Esempio n. 1
        private void Start()
            _menuParent = GetComponentInChildren <ToolPanel>(true) as ToolPanel;

            GGVMenuTextComponents = _menuParent.GetComponentsInChildren <TextMeshPro>(true);

            GalaxyExplorerManager.Instance.GeFadeManager.OnFadeComplete += OnFadeComplete;


            SetMenuAvailability(false, false, false);
            ToolsVisible = false;

            // Store the x value of the local position for the back button when all menu buttons are visible
            _fullMenuVisibleBackButtonX = _backButton.transform.localPosition.x;

            // Since reset is not visible during most of the app states, regard its local position as the default back button local position
            _defaultBackButtonLocalPosition = _resetButton.transform.localPosition;

            // Since the app starts with reset button not visible, move the back button to its spot instead
            _backButton.transform.localPosition = _defaultBackButtonLocalPosition;
Esempio n. 2
        private void Awake()
            if (TransitionManager.Instance == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("ToolManager: No TransitionManager was found, so the zoom tool will not properly size content - transition manager is needed to identify when new content has loaded.");

            smallestZoom = TargetMinZoomSize;
            panel        = GetComponent <ToolPanel>();

            if (panel == null)
                Debug.LogError("ToolManager couldn't find ToolPanel. Hiding and showing of Tools unavailable.");

            toolSounds = GetComponentInChildren <ToolSounds>();

            if (toolSounds == null)
                Debug.LogError("ToolManager couldn't find ToolSounds.");

            if (MyAppPlatformManager.Platform == MyAppPlatformManager.PlatformId.Desktop ||
                MyAppPlatformManager.Platform == MyAppPlatformManager.PlatformId.Phone)
Esempio n. 3
        private void SetVisibleTextLabels(bool isVisible)
            if (GGVMenuTextComponents == null)
                _menuParent = GetComponentInChildren <ToolPanel>(true) as ToolPanel;

                GGVMenuTextComponents = _menuParent.GetComponentsInChildren <TextMeshPro>(true);

                if (GGVMenuTextComponents == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("GGVMenuTextComponents not found");

            foreach (TextMeshPro text in GGVMenuTextComponents)
                text.enabled = isVisible;