This struct represents parameters for PerformShutdownSequence call. It exposes several properties to control the way shutdown process goes.
        public override void Cleanup()
                preloader = null;

                if (ViewModel == null)

                var shutdownParams = new DynamoViewModel.ShutdownParams(
                    shutdownHost: false,
                    allowCancellation: false);

                ViewModel.RequestUserSaveWorkflow -= RequestUserSaveWorkflow;
                ViewModel = null;
            catch (Exception ex)

Esempio n. 2
        public void Exit()
            //Ensure that we leave the workspace marked as
            //not having changes.
            Model.HomeSpace.HasUnsavedChanges = false;

            if (View.IsLoaded)

            if (ViewModel != null)
                var shutdownParams = new DynamoViewModel.ShutdownParams(
                    shutdownHost: false, allowCancellation: false);

                ViewModel = null;

            View = null;
            Model = null;


                var directory = new DirectoryInfo(TempFolder);
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Call this method to initiate DynamoModel shutdown sequence.
        /// See the definition of ShutdownParams structure for more details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shutdownParams">A set of parameters that control the 
        /// way in which shutdown sequence is to be performed. See ShutdownParams
        /// for more details.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the shutdown sequence is started, or false 
        /// otherwise (i.e. when user chooses not to proceed with shutting down 
        /// Dynamo).</returns>
        public bool PerformShutdownSequence(ShutdownParams shutdownParams)
            if (shutdownSequenceInitiated)
                // There was a prior call to shutdown. This could happen for example
                // when user presses 'ALT + F4' to close the DynamoView, the 'Exit' 
                // handler calls this method to close Dynamo, which in turn closes 
                // the DynamoView ('OnRequestClose' below). When DynamoView closes,
                // its "Window.Closing" event fires and "DynamoView.WindowClosing" 
                // gets called before 'PerformShutdownSequence' is called again.
                return true;

            if (!AskUserToSaveWorkspacesOrCancel(shutdownParams.AllowCancellation))
                return false;

            // 'shutdownSequenceInitiated' is marked as true here indicating 
            // that the shutdown may not be stopped.
            shutdownSequenceInitiated = true;

            // Request the View layer to close its window (see 
            // ShutdownParams.CloseDynamoView member for details).
            if (shutdownParams.CloseDynamoView)
                OnRequestClose(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            if (shutdownParams.ShutdownHost)


            return true;
Esempio n. 4
        private bool PerformShutdownSequenceOnViewModel()
            // Test cases that make use of views (e.g. recorded tests) have 
            // their own tear down logic as part of the test set-up (mainly 
            // because DynamoModel should stay long enough for verification
            // code to verify data much later than the window closing).
            if (DynamoModel.IsTestMode)
                return false;

            var sp = new DynamoViewModel.ShutdownParams(
                shutdownHost: false,
                allowCancellation: true,
                closeDynamoView: false);

            if (dynamoViewModel.PerformShutdownSequence(sp))
                //Shutdown wasn't cancelled
                SizeChanged -= DynamoView_SizeChanged;
                LocationChanged -= DynamoView_LocationChanged;
                return true;
                //Shutdown was cancelled
                return false;
Esempio n. 5
        public void SearchHighlightMarginConverterTest()
            var converter = new SearchHighlightMarginConverter();
            var textBlock = new TextBlock { Width = 50, Height = 10 };

            # region dynamoViewModel and searchModel
            DynamoViewModel dynamoViewModel = DynamoViewModel.Start();
            var searchModel = new NodeSearchModel();
            # endregion

            var searhViewModel = new SearchViewModel(dynamoViewModel);
            object[] array = { textBlock, searhViewModel };
            var thickness = new Thickness(0, 0, textBlock.ActualWidth, textBlock.ActualHeight);
            object result;

            //1. Array is null.
            //2. TextBlock.Text is empty.
            //3. TextBlock contains highlighted phrase.

            // 1 case
            Assert.Throws<NullReferenceException>(() => converter.Convert(null, null, null, null));

            // 2 case
            textBlock.Text = "";
            array[0] = textBlock;
            result = converter.Convert(array, null, null, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(thickness, result);

            // 3 case
            // This case we can't check properly, because TextBlock.ActualWidth and TextBlock.ActualHeight equals 0. 
            textBlock.Text = "abcd";
            array[0] = textBlock;
            searhViewModel.SearchText = "a";
            thickness = new Thickness(0, 0, -6.6733333333333338, 0);
            result = converter.Convert(array, null, null, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(thickness, result);

            var shutdownParams = new DynamoViewModel.ShutdownParams(shutdownHost: false, allowCancellation: false);
Esempio n. 6
        private void RestartTestSetup(bool startInTestMode)
            // Shutdown Dynamo and restart it
            View = null;

            if (ViewModel != null)
                var shutdownParams = new DynamoViewModel.ShutdownParams(
                    shutdownHost: false, allowCancellation: false);

                ViewModel = null;

            // Setup Temp PreferenceSetting Location for testing
            PreferenceSettings.DynamoTestPath = Path.Combine(TempFolder, "UserPreferenceTest.xml");

            Model = DynamoModel.Start(
                new DynamoModel.DefaultStartConfiguration()
                    StartInTestMode = startInTestMode

            ViewModel = DynamoViewModel.Start(
                new DynamoViewModel.StartConfiguration()
                    DynamoModel = Model

            //create the view
            View = new DynamoView(ViewModel);

            SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext());
Esempio n. 7
        private void WindowClosing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            // Test cases that make use of views (e.g. recorded tests) have 
            // their own tear down logic as part of the test set-up (mainly 
            // because DynamoModel should stay long enough for verification
            // code to verify data much later than the window closing).
            if (DynamoModel.IsTestMode)

            var sp = new DynamoViewModel.ShutdownParams(
                shutdownHost: false,
                allowCancellation: true,
                closeDynamoView: false);

            if (dynamoViewModel.PerformShutdownSequence(sp))
                SizeChanged -= DynamoView_SizeChanged;
                LocationChanged -= DynamoView_LocationChanged;