (File.Exists(filename + ".ffindex") && !settings.deleteIndex)
                            skip = true;
                        if (!skip)
                            it = new IndexTool(settings, filename, IndexType.ffmsindex);
                            it.OnInfoMsg += new ExternalTool.InfoEventHandler(IndexMsg);
                            it.OnLogMsg += new ExternalTool.LogEventHandler(IndexMsg);
                            if (it == null || !it.Successfull)
                                return false;

                    if (settings.cropInput == 2 || settings.encodeInput == 2)
                        string output = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "dgi");

                        bool skip = false;
                        if (File.Exists(output) && !settings.deleteIndex)
                            skip = true;
                        if (!skip)
                            it = new IndexTool(settings, filename, IndexType.dgindex);
                            it.OnInfoMsg += new ExternalTool.InfoEventHandler(IndexMsg);
                            it.OnLogMsg += new ExternalTool.LogEventHandler(IndexMsg);
                            if (!it.Successfull)
                                return false;

                    if (avo == null || !avo.disableAutocrop)
                        if (settings.cropInput == 0)
                            File.WriteAllText(settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_cropTemp.avs",
                                "DirectShowSource(\"" + filename + "\")");
                        else if (settings.cropInput == 1)
                            string data = "";
                            string dlldir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(settings.ffmsindexPath);
                            if (File.Exists(dlldir + "\\ffms2.dll"))
                                data = "LoadPlugin(\"" + dlldir + "\\ffms2.dll" + "\")\r\n";
                            data += "FFVideoSource(\"" + filename + "\")";
                            File.WriteAllText(settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_cropTemp.avs", data);
                        else if (settings.cropInput == 2)
                            string output = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "dgi");
                            string data = "";
                            string dlldir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(settings.dgindexnvPath);
                            if (File.Exists(dlldir + "\\DGDecodeNV.dll"))
                                data = "LoadPlugin(\"" + dlldir + "\\DGDecodeNV.dll" + "\")\r\n";
                            data += "DGSource(\"" + output + "\")";
                            File.WriteAllText(settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_cropTemp.avs", data);
                        else if (settings.cropInput == 3)
                            string data = "";
                            string dlldir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(settings.lsmashPath);
                            if (File.Exists(dlldir + "\\LSMASHSource.dll"))
                                data = "LoadPlugin(\"" + dlldir + "\\LSMASHSource.dll" + "\")\r\n";
                            data += "LWLibavVideoSource(\"" + filename + "\")";
                            File.WriteAllText(settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_cropTemp.avs", data);

                        AutoCrop ac = new AutoCrop(settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_cropTemp.avs", settings, ref cropInfo);
                        if (cropInfo.error)
                            logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.Res("ErrorException") + " " + cropInfo.errorStr);
                            return false;

                        if (settings.minimizeAutocrop && !settings.manualCrop)
                            ac.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

                        ac.NrFrames = settings.nrFrames;
                        ac.BlackValue = settings.blackValue;

                        if (cropInfo.error)
                            logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.Res("ErrorException") + " " + cropInfo.errorStr);
                            return false;
                        cropInfo.resizeMethod = settings.resizeMethod;
                        cropInfo.border = avo.manualBorders;
                        cropInfo.borderBottom = avo.borderBottom;
                        cropInfo.borderTop = avo.borderTop;
                        cropInfo.resize = avo.manualResize;
                        cropInfo.resizeX = avo.resizeX;
                        cropInfo.resizeY = avo.resizeY;
                        cropInfo.resizeMethod = avo.resizeMethod;
                        cropInfo.error = false;
                        if (avo.manualCrop)
                            cropInfo.cropBottom = avo.cropBottom;
                            cropInfo.cropTop = avo.cropTop;
                            cropInfo.cropBottom = 0;
                            cropInfo.cropTop = 0;

                    logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoCropTop", cropInfo.cropTop));
                    logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoCropBottom", cropInfo.cropBottom));
                    if (cropInfo.border)
                        logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoBorderTop", cropInfo.borderTop));
                        logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoBorderBottom", cropInfo.borderBottom));
                    if (cropInfo.resize)
                        logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoResize", cropInfo.resizeX, cropInfo.resizeY));
                foreach (StreamInfo si in demuxedStreamList.streams)
                    if (si.streamType == StreamType.Video)
                        if (si.extraFileInfo.GetType() != typeof(VideoFileInfo))
                            si.extraFileInfo = new VideoFileInfo();
                        ((VideoFileInfo)si.extraFileInfo).fps = fps;
                        ((VideoFileInfo)si.extraFileInfo).length = length;
                        if (frames != "")
                            ((VideoFileInfo)si.extraFileInfo).frames = frames;
                        ((VideoFileInfo)si.extraFileInfo).cropInfo = new CropInfo(cropInfo);


                TitleInfo.SaveStreamInfoFile(demuxedStreamList, settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_streamInfo.xml");
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.Res("ErrorException") + " " + ex.Message);
                return false;

Esempio n. 11
        public virtual MediaInfoModel GetMediaInfo(string filename)
            if (!_diskProvider.FileExists(filename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Media file does not exist: " + filename);

            var mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();

                logger.Trace("Getting media info from {0}", filename);

                mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.2");
                int open = mediaInfo.Open(filename);

                if (open != 0)
                    int width;
                    int height;
                    int videoBitRate;
                    int audioBitRate;
                    int runTime;
                    int streamCount;
                    int audioChannels;

                    string subtitles = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Text_Language_List");
                    string scanType = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType");
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"), out width);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"), out height);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"), out videoBitRate);

                    string aBitRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate");
                    int ABindex = aBitRate.IndexOf(" /");
                    if (ABindex > 0)
                        aBitRate = aBitRate.Remove(ABindex);

                    Int32.TryParse(aBitRate, out audioBitRate);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out runTime);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount"), out streamCount);

                    string audioChannelsStr = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)");
                    int ACindex = audioChannelsStr.IndexOf(" /");
                    if (ACindex > 0)
                        audioChannelsStr = audioChannelsStr.Remove(ACindex);

                    string audioLanguages = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Audio_Language_List");
                    decimal videoFrameRate = Decimal.Parse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate"));
                    string audioProfile = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Profile");

                    int APindex = audioProfile.IndexOf(" /");
                    if (APindex > 0)
                        audioProfile = audioProfile.Remove(APindex);

                    Int32.TryParse(audioChannelsStr, out audioChannels);
                    var mediaInfoModel = new MediaInfoModel
                                                    VideoCodec = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Codec/String"),
                                                    VideoBitrate = videoBitRate,
                                                    Height = height,
                                                    Width = width,
                                                    AudioFormat = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format"),
                                                    AudioBitrate = audioBitRate,
                                                    RunTime = (runTime / 1000), //InSeconds
                                                    AudioStreamCount = streamCount,
                                                    AudioChannels = audioChannels,
                                                    AudioProfile = audioProfile.Trim(),
                                                    VideoFps = videoFrameRate,
                                                    AudioLanguages = audioLanguages,
                                                    Subtitles = subtitles,
                                                    ScanType = scanType

                    return mediaInfoModel;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException("Unable to parse media info from file: " + filename, ex);

            return null;
Esempio n. 12
        public virtual Int32 GetRunTime(string filename)
            var mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();

                logger.Trace("Getting media info from {0}", filename);

                mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.2");
                int open = mediaInfo.Open(filename);

                if (open != 0)
                    int runTime;
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out runTime);

                    return runTime / 1000; //Convert to seconds
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.ErrorException("Unable to parse media info from file: " + filename, ex);

            return 0;
Esempio n. 13
        private bool IndexCrop()

                string filename          = "";
                AdvancedVideoOptions avo = null;
                foreach (StreamInfo si in demuxedStreamList.streams)
                    if (si.streamType == StreamType.Video)
                        filename = si.filename;
                        if (si.advancedOptions != null && si.advancedOptions.GetType() == typeof(AdvancedVideoOptions))
                            avo = (AdvancedVideoOptions)si.advancedOptions;

                string fps    = "";
                string resX   = "";
                string resY   = "";
                string length = "";
                string frames = "";

                    MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mi2 = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                    mi2.Option("Complete", "1");
                    string[] tmpstr = mi2.Inform().Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    foreach (string s in tmpstr)
                    if (mi2.Count_Get(StreamKind.Video) > 0)
                        fps    = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate");
                        resX   = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width");
                        resY   = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height");
                        length = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Duration");
                        frames = mi2.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameCount");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.Res("ErrorMediaInfo") + " " + ex.Message);

                if (avo != null && avo.disableFps)
                    fps    = avo.fps;
                    length = avo.length;
                    frames = avo.frames;

                if (fps == "")
                    foreach (StreamInfo si in demuxedStreamList.streams)
                        if (si.streamType == StreamType.Video)
                            if (si.desc.Contains("24 /1.001"))
                                logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoFps", " 23.976"));
                                fps = "23.976";
                            else if (si.desc.Contains("1080p24 (16:9)"))
                                logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoFps", " 24"));
                                fps = "24";
                            // add other framerates here
                    if (fps == "")

                if (frames == "" || length == "")

                CropInfo cropInfo = new CropInfo();
                if (!settings.untouchedVideo)
                    if (settings.cropInput == 1 || settings.encodeInput == 1)
                        bool skip = false;
                        if (File.Exists(filename + ".ffindex") && !settings.deleteIndex)
                            skip = true;
                        if (!skip)
                            it            = new IndexTool(settings, filename, IndexType.ffmsindex);
                            it.OnInfoMsg += new ExternalTool.InfoEventHandler(IndexMsg);
                            it.OnLogMsg  += new ExternalTool.LogEventHandler(IndexMsg);
                            if (it == null || !it.Successfull)

                    if (settings.cropInput == 2 || settings.encodeInput == 2)
                        string output = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "dgi");

                        bool skip = false;
                        if (File.Exists(output) && !settings.deleteIndex)
                            skip = true;
                        if (!skip)
                            it            = new IndexTool(settings, filename, IndexType.dgindex);
                            it.OnInfoMsg += new ExternalTool.InfoEventHandler(IndexMsg);
                            it.OnLogMsg  += new ExternalTool.LogEventHandler(IndexMsg);
                            if (!it.Successfull)

                    if (avo == null || !avo.disableAutocrop)
                        if (settings.cropInput == 0)
                            File.WriteAllText(settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_cropTemp.avs",
                                              "DirectShowSource(\"" + filename + "\")");
                        else if (settings.cropInput == 1)
                            string data   = "";
                            string dlldir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(settings.ffmsindexPath);
                            if (File.Exists(dlldir + "\\ffms2.dll"))
                                data = "LoadPlugin(\"" + dlldir + "\\ffms2.dll" + "\")\r\n";
                            data += "FFVideoSource(\"" + filename + "\")";
                            File.WriteAllText(settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_cropTemp.avs", data);
                        else if (settings.cropInput == 2)
                            string output = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(filename, "dgi");
                            string data   = "";
                            string dlldir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(settings.dgindexnvPath);
                            if (File.Exists(dlldir + "\\DGDecodeNV.dll"))
                                data = "LoadPlugin(\"" + dlldir + "\\DGDecodeNV.dll" + "\")\r\n";
                            data += "DGSource(\"" + output + "\")";
                            File.WriteAllText(settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_cropTemp.avs", data);

                        AutoCrop ac = new AutoCrop(settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_cropTemp.avs", settings, ref cropInfo);

                        if (cropInfo.error)
                            logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.Res("ErrorException") + " " + cropInfo.errorStr);

                        if (settings.minimizeAutocrop && !settings.manualCrop)
                            ac.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

                        ac.NrFrames   = settings.nrFrames;
                        ac.BlackValue = settings.blackValue;

                        if (cropInfo.error)
                            logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.Res("ErrorException") + " " + cropInfo.errorStr);
                        cropInfo.resizeMethod = settings.resizeMethod;
                        cropInfo.border       = avo.manualBorders;
                        cropInfo.borderBottom = avo.borderBottom;
                        cropInfo.borderTop    = avo.borderTop;
                        cropInfo.resize       = avo.manualResize;
                        cropInfo.resizeX      = avo.resizeX;
                        cropInfo.resizeY      = avo.resizeY;
                        cropInfo.resizeMethod = avo.resizeMethod;
                        cropInfo.error        = false;
                        if (avo.manualCrop)
                            cropInfo.cropBottom = avo.cropBottom;
                            cropInfo.cropTop    = avo.cropTop;
                            cropInfo.cropBottom = 0;
                            cropInfo.cropTop    = 0;

                    logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoCropTop", cropInfo.cropTop));
                    logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoCropBottom", cropInfo.cropBottom));
                    if (cropInfo.border)
                        logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoBorderTop", cropInfo.borderTop));
                        logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoBorderBottom", cropInfo.borderBottom));
                    if (cropInfo.resize)
                        logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.ResFormat("InfoResize", cropInfo.resizeX, cropInfo.resizeY));
                foreach (StreamInfo si in demuxedStreamList.streams)
                    if (si.streamType == StreamType.Video)
                        if (si.extraFileInfo.GetType() != typeof(VideoFileInfo))
                            si.extraFileInfo = new VideoFileInfo();

                        ((VideoFileInfo)si.extraFileInfo).fps    = fps;
                        ((VideoFileInfo)si.extraFileInfo).length = length;
                        ((VideoFileInfo)si.extraFileInfo).frames = frames;

                        ((VideoFileInfo)si.extraFileInfo).cropInfo = new CropInfo(cropInfo);


                TitleInfo.SaveStreamInfoFile(demuxedStreamList, settings.workingDir + "\\" + settings.filePrefix + "_streamInfo.xml");
            catch (Exception ex)
                logWindow.MessageCrop(Global.Res("ErrorException") + " " + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 14
        public string GetMediaInfoString(string VideoName)
            StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder();
            if (File.Exists(VideoName))
                MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();
                string container = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format");
                string bitRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "BitRate/String");
                string duration = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Duration/String1");
                string fileSize = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "FileSize/String");
                string v_id = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ID");
                string v_format = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format");
                string v_bitRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate/String");
                string v_size = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "StreamSize/String");
                string v_width = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width");
                string v_height = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height");
                string v_displayAspectRatio = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "DisplayAspectRatio/String");
                string v_displayAspectRatio2 = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "DisplayAspectRatio");
                string v_frameRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate/String");
                string v_colorSpace = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ColorSpace");
                string v_chromaSubsampling = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ChromaSubsampling");
                string v_bitDepth = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitDepth/String");
                string v_scanType = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType/String");
                string v_pixelAspectRatio = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "PixelAspectRatio");
                string v_encodedLibrary = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Encoded_Library/String");
                string v_encodingSettings = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Encoded_Library_Settings");
                string v_encodedTime = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Encoded_Date");
                string v_codecProfile = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Codec_Profile");
                string v_frameCount = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameCount");

                string a_id = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "ID");
                string a_format = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format");
                string a_bitRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate/String");
                string a_samplingRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "SamplingRate/String");
                string a_channel = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)");
                string a_size = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamSize/String");

                string audioInfo = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Inform")
                    + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 1, "Inform")
                    + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 2, "Inform")
                    + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 3, "Inform");
                string videoInfo = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Inform");

                info = info.Append(Path.GetFileName(VideoName) + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(container))
                    info.Append("容器:" + container + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bitRate))
                    info.Append("总码率:" + bitRate + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileSize))
                    info.Append("大小:" + fileSize + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(duration))
                    info.Append("时长:" + duration + "\r\n");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_format))
                    info.Append("\r\n" + "视频(" + v_id + "):" + v_format + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_codecProfile))
                    info.Append("Profile:" + v_codecProfile + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_bitRate))
                    info.Append("码率:" + v_bitRate + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_size))
                    info.Append("文件大小:" + v_size + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_width) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_height))
                    info.Append("分辨率:" + v_width + "x" + v_height + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_displayAspectRatio) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_displayAspectRatio2))
                    info.Append("画面比例:" + v_displayAspectRatio + "(" + v_displayAspectRatio2 + ")" + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_pixelAspectRatio))
                    info.Append("像素宽高比:" + v_pixelAspectRatio + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_frameRate))
                    info.Append("帧率:" + v_frameRate + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_colorSpace))
                    info.Append("色彩空间:" + v_colorSpace + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_chromaSubsampling))
                    info.Append("色度抽样:" + v_chromaSubsampling + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_bitDepth))
                    info.Append("位深度:" + v_bitDepth + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_scanType))
                    info.Append("扫描方式:" + v_scanType + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_encodedTime))
                    info.Append("编码时间:" + v_encodedTime + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_frameCount))
                    info.Append("总帧数:" + v_frameCount + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_encodedLibrary))
                    info.Append("编码库:" + v_encodedLibrary + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_encodingSettings))
                    info.Append("编码设置:" + v_encodingSettings + "\r\n");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a_format))
                    info.Append("\r\n" + "音频(" + a_id + "):" + a_format + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a_size))
                    info.Append("大小:" + a_size + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a_bitRate))
                    info.Append("码率:" + a_bitRate + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a_samplingRate))
                    info.Append("采样率:" + a_samplingRate + "\r\n");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a_channel))
                    info.Append("声道数:" + a_channel + "\r\n");
                info.Append("\r\n====详细信息====\r\n" + videoInfo + "\r\n" + audioInfo + "\r\n");
                info.Append("文件不存在、非有效文件或者文件夹 无视频信息");
            return info.ToString();
        private void CheckInputFile(Media mf)
            using (FFMpegWrapper ff = new FFMpegWrapper(mf.FullPath))
                inputFileStreams = ff.GetStreamInfo();

            MediaInfo mi = new MediaInfo();
                string miOutput = mi.Inform();

                Regex format_lxf = new Regex("Format\\s*:\\s*LXF");
                if (format_lxf.Match(miOutput).Success)
                    string[] miOutputLines = miOutput.Split('\n');
                    Regex vitc = new Regex("ATC_VITC");
                    Regex re = new Regex("Time code of first frame\\s*:[\\s]\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}");
                    for (int i = 0; i < miOutputLines.Length; i++)
                        if (vitc.Match(miOutputLines[i]).Success && i >= 1)
                            Match m_tcs = re.Match(miOutputLines[i - 1]);
                            if (m_tcs.Success)
                                Regex reg_tc = new Regex("\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}");
                                Match m_tc = reg_tc.Match(m_tcs.Value);
                                if (m_tc.Success)
                                    DestMedia.TCStart = reg_tc.Match(m_tc.Value).Value.SMPTETimecodeToTimeSpan();
                                    if (DestMedia.TCPlay == TimeSpan.Zero)
                                        DestMedia.TCPlay = DestMedia.TCStart;

                Regex format_mxf = new Regex(@"Format\s*:\s*MXF");
                if (format_mxf.Match(miOutput).Success)
                    string[] miOutputLines = miOutput.Split('\n');
                    Regex mxf_tc = new Regex(@"MXF TC");
                    Regex re = new Regex(@"Time code of first frame\s*:[\s]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}");
                    for (int i = 0; i < miOutputLines.Length; i++)
                        Match mxf_match = mxf_tc.Match(miOutputLines[i]);
                        if (mxf_match.Success && i < miOutputLines.Length - 1)
                            Regex reg_tc = new Regex(@"\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}");
                            Match m_tc = re.Match(miOutputLines[i + 1]);
                            if (m_tc.Success)
                                DestMedia.TCStart = reg_tc.Match(m_tc.Value).Value.SMPTETimecodeToTimeSpan();
                                if (DestMedia.TCPlay == TimeSpan.Zero)
                                    DestMedia.TCPlay = DestMedia.TCStart;
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Closes the underlaying MediaInfo instance and releases all resources.
 /// </summary>
 public void Close()
     _isValid = false;
        private MediaInfoData GetMediaInfo(string location, MediaType mediaType)
            Logger.ReportInfo("Getting media info from " + location);
            MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
            mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.2");
            int i = mediaInfo.Open(location);
            MediaInfoData mediaInfoData = null;
            if (i != 0)
                string subtitles = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Text_Language_List");
                string scanType = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType");
                int width;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"), out width);
                int height;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"), out height);
                int videoBitRate;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"), out videoBitRate);

                int audioBitRate;
                string aBitRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate");
                int ABindex = aBitRate.IndexOf(" /");
                if (ABindex > 0)
                    aBitRate = aBitRate.Remove(ABindex);
                Int32.TryParse(aBitRate, out audioBitRate);

                int runTime;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out runTime);
                int streamCount;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount"), out streamCount);

                string audioChannels = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)");
                int ACindex = audioChannels.IndexOf(" /");
                if (ACindex > 0)
                    audioChannels = audioChannels.Remove(ACindex);

                string audioLanguages = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Audio_Language_List");

                string videoFrameRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate");

                string audioProfile = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Profile");
                int APindex = audioProfile.IndexOf(" /");
                if (APindex > 0)
                    audioProfile = audioProfile.Remove(APindex);

                mediaInfoData = new MediaInfoData
                    PluginData = new MediaInfoData.MIData()
                        VideoCodec = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Codec/String"),
                        VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
                        //MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "DisplayAspectRatio")),
                        Height = height,
                        Width = width,
                        //MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Duration/String3")),
                        AudioFormat = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format"),
                        AudioBitRate = audioBitRate,
                        RunTime = (runTime / 60000),
                        AudioStreamCount = streamCount,
                        AudioChannelCount = audioChannels.Trim(),
                        AudioProfile = audioProfile.Trim(),
                        VideoFPS = videoFrameRate,
                        AudioLanguages = audioLanguages,
                        Subtitles = subtitles,
                        ScanType = scanType
                Logger.ReportInfo("Could not extract media information from " + location);
            if (mediaType == MediaType.DVD && i != 0)
                location = location.Replace("0.IFO", "1.vob");
                Logger.ReportInfo("Getting additional media info from " + location);
                mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.0");
                i = mediaInfo.Open(location);
                if (i != 0)
                    int videoBitRate;
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"), out videoBitRate);

                    int audioBitRate;
                    string aBitRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate");
                    int ABindex = aBitRate.IndexOf(" /");
                    if (ABindex > 0)
                        aBitRate = aBitRate.Remove(ABindex);
                    Int32.TryParse(aBitRate, out audioBitRate);
                    string scanType = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType");

                    mediaInfoData.PluginData.AudioBitRate = audioBitRate;
                    mediaInfoData.PluginData.VideoBitRate = videoBitRate;
                    mediaInfoData.PluginData.ScanType = scanType;
                    Logger.ReportInfo("Could not extract additional media info from " + location);
            return mediaInfoData;
Esempio n. 18
        static void Main(string[] Args)
            String ToDisplay;
            MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();

            ToDisplay = MI.Option("Info_Version", ";MediaInfoDLL_Example_CS;");
            if (ToDisplay.Length == 0)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("MediaInfo.Dll: this version of the DLL is not compatible");

            //Information about MediaInfo
            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInfo_Parameters\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Option("Info_Parameters");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInfo_Capacities\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Option("Info_Capacities");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInfo_Codecs\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Option("Info_Codecs");

            //An example of how to use the library
            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nOpen\r\n";
            String File_Name;
            if (Args.Length == 0)
                File_Name = "Example.ogg";
                File_Name = Args[0];

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInform with Complete=false\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInform with Complete=true\r\n";
            MI.Option("Complete", "1");
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nCustom Inform\r\n";
            MI.Option("Inform", "General;File size is %FileSize% bytes");
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter='FileSize'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(0, 0, "FileSize");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter=46\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(0, 0, 46);

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nCount_Get with StreamKind=Stream_Audio\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Count_Get(StreamKind.Audio);

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter='AudioCount'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "AudioCount");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=Audio and Parameter='StreamCount'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nClose\r\n";

            //Displaying the text

            Console.Out.WriteLine("Press a key to close window.");
Esempio n. 19
        private void media_info()
                MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();
                if (MI.Count_Get(StreamKind.Video) > 0)
                    InputWidth = Convert.ToInt32(MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"));
                    InputHeight = Convert.ToInt32(MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"));
                    frames = Convert.ToInt32(MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameCount"));
                    videoFormat = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format");
                    videoFormatVersion = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format_Version");
                    videoFormatProfile = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format_Profile");

                if (MI.Count_Get(StreamKind.Audio) > 0)
                    audioFormat = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format");
                    audioFormatVersion = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Version");
                    audioFormatProfile = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Profile");
                    audioSamplingRate = Convert.ToInt32(MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "SamplingRate"));

            catch (System.Exception excep)
                MessageBox.Show("An error occured while opening the file. \r\nThe following error message was reported: \r\n" + excep.Message, "Error");
Esempio n. 20
        private void ReadDirectory()
            // if a folder then read all media files
            // append all the durations and save in Duration
            if (Directory.Exists(Location))
                // get largest file
                FileCollection = GetFilesToProcess(Location);
                List <FileInfo> listFileInfo = new List <FileInfo>();
                foreach (string fp in FileCollection)
                    listFileInfo.Add(new FileInfo(fp));

                // Subtitles, Format: DVD Video using VTS_01_0.IFO
                string[] ifo = Directory.GetFiles(Location, "VTS_01_0.IFO", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                if (ifo.Length == 1) // CHECK IF A DVD
                    this.MediaTypeChoice = MediaType.MediaDisc;
                    MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mi = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                    this.DiscType = TDMakerLib.SourceType.DVD;


                    // most prolly this will be: DVD Video
                    this.Overall.Format = mi.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format");

                    int subCount = 0;
                    int.TryParse(mi.Get(StreamKind.Text, 0, "StreamCount"), out subCount);

                    if (subCount > 0)
                        List <string> langs = new List <string>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < subCount; i++)
                            string lang = mi.Get(StreamKind.Text, i, "Language/String");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang))
                                // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(lang);
                                if (!langs.Contains(lang))
                        StringBuilder sbLangs = new StringBuilder();
                        for (int i = 0; i < langs.Count; i++)
                            if (i < langs.Count - 1)
                                sbLangs.Append(", ");

                        this.Overall.Subtitles = sbLangs.ToString();

                    // close ifo file

                    listFileInfo.RemoveAll(x => x.Length < 1000000000);

                // Set Media Type
                bool allAudio = Adapter.MediaIsAudio(FileCollection);
                if (allAudio)
                    this.MediaTypeChoice = MediaType.MusicAudioAlbum;

                if (FileCollection.Count > 0)
                    foreach (FileInfo fi in listFileInfo)
                        this.AddMedia(new MediaFile(fi.FullName, this.Source));

                    this.Overall = new MediaFile(FileSystemHelper.GetLargestFilePathFromDir(Location), this.Source);

                    // Set Overall File Name
                    this.Overall.FileName = Path.GetFileName(Location);
                    if (Overall.FileName.ToUpper().Equals("VIDEO_TS"))
                        Overall.FileName = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Location));
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title))
                        this.Title = this.Overall.FileName;

                // DVD Video
                // Combined Duration and File Size
                if (MediaTypeChoice == MediaType.MediaDisc)
                    if (listFileInfo.Count > 0)
                        long   dura = 0;
                        double size = 0;
                        foreach (FileInfo fiVob in listFileInfo)
                            MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mi = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                            string temp = mi.Get(0, 0, "Duration");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
                                long d = 0;
                                long.TryParse(temp, out d);
                                dura += d;

                            // we are interested in combined file size only for VOB files
                            // thats why we dont calculate FileSize in FileInfo while determining largest file
                            double sz = 0;
                            double.TryParse(mi.Get(0, 0, "FileSize"), out sz);
                            size += sz;

                            // close vob file

                        this.Overall.FileSize       = size; // override any previous file size
                        this.Overall.FileSizeString = string.Format("{0} MiB", (this.Overall.FileSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0).ToString("0.00"));

                        this.Overall.Duration        = dura;
                        this.Overall.DurationString2 = Program.GetDurationString(dura);
            } // if Location is a directory
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the movie runtime in seconds
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="movie">The movie.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int GetMovieRuntime(string movie)
            var MI = new MediaInfo();

            decimal dd = Math.Floor(decimal.Parse(MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Duration")) / 1000);

            return Convert.ToInt32(dd);
Esempio n. 22
        private object ReplaceChapters(string file)
            //Remove the chapters

            var info = new FileInfo(file);

            String newFileName = CustomOutputName.Replace("%O", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(info.FullName)) + ".mkv";

            Char q = Convert.ToChar(34);
            String newpath = q + workDir + "\\" + newFileName + q;
            String oldpath = q + info.FullName + q;

            String args = "-o " + newpath + " --no-chapters --compression -1:none " + oldpath;

            var prcinfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
            var prc = new Process();

            prcinfo.FileName = MKVMergePath;
            prcinfo.Arguments = args;
            prcinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            prcinfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

            prcinfo.CreateNoWindow = !ShowConsole;

            prcinfo.UseShellExecute = false;

            prc.StartInfo = prcinfo;

            string str;

            while ((str = prc.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null)
                //Check for Cancellation

                if (chapterizeWorker.CancellationPending)
                    if (!prc.WaitForExit(500))
                    return workDir + "\\" + newFileName;
                //End Check

                if (str == "")

                if (str.Contains("Progress"))
                    Progress = Convert.ToInt32(parseProgress(str)) / 2;
                else if (str.Contains("Error"))
                    MessageBox.Show(null, str, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //Add the new

            var info2 = new FileInfo(workDir + "\\" + newFileName);
            var MI = new MediaInfo();


            string cpath;

            if (ChapterMode == ChapterModes.ChapterSet)
                WriteLog("Creating chapterfile: " + workDir + "\\chapters.xml");
                cpath = CreateChapterFile(CustomChapterSet, workDir + "\\chapters.xml");
            else if (ChapterMode == ChapterModes.File)
                WriteLog("Using pre-set chapterfile: " + CustomChapterFile);
                cpath = CustomChapterFile;
                WriteLog("Creating chapterfile: " + workDir + "\\chapters.xml");
                cpath = CreateChapterFile(CreateChapterSet(GetMovieRuntime(info.FullName), ChapterInterval), workDir + "\\chapters.xml");

            string newFileName2 = CustomOutputName.Replace("%O", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(info2.FullName)) + ".mkv";

            newpath = q + workDir + "\\" + newFileName2 + q;
            oldpath = q + info2.FullName + q;

            args = "-o " + newpath + " --chapters " + q + cpath + q + " --compression -1:none " + oldpath;

            prcinfo.Arguments = args;

            prc.StartInfo = prcinfo;

            while ((str = prc.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null)
                //Check for Cancellation

                if (chapterizeWorker.CancellationPending)

                    if (!prc.WaitForExit(500))

                    if (ChapterMode != ChapterModes.File)
                    return workDir + "\\" + newFileName;
                //End Check

                if (str != "")
                    if (str.Contains("Progress"))
                        Progress = 50 + Convert.ToInt32(parseProgress(str)) / 2;
                    else if (str.Contains("Error"))
                        MessageBox.Show(null, str, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (ChapterMode != ChapterModes.File)

            File.Delete(workDir + "\\" + newFileName);
            File.Move(workDir + "\\" + newFileName2, workDir + "\\" + newFileName);

            return new FileInfo(workDir + "\\" + newFileName);
Esempio n. 23
        public static Media Convert(string filename, IFile file)
            if (file == null)
                lock (_lock)
                    Media  m = new Media();
                    Part   p = new Part();
                    Thread mediaInfoThread = new Thread(() =>
                        if (minstance == null)
                            minstance = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                        if (minstance.Open(filename) == 0)
                            return;                                //it's a boolean response.
                        Stream VideoStream = null;

                        m.Duration = p.Duration = minstance.GetLong(StreamKind.General, 0, "Duration");
                        p.Size     = minstance.GetLong(StreamKind.General, 0, "FileSize");

                        int brate = minstance.GetInt(StreamKind.General, 0, "BitRate");
                        if (brate != 0)
                            m.Bitrate = (int)Math.Round(brate / 1000F);

                        int chaptercount = minstance.GetInt(StreamKind.General, 0, "MenuCount");
                        m.Chaptered      = chaptercount > 0;

                        int video_count = minstance.GetInt(StreamKind.General, 0, "VideoCount");
                        int audio_count = minstance.GetInt(StreamKind.General, 0, "AudioCount");
                        int text_count  = minstance.GetInt(StreamKind.General, 0, "TextCount");

                        m.Container  = p.Container = TranslateContainer(minstance.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format"));
                        string codid = minstance.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "CodecID");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codid) && (codid.Trim().ToLower() == "qt"))
                            m.Container = p.Container = "mov";

                        List <Stream> streams = new List <Stream>();
                        byte iidx             = 0;
                        if (video_count > 0)
                            for (int x = 0; x < video_count; x++)
                                Stream s = TranslateVideoStream(minstance, x);
                                if (x == 0)
                                    VideoStream = s;
                                    m.Width     = s.Width;
                                    m.Height    = s.Height;
                                    if (m.Height != 0)
                                        if (m.Width != 0)
                                            m.VideoResolution = GetResolution(m.Width, m.Height);
                                            m.AspectRatio     = GetAspectRatio(m.Width, m.Height, s.PA);
                                    if (s.FrameRate != 0)
                                        float fr   = System.Convert.ToSingle(s.FrameRate);
                                        string frs = ((int)Math.Round(fr)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.ScanType))
                                            if (s.ScanType.ToLower().Contains("int"))
                                                frs += "i";
                                                frs += "p";
                                            frs += "p";
                                        if ((frs == "25p") || (frs == "25i"))
                                            frs = "PAL";
                                        else if ((frs == "30p") || (frs == "30i"))
                                            frs = "NTSC";
                                        m.VideoFrameRate = frs;
                                    m.VideoCodec = string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.CodecID) ? s.Codec : s.CodecID;
                                    if (m.Duration != 0 && s.Duration != 0)
                                        if (s.Duration > m.Duration)
                                            m.Duration = p.Duration = s.Duration;
                                    if (video_count == 1)
                                        s.Default = 0;
                                        s.Forced  = 0;

                                if (m.Container != "mkv")
                                    s.Index = iidx;
                        int totalsoundrate = 0;
                        if (audio_count > 0)
                            for (int x = 0; x < audio_count; x++)
                                Stream s = TranslateAudioStream(minstance, x);
                                if ((s.Codec == "adpcm") && (p.Container == "flv"))
                                    s.Codec = "adpcm_swf";
                                if (x == 0)
                                    m.AudioCodec    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.CodecID) ? s.Codec : s.CodecID;
                                    m.AudioChannels = s.Channels;
                                    if (m.Duration != 0 && s.Duration != 0)
                                        if (s.Duration > m.Duration)
                                            m.Duration = p.Duration = s.Duration;
                                    if (audio_count == 1)
                                        s.Default = 0;
                                        s.Forced  = 0;
                                if (s.Bitrate != 0)
                                    totalsoundrate += s.Bitrate;
                                if (m.Container != "mkv")
                                    s.Index = iidx;
                        if ((VideoStream != null) && VideoStream.Bitrate == 0 && m.Bitrate != 0)
                            VideoStream.Bitrate = m.Bitrate - totalsoundrate;
                        if (text_count > 0)
                            for (int x = 0; x < audio_count; x++)
                                Stream s = TranslateTextStream(minstance, x);
                                if (text_count == 1)
                                    s.Default = 0;
                                    s.Forced  = 0;
                                if (m.Container != "mkv")
                                    s.Index = iidx;

                        m.Parts = new List <Part> {
                        bool over = false;
                        if (m.Container == "mkv")
                            byte val = byte.MaxValue;
                            foreach (Stream s in streams.OrderBy(a => a.Index).Skip(1))
                                if (s.Index <= 0)
                                    over = true;
                                s.idx = s.Index;
                                if (s.idx < val)
                                    val = s.idx;
                            if (val != 0 && !over)
                                foreach (Stream s in streams)
                                    s.idx   = (byte)(s.idx - val);
                                    s.Index = s.idx;
                            else if (over)
                                byte xx = 0;
                                foreach (Stream s in streams)
                                    s.idx   = xx++;
                                    s.Index = s.idx;
                            streams = streams.OrderBy(a => a.idx).ToList();
                        p.Streams = streams;
                    bool finished = mediaInfoThread.Join(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); //TODO Move Timeout to settings
                    if (!finished)
                    if ((p.Container == "mp4") || (p.Container == "mov"))
                        p.Has64bitOffsets       = 0;
                        p.OptimizedForStreaming = 0;
                        m.OptimizedForStreaming = 0;
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[8];
                        FileSystemResult <System.IO.Stream> fsr = file.OpenRead();
                        if (fsr == null || fsr.Status != NutzCode.CloudFileSystem.Status.Ok)
                        System.IO.Stream fs = fsr.Result;
                        fs.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
                        int siz = (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3];
                        fs.Seek(siz, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        fs.Read(buffer, 0, 8);
                        if ((buffer[4] == 'f') && (buffer[5] == 'r') && (buffer[6] == 'e') && (buffer[7] == 'e'))
                            siz = (buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) | (buffer[2] << 8) | (buffer[3] - 8);
                            fs.Seek(siz, SeekOrigin.Current);
                            fs.Read(buffer, 0, 8);
                        if ((buffer[4] == 'm') && (buffer[5] == 'o') && (buffer[6] == 'o') && (buffer[7] == 'v'))
                            p.OptimizedForStreaming = 1;
                            m.OptimizedForStreaming = 1;
                            siz = ((buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]) - 8;

                            buffer = new byte[siz];
                            fs.Read(buffer, 0, siz);
                            if (!FindInBuffer("trak", 0, siz, buffer, out int opos, out int oposmax))
                            if (!FindInBuffer("mdia", opos, oposmax, buffer, out opos, out oposmax))
                            if (!FindInBuffer("minf", opos, oposmax, buffer, out opos, out oposmax))
                            if (!FindInBuffer("stbl", opos, oposmax, buffer, out opos, out oposmax))
                            if (!FindInBuffer("co64", opos, oposmax, buffer, out opos, out oposmax))
                            p.Has64bitOffsets = 1;

                GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;
Esempio n. 24
        public MediaInfoModel GetMediaInfo(string filename)
            if (!_diskProvider.FileExists(filename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Media file does not exist: " + filename);

            MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mediaInfo = null;

                mediaInfo = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                _logger.Trace("Getting media info from {0}", filename);

                mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.2");
                int open = mediaInfo.Open(filename);

                if (open != 0)
                    int width;
                    int height;
                    int videoBitRate;
                    int audioBitRate;
                    int audioRuntime;
                    int videoRuntime;
                    int generalRuntime;
                    int streamCount;
                    int audioChannels;
                    decimal videoFrameRate;

                    string subtitles = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Text_Language_List");
                    string scanType = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType");
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"), out width);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"), out height);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"), out videoBitRate);
                    Decimal.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate"), out videoFrameRate);

                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "PlayTime"), out videoRuntime);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "PlayTime"), out audioRuntime);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out generalRuntime);

                    string aBitRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate");
                    int aBindex = aBitRate.IndexOf(" /", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (aBindex > 0)
                        aBitRate = aBitRate.Remove(aBindex);

                    Int32.TryParse(aBitRate, out audioBitRate);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount"), out streamCount);

                    string audioChannelsStr = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)");
                    int aCindex = audioChannelsStr.IndexOf(" /", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (aCindex > 0)
                        audioChannelsStr = audioChannelsStr.Remove(aCindex);

                    string audioLanguages = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Audio_Language_List");
                    string audioProfile = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Profile");

                    int aPindex = audioProfile.IndexOf(" /", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (aPindex > 0)
                        audioProfile = audioProfile.Remove(aPindex);

                    Int32.TryParse(audioChannelsStr, out audioChannels);
                    var mediaInfoModel = new MediaInfoModel
                                                    VideoCodec = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Codec/String"),
                                                    VideoBitrate = videoBitRate,
                                                    Height = height,
                                                    Width = width,
                                                    AudioFormat = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format"),
                                                    AudioBitrate = audioBitRate,
                                                    RunTime = GetBestRuntime(audioRuntime, videoRuntime, generalRuntime),
                                                    AudioStreamCount = streamCount,
                                                    AudioChannels = audioChannels,
                                                    AudioProfile = audioProfile.Trim(),
                                                    VideoFps = videoFrameRate,
                                                    AudioLanguages = audioLanguages,
                                                    Subtitles = subtitles,
                                                    ScanType = scanType

                    return mediaInfoModel;
            catch (DllNotFoundException ex)
                _logger.ErrorException("mediainfo is required but was not found", ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.ErrorException("Unable to parse media info from file: " + filename, ex);
                if (mediaInfo != null)

            return null;
Esempio n. 25
        private void ReadDirectory()
            // if a folder then read all media files
            // append all the durations and save in Duration
            if (Directory.Exists(Location))
                // get largest file
                FileCollection = GetFilesToProcess(Location);
                List<FileInfo> listFileInfo = new List<FileInfo>();
                foreach (string fp in FileCollection)
                    listFileInfo.Add(new FileInfo(fp));

                // Subtitles, Format: DVD Video using VTS_01_0.IFO
                string[] ifo = Directory.GetFiles(Location, "VTS_01_0.IFO", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                if (ifo.Length == 1) // CHECK IF A DVD
                    this.MediaTypeChoice = MediaType.MediaDisc;
                    MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mi = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                    this.DiscType = TDMakerLib.SourceType.DVD;


                    // most prolly this will be: DVD Video
                    this.Overall.Format = mi.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format");

                    int subCount = 0;
                    int.TryParse(mi.Get(StreamKind.Text, 0, "StreamCount"), out subCount);

                    if (subCount > 0)
                        List<string> langs = new List<string>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < subCount; i++)
                            string lang = mi.Get(StreamKind.Text, i, "Language/String");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang))
                                // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(lang);
                                if (!langs.Contains(lang))
                        StringBuilder sbLangs = new StringBuilder();
                        for (int i = 0; i < langs.Count; i++)
                            if (i < langs.Count - 1)
                                sbLangs.Append(", ");

                        this.Overall.Subtitles = sbLangs.ToString();

                    // close ifo file

                    listFileInfo.RemoveAll(x => x.Length < 1000000000);

                // Set Media Type
                bool allAudio = Adapter.MediaIsAudio(FileCollection);
                if (allAudio)
                    this.MediaTypeChoice = MediaType.MusicAudioAlbum;

                if (FileCollection.Count > 0)
                    foreach (FileInfo fi in listFileInfo)
                        this.AddMedia(new MediaFile(fi.FullName, this.Source));

                    this.Overall = new MediaFile(FileSystemHelper.GetLargestFilePathFromDir(Location), this.Source);

                    // Set Overall File Name
                    this.Overall.FileName = Path.GetFileName(Location);
                    if (Overall.FileName.ToUpper().Equals("VIDEO_TS"))
                        Overall.FileName = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Location));
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title))
                        this.Title = this.Overall.FileName;

                // DVD Video
                // Combined Duration and File Size
                if (MediaTypeChoice == MediaType.MediaDisc)
                    if (listFileInfo.Count > 0)
                        long dura = 0;
                        double size = 0;
                        foreach (FileInfo fiVob in listFileInfo)
                            MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mi = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                            string temp = mi.Get(0, 0, "Duration");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
                                long d = 0;
                                long.TryParse(temp, out d);
                                dura += d;

                            // we are interested in combined file size only for VOB files
                            // thats why we dont calculate FileSize in FileInfo while determining largest file
                            double sz = 0;
                            double.TryParse(mi.Get(0, 0, "FileSize"), out sz);
                            size += sz;

                            // close vob file

                        this.Overall.FileSize = size; // override any previous file size
                        this.Overall.FileSizeString = string.Format("{0} MiB", (this.Overall.FileSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0).ToString("0.00"));

                        this.Overall.Duration = dura;
                        this.Overall.DurationString2 = Program.GetDurationString(dura);
            } // if Location is a directory
Esempio n. 26
        public string MediaInfo(string VideoName)
            string info = "无视频信息";
            if (File.Exists(VideoName))
                MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();
                string container = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format");
                string bitrate = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "BitRate/String");
                string duration = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Duration/String1");
                string fileSize = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "FileSize/String");
                string vid = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ID");
                string video = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format");
                string vBitRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate/String");
                string vSize = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "StreamSize/String");
                string width = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width");
                string height = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height");
                string risplayAspectRatio = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "DisplayAspectRatio/String");
                string risplayAspectRatio2 = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "DisplayAspectRatio");
                string frameRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate/String");
                string bitDepth = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitDepth/String");
                string pixelAspectRatio = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "PixelAspectRatio");
                string encodedLibrary = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Encoded_Library");
                string encodeTime = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Encoded_Date");
                string codecProfile = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Codec_Profile");
                string frameCount = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameCount");

                string aid = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "ID");
                string audio = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format");
                string aBitRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate/String");
                string samplingRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "SamplingRate/String");
                string channel = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)");
                string aSize = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamSize/String");

                string audioInfo = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Inform") + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 1, "Inform") + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 2, "Inform") + MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 3, "Inform");
                string videoInfo = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Inform");

                info = Path.GetFileName(VideoName) + "\r\n" +
                    "容器:" + container + "\r\n" +
                    "总码率:" + bitrate + "\r\n" +
                    "大小:" + fileSize + "\r\n" +
                    "时长:" + duration + "\r\n" +
                    "\r\n" +
                    "视频(" + vid + "):" + video + "\r\n" +
                    "码率:" + vBitRate + "\r\n" +
                    "大小:" + vSize + "\r\n" +
                    "分辨率:" + width + "x" + height + "\r\n" +
                    "宽高比:" + risplayAspectRatio + "(" + risplayAspectRatio2 + ")" + "\r\n" +
                    "帧率:" + frameRate + "\r\n" +
                    "位深度:" + bitDepth + "\r\n" +
                    "像素宽高比:" + pixelAspectRatio + "\r\n" +
                    "编码库:" + encodedLibrary + "\r\n" +
                    "Profile:" + codecProfile + "\r\n" +
                    "编码时间:" + encodeTime + "\r\n" +
                    "总帧数:" + frameCount + "\r\n" +

                    "\r\n" +
                    "音频(" + aid + "):" + audio + "\r\n" +
                    "大小:" + aSize + "\r\n" +
                    "码率:" + aBitRate + "\r\n" +
                    "采样率:" + samplingRate + "\r\n" +
                    "声道数:" + channel + "\r\n" +
                    "\r\n====详细信息====\r\n" +
                    videoInfo + "\r\n" +
                    audioInfo + "\r\n"
            return info;
Esempio n. 27
        private void dataGridView1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);

            foreach(String sFullPath in files)
                String sFileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFullPath).ToLower();

                if (sFileExtension == ".ac3" || sFileExtension == ".ddp" || sFileExtension == ".dts" || sFileExtension == ".dtshd" ||
                    sFileExtension == ".flac" || sFileExtension == ".wav")
                    MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();
                    AudioFile af = new AudioFile();


                    af.bAllowToConvert = true;
                    af.sBitDepth = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitDepth", InfoKind.Text, InfoKind.Name);
                    af.sBitrate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate", InfoKind.Text, InfoKind.Name);
                    af.sChannels = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channels", InfoKind.Text, InfoKind.Name);
                    af.sCodec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Codec", InfoKind.Text, InfoKind.Name);
                    af.sDuration = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Duration/String", InfoKind.Text, InfoKind.Name);
                    af.sFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sFullPath);
                    af.sFullFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sFullPath);
                    af.sPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sFullPath);
                    af.sSamplingRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "SamplingRate", InfoKind.Text, InfoKind.Name);
                    af.sDescription = af.sCodec + " - " + af.sChannels + " Channel - " + Convert.ToInt32(af.sBitrate) / 1000 + " Kbps - " + af.sSamplingRate + " Hz - " + af.sDuration;


                    dt.Rows.Add(af.bAllowToConvert, af.sFullFileName, af.sDescription);
                    buttonStartConverting.Enabled = true;
 private Int32 GetDuration(string location)
     MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
     mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.3");
     int i = mediaInfo.Open(location);
     int runTime = 0;
     if (i != 0)
         Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out runTime);
     return runTime;
Esempio n. 29
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            String ToDisplay = "";
            MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();
            //An example of how to use the library
            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nOpen\r\n";

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInform with Complete=false\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInform with Complete=true\r\n";
            MI.Option("Complete", "1");
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nCustom Inform\r\n";
            MI.Option("Inform", "General;File size is %FileSize% bytes");
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter='FileSize'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(0, 0, "FileSize");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter=46\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(0, 0, 46);

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nCount_Get with StreamKind=Stream_Audio\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Count_Get(StreamKind.Audio);

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter='AudioCount'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "AudioCount");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=Audio and Parameter='StreamCount'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nClose\r\n";

Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a media file and creates a MediaFile object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fp">File Path of the Media File</param>
        /// <returns>MediaFile object</returns>
        public void ReadFile()
            this.Source = Source;

            if (File.Exists(FilePath))
                //* General

                //System.Debug.WriteLine("Current Dir1: " + System.Environment.CurrentDirectory);
                //System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                //System.Debug.WriteLine("Current Dir2: " + System.Environment.CurrentDirectory);

                MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo MI = null;
                    Debug.WriteLine("Loading MediaInfo.dll");
                    MI = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                    Debug.WriteLine("Loaded MediaInfo.dll");
                catch (Exception ex)

                if (MI != null)
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("MediaInfo Opening {0}", FilePath));
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("MediaInfo Opened {0}", FilePath));
                    this.Summary = MI.Inform();
                    MI.Option("Complete", "1");
                    this.SummaryComplete = MI.Inform();

                    if (Program.IsUNIX)
                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("MediaInfo Summary Length: {0}", this.Summary.Length.ToString()));
                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("MediaInfo Summary: {0}", this.Summary));

                    // Format Info
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Format))
                        this.Format = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format");
                    this.FormatInfo = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format/Info");

                    // this.FileName = mMI.Get(0, 0, "FileName");
                    if (0 == this.FileSize)
                        double sz;
                        double.TryParse(MI.Get(0, 0, "FileSize"), out sz);
                        this.FileSize = sz;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FileSizeString))
                        this.FileSizeString = string.Format("{0} MiB", (this.FileSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0).ToString("0.00"));

                    // Duration
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DurationString2))
                        this.DurationString2 = MI.Get(0, 0, "Duration/String2");

                    if (this.Duration == 0.0)
                        double dura = 0.0;
                        double.TryParse(MI.Get(0, 0, "Duration"), out dura);
                        this.Duration        = dura;
                        this.SegmentDuration = dura;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DurationString3))
                        this.DurationString3 = MI.Get(0, 0, "Duration/String3");

                    this.BitrateOverall     = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "OverallBitRate/String");
                    this.EncodedApplication = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Encoded_Application");
                    this.EncodedDate        = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Encoded_Date");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Subtitles))
                        StringBuilder sbSubs = new StringBuilder();

                        int subCount = 0;
                        int.TryParse(MI.Get(StreamKind.Text, 0, "StreamCount"), out subCount);

                        if (subCount > 0)
                            StringBuilder sbLang = new StringBuilder();
                            for (int i = 0; i < subCount; i++)
                                string lang = MI.Get(StreamKind.Text, i, "Language/String");
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang))
                                    // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(lang);
                                    if (i < subCount - 1)
                                        sbLang.Append(", ");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sbLang.ToString()))

                        this.Subtitles = sbSubs.ToString();

                    //* Video

                    int videoCount;
                    int.TryParse(MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "VideoCount"), out videoCount);
                    this.HasVideo = videoCount > 0;

                    this.Video.Format        = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format");
                    this.Video.FormatVersion = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format_Version");

                    if (Path.GetExtension(this.FilePath).ToLower().Equals(".mkv"))
                        this.Video.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Encoded_Library");
                    this.Video.EncodedLibrarySettings = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Encoded_Library_Settings");
                    this.Video.DisplayAspectRatio     = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "DisplayAspectRatio/String");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Video.Codec))
                        this.Video.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "CodecID/Hint");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Video.Codec))
                        this.Video.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "CodecID");

                    this.Video.Bitrate            = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate/String");
                    this.Video.Standard           = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Standard");;
                    this.Video.FrameRate          = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate/String");
                    this.Video.ScanType           = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType/String");
                    this.Video.Height             = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height");
                    this.Video.Width              = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width");
                    this.Video.Resolution         = string.Format("{0}x{1}", this.Video.Width, this.Video.Height);
                    this.Video.BitsPerPixelXFrame = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Bits-(Pixel*Frame)");

                    //* Audio
                    int audioCount;
                    int.TryParse(MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "AudioCount"), out audioCount);
                    this.HasAudio = audioCount > 0;

                    for (int id = 0; id < audioCount; id++)
                        AudioInfo ai = new AudioInfo(id);
                        ai.Format        = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "Format");
                        ai.FormatVersion = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Version");
                        ai.FormatProfile = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Profile");

                        ai.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "CodecID/Hint");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ai.Codec))
                            ai.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "CodecID/Info");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ai.Codec))
                            ai.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "CodecID");

                        ai.Bitrate     = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "BitRate/String");
                        ai.BitrateMode = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "BitRate_Mode/String");

                        ai.Channels     = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "Channel(s)/String");
                        ai.SamplingRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "SamplingRate/String");
                        ai.Resolution   = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "Resolution/String");



                    //// Analyse Audio only files using TagLib

                    //if (this.HasAudio && !this.HasVideo)
                    //    TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(this.FilePath);
                    //    this.TagLibFile = f;
Esempio n. 31
        private MediaInfoData GetMediaInfo(string location, MediaType mediaType)
            Logger.ReportInfo("Getting media info from " + location);
            MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
            mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.2");
            int           i             = mediaInfo.Open(location);
            MediaInfoData mediaInfoData = null;

            if (i != 0)
                string subtitles = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Text_Language_List");
                string scanType  = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType");
                int    width;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"), out width);
                int height;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"), out height);
                int videoBitRate;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"), out videoBitRate);

                int    audioBitRate;
                string aBitRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate");
                int    ABindex  = aBitRate.IndexOf(" /");
                if (ABindex > 0)
                    aBitRate = aBitRate.Remove(ABindex);
                Int32.TryParse(aBitRate, out audioBitRate);

                int runTime;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out runTime);
                int streamCount;
                Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount"), out streamCount);

                string audioChannels = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)");
                int    ACindex       = audioChannels.IndexOf(" /");
                if (ACindex > 0)
                    audioChannels = audioChannels.Remove(ACindex);

                string audioLanguages = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Audio_Language_List");

                string videoFrameRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate");

                string audioProfile = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Profile");
                int    APindex      = audioProfile.IndexOf(" /");
                if (APindex > 0)
                    audioProfile = audioProfile.Remove(APindex);

                mediaInfoData = new MediaInfoData
                    PluginData = new MediaInfoData.MIData()
                        VideoCodec   = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Codec/String"),
                        VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
                        //MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "DisplayAspectRatio")),
                        Height = height,
                        Width  = width,
                        //MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Duration/String3")),
                        AudioFormat       = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format"),
                        AudioBitRate      = audioBitRate,
                        RunTime           = (runTime / 60000),
                        AudioStreamCount  = streamCount,
                        AudioChannelCount = audioChannels.Trim(),
                        AudioProfile      = audioProfile.Trim(),
                        VideoFPS          = videoFrameRate,
                        AudioLanguages    = audioLanguages,
                        Subtitles         = subtitles,
                        ScanType          = scanType
                Logger.ReportInfo("Could not extract media information from " + location);
            if (mediaType == MediaType.DVD && i != 0)
                location = location.Replace("0.IFO", "1.vob");
                Logger.ReportInfo("Getting additional media info from " + location);
                mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.0");
                i = mediaInfo.Open(location);
                if (i != 0)
                    int videoBitRate;
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"), out videoBitRate);

                    int    audioBitRate;
                    string aBitRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate");
                    int    ABindex  = aBitRate.IndexOf(" /");
                    if (ABindex > 0)
                        aBitRate = aBitRate.Remove(ABindex);
                    Int32.TryParse(aBitRate, out audioBitRate);
                    string scanType = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType");

                    mediaInfoData.PluginData.AudioBitRate = audioBitRate;
                    mediaInfoData.PluginData.VideoBitRate = videoBitRate;
                    mediaInfoData.PluginData.ScanType     = scanType;
                    Logger.ReportInfo("Could not extract additional media info from " + location);
Esempio n. 32
        public MediaInfoModel GetMediaInfo(string filename)
            if (!_diskProvider.FileExists(filename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Media file does not exist: " + filename);

            MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mediaInfo = null;

                mediaInfo = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                _logger.Debug("Getting media info from {0}", filename);

                mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.2");
                int open = mediaInfo.Open(filename);

                if (open != 0)
                    int     width;
                    int     height;
                    int     videoBitRate;
                    int     audioBitRate;
                    int     audioRuntime;
                    int     videoRuntime;
                    int     generalRuntime;
                    int     streamCount;
                    int     audioChannels;
                    decimal videoFrameRate;

                    string subtitles = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Text_Language_List");
                    string scanType  = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType");
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"), out width);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"), out height);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"), out videoBitRate);
                    Decimal.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate"), NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out videoFrameRate);

                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "PlayTime"), out videoRuntime);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "PlayTime"), out audioRuntime);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out generalRuntime);

                    string aBitRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate");
                    int    aBindex  = aBitRate.IndexOf(" /", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (aBindex > 0)
                        aBitRate = aBitRate.Remove(aBindex);

                    Int32.TryParse(aBitRate, out audioBitRate);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount"), out streamCount);

                    string audioChannelsStr = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)");
                    int    aCindex          = audioChannelsStr.IndexOf(" /", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (aCindex > 0)
                        audioChannelsStr = audioChannelsStr.Remove(aCindex);

                    string audioLanguages = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Audio_Language_List");
                    string audioProfile   = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Profile");

                    int aPindex = audioProfile.IndexOf(" /", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (aPindex > 0)
                        audioProfile = audioProfile.Remove(aPindex);

                    Int32.TryParse(audioChannelsStr, out audioChannels);
                    var mediaInfoModel = new MediaInfoModel
                        VideoCodec       = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Codec/String"),
                        VideoBitrate     = videoBitRate,
                        Height           = height,
                        Width            = width,
                        AudioFormat      = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format"),
                        AudioBitrate     = audioBitRate,
                        RunTime          = GetBestRuntime(audioRuntime, videoRuntime, generalRuntime),
                        AudioStreamCount = streamCount,
                        AudioChannels    = audioChannels,
                        AudioProfile     = audioProfile.Trim(),
                        VideoFps         = videoFrameRate,
                        AudioLanguages   = audioLanguages,
                        Subtitles        = subtitles,
                        ScanType         = scanType

            catch (DllNotFoundException ex)
                _logger.ErrorException("mediainfo is required but was not found", ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.ErrorException("Unable to parse media info from file: " + filename, ex);
                if (mediaInfo != null)

Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a media file and creates a MediaFile object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fp">File Path of the Media File</param>
        /// <returns>MediaFile object</returns>
        public void ReadFile()
            this.Source = Source;

            if (File.Exists(FilePath))
                //* General

                //System.Debug.WriteLine("Current Dir1: " + System.Environment.CurrentDirectory);
                //System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                //System.Debug.WriteLine("Current Dir2: " + System.Environment.CurrentDirectory);

                MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo MI = null;
                    Debug.WriteLine("Loading MediaInfo.dll");
                    MI = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                    Debug.WriteLine("Loaded MediaInfo.dll");
                catch (Exception ex)

                if (MI != null)
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("MediaInfo Opening {0}", FilePath));
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("MediaInfo Opened {0}", FilePath));
                    this.Summary = MI.Inform();
                    MI.Option("Complete", "1");
                    this.SummaryComplete = MI.Inform();

                    if (Program.IsUNIX)
                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("MediaInfo Summary Length: {0}", this.Summary.Length.ToString()));
                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("MediaInfo Summary: {0}", this.Summary));

                    // Format Info
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Format))
                        this.Format = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format");
                    this.FormatInfo = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Format/Info");

                    // this.FileName = mMI.Get(0, 0, "FileName");
                    if (0 == this.FileSize)
                        double sz;
                        double.TryParse(MI.Get(0, 0, "FileSize"), out sz);
                        this.FileSize = sz;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FileSizeString))
                        this.FileSizeString = string.Format("{0} MiB", (this.FileSize / 1024.0 / 1024.0).ToString("0.00"));

                    // Duration
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DurationString2))
                        this.DurationString2 = MI.Get(0, 0, "Duration/String2");

                    if (this.Duration == 0.0)
                        double dura = 0.0;
                        double.TryParse(MI.Get(0, 0, "Duration"), out dura);
                        this.Duration = dura;
                        this.SegmentDuration = dura;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DurationString3))
                        this.DurationString3 = MI.Get(0, 0, "Duration/String3");

                    this.BitrateOverall = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "OverallBitRate/String");
                    this.EncodedApplication = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Encoded_Application");
                    this.EncodedDate = MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Encoded_Date");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Subtitles))
                        StringBuilder sbSubs = new StringBuilder();

                        int subCount = 0;
                        int.TryParse(MI.Get(StreamKind.Text, 0, "StreamCount"), out subCount);

                        if (subCount > 0)
                            StringBuilder sbLang = new StringBuilder();
                            for (int i = 0; i < subCount; i++)
                                string lang = MI.Get(StreamKind.Text, i, "Language/String");
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang))
                                    // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(lang);
                                    if (i < subCount - 1)
                                        sbLang.Append(", ");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sbLang.ToString()))

                        this.Subtitles = sbSubs.ToString();

                    //* Video

                    int videoCount;
                    int.TryParse(MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "VideoCount"), out videoCount);
                    this.HasVideo = videoCount > 0;

                    this.Video.Format = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format");
                    this.Video.FormatVersion = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Format_Version");

                    if (Path.GetExtension(this.FilePath).ToLower().Equals(".mkv"))
                        this.Video.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Encoded_Library");
                    this.Video.EncodedLibrarySettings = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Encoded_Library_Settings");
                    this.Video.DisplayAspectRatio = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "DisplayAspectRatio/String");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Video.Codec))
                        this.Video.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "CodecID/Hint");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Video.Codec))
                        this.Video.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "CodecID");

                    this.Video.Bitrate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate/String");
                    this.Video.Standard = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Standard"); ;
                    this.Video.FrameRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate/String");
                    this.Video.ScanType = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType/String");
                    this.Video.Height = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height");
                    this.Video.Width = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width");
                    this.Video.Resolution = string.Format("{0}x{1}", this.Video.Width, this.Video.Height);
                    this.Video.BitsPerPixelXFrame = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Bits-(Pixel*Frame)");

                    //* Audio
                    int audioCount;
                    int.TryParse(MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "AudioCount"), out audioCount);
                    this.HasAudio = audioCount > 0;

                    for (int id = 0; id < audioCount; id++)
                        AudioInfo ai = new AudioInfo(id);
                        ai.Format = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "Format");
                        ai.FormatVersion = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Version");
                        ai.FormatProfile = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Profile");

                        ai.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "CodecID/Hint");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ai.Codec))
                            ai.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "CodecID/Info");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ai.Codec))
                            ai.Codec = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "CodecID");

                        ai.Bitrate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "BitRate/String");
                        ai.BitrateMode = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "BitRate_Mode/String");

                        ai.Channels = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "Channel(s)/String");
                        ai.SamplingRate = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "SamplingRate/String");
                        ai.Resolution = MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, id, "Resolution/String");



                    //// Analyse Audio only files using TagLib

                    //if (this.HasAudio && !this.HasVideo)
                    //    TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(this.FilePath);
                    //    this.TagLibFile = f;
Esempio n. 34
        public MediaInfoModel GetMediaInfo(string filename)
            if (!_diskProvider.FileExists(filename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Media file does not exist: " + filename);

            var mediaInfo = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();

                _logger.Trace("Getting media info from {0}", filename);

                mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.2");
                int open = mediaInfo.Open(filename);

                if (open != 0)
                    int width;
                    int height;
                    int videoBitRate;
                    int audioBitRate;
                    int runTime;
                    int streamCount;
                    int audioChannels;

                    string subtitles = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Text_Language_List");
                    string scanType  = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "ScanType");
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"), out width);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"), out height);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"), out videoBitRate);

                    string aBitRate = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate");
                    int    ABindex  = aBitRate.IndexOf(" /");
                    if (ABindex > 0)
                        aBitRate = aBitRate.Remove(ABindex);

                    Int32.TryParse(aBitRate, out audioBitRate);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out runTime);
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount"), out streamCount);

                    string audioChannelsStr = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Channel(s)");
                    int    ACindex          = audioChannelsStr.IndexOf(" /");
                    if (ACindex > 0)
                        audioChannelsStr = audioChannelsStr.Remove(ACindex);

                    string  audioLanguages = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "Audio_Language_List");
                    decimal videoFrameRate = Decimal.Parse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "FrameRate"));
                    string  audioProfile   = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format_Profile");

                    int APindex = audioProfile.IndexOf(" /");
                    if (APindex > 0)
                        audioProfile = audioProfile.Remove(APindex);

                    Int32.TryParse(audioChannelsStr, out audioChannels);
                    var mediaInfoModel = new MediaInfoModel
                        VideoCodec       = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Codec/String"),
                        VideoBitrate     = videoBitRate,
                        Height           = height,
                        Width            = width,
                        AudioFormat      = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format"),
                        AudioBitrate     = audioBitRate,
                        RunTime          = (runTime / 1000),                    //InSeconds
                        AudioStreamCount = streamCount,
                        AudioChannels    = audioChannels,
                        AudioProfile     = audioProfile.Trim(),
                        VideoFps         = videoFrameRate,
                        AudioLanguages   = audioLanguages,
                        Subtitles        = subtitles,
                        ScanType         = scanType

            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.ErrorException("Unable to parse media info from file: " + filename, ex);

Esempio n. 35
        public TimeSpan GetRunTime(string filename)
            MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mediaInfo = null;
                mediaInfo = new MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo();
                _logger.Trace("Getting media info from {0}", filename);

                mediaInfo.Option("ParseSpeed", "0.2");
                int open = mediaInfo.Open(filename);

                if (open != 0)
                    int runTime;
                    Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "PlayTime"), out runTime);

                    return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(runTime);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.ErrorException("Unable to parse media info from file: " + filename, ex);
                if (mediaInfo != null)

            return new TimeSpan();
Esempio n. 36
		private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			//Test if version of DLL is compatible : 3rd argument is "version of DLL tested;Your application name;Your application version"
            String ToDisplay;
            MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();

            ToDisplay = MI.Option("Info_Version", ";MediaInfoDLL_Example_CS;");
			if (ToDisplay.Length == 0)
                richTextBox1.Text = "MediaInfo.Dll: this version of the DLL is not compatible";

			//Information about MediaInfo
			ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInfo_Parameters\r\n";
			ToDisplay += MI.Option("Info_Parameters");

			ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInfo_Capacities\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Option("Info_Capacities");

			ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInfo_Codecs\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Option("Info_Codecs");

			//An example of how to use the library
			ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nOpen\r\n";

			ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInform with Complete=false\r\n";
			ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nInform with Complete=true\r\n";
			MI.Option("Complete", "1");
			ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nCustom Inform\r\n";
            MI.Option("Inform", "General;File size is %FileSize% bytes");
            ToDisplay += MI.Inform();

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter='FileSize'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(0, 0, "FileSize");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter=46\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(0, 0, 46);

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nCount_Get with StreamKind=Stream_Audio\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Count_Get(StreamKind.Audio);

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=General and Parameter='AudioCount'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(StreamKind.General, 0, "AudioCount");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nGet with Stream=Audio and Parameter='StreamCount'\r\n";
            ToDisplay += MI.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "StreamCount");

            ToDisplay += "\r\n\r\nClose\r\n";

			//Example with a stream

            //Displaying the text
			richTextBox1.Text = ToDisplay;
Esempio n. 37
 private MediaInfoData GetMediaInfo(string location)
     Logger.ReportInfo("getting media info from " + location);
     MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
     int i = mediaInfo.Open(location);
     MediaInfoData mediaInfoData = null;
     if (i != 0)
         int width;
         Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"), out width);
         int height;
         Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"), out height);
         int videoBitRate;
         Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "BitRate"), out videoBitRate);
         int audioBitRate;
         Int32.TryParse(mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "BitRate"), out audioBitRate);
         mediaInfoData = new MediaInfoData
             VideoCodec = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "CodecID/Hint"),
             VideoBitRate = videoBitRate,
             //MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "DisplayAspectRatio")),
             Height = height,
             Width = width,
             //MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Duration/String3")),
             AudioFormat = mediaInfo.Get(StreamKind.Audio, 0, "Format"),
             AudioBitRate = audioBitRate
         Logger.ReportInfo("Could not extract media information from " + location);
     return mediaInfoData;