Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var versionNumber = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine("Intelligent Assembly Tool " + versionNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Created by Thomas Linder / [email protected] /");

            // Create dummy
            File.Copy("IatRunConfiguration.iat", @"..\..\IatRunConfiguration.iat", true);
            Logger.Info("Dummy file IatRunConfiguration.iat created");

            string configFile = "";

            if (args.Length == 0)
                if (File.Exists("IatRunConfiguration.iat"))
                    configFile = "IatRunConfiguration.iat";
            else if (args.Length == 1)
                if (args[0] == "/c")
                    // Create dummy
                    Logger.Info("Dummy configuration file IatRunConfiguration.iat created");
                    configFile = args[0];
                Logger.Error("Cannot find configuration file; please specify a configuration filename or create a dummy configuration using the /c switch");

            if (!File.Exists(configFile))
                Logger.Error("Cannot find configuration file; file does not exist");

            IatRunConfiguration rc;
                rc = IatRunConfiguration.Load(configFile);

                Logger.Info("Configuration loaded successfully");
            catch (Exception ex)

            Assembly.Assembly assembly = new Assembly.Assembly();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rc.PcbDataSettings.GerberDataSettings.GerberMechanicalOutlineFile))
                    assembly.MechanicalOutlineLayer = new GerberLayer();
                    Logger.Info("Mechanical outline layer loaded successfully");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error(ex, "Couldn't load mechanical outline layer although it was specified");

            bool containsAtLeasteOneLayer = false;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rc.PcbDataSettings.GerberDataSettings.GerberTopOverlayFile))
                    containsAtLeasteOneLayer = true;
                    assembly.TopOverlayLayer = new GerberLayer();
                    Logger.Info("Top overlay layer loaded successfully");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error(ex, "Couldn't load top overlay layer although it was specified");

                    assembly.TopPasteLayer = new GerberLayer();
                    Logger.Info("Top paste layer loaded successfully");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error(ex, "Couldn't load top paste layer although it was specified");
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rc.PcbDataSettings.GerberDataSettings.GerberBottomOverlayFile))
                    containsAtLeasteOneLayer    = true;
                    assembly.BottomOverlayLayer = new GerberLayer();
                    Logger.Info("Bottom overlay layer loaded successfully");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error(ex, "Couldn't load bottom overlay layer although it was specified");

                    assembly.BottomPasteLayer = new GerberLayer();
                    Logger.Info("Bottom paste layer loaded successfully");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error(ex, "Couldn't load bottom paste layer although it was specified");

            if (!containsAtLeasteOneLayer)
                Logger.Error("Neither top nor bottom layer was specified");

            // Load component data, currently only PickNPlace+Bom method is available
            var ppai = new PickPlaceBomComponentImporter();
            ppai.LoadAssemblyData(assembly, rc);

            //return ad;
            string filename = rc.OutputSettings.OutputFilename;
            PdfCreator.CreateAssemblyDocument(assembly, rc, filename);

            // Save the s_document...
            // ...and start a viewer
Esempio n. 2
        public static void CreateAssemblyDocument(Assembly.Assembly assembly, IatRunConfiguration config, string filename)
            // Create the bounding rectangles for each layer
            // add them up to a single rectangle (bounding rectangle for all layers)
            // to find out how much we have to move each component/gerber shape so it is aligned with 0/0
            var boundingRects = assembly.AllLayers.Select(d => d.FindExtents()).ToList();

            float moveLeft = boundingRects.Min(d => d.Left);
            float moveTop  = boundingRects.Min(d => d.Top);

            // For each shape, move it to the according positions
            // Calculate the extents again (the result must be no item to the left/top of 0/0)
            var finalRects = new List <RectangleF>();

            foreach (var lgs in assembly.AllLayers)
                lgs.PerformRelocation(moveLeft, moveTop);

            float rFinalMinX = finalRects.Min(d => d.Left);
            float rFinalMinY = finalRects.Min(d => d.Top);

            Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(rFinalMinX) < 0.1);
            Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(rFinalMinY) < 0.1);

            // Since the minimum values are both 0.0 now, calculate the max values
            float maxExtensionX = finalRects.Max(d => d.Left + d.Width);
            float maxExtensionY = finalRects.Max(d => d.Top + d.Height);

            // We also need to move the components with the same factor
            foreach (Component c in assembly.ComponentsTop.Values.SelectMany(d => d))
                c.PositionX -= (decimal)moveLeft;
                c.PositionY -= (decimal)moveTop;
            foreach (Component c in assembly.ComponentsBottom.Values.SelectMany(d => d))
                c.PositionX -= (decimal)moveLeft;
                c.PositionY -= (decimal)moveTop;
            // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
            foreach (PointF pf in assembly.DnpPositions)
                // TODO
                //pf.X -= (decimal) moveLeft;

            // Setup the required variables
            // Get the amount of lines and colors (currently tested for 5 only)
            int nrLines = config.OutputSettings.ComponentColors.Count;

            List <XColor> colorsFromConfiguration = new List <XColor>();

            for (int i = 0; i < nrLines; i++)

            // Create a temporary PDF file

            PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument();

            pdfDocument.Info.Title    = "Intelligent Assembly Tool";
            pdfDocument.Info.Author   = "";
            pdfDocument.Info.Subject  = "Intelligent Assembly Tool";
            pdfDocument.Info.Keywords = "IAT";

            List <Dictionary <string, List <Component> > > componentsGroupTop    = SplitAssembly(assembly.ComponentsTop, config);
            List <Dictionary <string, List <Component> > > componentsGroupBottom = SplitAssembly(assembly.ComponentsBottom, config);

            Dictionary <ComponentLayer, List <Dictionary <string, List <Component> > > > allLayerData =
                new Dictionary <ComponentLayer, List <Dictionary <string, List <Component> > > >
                { ComponentLayer.Top, componentsGroupTop },
                { ComponentLayer.Bottom, componentsGroupBottom }

            foreach (var componentGroups in allLayerData)
                foreach (var componentGroup in componentGroups.Value)
                    PdfPage page = pdfDocument.AddPage();

                    page.Size = PageSize.A4;
                    XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

                    // Draw the text string at the very bottom
                    XFont          infoFont          = new XFont("Consolas", 6, XFontStyle.Regular);
                    XTextFormatter infoTextFormatter = new XTextFormatter(gfx)
                        Alignment = XParagraphAlignment.Center
                    XRect infoRect = new XRect(0, page.Height - 20, page.Width, 20);

                    var versionNumber = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
                    infoTextFormatter.DrawString("Intelligent Assembly Tool " + versionNumber + Environment.NewLine + "Created by Thomas Linder / [email protected] /", infoFont, XBrushes.Black, infoRect);

                    // Draw the component box at the bottom
                    XPen tableDrawPen = new XPen(XColors.Black)
                        Width    = 0.01,
                        LineCap  = XLineCap.Round,
                        LineJoin = XLineJoin.Round

                    XFont          tableFont          = new XFont("Consolas", 8, XFontStyle.Regular);
                    XTextFormatter tableTextFormatter = new XTextFormatter(gfx);

                    // General page/table layout
                    double lineHeight         = 12.0;
                    double topOffsetTotal     = page.Height * 0.95 - nrLines * lineHeight;
                    double lineStartX         = page.Width * 0.05;
                    double lineEndX           = page.Width * 0.95;
                    double rectangleExtension = lineHeight - 4;

                    // Calculate column length for amount, article number & description
                    double remainingLineLength           = lineEndX - lineStartX - lineHeight;
                    double lengthAmountField             = remainingLineLength * 0.05;
                    double lengthArticleNumberField      = remainingLineLength * 0.25;
                    double lengthArticleDescriptionField = remainingLineLength * 0.7;

                    double bottomOffsetTotal = topOffsetTotal + nrLines * lineHeight;

                    // Top Line
                    gfx.DrawLine(tableDrawPen, lineStartX, topOffsetTotal, lineEndX, topOffsetTotal);
                    // Bottom Line
                    gfx.DrawLine(tableDrawPen, lineStartX, topOffsetTotal + (nrLines) * lineHeight, lineEndX, topOffsetTotal + (nrLines) * lineHeight);
                    // Left Vertical
                    gfx.DrawLine(tableDrawPen, lineStartX, topOffsetTotal, lineStartX, bottomOffsetTotal);
                    // Right Vertical
                    gfx.DrawLine(tableDrawPen, lineEndX, topOffsetTotal, lineEndX, bottomOffsetTotal);
                    // First column (color rectangle)
                    gfx.DrawLine(tableDrawPen, lineStartX + lineHeight, topOffsetTotal, lineStartX + lineHeight, bottomOffsetTotal);
                    // Second column (amount)
                    double amountEndX = lineStartX + lineHeight + lengthAmountField;
                    gfx.DrawLine(tableDrawPen, amountEndX, topOffsetTotal, amountEndX, bottomOffsetTotal);
                    // Third column (article number)
                    double articleNumberEndX = lineStartX + lineHeight + lengthAmountField + lengthArticleNumberField;
                    gfx.DrawLine(tableDrawPen, articleNumberEndX, topOffsetTotal, articleNumberEndX, bottomOffsetTotal);

                    for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < Math.Min(nrLines, componentGroup.Count); lineIndex++)
                        gfx.DrawRectangle(new XSolidBrush(colorsFromConfiguration[lineIndex]), lineStartX + 2, topOffsetTotal + lineIndex * lineHeight + 2, rectangleExtension, rectangleExtension);
                        XRect amountRect = new XRect(lineStartX + lineHeight, topOffsetTotal + lineIndex * lineHeight, lengthAmountField, lineHeight);
                        tableTextFormatter.DrawString(componentGroup.ElementAt(lineIndex).Value.Count.ToString(), tableFont, XBrushes.Black, amountRect, XStringFormats.TopLeft);
                        XRect articleNumberRect = new XRect(lineStartX + lineHeight + lengthAmountField, topOffsetTotal + lineIndex * lineHeight, lengthArticleNumberField, lineHeight);
                        tableTextFormatter.DrawString(componentGroup.ElementAt(lineIndex).Value[0].LibRef, tableFont, XBrushes.Black, articleNumberRect, XStringFormats.TopLeft);
                        XRect articleDescriptionRect = new XRect(lineStartX + lineHeight + lengthAmountField + lengthArticleNumberField, topOffsetTotal + lineIndex * lineHeight, lengthArticleDescriptionField, lineHeight);
                        tableTextFormatter.DrawString(componentGroup.ElementAt(lineIndex).Value[0].Description, tableFont, XBrushes.Black, articleDescriptionRect, XStringFormats.TopLeft);

                        gfx.DrawLine(tableDrawPen, lineStartX, topOffsetTotal + (lineIndex + 1) * lineHeight, lineEndX, topOffsetTotal + (lineIndex + 1) * lineHeight);

                    // Get the page size to calculate the available space
                    double availableSizeX = page.Width * 0.9;                                          // 90 % of the page width
                    double availableSizeY = page.Height * 0.85 - (bottomOffsetTotal - topOffsetTotal); // Leave 5% of space on top and bottom and between the table and the drawing

                    double scaleFactorX = availableSizeX / maxExtensionX;
                    double scaleFactorY = availableSizeY / maxExtensionY;

                    double scaleFactor = Math.Min(scaleFactorX, scaleFactorY);

                    if (componentGroups.Key == ComponentLayer.Top)
                        DrawLayers(gfx, config, ComponentLayer.Top, scaleFactor, assembly.TopOverlayLayer, assembly.TopPasteLayer, assembly.MechanicalOutlineLayer, maxExtensionX, maxExtensionY, componentGroup, colorsFromConfiguration);
                        DrawLayers(gfx, config, ComponentLayer.Bottom, scaleFactor, assembly.BottomOverlayLayer, assembly.BottomPasteLayer, assembly.MechanicalOutlineLayer, maxExtensionX, maxExtensionY, componentGroup, colorsFromConfiguration);

            if (File.Exists(filename))
