public override CheckResult DoCheck(BaseTestData data, ICollection<FileChange> fileChanges, ICollection<Registryhange> registryChanges)
            if (!VerifyIfCorrectTestData(data))
                return CheckResult.NotCheckDone();

            var startMenuData = data as StartMenuData;
            var path = startMenuData.AllUsers ? GetAllUsersMenuFolder() : Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.StartMenu);

            // To get the program folder
            var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path);
            path = Path.Combine(path, dirInfo.GetDirectories()[0].Name);
            path = Path.Combine(path, startMenuData.Name + ".lnk");

            // Find registry GlobalAssocChangedCounter key that is updated when creating a startmenu
            var globalAssocChangedCounterKey = @"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer";
            if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)
                globalAssocChangedCounterKey = @"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer";
            var registryChange = registryChanges.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Key, globalAssocChangedCounterKey, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                                                   x.ValueName == "GlobalAssocChangedCounter" &&
                                                                   x.Type == RegistryChangeType.SetValue);

            var fileChange = fileChanges.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Path == path);

            return startMenuData.Exist ? CheckDataIfStartMenuIsExpectedToExist(fileChanges, registryChanges, fileChange, startMenuData, registryChange) :
                                         CheckDataIfStartMenuIsExpectedToNotExist(fileChanges, registryChanges, fileChange, startMenuData, registryChange);
        public static void AddTestData(bool expectedToBeInstalled, BaseTestData data, ICollection<BaseTestData> testDataCollection)
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data");

            data.Exist = expectedToBeInstalled && data.Condition;

            // Avoid double copy
            if (testDataCollection.Contains(data))

        public override CheckResult DoCheck(BaseTestData data, ICollection<FileChange> fileChanges, ICollection<Registryhange> registryChanges)
            if (!VerifyIfCorrectTestData(data))
                return CheckResult.NotCheckDone();

            var regData = data as RegistryKeyData;
            var registryChange =
                registryChanges.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == regData.Key &&
                                                   (x.Type == RegistryChangeType.DeleteKey ||
                                                    x.Type == RegistryChangeType.CreateKey));
            if (registryChange == null)
                if (regData.Exist && !RegistryTool.RegistryKeyExist(regData.Key))
                    return CheckResult.Failure("Registry key:'" + regData.Key + "' is supose to exist");

                if (!regData.Exist && RegistryTool.RegistryKeyExist(regData.Key))
                    return CheckResult.Failure("Registry key:'" + regData.Key + "' is not supose to exist");

                return CheckResult.Succeeded(data);

            if (registryChange.Type == RegistryChangeType.DeleteKey && regData.Exist)
                return CheckResult.Failure("Registry key:'" + regData.Key + "' is supose to exist");

            if (registryChange.Type == RegistryChangeType.CreateKey && !regData.Exist)
                return CheckResult.Failure("Registry key:'" + regData.Key + "' is NOT supose to exist");

            return CheckResult.Succeeded(data);
        public CheckResult Check(BaseTestData data, ICollection<FileChange> fileChanges, ICollection<Registryhange> registryChanges)
            if (!VerifyIfCorrectTestData(data))
                return CheckResult.NotCheckDone();

            var result = DoCheck(data, fileChanges, registryChanges);

            if (!result.Success)
                Log.WriteCheckError(result.ErrorMessage, Name, data.ComponentID);
                Log.WriteCheckInfo(result.InfomrationMessage, Name, data.ComponentID);

            return result;
        public override CheckResult DoCheck(BaseTestData data, ICollection<FileChange> fileChanges, ICollection<Registryhange> registryChanges)
            if (!VerifyIfCorrectTestData(data))
                return CheckResult.NotCheckDone();

            var dirData = data as DirectoryData;
            var fileChange = fileChanges.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Path == dirData.Path && x.IsDirectory);

            if (fileChange == null)
                //If directory allready exist it may not be created
                if (dirData.Exist && !Directory.Exists(dirData.Path))
                    return CheckResult.Failure("Directory=" + dirData.Path + " is supose to exist");

                if (!dirData.Exist && Directory.Exists(dirData.Path))
                    return CheckResult.Failure("Directory=" + dirData.Path + " is not supose to exist");

                return CheckResult.Succeeded(data);

            if (fileChange.Type == FileChangeType.Delete && dirData.Exist)
                return CheckResult.Failure("Directory=" + dirData.Path + " is supose to exist");

            if (fileChange.Type != FileChangeType.Delete && !dirData.Exist)
                return CheckResult.Failure("Directory=" + dirData.Path + " is not supose to exist");

            return CheckResult.Succeeded(data);
 public static CheckResult Succeeded(BaseTestData data)
     return new CheckResult { Success = true, InfomrationMessage = data.ToString()};
 protected bool VerifyIfCorrectTestData(BaseTestData data)
     return string.Compare(CheckerDataTypeLoader.FindDataType(data.GetType()), Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0;
 public abstract CheckResult DoCheck(BaseTestData data, ICollection<FileChange> fileChanges, ICollection<Registryhange> registryChanges);
        protected static void AddCommonData(XElement node, BaseTestData data, ICollection<DataProperty> properties)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("node");

            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("data");

            if (properties == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("properties");

            var neverUninstall = XmlTools.GetNamedAttributeValue(node, "neverUnInstall", string.Empty);
            data.NeverUninstall = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(neverUninstall) && bool.Parse(neverUninstall);

            var condition = XmlTools.GetNamedAttributeValue(node, "condition", string.Empty);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition))
                //// Example condition ([VersionNT] &gt; 600) OR ([VersionNT64] &gt; 600)
                var conditionBakup = condition;
                condition = DataPropertyTool.ResolvePropertiesInString(properties, condition);
                condition = condition.Replace("&gt;", ">");
                condition = condition.Replace("&lt;", "<");
                condition = condition.Replace(" OR ", " || ");
                condition = condition.Replace(" AND ", " && ");

                var evalType = evaluatorAssembly.GetType("Evaluator.Evaluator");
                var evaluator = Activator.CreateInstance(evalType);

                string result;
                    result =
                        evalType.InvokeMember("Eval", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, evaluator, new object[] {condition},
                catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                    Log.WriteError(conditionBakup + " resolved to " + condition, "AddCommonData");
                    Log.WriteError(e, "AddCommonData");
                    throw new InstallerVerificationLibraryException(
                        "Evaluating condition '" + conditionBakup + "' resolved to '" + condition + "' failed", e);

                bool res;
                if (!bool.TryParse(result, out res))
                    throw new InstallerVerificationLibraryException("Could not evaluate condition '" + condition + "' in node '" + node + "'");

                data.Condition = res;
                data.Condition = true;
        public override CheckResult DoCheck(BaseTestData data, ICollection<FileChange> fileChanges, ICollection<Registryhange> registryChanges)
            if (!VerifyIfCorrectTestData(data))
                return CheckResult.NotCheckDone();

            var regData = data as RegistryValueData;

            var registryChange =
                registryChanges.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == regData.Key &&
                                                   x.ValueName == regData.Name &&
                                                   (x.Type == RegistryChangeType.SetValue || x.Type == RegistryChangeType.DeleteValue));
            if (registryChange == null)
                // In repair scenario MSI will not do any registry change if the correct value is allready there
                // ValueName = (Default) is the root key and doesn't have any name
                var value = RegistryTool.RegistryValue(regData.Key, regData.Name == "(Default)" ? "" : regData.Name, null);
                if (regData.Exist && (value == null || value.ToString() != regData.Data))
                    return CheckResult.Failure("Registry key:'" + regData.Key + "' valueName: " + regData.Name + " is supose to exist");

                if (!regData.Exist && value != null)
                    return CheckResult.Failure("Registry key:'" + regData.Key + "' valueName: " + regData.Name + " is not supose to exist");

                return CheckResult.Succeeded(data);

            if (registryChange.Type == RegistryChangeType.DeleteValue && regData.Exist)
                return CheckResult.Failure("Registry key:'" + regData.Key + "' valueName: " + regData.Name + " is supose to exist");

            if (registryChange.Type == RegistryChangeType.SetValue && !regData.Exist)
                return CheckResult.Failure("Registry key:'" + regData.Key + "' valueName: " + regData.Name + "' is NOT supose to exist");

            if (registryChange.Type == RegistryChangeType.SetValue)
                switch (regData.DataCmpMethod)
                    case RegistryValueData.DataComparisonMethod.Equal:
                        if (string.Compare(registryChange.Value, regData.Data, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            return CheckResult.Succeeded(data);
                    case RegistryValueData.DataComparisonMethod.Contains:
                        if (registryChange.Value.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(regData.Data.ToLowerInvariant()))
                            return CheckResult.Succeeded(data);
                return CheckResult.Succeeded(data);

            return CheckResult.Failure("Registry Key:'" + regData.Key + "' with valueName='" + regData.Name + "' should be '" + regData.Data + "' but it is '" + registryChange.Value + "'");