/// <summary>
		/// Write the property value to the output
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="writer"><see cref="TextWriter" /> that will receive the formatted result.</param>
		/// <param name="loggingEvent">the event being logged</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Writes out the value of a named property. The property name
		/// should be set in the <see cref="GodLesZ.Library.Logging.Util.PatternConverter.Option"/>
		/// property.
		/// </para>
		/// <para>
		/// If the <see cref="GodLesZ.Library.Logging.Util.PatternConverter.Option"/> is set to <c>null</c>
		/// then all the properties are written as key value pairs.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		override protected void Convert(TextWriter writer, LoggingEvent loggingEvent) {
			if (Option != null) {
				// Write the value for the specified key
				WriteObject(writer, loggingEvent.Repository, loggingEvent.LookupProperty(Option));
			} else {
				// Write all the key value pairs
				WriteDictionary(writer, loggingEvent.Repository, loggingEvent.GetProperties());
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		/// This method is called by the <see cref="AppenderSkeleton.DoAppend(LoggingEvent)"/>
		/// method. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="loggingEvent">the event to log</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>Writes the event to the system event log using the 
		/// <see cref="ApplicationName"/>.</para>
		/// <para>If the event has an <c>EventID</c> property (see <see cref="LoggingEvent.Properties"/>)
		/// set then this integer will be used as the event log event id.</para>
		/// <para>
		/// There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		override protected void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent) {
			// Write the resulting string to the event log system
			int eventID = m_eventId;

			// Look for the EventID property
			object eventIDPropertyObj = loggingEvent.LookupProperty("EventID");
			if (eventIDPropertyObj != null) {
				if (eventIDPropertyObj is int) {
					eventID = (int)eventIDPropertyObj;
				} else {
					string eventIDPropertyString = eventIDPropertyObj as string;
					if (eventIDPropertyString == null) {
						eventIDPropertyString = eventIDPropertyObj.ToString();
					if (eventIDPropertyString != null && eventIDPropertyString.Length > 0) {
						// Read the string property into a number
						int intVal;
						if (SystemInfo.TryParse(eventIDPropertyString, out intVal)) {
							eventID = intVal;
						} else {
							ErrorHandler.Error("Unable to parse event ID property [" + eventIDPropertyString + "].");

			short category = m_category;
			// Look for the Category property
			object categoryPropertyObj = loggingEvent.LookupProperty("Category");
			if (categoryPropertyObj != null) {
				if (categoryPropertyObj is short) {
					category = (short)categoryPropertyObj;
				} else {
					string categoryPropertyString = categoryPropertyObj as string;
					if (categoryPropertyString == null) {
						categoryPropertyString = categoryPropertyObj.ToString();
					if (categoryPropertyString != null && categoryPropertyString.Length > 0) {
						// Read the string property into a number
						short shortVal;
						if (SystemInfo.TryParse(categoryPropertyString, out shortVal)) {
							category = shortVal;
						} else {
							ErrorHandler.Error("Unable to parse event category property [" + categoryPropertyString + "].");

			// Write to the event log
			try {
				string eventTxt = RenderLoggingEvent(loggingEvent);

				// There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message
				if (eventTxt.Length > 32000) {
					eventTxt = eventTxt.Substring(0, 32000);

				EventLogEntryType entryType = GetEntryType(loggingEvent.Level);

				using (SecurityContext.Impersonate(this)) {
					EventLog.WriteEntry(m_applicationName, eventTxt, entryType, eventID, category);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				ErrorHandler.Error("Unable to write to event log [" + m_logName + "] using source [" + m_applicationName + "]", ex);
Esempio n. 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Write the event NDC to the output
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="writer"><see cref="TextWriter" /> that will receive the formatted result.</param>
		/// <param name="loggingEvent">the event being logged</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// As the thread context stacks are now stored in named event properties
		/// this converter simply looks up the value of the <c>NDC</c> property.
		/// </para>
		/// <para>
		/// The <see cref="PropertyPatternConverter"/> should be used instead.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		override protected void Convert(TextWriter writer, LoggingEvent loggingEvent) {
			// Write the value for the specified key
			WriteObject(writer, loggingEvent.Repository, loggingEvent.LookupProperty("NDC"));
Esempio n. 4
		/* Example log4j schema event

<log4j:event logger="first logger" level="ERROR" thread="Thread-3" timestamp="1051494121460">
  <log4j:message><![CDATA[errormsg 3]]></log4j:message>
	<log4j:data name="some string" value="some valuethird"/>
  <log4j:throwable><![CDATA[java.lang.Exception: someexception-third
	at org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.Generator.run(Generator.java:94)
  <log4j:locationInfo class="org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.Generator"
method="run" file="Generator.java" line="94"/>
	<log4j:data name="log4jmachinename" value="windows"/>
	<log4j:data name="log4japp" value="udp-generator"/>


		/* Since log4j 1.3 the log4j:MDC has been combined into the log4j:properties element */

		/// <summary>
		/// Actually do the writing of the xml
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="writer">the writer to use</param>
		/// <param name="loggingEvent">the event to write</param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Generate XML that is compatible with the log4j schema.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		override protected void FormatXml(XmlWriter writer, LoggingEvent loggingEvent) {
			// Translate logging events for log4j

			// Translate hostname property
			if (loggingEvent.LookupProperty(LoggingEvent.HostNameProperty) != null &&
				loggingEvent.LookupProperty("log4jmachinename") == null) {
				loggingEvent.GetProperties()["log4jmachinename"] = loggingEvent.LookupProperty(LoggingEvent.HostNameProperty);

			// translate appdomain name
			if (loggingEvent.LookupProperty("log4japp") == null &&
				loggingEvent.Domain != null &&
				loggingEvent.Domain.Length > 0) {
				loggingEvent.GetProperties()["log4japp"] = loggingEvent.Domain;

			// translate identity name
			if (loggingEvent.Identity != null &&
				loggingEvent.Identity.Length > 0 &&
				loggingEvent.LookupProperty(LoggingEvent.IdentityProperty) == null) {
				loggingEvent.GetProperties()[LoggingEvent.IdentityProperty] = loggingEvent.Identity;

			// translate user name
			if (loggingEvent.UserName != null &&
				loggingEvent.UserName.Length > 0 &&
				loggingEvent.LookupProperty(LoggingEvent.UserNameProperty) == null) {
				loggingEvent.GetProperties()[LoggingEvent.UserNameProperty] = loggingEvent.UserName;

			// Write the start element
			writer.WriteAttributeString("logger", loggingEvent.LoggerName);

			// Calculate the timestamp as the number of milliseconds since january 1970
			// We must convert the TimeStamp to UTC before performing any mathematical
			// operations. This allows use to take into account discontinuities
			// caused by daylight savings time transitions.
			TimeSpan timeSince1970 = loggingEvent.TimeStamp.ToUniversalTime() - s_date1970;

			writer.WriteAttributeString("timestamp", XmlConvert.ToString((long)timeSince1970.TotalMilliseconds));
			writer.WriteAttributeString("level", loggingEvent.Level.DisplayName);
			writer.WriteAttributeString("thread", loggingEvent.ThreadName);

			// Append the message text
			Transform.WriteEscapedXmlString(writer, loggingEvent.RenderedMessage, this.InvalidCharReplacement);

			object ndcObj = loggingEvent.LookupProperty("NDC");
			if (ndcObj != null) {
				string valueStr = loggingEvent.Repository.RendererMap.FindAndRender(ndcObj);

				if (valueStr != null && valueStr.Length > 0) {
					// Append the NDC text
					Transform.WriteEscapedXmlString(writer, valueStr, this.InvalidCharReplacement);

			// Append the properties text
			PropertiesDictionary properties = loggingEvent.GetProperties();
			if (properties.Count > 0) {
				foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry entry in properties) {
					writer.WriteAttributeString("name", (string)entry.Key);

					// Use an ObjectRenderer to convert the object to a string
					string valueStr = loggingEvent.Repository.RendererMap.FindAndRender(entry.Value);
					writer.WriteAttributeString("value", valueStr);


			string exceptionStr = loggingEvent.GetExceptionString();
			if (exceptionStr != null && exceptionStr.Length > 0) {
				// Append the stack trace line
				Transform.WriteEscapedXmlString(writer, exceptionStr, this.InvalidCharReplacement);

			if (LocationInfo) {
				LocationInfo locationInfo = loggingEvent.LocationInformation;

				writer.WriteAttributeString("class", locationInfo.ClassName);
				writer.WriteAttributeString("method", locationInfo.MethodName);
				writer.WriteAttributeString("file", locationInfo.FileName);
				writer.WriteAttributeString("line", locationInfo.LineNumber);

Esempio n. 5
		/// <summary>
		/// Lookup the property for <see cref="Key"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="loggingEvent">The event to format</param>
		/// <returns>returns property value</returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// Looks up and returns the object value of the property
		/// named <see cref="Key"/>. If there is no property defined
		/// with than name then <c>null</c> will be returned.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public virtual object Format(LoggingEvent loggingEvent) {
			return loggingEvent.LookupProperty(m_key);