Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a spherical cubic interpolation between quaternions <paramref name="preA"/>, this quaternion,
        /// <paramref name="b"/>, and <paramref name="postB"/>, by the given amount <paramref name="weight"/>.
        /// It can perform smoother interpolation than <see cref="SphericalCubicInterpolate"/>
        /// by the time values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">The destination quaternion.</param>
        /// <param name="preA">A quaternion before this quaternion.</param>
        /// <param name="postB">A quaternion after <paramref name="b"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="weight">A value on the range of 0.0 to 1.0, representing the amount of interpolation.</param>
        /// <param name="bT"></param>
        /// <param name="preAT"></param>
        /// <param name="postBT"></param>
        /// <returns>The interpolated quaternion.</returns>
        public Quaternion SphericalCubicInterpolateInTime(Quaternion b, Quaternion preA, Quaternion postB, real_t weight, real_t bT, real_t preAT, real_t postBT)
            if (!IsNormalized())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Quaternion is not normalized");
            if (!b.IsNormalized())
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument is not normalized", nameof(b));

            // Align flip phases.
            Quaternion fromQ = new Basis(this).GetRotationQuaternion();
            Quaternion preQ  = new Basis(preA).GetRotationQuaternion();
            Quaternion toQ   = new Basis(b).GetRotationQuaternion();
            Quaternion postQ = new Basis(postB).GetRotationQuaternion();

            // Flip quaternions to shortest path if necessary.
            bool flip1 = Math.Sign(fromQ.Dot(preQ)) < 0;
            preQ = flip1 ? -preQ : preQ;
            bool flip2 = Math.Sign(fromQ.Dot(toQ)) < 0;
            toQ = flip2 ? -toQ : toQ;
            bool flip3 = flip2 ? toQ.Dot(postQ) <= 0 : Math.Sign(toQ.Dot(postQ)) < 0;
            postQ = flip3 ? -postQ : postQ;

            // Calc by Expmap in fromQ space.
            Quaternion lnFrom = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
            Quaternion lnTo   = (fromQ.Inverse() * toQ).Log();
            Quaternion lnPre  = (fromQ.Inverse() * preQ).Log();
            Quaternion lnPost = (fromQ.Inverse() * postQ).Log();
            Quaternion ln     = new Quaternion(
                Mathf.CubicInterpolateInTime(lnFrom.x, lnTo.x, lnPre.x, lnPost.x, weight, bT, preAT, postBT),
                Mathf.CubicInterpolateInTime(lnFrom.y, lnTo.y, lnPre.y, lnPost.y, weight, bT, preAT, postBT),
                Mathf.CubicInterpolateInTime(lnFrom.z, lnTo.z, lnPre.z, lnPost.z, weight, bT, preAT, postBT),
            Quaternion q1 = fromQ * ln.Exp();

            // Calc by Expmap in toQ space.
            lnFrom = (toQ.Inverse() * fromQ).Log();
            lnTo   = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
            lnPre  = (toQ.Inverse() * preQ).Log();
            lnPost = (toQ.Inverse() * postQ).Log();
            ln     = new Quaternion(
                Mathf.CubicInterpolateInTime(lnFrom.x, lnTo.x, lnPre.x, lnPost.x, weight, bT, preAT, postBT),
                Mathf.CubicInterpolateInTime(lnFrom.y, lnTo.y, lnPre.y, lnPost.y, weight, bT, preAT, postBT),
                Mathf.CubicInterpolateInTime(lnFrom.z, lnTo.z, lnPre.z, lnPost.z, weight, bT, preAT, postBT),
            Quaternion q2 = toQ * ln.Exp();

            // To cancel error made by Expmap ambiguity, do blends.
            return(q1.Slerp(q2, weight));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the inverse of the transform, under the assumption that
        /// the transformation is composed of rotation, scaling, and translation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="Inverse"/>
        /// <returns>The inverse transformation matrix.</returns>
        public Transform3D AffineInverse()
            Basis basisInv = basis.Inverse();

            return(new Transform3D(basisInv, basisInv.Xform(-origin)));