Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// MainWindow() - Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public wndMain()
            //loads window wndMain

            //To close application -  to be included in all WPF applications - makes sure other windows close and the objects that have been instantiated will be cleared from memory.
            Application.Current.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnMainWindowClose;

            //instantiate MainLogic object so that we can use methods from the clsMainLogic class
            MainLogic = new clsMainLogic();

            //instantiate newLstInvoice object so that we can pass our list from MainLogic.lstInvoice into newLstInvoice
            newLstInvoice = new List <clsInvoice>();

            newLstLineItems = new List <clsLineItems>();

            newLstItemDesc = new List <clsItemDesc>();

            //get the lstInvoice from MainLogic and pass it into our new list called newLstInvoice
            newLstInvoice = MainLogic.GetInvoice();

            //bind the data from our new list onto our datagrid called dataGridView
            dataGridView1.ItemsSource = newLstInvoice;

            /*need to add button columns*/

            create_btn.IsEnabled = false;
            edit_btn.IsEnabled   = false;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes selected item from data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void delete_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (dataGridView1.SelectedIndex < newLstInvoice.Count && dataGridView1.SelectedItem != null)
                //create and instanitate a new Invoice object
                clsInvoice Invoice = new clsInvoice();

                //set the new object called Invoice to the selected item in the datagrid called dataGridView
                Invoice = (clsInvoice)dataGridView1.SelectedItem;

                bIsDeleting = true;

                //delete the Line item at the current selected item.

                //delete the Invoice at the current selected item.

                //set the new list called newLstInvoice to get the lstInvoice that will return the data in the dataset.
                newLstInvoice = MainLogic.GetInvoice();

                //bind the data from our new list into the datagrid called dataGridView
                dataGridView1.ItemsSource = newLstInvoice;

                bIsDeleting = false;

                //commits changes to database.

                //refresh items in the datagrid called dataGridView
Esempio n. 3
        public void UploadInvoice(int iInvoiceNum)
            //wndSearch Search = new wndSearch();
            if (bAddItem != true)//delete
                /**************************************Testing - needs to go in another method and called in the constructor - when search sends InvoiceNum, call this**************************************/
                items_cbo.IsEnabled      = false;
                addItem_button.IsEnabled = false;

                create_btn.Visibility        = Visibility.Hidden;
                editInvoice_btn.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;
                deleteInvoice_btn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                //items_cbo.IsEnabled = true;
                //addItem_button.IsEnabled = true;

                MainLogic.GetInvoice(iInvoiceNum);                                     //move thees to the constructor and pass in the InvoiceNum from "search" call these after the search screen selects the items. . .
                newLstItemDesc            = MainLogic.GetInvoiceItemDesc(iInvoiceNum); //move thees to the constructor and pass in the InvoiceNum from "search"
                dataGridView1.ItemsSource = newLstItemDesc;

                invoiceNum_txtbox.Text = MainLogic.lstInvoice[0].iInvoiceNum.ToString();

                invoiceData_txtbox.Text = MainLogic.lstInvoice[0].sInvoiceDate.ToString();

                invoiceCost_txtbox.Text = "$" + MainLogic.lstInvoice[0].sTotalCost.ToString();


                for (int i = 0; i < MainLogic.lstItemDesc.Count; i++)
                /**************************************Testing - needs to go in another method and called in the constructor - when search sends InvoiceNum, call this**************************************/