Esempio n. 1
        private static DataSet GetProcData(MySqlConnection connection, string spName)
            string schema = String.Empty;
            string name   = spName;

            int dotIndex = spName.IndexOf(".");

            if (dotIndex != -1)
                schema = spName.Substring(0, dotIndex);
                name   = spName.Substring(dotIndex + 1, spName.Length - dotIndex - 1);

            string[] restrictions = new string[4];
            restrictions[1] = schema.Length > 0 ? schema : connection.CurrentDatabase();
            restrictions[2] = name;
            DataTable procTable = connection.GetSchema("procedures", restrictions);

            if (procTable.Rows.Count > 1)
                throw new MySqlException(Resources.ProcAndFuncSameName);
            if (procTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new MySqlException(String.Format(Resources.InvalidProcName, name, schema));

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();


            // we don't use GetSchema here because that would cause another
            // query of procedures and we don't need that since we already
            // know the procedure we care about.
            ISSchemaProvider isp = new ISSchemaProvider(connection);

            string[]  rest            = isp.CleanRestrictions(restrictions);
            DataTable parametersTable = isp.GetProcedureParameters(rest, procTable);


        protected override bool DbDatabaseExists(DbConnection connection, int? commandTimeout, StoreItemCollection storeItemCollection)
            if (connection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
            MySqlConnection conn = connection as MySqlConnection;
            if (conn == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ConnectionMustBeOfTypeMySqlConnection, "connection");

            MySqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder();
            builder.ConnectionString = conn.ConnectionString;
            string dbName = builder.Database;
            builder.Database = null;

            using (MySqlConnection c = new MySqlConnection(builder.ConnectionString))
                DataTable table = c.GetSchema("Databases", new string[] { dbName });
                if (table != null && table.Rows.Count == 1) return true;
                return false;
        protected override bool DbDatabaseExists(DbConnection connection, int? commandTimeout, StoreItemCollection storeItemCollection)
            if (connection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
            MySqlConnection conn = connection as MySqlConnection;
            if (conn == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ConnectionMustBeOfTypeMySqlConnection, "connection");

            MySqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder();
            builder.ConnectionString = conn.ConnectionString;
            string dbName = builder.Database;
            builder.Database = null;

            using (MySqlConnection c = new MySqlConnection(builder.ConnectionString))
                DataTable table = c.GetSchema("Databases", new string[] { dbName });
                if (table != null && table.Rows.Count == 1) return true;
                return false;
        private static int GetSchemaVersion(string connectionString)
            // retrieve the current schema version
            using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connectionString))

                MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM my_aspnet_SchemaVersion", conn);
                    object ver = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    if (ver != null)
                        return (int)ver;
                catch (MySqlException ex)
                    if (ex.Number != (int)MySqlErrorCode.NoSuchTable)
                    string[] restrictions = new string[4];
                    restrictions[2] = "mysql_Membership";
                    DataTable dt = conn.GetSchema("Tables", restrictions);
                    if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                        return Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["TABLE_COMMENT"]);
                return 0;
        private static DataSet GetProcData(MySqlConnection connection, string spName)
            string schema = String.Empty;
            string name = spName;

            int dotIndex = spName.IndexOf(".");
            if (dotIndex != -1)
                schema = spName.Substring(0, dotIndex);
                name = spName.Substring(dotIndex + 1, spName.Length - dotIndex - 1);

            string[] restrictions = new string[4];
            restrictions[1] = schema.Length > 0 ? schema : connection.CurrentDatabase();
            restrictions[2] = name;
            DataTable procTable = connection.GetSchema("procedures", restrictions);
            if (procTable.Rows.Count > 1)
                throw new MySqlException(Resources.ProcAndFuncSameName);
            if (procTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new MySqlException(String.Format(Resources.InvalidProcName, name, schema));

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            // we don't use GetSchema here because that would cause another
            // query of procedures and we don't need that since we already
            // know the procedure we care about.
            ISSchemaProvider isp = new ISSchemaProvider(connection);
            string[] rest = isp.CleanRestrictions(restrictions);
            DataTable parametersTable = isp.GetProcedureParameters(rest, procTable);

            return ds;