Esempio n. 1
        public static Slice[] Merge(Slice prefix, [NotNull] Slice[] keys)
            if (prefix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("prefix");
            if (keys == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("keys");

            //REVIEW: merge this code with Slice.ConcatRange!

            // we can pre-allocate exactly the buffer by computing the total size of all keys
            int size   = keys.Sum(key => key.Count) + keys.Length * prefix.Count;
            var writer = new SliceWriter(size);
            var next   = new List <int>(keys.Length);

            //TODO: use multiple buffers if item count is huge ?

            foreach (var key in keys)
                if (prefix.IsPresent)

            return(FdbKey.SplitIntoSegments(writer.Buffer, 0, next));
        /// <summary>Merge an array of keys with a same prefix, all sharing the same buffer</summary>
        /// <param name="prefix">Prefix shared by all keys</param>
        /// <param name="keys">Array of keys to pack</param>
        /// <returns>Array of slices (for all keys) that share the same underlying buffer</returns>
        public static Slice[] Merge(Slice prefix, Slice[] keys)
            if (prefix.IsNull)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(prefix));

            //REVIEW: merge this code with Slice.ConcatRange!

            // we can pre-allocate exactly the buffer by computing the total size of all keys
            int size   = keys.Sum(key => key.Count) + keys.Length * prefix.Count;
            var writer = new SliceWriter(size);
            var next   = new List <int>(keys.Length);

            //TODO: use multiple buffers if item count is huge ?

            var prefixSpan = prefix.Span;

            foreach (var key in keys)
                if (prefixSpan.Length != 0)

            return(SplitIntoSegments(writer.Buffer, 0, next));
Esempio n. 3
        public SliceWriter OpenWriter(int extra = 32)
            var key = GetKeyPrefix();
            var sw  = new SliceWriter(key.Count + extra);            //TODO: BufferPool ?

		private static unsafe bool TryWriteUnescapedUtf8String(ref SliceWriter writer, char* chars, int count)
			Contract.Requires(chars != null && count >= 0);

			// Several observations:
			// * Most strings will be keywords or ASCII-only with no zeroes. These can be copied directly to the buffer
			// * We will only attempt to optimze strings that don't have any 00 to escape to 00 FF. For these, we will fallback to converting to byte[] then escaping.
			// * Since .NET's strings are UTF-16, the max possible UNICODE value to encode is 0xFFFF, which takes 3 bytes in UTF-8 (EF BF BF)
			// * Most western europe languages have only a few non-ASCII chars here and there, and most of them will only use 2 bytes (ex: 'é' => 'C3 A9')
			// * More complex scripts with dedicated symbol pages (kanjis, arabic, ....) will take 2 or 3 bytes for each charecter.

			// We will first do a pass to check for the presence of 00 and non-ASCII chars
			// => if we find at least on 00, we fallback to escaping the result of Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes()
			// => if we find only ASCII (1..127) chars, we have an optimized path that will truncate the chars to bytes
			// => if not, we will use an UTF8Encoder to convert the string to UTF-8, in chunks, using a small buffer allocated on the stack

			#region First pass: look for \0 and non-ASCII chars

			// fastest way to check for non-ASCII, is to OR all the chars together, and look at bits 7 to 15. If they are not all zero, there is at least ONE non-ASCII char.
			// also, we abort as soon as we find a \0

			char* ptr = chars;
			char* end = chars + count;
			char mask = '\0', c;
			while (ptr < end && (c = *ptr) != '\0') { mask |= c; ++ptr; }

			if (ptr < end) return false; // there is at least one \0 in the string

			// bit 7-15 all unset means the string is pure ASCII
			if ((mask >> 7) == 0)
			{ // => directly dump the chars to the buffer
				WriteUnescapedAsciiChars(ref writer, chars, count);
				return true;


			#region Second pass: encode the string to UTF-8, in chunks

			// Here we know that there is at least one unicode char, and that there are no \0
			// We will tterate through the string, filling as much of the buffer as possible

			bool done;
			int charsUsed, bytesUsed;
			int remaining = count;
			ptr = chars;

			// We need at most 3 * CHUNK_SIZE to encode the chunk
			// > For small strings, we will allocated exactly string.Length * 3 bytes, and will be done in one chunk
			// > For larger strings, we will call encoder.Convert(...) until it says it is done.
			const int CHUNK_SIZE = 1024;
			int bufLen = Encoding.UTF8.GetMaxByteCount(Math.Min(count, CHUNK_SIZE));
			byte* buf = stackalloc byte[bufLen];

			// We can not really predict the final size of the encoded string, but:
			// * Western languages have a few chars that usually need 2 bytes. If we pre-allocate 50% more bytes, it should fit most of the time, without too much waste
			// * Eastern langauges will have all chars encoded to 3 bytes. If we also pre-allocated 50% more, we should only need one resize of the buffer (150% x 2 = 300%), which is acceptable
			writer.EnsureBytes(checked(2 + count + (count >> 1))); // preallocate 150% of the string + 2 bytes

			var encoder = Encoding.UTF8.GetEncoder();
			// note: encoder.Convert() tries to fill up the buffer as much as possible with complete chars, and will set 'done' to true when all chars have been converted.
				encoder.Convert(ptr, remaining, buf, bufLen, true, out charsUsed, out bytesUsed, out done);
				if (bytesUsed > 0)
					writer.WriteBytes(buf, bytesUsed);
				remaining -= charsUsed;
				ptr += charsUsed;
			while (!done);
			Contract.Assert(remaining == 0 && ptr == end);

			// close the string


			return true;