Esempio n. 1
        public void ProcessRequest(SipRequestEvent requestEvent)
            if (requestEvent.Request.RequestLine.Method == SipMethods.Invite)
                var inviteTransaction = (SipInviteServerTransaction)_provider.CreateServerTransaction(requestEvent.Request);
                var dialog = _provider.CreateServerDialog(inviteTransaction);
                /*let the phone of the receiver ring to indicate someone is calling to you+
                 send back a ringing response to inform to callee, you received the invite*/
                WavePlayer player = new WavePlayer(AudioOut.Devices[0]);
                player.Play(ResManager.GetStream("ringing.wav"), 10);
                var response = CreateRingingResponse(requestEvent.Request);

                //start timer that does the above untill the dialog state != Early
                //the listener is in some state. In this state the callee can answer or cancel the call.
                //when it does it goes to another state.
            else if (requestEvent.Request.RequestLine.Method == SipMethods.Ack &&
                requestEvent.Request.CSeq.Command == SipMethods.Invite)
               /*TODO: */
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes SIP stack.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitStack()
            #region Init audio devices

            if (AudioOut.Devices.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Calling not possible, there are no speakers in computer.", "Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            if (AudioIn.Devices.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Calling not possible, there is no microphone in computer.", "Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


            m_pAudioOutDevice = AudioOut.Devices[0];
            m_pAudioInDevice = AudioIn.Devices[0];

            m_pAudioCodecs = new Dictionary<int, AudioCodec>();
            m_pAudioCodecs.Add(0, new PCMU());
            m_pAudioCodecs.Add(8, new PCMA());

            m_pPlayer = new WavePlayer(AudioOut.Devices[0]);


            #region Get NAT handling methods

            m_pUPnP = new UPnP_NAT_Client();

            STUN_Result stunResult = new STUN_Result(STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked, null);
                stunResult = STUN_Client.Query(m_StunServer, 3478, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));

            if (stunResult.NetType == STUN_NetType.Symmetric || stunResult.NetType == STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked)
                ToolStripMenuItem item_stun = new ToolStripMenuItem("STUN (" + stunResult.NetType + ")");
                item_stun.Name = "stun";
                item_stun.Enabled = false;
                ToolStripMenuItem item_stun = new ToolStripMenuItem("STUN (" + stunResult.NetType + ")");
                item_stun.Name = "stun";

            if (m_pUPnP.IsSupported)
                ToolStripMenuItem item_upnp = new ToolStripMenuItem("UPnP");
                item_upnp.Name = "upnp";
                ToolStripMenuItem item_upnp = new ToolStripMenuItem("UPnP Not Supported");
                item_upnp.Name = "upnp";
                item_upnp.Enabled = false;

            //if(!((ToolStripDropDownButton)m_pToolbar.Items["nat"]).DropDownItems["stun"].Enabled && !((ToolStripDropDownButton)m_pToolbar.Items["nat"]).DropDownItems["upnp"].Enabled){
                //MessageBox.Show("Calling may not possible, your firewall or router blocks STUN and doesn't support UPnP.\r\n\r\nSTUN Net Type: " + stunResult.NetType + "\r\n\r\nUPnP Supported: " + m_pUPnP.IsSupported,"Error:",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            ToolStripMenuItem item_no_nat = new ToolStripMenuItem("No NAT handling");
            item_no_nat.Name = "no_nat";

            // Select first enabled item.
            foreach (ToolStripItem it in ((ToolStripDropDownButton)m_pToolbar.Items["nat"]).DropDownItems)
                if (it.Enabled)
                    ((ToolStripMenuItem)it).Checked = true;
                    m_NatHandlingType = it.Name;



            m_pStack = new SIP_Stack();
            m_pStack.UserAgent = "GSDR";
            m_pStack.BindInfo = new IPBindInfo[] { new IPBindInfo("", BindInfoProtocol.UDP, IPAddress.Any, m_SipPort) };
            m_pStack.Error += new EventHandler<ExceptionEventArgs>(m_pStack_Error);
            m_pStack.RequestReceived += new EventHandler<SIP_RequestReceivedEventArgs>(m_pStack_RequestReceived);

            if (m_IsDebug)
                wfrm_SIP_Debug debug = new wfrm_SIP_Debug(m_pStack);