Esempio n. 1
            private static void GenerateGarbageData(EncogOCR_SketchData[] sketches, int outputSize, List<double[]> inputs, List<double[]> outputs)
                #region validate
                if (sketches.Select(o => o.BitmapColors.Width).Distinct().Count() != 1 || sketches.Select(o => o.BitmapColors.Height).Distinct().Count() != 1)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Stored images are different sizes");

                double[] zeroOutput = Enumerable.Range(0, outputSize).Select(o => 0d).ToArray();

                #region efficient if only a final is needed

                //Color[][] colors = sketches.
                //    Select(o => o.BitmapColors.GetColors(0, 0, o.Bitmap.PixelWidth, o.Bitmap.PixelHeight)).
                //    ToArray();

                //bool[] isBlack = Enumerable.Range(0, colors[0].Length).
                //    AsParallel().
                //    Select(o => new { Index = o, IsBlack = colors.Any(p => p[o].A > 200 && Math3D.Avg(p[o].R, p[o].G, p[o].B) < 20) }).
                //    OrderBy(o => o.Index).
                //    Select(o => o.IsBlack).
                //    ToArray();


                // Figure out which pixels of each sketch are black
                bool[][] isBlack = sketches.
                    Select(o => o.BitmapColors.GetColors(0, 0, o.BitmapColors.Width, o.BitmapColors.Height)).
                    Select(o => o.Select(p => p.A > 200 && Math1D.Avg(p.R, p.G, p.B) < 20).ToArray()).

                // Or the images together
                bool[] composite = Enumerable.Range(0, isBlack[0].Length).
                    Select(o => new { Index = o, IsBlack = isBlack.Any(p => p[o]) }).
                    OrderBy(o => o.Index).
                    Select(o => o.IsBlack).

                #region Blank sketch

                double[] percentBlack = isBlack.
                    Select(o => o.Sum(p => p ? 1d : 0d) / o.Length).

                if (percentBlack.All(o => o > .01))
                    // None of the inputs are blank, so make blank a garbage state
                    inputs.Add(Enumerable.Range(0, composite.Length).Select(o => 0d).ToArray());

                #region Inverted sketch

                // Making this, because the assumption is that if they draw in a region outside any of the inputs, then it should be a zero output

                inputs.Add(composite.Select(o => o ? 0d : 1d).ToArray());


                //TODO: Do a few subsets of inverted
