Esempio n. 1
 public Booster(Vector2 position, float angle, float power)
     texture = Game1.boosterTex;
     HitBox = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, 32, 32);
     this.angle = angle;
     accel = new Vector2((float)(power * Math.Cos(angle)), (float)(power * Math.Sin(angle)));
Esempio n. 2
        private ZipLine zippingLine; // Current zipline being used

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Runner(Vector2 position, bool freeroam)
            // Set up animations, like a baller
            normal = Game1.guyNormal;
            running = Game1.guyRunning;
            midair = Game1.guyMidair;
            sliding = Game1.guySliding;
            ziplining = Game1.guyZiplining;
            deadGround = Game1.guyDeadGround;
            deadMidair = Game1.guyDeadMidair;
            movedLeft = true;
            imageAngle = 0.0f;
            current = normal;

            // Set up character physics
            this.position = position;
            velocity = new Vector2();
            isTouchingGround = false;
            isSliding = false;
            isZipping = false;
            staySliding = false;
            controllable = !freeroam;
            jumppresscheck = false;
            wallpresscheck = false;
            prevPlatSpeed = 0;

            // Set up hit boxes
            this.hitBox = new Rectangle((int)position.X + 16, (int)position.Y, 32, 64);
            this.groundHitBox = new Rectangle((int)position.X + 18, (int)position.Y + 64, 28, 2);
            this.leftWallBox = new Rectangle((int)position.X + 14, (int)position.Y + 2, 2, 60);
            this.rightWallBox = new Rectangle((int)position.X + 48, (int)position.Y + 2, 2, 60);
            this.ziplineBox = new Rectangle((int)position.X + 24, (int)position.Y - 16, 8, 32);

            // Set up other variables
            health = 10;
            healthTracker = 0;
Esempio n. 3
        public void Update()
            // Update animation

            // Update health regen
            if (health < 10 && health > 0)
                if (healthTracker >= HEALTHINTERVAL)
                    healthTracker = 0;
                healthTracker = 0;
            if (health > 10)
                health = 10;

            // If something is slowing you down, stop it from speeding you up in the opposite direction
            if (Math.Sign(velocity.X + acceleration.X) != Math.Sign(velocity.X) && velocity.X != 0)
                acceleration.X = 0;
                velocity.X = 0;
                // Cap speed
                if (Math.Abs(velocity.X + acceleration.X) < 8.0f || velocity.X * acceleration.X < 0)
                    velocity.X += acceleration.X;

            // Apply accel to velocity and velocity to position
            velocity.Y += acceleration.Y;
            position += velocity;
            if (platform != null)
                // Fix retarded platform switching direction and making you spazz out glitch
                if (!(Math.Sign(platform.velocity.Y) != Math.Sign(prevPlatSpeed) && prevPlatSpeed > 0))
                    position += platform.velocity;
                prevPlatSpeed = platform.velocity.Y;

            // Stay inside screen
            if (hitBox.Left < 0)
                velocity.X = 0;
                position.X = -16;
            else if (hitBox.Right > Game1.currentRoom.roomWidth)
                velocity.X = 0;
                position.X = Game1.currentRoom.roomWidth - 48;

            // Die if character falls below room bounds
            if (hitBox.Top > Game1.currentRoom.roomHeight)
                health = 0;

            // Reset flags
            isTouchingGround = false;
            isTouchingWall = false;
            bool isOnPlatform = false;

            // Iterate through walls
            foreach (Wall w in Game1.currentRoom.Walls)
                // Make sure wall effects player
                if (w is PlatformWall || (!w.Bounds.Intersects(Game1.currentRoom.ViewBox) && !Game1.currentRoom.Freeroam))

                // If you're standing on it, apply ground friction and say that you're standing
                if (isSliding && !(w is DeathWall))
                    if (w.Bounds.Intersects(groundHitBox))
                        isZipping = false;
                        isTouchingGround = true;
                        if (w is FloatingPlatform)
                            if (platform == null)
                                platform = (FloatingPlatform)w;
                                if (Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                                    !Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["MoveLeft"]] && !Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["MoveRight"]] :
                                    !Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["MoveLeft"]) && !Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["MoveRight"]))
                                    velocity.X = 0;
                            isOnPlatform = true;
                    else if (w.Bounds.Intersects(leftWallBox) && !(w is Mirror))
                        canWallToRight = true;
                        isTouchingWall = true;
                    else if (w.Bounds.Intersects(rightWallBox) && !(w is Mirror))
                        canWallToLeft = true;
                        isTouchingWall = true;

                // Apply other wall collisions
                if (this.hitBox.Intersects(w.Bounds))
                    List<Vector2> resolutions = new List<Vector2>();

                    // Resolve Y
                    if (!(this.hitBox.Bottom <= w.Bounds.Top || this.hitBox.Top >= w.Bounds.Bottom))
                        if (this.hitBox.Top < w.Bounds.Bottom)
                            resolutions.Add(new Vector2(0, w.Bounds.Bottom - this.hitBox.Top));
                        if (this.hitBox.Bottom > w.Bounds.Top)
                            resolutions.Add(new Vector2(0, w.Bounds.Top - this.hitBox.Bottom));

                    // Resolve X
                    if (!(this.hitBox.Right <= w.Bounds.Left || this.hitBox.Left >= w.Bounds.Right))
                        if (this.hitBox.Right > w.Bounds.Left)
                            resolutions.Add(new Vector2(w.Bounds.Left - this.hitBox.Right, 0));
                        if (this.hitBox.Left < w.Bounds.Right)
                            resolutions.Add(new Vector2(w.Bounds.Right - this.hitBox.Left, 0));

                    // Find smallest overlap
                    while (resolutions.Count > 1)
                        if (resolutions[0].Length() > resolutions[1].Length())

                    // Set new velocity and position
                    Vector2 resV = resolutions[0];
                    if (resV.X != 0)
                        if (resV.X > 0 && velocity.X < 0 || resV.X < 0 && velocity.X > 0)
                            if (w is DeathWall && health > 0)
                                Game1.damage.Play(0.5f * Settings.soundVol, 0f, 0f);
                                this.velocity.X = Math.Sign(velocity.X) * -6;
                                health -= 9;
                                this.velocity.X = 0;
                        if (resV.Y > 0 && velocity.Y < 0 || resV.Y < 0 && velocity.Y > 0)
                            if (w is DeathWall && health > 0)
                                Game1.damage.Play(0.5f * Settings.soundVol, 0f, 0f);
                                this.velocity.Y = Math.Sign(velocity.Y) * -6;
                                health -= 9;
                                if (Math.Abs(this.velocity.Y) >= 3)
                                    Game1.collide.Play(0.3f * Settings.soundVol, 0f, 0f);
                                this.velocity.Y = 0;
                    this.position += resV;

                // If you're standing on it, apply ground friction and say that you're standing
                if (!isSliding)
                    if (w.Bounds.Intersects(groundHitBox))
                        isZipping = false;
                        isTouchingGround = true;
                        if (w is FloatingPlatform)
                            if (platform == null)
                                platform = (FloatingPlatform)w;
                                if (Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                                    !Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["MoveLeft"]] && !Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["MoveRight"]] :
                                    !Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["MoveLeft"]) && !Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["MoveRight"]))
                                    velocity.X = 0;
                            isOnPlatform = true;
                        groundFriction.X = Math.Sign(velocity.X) * -1 * 0.5f;
                    else if (w.Bounds.Intersects(leftWallBox) && !(w is Mirror))
                        canWallToRight = true;
                        isTouchingWall = true;
                    else if (w.Bounds.Intersects(rightWallBox) && !(w is Mirror))
                        canWallToLeft = true;
                        isTouchingWall = true;

            // Land on boxes
            if (velocity.Y > 0 && !isTouchingGround)
                foreach (Box b in Game1.currentRoom.Boxes)
                    if (groundHitBox.Intersects(b.hitBox) && groundHitBox.Y < b.hitBox.Y + 12)
                        position.Y = b.position.Y - 64;
                        velocity.Y = 0;
                        if (b.platform != null)
                            if (platform == null)
                                platform = b.platform;
                                if (Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                                    !Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["MoveLeft"]] && !Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["MoveRight"]] :
                                    !Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["MoveLeft"]) && !Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["MoveRight"]))
                                    velocity.X = 0;
                            isOnPlatform = true;
                        if (!isSliding)
                            groundFriction.X = Math.Sign(velocity.X) * -1 * 0.5f;
                            groundFriction.X = 0;
                        isTouchingGround = true;

            // Check for crushing
            bool iscrushed = false;
            foreach (Wall w in Game1.currentRoom.Walls)
                if (!(w is PlatformWall) && this.hitBox.Intersects(w.Bounds))
                    if (!(isSliding || staySliding))
                        staySliding = true;
                    if (crushCount >= 3)
                        health = 0;
                    iscrushed = true;
            if (!iscrushed)
                crushCount = 0;

            if (health <= 0)
                controllable = false;

            // Apply platform velocity when leaving platform
            if (!isOnPlatform && platform != null)
                velocity += platform.velocity;
                platform = null;

            // Apply booster acceleration
            foreach (Booster b in Game1.currentRoom.Boosters)
                if (b.HitBox.Intersects(this.hitBox))
                    Game1.boost.Play(0.5f * Settings.soundVol, 0f, 0f);
                    velocity += b.Acceleration;

            // Check for rocket collision
            foreach (RocketLauncher r in Game1.currentRoom.Launchers)
                if (r.rocket.hitBox.Intersects(this.hitBox))
           -= 6;
                    this.velocity += r.rocket.velocity * 1.5f;

            // Check for fire collision
            foreach (Flamethrower f in Game1.currentRoom.Flamethrowers)
                bool brk = false;
                foreach (Flamethrower.Flame fl in f.flames)
                    if (!fl.drawBox.Intersects(Game1.currentRoom.ViewBox))
                    if (fl.drawBox.Intersects(this.hitBox))
                        health -= 0.6f;
                        velocity += fl.velocity * 0.06f;
                        brk = true;
                if (brk)

            // Check if level finish reached
            if (Game1.currentRoom.Finish != null && !Game1.currentRoom.Finished)
                if (this.hitBox.Intersects(Game1.currentRoom.Finish.HitBox))
                    Game1.finish.Play(Settings.soundVol, 0f, 0f);
                    Game1.currentRoom.Finished = true;

            // Remove ground friction if midair
            if (!isTouchingGround)
                if (health <= 0)
                    current = deadMidair;
                    current = midair;
                groundFriction = Vector2.Zero;
            {	// Change to normal animation if standing still
                if (health <= 0)
                    current = deadGround;
                else if (velocity.X == 0)
                    current = normal;

            // Reset space key
            if (Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                !Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["Jump"]] :
                if (heldBox != null)
                    jumppresscheck = false;
                if (isTouchingGround)
                    jumppresscheck = false;
                else if (canWallToLeft || canWallToRight)
                    wallpresscheck = false;
            if ((Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["Jump"]] :
                Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["Jump"])) && controllable)
                // Jumping
                if (isTouchingGround && !staySliding && !jumppresscheck)
                    Game1.jump.Play(Settings.soundVol, 0f, 0f);
                    velocity.Y = -10.0f;
                    current = midair;
                    isTouchingGround = false;
                    jumppresscheck = true;
                    wallpresscheck = true;
                // Wall jumping
                else if (!wallpresscheck && !isTouchingGround && isTouchingWall)
                    Game1.jump.Play(Settings.soundVol, 0f, 0f);
                    velocity.X = canWallToRight ? 8 : -8;
                    movedLeft = !movedLeft;
                    if (velocity.Y > -7.5f)
                        velocity.Y = -7.5f;
                    wallpresscheck = true;
                    jumppresscheck = true;
                    canWallToRight = false;
                    canWallToLeft = false;
                // Box jumping
                else if (heldBox != null && !isTouchingGround && !jumppresscheck)
                    Game1.jump.Play(Settings.soundVol, 0f, 0f);
                    velocity.Y = -10.0f;
                    current = midair;
                    jumppresscheck = true;
                    wallpresscheck = true;
                    heldBox.velocity.Y = 4;
                    heldBox.velocity.X = this.velocity.X;
                    heldBox.grabbed = false;
                    heldBox = null;

            // If ziplining, update according to zipline's values
            if (zippingLine != null)
                current = ziplining;
                position.Y = zippingLine.GetY(ziplineBox.Center.X);
                acceleration = zippingLine.Acceleration * (Math.Abs(zippingLine.Slope) > 1.5f ? 1 : 3);
                velocity = zippingLine.GetNewVelocity(velocity);
                movedLeft = velocity.X < 0;

            // Check for whether or not ziplining if control is being held
            if ((Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["Slide"]] :
                Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["Slide"])) && controllable && !isTouchingGround)
                bool zipping = false;
                foreach (ZipLine z in Game1.currentRoom.ZipLines)
                    if ((z.pos1.X < z.pos2.X ? (ziplineBox.Left >= z.pos1.X && ziplineBox.X <= z.pos2.X) : (ziplineBox.Left <= z.pos1.X && ziplineBox.X >= z.pos2.X))
                            && ziplineBox.Contains(ziplineBox.Center.X, (int)z.GetY(ziplineBox.Center.X)))
                        zipping = true;
                        isZipping = true;
                        if (zippingLine == null)
                            zippingLine = z;
                            current = ziplining;
                            position.Y = z.GetY(ziplineBox.Center.X);
                            acceleration = z.Acceleration * 3;
                            velocity = z.GetNewVelocity(velocity);
                            movedLeft = velocity.X < 0;

                // If not hitting a zipline, turn off zipling variables
                if (!zipping)
                    zippingLine = null;
                    isZipping = false;
                    acceleration.Y = 0.4f;
                zippingLine = null;
                isZipping = false;
                acceleration.Y = 0.4f;

            // Check for picking up boxes
            if (Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["Box"]] :
                if (isTouchingGround && heldBox == null)
                    foreach (Box b in Game1.currentRoom.Boxes)
                        if (b.hitBox.Intersects(rightWallBox) && !movedLeft || b.hitBox.Intersects(leftWallBox) && movedLeft)
                            b.grabbed = true;
                            heldBox = b;
                if (heldBox != null)
                    heldBox.grabbed = false;
                    heldBox.velocity = this.velocity;
                    heldBox = null;

            // Slide when holding control
            isSliding = ((Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["Slide"]] :
                Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["Slide"])) || staySliding) && controllable && isTouchingGround;

            // Don't get up if sliding under low ceiling
            bool flag = true;
            if (isSliding || staySliding)
                foreach (Wall w in Game1.currentRoom.Walls)
                    if (w.Bounds.Left < hitBox.Right && w.Bounds.Right > hitBox.Left && w.Bounds.Bottom + 32 > hitBox.Top && w.Bounds.Top < hitBox.Top)
                        staySliding = true;
                        flag = false;
            if (flag)
                staySliding = false;

            // Move right
            if ((Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["MoveRight"]] :
                Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["MoveRight"])) && !isSliding && !isZipping && controllable)
                canWallToRight = false;
                acceleration.X = isTouchingGround ? 1.0f : 0.5f;
                movedLeft = false;
                if (isTouchingGround)
                    current = running;
                if (Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                    Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["MoveLeft"]] :
                    acceleration.X = 0.0f;
                    movedLeft = true;
                    current = normal;
            // Move left
            else if ((Game1.currentRoom.recorder.playing ?
                Game1.currentRoom.recorder.keystates[Settings.controls["MoveLeft"]] :
                Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Settings.controls["MoveLeft"])) && !isSliding && !isZipping && controllable)
                canWallToLeft = false;
                acceleration.X = isTouchingGround ? -1.0f : -0.5f;
                movedLeft = true;
                if (isTouchingGround)
                    current = running;
            // Slow down if no keys are being held
                acceleration.X = 0.0f;

            if (Math.Abs(velocity.X) > 8.0f && !isSliding && isTouchingGround)
                if (acceleration.X < 0 && velocity.X < 0)
                else if (acceleration.X > 0 && velocity.X > 0)

            // Set sliding animation if sliding
            if (isSliding && isTouchingGround)
                canWallToLeft = false;
                canWallToRight = false;
                acceleration.X = 0.0f;
                groundFriction.X = 0.0f;
                current = sliding;

            // Apply ground friction to horizontal acceleration
            acceleration.X += groundFriction.X;

            // Update midair animation based on vertical speed
            int midairFrame = (int)velocity.Y * 2 + 3;
            if (midairFrame < 0) midairFrame = 0;
            if (midairFrame > 8) midairFrame = 8;
            midair.Frame = midairFrame;

            // Play sounds
            if (current == running)
                if ( != SoundState.Playing)
            else if (current == ziplining || current == sliding)
                if (Game1.slide.State != SoundState.Playing && velocity.X != 0)
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            finishTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("finish");
            poleTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("pole");
            lineTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("pixel");
            Texture2D[] images = new Texture2D[3];
            for (int i = 1; i <= images.Length; i++)
                images[i - 1] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("booster000" + i.ToString());
            boosterTex = new AnimatedTexture(images, 600, true, false);
            platformTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("floating platform");
            messageTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("message");
            boxTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("box");
            explosionTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("explosion particle");
            rocketTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("rocket");
            launcherTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("launcher");
            flamethrowerTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("flamethrower");

            tileSet = new Texture2D[5];
            deathWallSet = new Texture2D[5];
            backgrounds = new Texture2D[5];
            tileSet[0] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/tilegrass");
            tileSet[1] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/tilelava");
            tileSet[2] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/tilenight");
            tileSet[3] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/tilecave");
            tileSet[4] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/tilefactory");
            deathWallSet[0] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/deathgrass");
            deathWallSet[1] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/deathlava");
            deathWallSet[2] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/deathnight");
            deathWallSet[3] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/deathcave");
            deathWallSet[4] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/deathfactory");
            mirrorTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tiles/mirror");
            backgrounds[0] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("backgrounds/bggrass");
            backgrounds[1] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("backgrounds/bglava");
            backgrounds[2] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("backgrounds/bgnight");
            backgrounds[3] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("backgrounds/bgcave");
            backgrounds[4] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("backgrounds/bgfactory");

            medalTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("medal");
            wallTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("pixel");

            skinPreviews = new Texture2D[6];
            skinPreviews[0] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("skins/speed runner/speed runner normal0001");
            skinPreviews[1] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("skins/blob/blob normal0001");
            skinPreviews[2] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("skins/stick figure/stick figure normal0001");
            skinPreviews[3] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("skins/mr guy/mr guy normal0001");
            skinPreviews[4] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("skins/mario/mario normal");
            skinPreviews[5] = Content.Load<Texture2D>("skins/ninja/ninja normal0001");
            prevLocked = Content.Load<Texture2D>("skins/locked");

            run = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sounds/run").CreateInstance();
            slide = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sounds/slide").CreateInstance();
            jump = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sounds/jump");
            boost = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sounds/boost");
            collide = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sounds/collision");
            finish = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sounds/finish");
            damage = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sounds/damage");
            rocketLaunch = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sounds/rocket launch");
            explosion = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("sounds/explosion");

            playingGrass = true;
            playingLava = false;
            playingNight = false;
            playingCave = false;
            playingFactory = false;
            grassMusic  = Content.Load<Song>("music/grass");
            lavaMusic = Content.Load<Song>("music/lava");
            nightMusic = Content.Load<Song>("music/night");
            caveMusic = Content.Load<Song>("music/cave");
            factoryMusic = Content.Load<Song>("music/factory");

            titlefont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("titlefont");
            msgfont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("msgfont");
            mnufont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("mnufont");
            currentRoom = new MainMenu(false);


            MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true;
Esempio n. 5
        public static void LoadNewSkin(Game game, string skinName)
            selectedSkin = skinName;
   = skinName;

            skinManager = new ContentManager(game.Services, "Content/skins");

            Texture2D[] images;
            if (skinName == "mario")
                guyNormal = new AnimatedTexture(skinManager.Load<Texture2D>("mario/mario normal"));
                images = new Texture2D[19];
                for (int i = 1; i <= images.Length; i++)
                    images[i - 1] = skinManager.Load<Texture2D>(skinName + "/" + skinName + " normal00" + (i > 9 ? "" : "0") + i.ToString());
                guyNormal = new AnimatedTexture(images, 3, true, false);

            if (skinName == "mario")
                images = new Texture2D[3];
                for (int i = 1; i <= images.Length; i++)
                    images[i - 1] = skinManager.Load<Texture2D>(skinName + "/" + skinName + " running000" + i.ToString());
                guyRunning = new AnimatedTexture(images, 6, true, false);
                images = new Texture2D[19];
                for (int i = 1; i <= images.Length; i++)
                    images[i - 1] = skinManager.Load<Texture2D>(skinName + "/" + skinName + " running00" + (i > 9 ? "" : "0") + i.ToString());
                guyRunning = new AnimatedTexture(images, 1, true, false);

            images = new Texture2D[9];
            for (int i = 1; i <= images.Length; i++)
                images[i - 1] = skinManager.Load<Texture2D>(skinName + "/" + skinName + " midair000" + i.ToString());
            guyMidair = new AnimatedTexture(images, 3, false, true);

            guyZiplining = new AnimatedTexture(skinManager.Load<Texture2D>(skinName + "/" + skinName + " ziplining"));
            guySliding = new AnimatedTexture(skinManager.Load<Texture2D>(skinName + "/" + skinName + " sliding"));
            guyDeadGround = new AnimatedTexture(skinManager.Load<Texture2D>(skinName + "/" + skinName + " dead"));

            if (skinName == "mario")
                guyDeadMidair = new AnimatedTexture(skinManager.Load<Texture2D>("mario/mario dead midair"));
                images = new Texture2D[25];
                for (int i = 1; i <= images.Length; i++)
                    images[i - 1] = skinManager.Load<Texture2D>(skinName + "/" + skinName + " dead midair00" + (i > 9 ? "" : "0") + i.ToString());
                guyDeadMidair = new AnimatedTexture(images, 1, true, false);