Esempio n. 1
        public void Update(CameraDirectionMovementTracker lastcamera, Matrix4 resmat, float _zn, bool names, bool discs, Color namecolour) // FOREGROUND no thread
            _starnamesbusy = true;                                                                                                         // from update to Transfertoforeground we are busy

            if (_starnamesforeground.Count >= maxstarscached)                                                                              // if we have too many, clean up, to free memory
                List <LinkedListNode <StarNames> > removelist = new List <LinkedListNode <StarNames> >();
                LinkedListNode <StarNames>         pos        = _starnamesforeground.First;

                while (pos != null)
                    StarNames sys = pos.Value;
                    if (!sys.inview)                          // if not painting
                    pos = pos.Next;

                //Tools.LogToFile(String.Format("starnameupd Remove {0}", removelist.Count ));
                //Console.WriteLine("Remove {0}", removelist.Count);

                foreach (LinkedListNode <StarNames> rpos in removelist)
                    StarNames sys = rpos.Value;


            _lastcamera = lastcamera;
            _resmat     = resmat;
            _znear      = _zn;
            _nameson    = names;
            _discson    = discs;
            _namecolour = namecolour;

            nsThread = new System.Threading.Thread(NamedStars)
                Name = "Calculate Named Stars", IsBackground = true
Esempio n. 2
        private void NamedStars() // background thread.. run after Update.  Thread never deletes, only adds to its own structures
            try                   // just in case someone tears us down..
                int lylimit = (int)(_starlimitly / _lastcamera.LastZoom);
                lylimit = Math.Max(lylimit, 1);
                int sqlylimit = lylimit * lylimit;                 // in squared distance limit from viewpoint

                StarGrid.TransFormInfo ti = new StarGrid.TransFormInfo(_resmat, _znear, _glControl.Width, _glControl.Height, sqlylimit, _lastcamera.LastCameraPos);

                SortedDictionary <float, StarGrid.InViewInfo> inviewlist = new SortedDictionary <float, StarGrid.InViewInfo>(new DuplicateKeyComparer <float>());       // who's in view, sorted by distance

                //Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch();sw1.Start(); Tools.LogToFile(String.Format("starnamesest Estimate at {0} len {1}", ti.campos, sqlylimit));

                _stargrids.GetSystemsInView(ref inviewlist, 2000.0F, ti);            // consider all grids under 2k from current pos.

                //Tools.LogToFile(String.Format("starnamesest Took {0} in view {1}", sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds, inviewlist.Count));

                float textscalingw = Math.Min(_starnamemaxly, Math.Max(_starnamesizely / _lastcamera.LastZoom, _starnameminly)); // per char
                float starsize     = Math.Min(Math.Max(_lastcamera.LastZoom / 10F, 1.0F), 20F);                                  // Normal stars are at 1F.
                //Console.WriteLine("Per char {0} h {1} sc {2} ", textscalingw, textscalingh, starsize);

                foreach (StarNames s in _starnamesbackground.Values) // all items not processed
                    s.updatedinview = false;                         // only items remaining will clear this
                _needrepaint = false;                                // assume nothing changes

                int painted = 0;

                //string res = "";  // used to view whats added/removed/draw..

                foreach (StarGrid.InViewInfo inview in inviewlist.Values)            // for all in viewport, sorted by distance from camera position
                    using (SQLiteConnectionSystem cn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem())
                        StarNames sys  = null;
                        bool      draw = false;

                        if (_starnamesbackground.ContainsKey(inview.position))                   // if already there..
                            sys = _starnamesbackground[inview.position];
                            sys.updatedinview = true;

                            draw = (_discson && sys.paintstar == null && sys.newstar == null) ||
                                   (_nameson && ((sys.nametexture == null && sys.newnametexture == null)));

                        else if (painted < maxstars)
                            ISystem sc = _formmap.FindSystem(inview.position, cn); // with the open connection, find this star..

                            if (sc != null)                                        // if can't be resolved, ignore
                                sys = new StarNames(sc, inview.position);          // we keep position in here using same floats as inview so it will match
                                _starnamesbackground.Add(inview.position, sys);    // add to our database
                                _starnamestoforeground.Add(sys);                   // send to foreground for adding
                                draw = true;

                                //Tools.LogToFile(String.Format("starnamesest: push {0}", sys.Pos));
                                //res += "N";
                            break;      // no point doing any more..  got our fill of items

                        if (draw)
                            _needrepaint = true;                                            // changed a item.. needs a repaint

                            if (_nameson)
                                float width = textscalingw *;

                                Bitmap map = DatasetBuilder.DrawString(, _namecolour, _starfont);

                                sys.newnametexture = TexturedQuadData.FromBitmap(map,
                                                                                 new PointData(sys.pos.X, sys.pos.Y, sys.pos.Z),
                                                                                 width, textscalingw * 4.0F, _startextoffset + width / 2, 0);

                                sys.rotation = _lastcamera.Rotation;            // remember when we were when we draw it
                                sys.zoom     = _lastcamera.LastZoom;

                            if (_discson)
                                sys.newstar = new PointData(sys.pos.X, sys.pos.Y, sys.pos.Z, starsize, inview.AsColor);

                foreach (StarNames s in _starnamesbackground.Values)              // only items above will remain.
                    //if (s.inview != s.updatedinview) res += (s.updatedinview) ? "+" : "-";

                    _needrepaint = _needrepaint || (s.inview != s.updatedinview); // set if we change our mind on any of the items
                    s.inview     = s.updatedinview;                               // copy flag over, causes foreground to start removing them

                //if ( _needrepaint) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("starnamesest in view  {0} limit {1} repaint {2} {3}", inviewlist.Count, lylimit, _needrepaint, res));

                //Tools.LogToFile(String.Format("starnamesest added all delta {0} topaint {1}", sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds, painted));
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception watcher: " + ex.Message);
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Trace: " + ex.StackTrace);

            _formmap.BeginInvoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker) delegate              // kick the UI thread to process.