Esempio n. 1
        public Configuration()
            //20 minutes
            AutomaticUpdateInterval = 20 * 60;

            //5 seconds
            ReconnectDelay = 5 * 1000;

            //Default to SQLite instead of Mono
            DatabaseProvider = "System.Data.SQLite";

            Database = "RiotControl.sqlite";

            Index = "Index.html.template";

            RankedSeason = 2;

            MinimiseToTray = true;

            Web = new WebConfiguration();
            Authentication = new AuthenticationProfile();

            Proxy = new ProxyProfile();

            //Not really necessary
            Privileges = new List<PrivilegeClass>();

            //Not really necessary
            RegionProfiles = new List<EngineRegionProfile>();
Esempio n. 2
 public Configuration()
     Authentication = new AuthenticationProfile();
     Proxy = new ProxyProfile();
     ServerProfiles = new List<ServerProfile>();
     ChampionNames = new SerialisableDictionary<int, string>();
Esempio n. 3
 public Configuration()
     Database = new DatabaseConfiguration();
     Authentication = new AuthenticationProfile();
     Proxy = new ProxyProfile();
     RegionProfiles = new List<EngineRegionProfile>();
Esempio n. 4
 void InitialiseAuthenticationProfile()
     //Create a new authentication profile that uses the client version from the master server instead of the (null) one provided by the configuration file
     AuthenticationProfile = new AuthenticationProfile();
     AuthenticationProfile.ClientVersion = Profile.ClientVersion;
     AuthenticationProfile.Domain = Configuration.Authentication.Domain;
     AuthenticationProfile.IPAddress = Configuration.Authentication.IPAddress;
     AuthenticationProfile.Locale = Configuration.Authentication.Locale;