Esempio n. 1
 void glp_init_smcp(glp_smcp parm)
     parm.msg_lev  = glp_smcp.GLP_MSG_ALL;
     parm.meth     = glp_smcp.GLP_PRIMAL;
     parm.pricing  = glp_smcp.GLP_PT_PSE;
     parm.r_test   = glp_smcp.GLP_RT_HAR;
     parm.tol_bnd  = 1e-7;
     parm.tol_dj   = 1e-7;
     parm.tol_piv  = 1e-10;
     parm.obj_ll   = Double.MinValue;
     parm.obj_ul   = Double.MaxValue;
     parm.it_lim   = Int32.MaxValue;
     parm.tm_lim   = Int32.MaxValue;
     parm.out_frq  = 500;
     parm.out_dly  = 0;
     parm.presolve = glp_smcp.GLP_OFF;
Esempio n. 2
        public bool solveProb()
            int num_int = glp_get_num_int(lp);
            int num_bin = glp_get_num_bin(lp);

            Console.WriteLine("num_int : " + num_int.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("num_bin : " + num_bin.ToString());


             * ae_max | largest absolute error;
             *  ae_ind | number of row (KKT.PE), column (KKT.DE), or variable (KKT.PB, KKT.DB) with
             *  the largest absolute error;
             *  re_max | largest relative error;
             *  re_ind | number of row (KKT.PE), column (KKT.DE), or variable (KKT.PB, KKT.DB) with
             *  the largest relative error

            glp_smcp parm = new glp_smcp();

            parm.meth = glp_smcp.GLP_DUALP;
            //parm.presolve = GLP_ON;
            parm.tm_lim = (int)Program.MAXTIME_SIMPLEX;//time limit of simplex
            parm.it_lim = 300000;

            glp_scale_prob(lp, GLP_SF_AUTO);

            // glp_mem_limit(1);//Program.MAXMEMORY_MB);
            TimeSpan start = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            simplexReturn = glp_simplex(lp, parm);//glp_interior(lp, null);
            TimeSpan SimplexEnd       = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            TimeSpan usingtimeSimplex = SimplexEnd.Subtract(start).Duration();

            SimplextimeUse = (int)usingtimeSimplex.TotalMilliseconds;

            #region comment : simplex return valeur

             * 0 The problem instance has been successfully solved. (This code does not necessarily
             *   mean that the solver has found optimal solution. It only means that the solution process was successful.)
             * GLP_EBOUND Unable to start the search, because some double-bounded variables have incorrect
             *   bounds or some integer variables have non-integer (fractional) bounds.
             * GLP_EROOT Unable to start the search, because optimal basis for initial LP relaxation is not
             *   provided. (This code may appear only if the presolver is disabled.)
             * GLP_ENOPFS Unable to start the search, because LP relaxation of the MIP problem instance has no primal feasible solution.
             *   (This code may appear only if the presolver is enabled.)
             * GLP_ENODFS Unable to start the search, because LP relaxation of the MIP problem instance has
             *   no dual feasible solution. In other word, this code means that if the LP relaxation
             *   has at least one primal feasible solution, its optimal solution is unbounded, so if the MIP problem
             *   has at least one integer feasible solution, its (integer) optimal solution is also unbounded.
             *   (This code may appear only if the presolver is enabled.)
             * GLP_EFAIL The search was prematurely terminated due to the solver failure.
             * GLP_EMIPGAP The search was prematurely terminated, because the relative mip gap tolerance has been reached.
             * GLP_ETMLIM The search was prematurely terminated, because the time limit has been exceeded.
             * GLP_ESTOP The search was prematurely terminated by application. (This code may appear only if the advanced solver interface is used.)
             * */
            /*** statusSimplex :
             * GLP_UNDEF | primal solution is undefined;
             * GLP_FEAS | primal solution is feasible;
             * GLP_INFEAS | primal solution is infeasible;
             * GLP_NOFEAS | no primal feasible solution exists.


            int statusSimplex = glp_get_prim_stat(lp);
            switch (simplexReturn)
            case 0:
                if (statusSimplex == GLP_FEAS)
                    simplexOK = true;
                    //Console.Out.WriteLine("simplex : solution réalisable");
                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("memoire dépassée de MIP");
                    simplexOK = false;
                    //Console.Out.WriteLine("Simplex ne peut pas obtenir une solution réalisable");

            case GLP_ETMLIM:
                this.simplexTimeOverflow = true;
                //Console.Out.WriteLine("simplex : temps limit dépassée");
                if (statusSimplex == GLP_FEAS)
                    simplexOK = true;
                    //Console.Out.WriteLine("simplex : solution réalisable");
                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("bloc CATCH : memoire dépassée de MIP");
                    simplexOK = false;
                    glp_mem_usage(null, null, ref memUse, null);
                    //Console.Out.WriteLine("simplex : pas de solution réalisable");

                simplexOK = false;
                glp_mem_usage(null, null, ref memUse, null);
                //Console.Out.WriteLine("simplex failure");
            TimeSpan end       = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            TimeSpan usingtime = end.Subtract(start).Duration();
            //executeTime = usingtime.ToString();
            this.timeUse = usingtime.TotalMilliseconds;
Esempio n. 3
 static extern int glp_simplex(double *P, glp_smcp parm);