public override void Destroy()
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Update(ulong updateTick, float deltaTime)
            IntPtr data;
            var    size = Native.GetDeviceEvents(out data);

            if (size > 0)
                Utility.ArrayExpand(ref deviceEvents, size);
                MarshalUtility.Copy(data, deviceEvents, size);

                var index = 0;
                var attachedEventCount = deviceEvents[index++];
                for (var i = 0; i < attachedEventCount; i++)
                    var deviceHandle  = deviceEvents[index++];
                    var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(256);
                    stringBuilder.Append("Attached native device with handle " + deviceHandle + ":\n");

                    NativeDeviceInfo deviceInfo;
                    if (Native.GetDeviceInfo(deviceHandle, out deviceInfo))
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("Name: {0}\n",;
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("Driver Type: {0}\n", deviceInfo.driverType);
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("Location ID: {0}\n", deviceInfo.location);
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("Serial Number: {0}\n", deviceInfo.serialNumber);
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("Vendor ID: 0x{0:x}\n", deviceInfo.vendorID);
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("Product ID: 0x{0:x}\n", deviceInfo.productID);
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("Version Number: 0x{0:x}\n", deviceInfo.versionNumber);
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("Buttons: {0}\n", deviceInfo.numButtons);
                        stringBuilder.AppendFormat("Analogs: {0}\n", deviceInfo.numAnalogs);

                        DetectDevice(deviceHandle, deviceInfo);


                var detachedEventCount = deviceEvents[index++];
                for (var i = 0; i < detachedEventCount; i++)
                    var deviceHandle = deviceEvents[index++];
                    Logger.LogInfo("Detached native device with handle " + deviceHandle + ":");

                    var device = FindAttachedDevice(deviceHandle);
                    if (device != null)
                        Logger.LogWarning("Couldn't find device to detach with handle: " + deviceHandle);

             * while (Native.AttachedDeviceQueue.Dequeue( out deviceHandle ))
             * {
             *      var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder( 256 );
             *      stringBuilder.Append( "Attached native device with handle " + deviceHandle + ":\n" );
             *      NativeDeviceInfo deviceInfo;
             *      if (Native.GetDeviceInfo( deviceHandle, out deviceInfo ))
             *      {
             *              stringBuilder.AppendFormat( "Name: {0}\n", );
             *              stringBuilder.AppendFormat( "Driver Type: {0}\n", deviceInfo.driverType );
             *              stringBuilder.AppendFormat( "Location ID: {0}\n", deviceInfo.location );
             *              stringBuilder.AppendFormat( "Serial Number: {0}\n", deviceInfo.serialNumber );
             *              stringBuilder.AppendFormat( "Vendor ID: 0x{0:x}\n", deviceInfo.vendorID );
             *              stringBuilder.AppendFormat( "Product ID: 0x{0:x}\n", deviceInfo.productID );
             *              stringBuilder.AppendFormat( "Version Number: 0x{0:x}\n", deviceInfo.versionNumber );
             *              stringBuilder.AppendFormat( "Buttons: {0}\n", deviceInfo.numButtons );
             *              stringBuilder.AppendFormat( "Analogs: {0}\n", deviceInfo.numAnalogs );
             *              DetectDevice( deviceHandle, deviceInfo );
             *      }
             *      Logger.LogInfo( stringBuilder.ToString() );
             * }
             * while (Native.DetachedDeviceQueue.Dequeue( out deviceHandle ))
             * {
             *      Logger.LogInfo( "Detached native device with handle " + deviceHandle + ":" );
             *      var device = FindAttachedDevice( deviceHandle );
             *      if (device != null)
             *      {
             *              DetachDevice( device );
             *      }
             *      else
             *      {
             *              Logger.LogWarning( "Couldn't find device to detach with handle: " + deviceHandle );
             *      }
             * }