private void checkType() { typeList = new List <string>(); foreach (Control c in gb_foobType.Controls) { CheckBoxEx cb = (CheckBoxEx)c; if (cb.Checked == true) { typeList.Add(cb.Tag.ToString()); } } if (typeList.Count == 0 || typeList.Count == gb_foobType.Controls.Count) { foreach (Control c in FLP1.Controls) { Label lb = (Label)c; lb.Show(); } return; } foreach (Control c in FLP1.Controls) { Label lb = (Label)c; String[] tag = (String[])lb.Tag; if (tag.Any(typeList.Contains)) { lb.Show(); } else { lb.Hide(); } } }
private void CheckBox3_CheckedChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckBoxEx cb = (CheckBoxEx)sender; try { if (cb.Checked == true) { rp.Show(); } else { rp.Hide(); } } catch (Exception ex) { rp = new Reprint(this); rp.Show(); } /*rp = new Reprint(this); * rp.Deactivate += delegate * { * rp.Close(); * }; * rp.Show();*/ }
private void addGBFoodType() { ov.setDt("foodType"); DataTable dt = ov.getDt(); typelist = new CheckBoxEx[dt.Rows.Count]; int high = 15; this.gb_foobType.Height = 35 * dt.Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { CheckBoxEx cb = new CheckBoxEx(); cb.Location = new Point(10, high); high += 30; cb.ClientSize = new Size(30, 30); cb.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft JhengHei", 12, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); cb.Name = "cb_foodType_" + dt.Rows[i].ToString(); cb.Text = dt.Rows[i]["name"].ToString(); cb.Tag = dt.Rows[i]["fTypeId"].ToString(); gb_foobType.Controls.Add(cb); cb.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBox1_CheckedChanged); typelist[i] = cb; } }
private void addTakeTime() { DateTime startTime = DateTime.Parse(getTimefromjson("http://" + + "/fyp_php/pc/start.php")); DateTime endTime = DateTime.Parse(getTimefromjson("http://" + + "/fyp_php/pc/end.php")); int startHour = startTime.Hour - 1; int endHour = endTime.Hour; int min = 0; int high = 15; double height = 32.25; int timeRange = (endHour - (startHour)) * 2; this.gb_time.Height = (int)(height) * timeRange; time = new CheckBoxEx[timeRange]; for (int i = 0; i < timeRange; i++) { CheckBoxEx cb = new CheckBoxEx(); cb.ClientSize = new Size(30, 30); cb.Location = new Point(10, high); cb.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft JhengHei", 18, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); if (min == 0) { startHour++; String temp = "0" + min.ToString(); cb.Text = startHour.ToString() + ":" + temp; } else { cb.Text = startHour.ToString() + ":" + min.ToString(); } high += 30; min = (min + 30) % 60; cb.Name = "cb_TakeTime_" + i; time[i] = cb; cb.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBoxTime_CheckedChanged); gb_time.Controls.Add(cb); } btn_TimeClear.Location = new Point(120, 15); btn_TimeClear.ClientSize = new Size(70, 100); btn_GrpPrint.Location = new Point(120, btn_GrpPrint.Location.Y + btn_TimeClear.ClientSize.Height); btn_GrpPrint.ClientSize = new Size(70, 100); btn_pgop.Location = new Point(120, btn_pgop.Location.Y + (btn_GrpPrint.ClientSize.Height * 2)); btn_pgop.ClientSize = new Size(70, 100); }
private void control() { typeList = new List <string>(); timeList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < time.Length; i++) { if (time[i].Checked == true) { timeList.Add(time[i].Text); } } foreach (Control c in gb_foobType.Controls) { CheckBoxEx cb = (CheckBoxEx)c; if (cb.Checked == true) { typeList.Add(cb.Tag.ToString()); } } if (timeList.Count + typeList.Count > 1) { checkType(); checkTime(); } if (typeList.Count > 0 && timeList.Count == 0) { checkType(); } if (timeList.Count > 0 && typeList.Count == 0) { checkFullTime(); } if (timeList.Count == 0 && typeList.Count == 0) { foreach (Control c in FLP1.Controls) { Label lb = (Label)c; lb.Show(); } } }
private void CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckBoxEx cb = (CheckBoxEx)sender; try { if (cb.Checked == true) { gcv.Show(); } else { gcv.Hide(); } } catch (Exception ex) { gcv = new GroupCountView(login); gcv.Show(); } }
private void gbInformation() { int high = 40; CheckBoxEx cb = new CheckBoxEx(); cb.Location = new Point(10, high); cb.ClientSize = new Size(30, 30); cb.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft JhengHei", 12, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); cb.Name = "cb_gcv"; cb.Text = "Count Viewer"; gb_Information.Controls.Add(cb); cb.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBox2_CheckedChanged); cb = new CheckBoxEx(); cb.Location = new Point(10, high + 31); cb.ClientSize = new Size(30, 30); cb.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft JhengHei", 12, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); cb.Name = "cb_reprint"; cb.Text = "Reprint"; gb_Information.Controls.Add(cb); cb.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(CheckBox3_CheckedChanged); }
private String sqlControl() { String cmdText = "SELECT food.shortname as name, count(*) as count from orders , orderfood , food ,foodtype where orderfood.orderid = orders.orderid and orderfood.orderDate = orders.orderDate and orderfood.foodid = food.foodid and orders.status = 'processing' and orderfood.orderdate = CURDATE() and foodtype.fTypeId=food.fTypeId "; String s = ""; Boolean check = false; for (int i = 0; i < time.Length; i++) { CheckBoxEx cb = time[i]; if (cb.Checked == true && (s.Equals(""))) { s += "'" + cb.Text + "'"; if (check == false) { check = true; } } else if (cb.Checked == true) { s += ",'" + cb.Text + "'"; if (check == false) { check = true; } } } if (check == true) { cmdText += " AND orders.otaketime in (" + s + ")"; } s = ""; check = false; for (int i = 0; i < typelist.Length; i++) { CheckBoxEx cb = typelist[i]; if (cb.Checked == true && (s.Equals(""))) { s += "'" + cb.Text + "'"; if (check == false) { check = true; } } else if (cb.Checked == true) { s += ",'" + cb.Text + "'"; if (check == false) { check = true; } } } if (check == true) { cmdText += " AND in (" + s + ")"; } cmdText += " group by"; return(cmdText); }
private void btn_pgop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Print print = new Print(); List <CheckBoxEx> lcb = new List <CheckBoxEx>(); List <CheckBoxEx> tcb = new List <CheckBoxEx>(); for (int i = 0; i < time.Length; i++) { CheckBoxEx cb = time[i]; if (cb.Checked == true) { lcb.Add(cb); } } for (int i = 0; i < typelist.Length; i++) { CheckBoxEx cb = typelist[i]; if (cb.Checked == true) { tcb.Add(cb); } } if (lcb.Count == 1) { String cmdText = ""; if (lcb.Count > 0) { cmdText = "select f.shortName,o.oTakeTime ,COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM orders O, orderFood OF, food F WHERE O.orderDate=OF.orderDate AND O.orderId=OF.orderId AND OF.foodId=F.foodId and o.status = 'processing'"; cmdText += "AND O.oTakeTime in("; for (int i = 0; i < lcb.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) { cmdText += ","; } cmdText += "'" + lcb[i].Text + ":00'"; } cmdText += ")"; } if (tcb.Count > 0) { cmdText += "AND F.fTypeId IN ("; for (int i = 0; i < tcb.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) { cmdText += ","; } cmdText += "'" + tcb[i].Tag + "'"; } cmdText += ")"; } cmdText += "GROUP BY f.foodId"; DataTable dt = db.printGrp(cmdText); String s = "Asia Pacific"; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++) { s += "\r" + dt.Rows[j]["shortname"] + "-Qty:" + dt.Rows[j]["count"]; } s += "\rTake Time:" + dt.Rows[0]["otaketime"]; String[] context = s.Split('\r'); if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\\My Documents\\" + todayString + "\\")) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\\My Documents\\" + todayString + "\\"); } String path = @"C:\\My Documents\\" + todayString + "\\O99999999_99-99-99_(1@1).txt"; System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(path, context); print.print("O99999999_99-99-99_(1@1).txt"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please choose one time only."); } }
private void PrintMessage_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to print these time group order?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { Print print = new Print(); String nowTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH-mm-ss"); String nowTime2 = nowTime.Substring(0, 2) + ":" + nowTime.Substring(3, 2) + ":" + nowTime.Substring(6, 2); List <CheckBoxEx> lcb = new List <CheckBoxEx>(); List <CheckBoxEx> tcb = new List <CheckBoxEx>(); int printcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < time.Length; i++) { CheckBoxEx cb = time[i]; if (cb.Checked == true) { lcb.Add(cb); } } for (int i = 0; i < typelist.Length; i++) { CheckBoxEx cb = typelist[i]; if (cb.Checked == true) { tcb.Add(cb); } } if (lcb.Count > 0) { String cmdText = ""; if (lcb.Count > 0) { cmdText = "select * FROM orders O, orderFood OF, food F WHERE O.orderDate=OF.orderDate AND O.orderId=OF.orderId AND OF.foodId=F.foodId and o.status = 'processing'"; cmdText += "AND O.oTakeTime in("; for (int i = 0; i < lcb.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) { cmdText += ","; } cmdText += "'" + lcb[i].Text + ":00'"; } cmdText += ")"; } if (tcb.Count > 0) { cmdText += "AND F.fTypeId IN ("; for (int i = 0; i < tcb.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) { cmdText += ","; } cmdText += "'" + tcb[i].Tag + "'"; } cmdText += ")"; } cmdText += "GROUP BY o.orderid"; DataTable dt = db.printGrp(cmdText); for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++) { printcount++; String counter = "(" + printcount + "/" + dt.Rows.Count + ")"; String s = "Asia Pacific"; s += "\r" + dt.Rows[j]["orderid"]; DataTable orderDt = db.getDb2(dt.Rows[j]["orderid"].ToString()); for (int k = 0; k < orderDt.Rows.Count; k++) { s += "\r" + orderDt.Rows[k]["shortname"]; } s += "\rTake Time:" + dt.Rows[j]["otaketime"]; //get order string end s += "\r" + nowTime2; s += "\r" + counter; String[] context = s.Split('\r'); if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\\My Documents\\" + todayString + "\\")) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\\My Documents\\" + todayString + "\\"); } String path = @"C:\\My Documents\\" + todayString + "\\" + context[1] + "_" + nowTime + "_(" + printcount + "@" + dt.Rows.Count + ").txt"; System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(path, context); String filename = (context[1] + "_" + nowTime + "_(" + printcount + "@" + dt.Rows.Count + ").txt"); print.print(filename); db.update(context[1], nowTime2); } } if (lcb.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Plesae choose time first!"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Printing is Canelled"); } }