public void InitializeLists(xmfile xm)

            for (int i = 0; i < xm.samples.Count; i++)


            for (int i = 0; i < xm.parentbinfile.samplecount; i++)
                IngameInstrumentsBox.Items.Add("Instrument_" + i);
Esempio n. 2
        public void ReadMusicBin()
            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)))
                filemagic = reader.ReadUInt16();

                if (filemagic == 0x0103)
                    isHR = true;

                samplecount = reader.ReadByte();
                filecount   = reader.ReadByte(); //music file count

                reader.BaseStream.Position   = 0x08;
                offsetOfMusicInstructionData = reader.ReadUInt32();

                reader.BaseStream.Position = 0x10;

                for (int i = 0; i < filecount; i++)
                    xmfile newxmfile = new xmfile();
                    newxmfile.parentbinfile = this;
                    newxmfile.offset        = reader.ReadUInt32();

                offset_of_end_of_index_table = (int)reader.BaseStream.Position;


                for (int i = 0; i < xmfiles.Count; i++)
                    if (i < xmfiles.Count - 1)
                        xmfiles[i].size = xmfiles[i + 1].offset - xmfiles[i].offset;
                        xmfiles[i].size = (uint)(filebytes.Length - xmfiles[i].offset); //it might be bigger than its intended size, but it won't matter once it's exported to XM

                    reader.BaseStream.Position = xmfiles[i].offset;

                    if (xmfiles[i].size < filebytes.Length)
                        xmfiles[i].filebytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)xmfiles[i].size);

                if (xmfiles[2].offset == 2054556)
                else if (xmfiles[2].offset == 2339468)
                    foreach (xmfile xm in xmfiles)
               = Path.GetFileName(filename) + xm.offset;

                samples = new sfxfile[samplecount];

                int pos = offset_of_end_of_index_table;

                for (int i = 0; i < samplecount; i++)
                    sfxfile newSample = new sfxfile();

                     * So it turns out that the chunk of data at the top of each sample,
                     * which was previously ignored, is actually chock full of information
                     * about the sample, including some instrument parameters including
                     * volume and panning envelopes. The previous behavior of splitting by
                     * 0x02004000 was flawed as well - PCM samples would have 0x00004000 in
                     * that place instead, causing all sorts of wacky issues when trying to
                     * decode an ADPCM sample that is followed by one or more PCM samples
                     * (this happened quite a bit during debugging).
                     * To keep things sane for the future, I'm including a speculative
                     * specification for the data contained in this chunk. Take this with a
                     * grain of salt, but I believe it should be correct (as long as my ears
                     * are working properly). Some of the descriptions may require
                     * understanding of the format of XM instruments.
                     * Offset  | Size     | Description
                     * --------+----------+-------------------------------------------------
                     * 0x00    | 4        | The size of the sample data divided by 4.
                     * 0x04    | 4        | The position of the start of the loop divided by 4, or 0xFFFFFFFF for no loop. (?)
                     * 0x08    | 4        | The position of the end of the loop divided by 4, or size+1 for no loop. (?)
                     * 0x0C    | 1        | The type of sample. 0 = s16 PCM, 2 = MS IMA ADPCM
                     * 0x0D    | 1        | Unknown (always 0). Could be upper byte of above.
                     * 0x0E    | 1        | Default volume for the sample.
                     * 0x0F    | 1        | Unknown (always 0). Could be upper byte of above.
                     * 0x10    | 1        | Finetune value. Stored as a signed byte.
                     * 0x11    | 1        | Transpose value. Stored as a signed byte. (For some reason, if the sample is PCM you should decrease this value by 12.)
                     * 0x12    | 0/4      | This field is present in HR but not EPF. Not sure what's in it yet. If on HR, add 4 to each subsequent offset.
                     * 0x12    | 1        | Default pan position. Stored as an unsigned byte, with 0x80 = center.
                     * 0x13    | 1        | Unknown (always 0).
                     * 0x14    | 1        | Number of nodes in the volume envelope.
                     * 0x15    | 1        | Position of volume envelope sustain node, or 0xFF for no sustain.
                     * 0x16    | 1        | Position of volume envelope loop start, or 0xFF for no loop.
                     * 0x17    | 1        | Position of volume envelope loop end, or 0xFF for no loop.
                     * 0x18    | 2*24     | Nodes in the volume envelope, alternating (x, y).
                     * 0x48    | 1        | Number of nodes in the panning envelope.
                     * 0x49    | 1        | Position of panning envelope sustain node, or 0xFF for no sustain.
                     * 0x4A    | 1        | Position of panning envelope loop start, or 0xFF for no loop.
                     * 0x4B    | 1        | Position of panning envelope loop end, or 0xFF for no loop.
                     * 0x4C    | 2*24     | Nodes in the panning envelope, alternating (x, y).
                     * 0x7C    | <size>   | The actual sample data.

                    uint offset = (uint)pos;
                    int  length = (filebytes[pos] | (filebytes[pos + 1] << 8) | (filebytes[pos + 2] << 16) | (filebytes[pos + 3] << 24)) * 4;
                    newSample.loopstart = (uint)(filebytes[pos + 4] | (filebytes[pos + 5] << 8) | (filebytes[pos + 6] << 16) | (filebytes[pos + 7] << 24)) * 4;
                    newSample.loopend   = (uint)(filebytes[pos + 8] | (filebytes[pos + 9] << 8) | (filebytes[pos + 10] << 16) | (filebytes[pos + 11] << 24)) * 4;
                    newSample.isPCM     = filebytes[pos + 12] != 2;
                    newSample.finetune  = (sbyte)filebytes[pos + 16];
                    newSample.transpose = (sbyte)filebytes[pos + 17];
                    if (newSample.isPCM)
                        newSample.transpose -= 12;
                    newSample.defaultvol = filebytes[pos + 14];
                    if (isHR)
                        pos += 22;
                        pos += 18;
                    if (!isHR && i >= 68 && i <= 73)
                        newSample.defaultpan = 0x80;                              // override for odd right-panned samples
                        newSample.defaultpan = filebytes[pos];

                    // Hot-patch for Snake Game samples, which have the wrong transpose
                    // (also changing finetune since that seems to make it sound better)
                    if (isHR)
                        if (i == 54 || i == 58 || i == 59)
                        if (i == 54 || i == 57 || i == 58 || i == 59)
                            newSample.defaultpan = 0x80;
                        if (i == 54)
                            newSample.finetune = -16;
                        else if (i == 57)
                            newSample.finetune = -30;
                        else if (i == 59)
                            newSample.finetune = -26;

                    newSample.volenv.count        = filebytes[pos + 2];
                    newSample.volenv.sustainPoint = filebytes[pos + 3];
                    newSample.volenv.loopStart    = filebytes[pos + 4];
                    newSample.volenv.loopEnd      = filebytes[pos + 5];
                    for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++)
                        newSample.volenv.nodes[j] = (short)(filebytes[pos + j * 2 + 6] | (filebytes[pos + j * 2 + 7] << 8));

                    newSample.panenv.count        = filebytes[pos + 54];
                    newSample.panenv.sustainPoint = filebytes[pos + 55];
                    newSample.panenv.loopStart    = filebytes[pos + 56];
                    newSample.panenv.loopEnd      = filebytes[pos + 57];
                    for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++)
                        newSample.panenv.nodes[j] = (short)(filebytes[pos + j * 2 + 58] | (filebytes[pos + j * 2 + 59] << 8));

                    pos += 106;

                    newSample.parentbinfile = this;

                    newSample.samplerate = 44100;
                    newSample.filebytes  = new byte[length];
                    Array.Copy(filebytes, pos, newSample.filebytes, 0, length);
                    newSample.offset = offset;
                    pos += length;

                    samples[i] = newSample;

                foreach (xmfile xm in xmfiles)
                    xm.samples = new List <sfxfile>(samples);
Esempio n. 3
        public void ReadMusicBin()
            using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)))
                filemagic = reader.ReadUInt16();

                if (filemagic == 0x0103)
                    isHR = true;

                samplecount = reader.ReadByte();
                filecount   = reader.ReadByte(); //music file count

                reader.BaseStream.Position   = 0x08;
                offsetOfMusicInstructionData = reader.ReadUInt32();

                reader.BaseStream.Position = 0x10;

                for (int i = 0; i < filecount; i++)
                    xmfile newxmfile = new xmfile();
                    newxmfile.parentbinfile = this;
                    newxmfile.offset        = reader.ReadUInt32();

                offset_of_end_of_index_table = (int)reader.BaseStream.Position;


                for (int i = 0; i < xmfiles.Count; i++)
                    if (i < xmfiles.Count - 1)
                        xmfiles[i].size = xmfiles[i + 1].offset - xmfiles[i].offset;
                        xmfiles[i].size = (uint)(filebytes.Length - xmfiles[i].offset); //it might be bigger than its intended size, but it won't matter once it's exported to XM

                    reader.BaseStream.Position = xmfiles[i].offset;

                    if (xmfiles[i].size < filebytes.Length)
                        xmfiles[i].filebytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)xmfiles[i].size);

                if (xmfiles[2].offset == 2054556)
                else if (xmfiles[2].offset == 2339468)
                    foreach (xmfile xm in xmfiles)
               = Path.GetFileName(filename) + xm.offset;

                samples = new sfxfile[samplecount];

                int pos = (int)(offset_of_end_of_index_table + 76);

                if (isHR)
                    pos += 4;

                bool keepgoing = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < samplecount; i++)
                    List <byte> newSampleBytes = new List <byte>();

                    int i_within_loop = i;

                    uint offset = (uint)pos;

                    while (keepgoing)
                        if (pos + 3 >= filebytes.Length)
                            keepgoing = false;
                            i         = samplecount - 1;
                        else if (filebytes[pos] == 0x02 && filebytes[pos + 1] == 0x00 && filebytes[pos + 2] == 0x40 && filebytes[pos + 3] == 0x00)
                            keepgoing = false;
                            pos      += 64;
                            if (isHR)
                                pos += 4;

                    newSampleBytes.RemoveRange(newSampleBytes.Count - 0x13, 0x13);

                    sfxfile newSample = new sfxfile();
                    newSample.parentbinfile = this;

                    newSample.samplerate = 44100;
                    newSample.filebytes  = newSampleBytes.ToArray();
                    newSample.offset     = offset;

                    samples[i_within_loop] = newSample;
                    keepgoing = true;