Esempio n. 1
        // TODO: add list as a parametr and add the object into the list
        public void createDummyRecordStaff()
            string   birthdate  = "17/5/1973";
            DateTime oBirthdate = DateTime.ParseExact(birthdate, "d/M/yyyy", null);
            string   startDate  = "1/9/2015";
            DateTime oStartDate = DateTime.ParseExact(startDate, "d/M/yyyy", null);

            AdmStaff administrative = new AdmStaff(1, "Abid Husain", oBirthdate, 2300, "Amagerbrogade", 512, "København", "Denmark", "Digitalization", "Head of Department", oStartDate);

Esempio n. 2
        // method getting data from console user and storing them to a list
        public void userInput(List <SchoolMember> data)
            Console.WriteLine("Which data record you would like to save? (1 = student, 2 = administrative, 3 = top management)");
            int recordType = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Please provide your information about");
            Console.Write("Id: ");
            int id = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.Write("Full name: ");
            string name = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY format, eg. 25/2/1990): ");
            DateTime birthdate = DateTime.ParseExact(Console.ReadLine(), "d/M/yyyy", null);

            Console.Write("Street Name: ");
            string streetName = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Address number: ");
            int streetNr = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.Write("City: ");
            string city = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Zip Code: ");
            int zip = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.Write("Country: ");
            string country = Console.ReadLine();

            switch (recordType)
            case 1:
                Console.Write("Start of the studies (DD/MM/YYYY format, eg. 25/2/2019): ");
                DateTime studyStart = DateTime.ParseExact(Console.ReadLine(), "d/M/yyyy", null);

                Console.Write("Estimated end of the studies (DD/MM/YYYY format, eg. 25/6/2021): ");
                DateTime studyEnd = DateTime.ParseExact(Console.ReadLine(), "d/M/yyyy", null);

                Console.Write("Name of the study program: ");
                string studyProgram = Console.ReadLine();

                Student newStudent = new Student(id, name, birthdate, zip, streetName, streetNr, city, country, studyStart, studyEnd, studyProgram);
                Console.WriteLine($"Student '{name}' added to the database\n");

            case 2:
                Console.Write("Department: ");
                string admDepartment = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.Write("Role: ");
                string admRole = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.Write("Start of the employment (DD/MM/YYYY format, eg. 12/6/1997): ");
                DateTime emploStart = DateTime.ParseExact(Console.ReadLine(), "d/M/yyyy", null);

                AdmStaff newAdministrative = new AdmStaff(id, name, birthdate, zip, streetName, streetNr, city, country, admDepartment, admRole, emploStart);
                Console.WriteLine($"Administrative staff '{name}' added to the database\n");

            case 3:
                Console.Write("Department: ");
                string mngDepartment = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.Write("Role: ");
                string mngRole = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.Write("Start of the employment (DD/MM/YYYY format, eg. 12/6/1997): ");
                DateTime mngStart = DateTime.ParseExact(Console.ReadLine(), "d/M/yyyy", null);

                Console.Write("Years of experience in management: ");
                int experience = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                Console.Write("Area of management (1 = Research, 2 = Teaching, 3 = Organizer): ");
                int area = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                TopManagement newMng = new TopManagement(id, name, birthdate, zip, streetName, streetNr, city, country, mngDepartment, mngRole, mngStart, experience, area);
                Console.WriteLine($"Top manager '{name}' added to the database\n");

                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input");
