private static void DrawSOMTile_Gray(SelfOrganizingMapsWPF.DrawTileArgs e, double[] source)
            //NOTE: Copied from UtilityWPF.GetBitmap

            for (int y = 0; y < e.TileHeight; y++)
                int offsetImageY = (e.ImageY + y) * e.Stride;
                int offsetSourceY = y * e.TileWidth;

                for (int x = 0; x < e.TileWidth; x++)
                    int indexImage = offsetImageY + ((e.ImageX + x) * e.PixelWidth);

                    byte gray = (source[offsetSourceY + x] * 255).ToByte_Round();

                    e.BitmapPixelBytes[indexImage + 3] = 255;
                    e.BitmapPixelBytes[indexImage + 2] = gray;
                    e.BitmapPixelBytes[indexImage + 1] = gray;
                    e.BitmapPixelBytes[indexImage + 0] = gray;
        private static void DrawSOMTile(SelfOrganizingMapsWPF.DrawTileArgs e)
            SOMInput<SOMList.SOMItem> cast = e.Tile as SOMInput<SOMList.SOMItem>;
            if (cast == null)
                throw new InvalidCastException("Expected SOMInput<SOMList.SOMItem>: " + e.Tile == null ? "<null>" : e.Tile.GetType().ToString());
            else if (cast.Source == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("cast.Source is null");
            else if (cast.Source.Original == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The original image shouldn't be null");

            if (cast.Source.Original.Length == e.TileWidth * e.TileHeight)
                DrawSOMTile_Gray(e, cast.Source.Original);
            else if (cast.Source.Original.Length == e.TileWidth * e.TileHeight * 3)
                DrawSOMTile_Color(e, cast.Source.Original);
                throw new ApplicationException("The original image isn't the expected size");