Esempio n. 1
        // assumption: this can ONLY be called when we know the next box is a fragment...
        private void ScanForAudioOrVideo()
            long pos = boxReader.BaseStream.Position;
            long fragPos = boxReader.BaseStream.Position;
            Fragment frag = new Fragment();

            int trakID = (int)frag.GetMP4TrackID(boxReader);
            if (GetFragmentHandlerType(trakID) == _handlerType)
              if (_handlerType.Equals("soun"))
            nextAudioFragPosition = fragPos;
            audioTrackID = trakID;
              else if (_handlerType.Equals("vide"))
            nextVideoFragPosition = fragPos;
            videoTrackID = trakID;
              } while (this.boxReader.PeekNextBoxType() == BoxTypes.MovieFragment);
              boxReader.BaseStream.Position = pos;
              audiovideoScanCompleted = true;
Esempio n. 2
        private Fragment GetNextVideoFrag()
            if (nextVideoFragPosition < 0) return (null); // there are no more!!
              boxReader.BaseStream.Position = nextVideoFragPosition;

              // we know where at least the next frag is as we prepared this prior to the call of this function...
              Fragment answer = new Fragment(GetTimeScale(videoTrackID), GetPayloadType(videoTrackID), runningTimeIn100NanoSecs, runningSliceIndex);
              runningTimeIn100NanoSecs += (ulong)TimeArithmetic.ConvertToStandardUnit(answer.TimeScale, (decimal)answer.Duration);
              runningSliceIndex += answer.Length;

              nextVideoFragPosition = -1;
              while (this.boxReader.PeekNextBoxType() == BoxTypes.MovieFragment)
            long fragPos = boxReader.BaseStream.Position;
            Fragment tmp = new Fragment();

            int trakID = (int)tmp.GetMP4TrackID(boxReader);
            if (GetFragmentHandlerType(trakID) == "vide")
              nextVideoFragPosition = fragPos;

              return (answer);