protected override UIViewController MakeViewController()
     var controller = base.MakeViewController () as DialogViewController;
     // if the base returns DialogViewController, then re-set to DietDialogViewController to override the default UI DVC.
     if (controller != null) {
         controller = new DietDialogViewController (controller.Root, true);
     return controller;
Esempio n. 2
        protected override UIViewController MakeViewController()
            var controller = base.MakeViewController() as DialogViewController;

            // if the base returns DialogViewController, then re-set to DietDialogViewController to override the default UI DVC.
            if (controller != null)
                controller = new DietDialogViewController(controller.Root, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Finisheds the launching.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if launching was finisheded, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="application">Application.</param>
        /// <param name="launchOptions">Launch options.</param>
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            UINavigationBar.Appearance.TintColor = SecondaryColor;

            window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
            model = new DietCalculatorModel ();

            model.IdealWeightChanged += (sender, e) => {

            controller = new DietCalculatorController (model);

            CreateUI ();

            mainDvc = new DietDialogViewController (rootElement);
            nvc = new UINavigationController (mainDvc);

            window.RootViewController = nvc;
            window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finisheds the launching.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if launching was finisheded, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="application">Application.</param>
        /// <param name="launchOptions">Launch options.</param>
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            UINavigationBar.Appearance.TintColor = SecondaryColor;

            window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
            model  = new DietCalculatorModel();

            model.IdealWeightChanged += (sender, e) => {

            controller = new DietCalculatorController(model);


            mainDvc = new DietDialogViewController(rootElement);
            nvc     = new UINavigationController(mainDvc);

            window.RootViewController = nvc;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the UI for DialogViewController using Element API
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateUI()
            EntryElement ageElement, weightElement, heightElement, waistElement, hipsElement = null,
            idealWeightElement, idealBMIElement, cholestrolElement, hdlElement, neckElement;
            StringElement calculateButtonElement;

            Section waistHipsSection = null;

            // Gender Group and Section
            var genderRadioGroup = new RadioGroup ("gender", 0);
            var femaleRadioElement = new DietRadioElement ("Female", "gender");
            var maleRadioElement = new DietRadioElement ("Male", "gender");
            var radioElementSection = new Section () {

            // add hips element to wasit & hips section if female is selected
            femaleRadioElement.Tapped += delegate {
                if (!waistHipsSection.Elements.Contains (hipsElement = new NumericEntryElement ("Hips (in cm)", "ex. 88")))
                    waistHipsSection.Add (hipsElement);

            // remove hips element if male is selected.
            maleRadioElement.Tapped += delegate {
                if (waistHipsSection.Elements.Contains (hipsElement))
                    waistHipsSection.Remove (hipsElement);

            // Level of ActivityGroup & Section
            var levelOfActivityRadioGroup = new RadioGroup ("levelOfActivity", 2);
            var levelOfActivitySection = new Section () {
                new DietRadioElement (LevelOfActivity.Active.ToString(), "levelOfActivity"),
                new DietRadioElement (LevelOfActivity.Moderate.ToString(), "levelOfActivity"),
                new DietRadioElement (LevelOfActivity.Sedentary.ToString(), "levelOfActivity")

            // Create Elements on the rootElement. This will be added to the DialogViewController's root.
            rootElement = new RootElement ("Diet Calculator") {
                new Section(){
                    (ageElement = new NumericEntryElement("Age","ex. 25"){ KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.NumberPad }),
                    (new DietRootElement("Gender", genderRadioGroup){radioElementSection})
                new Section("Height & Weight"){
                    (weightElement = new NumericEntryElement("Weight (in kg)","ex. 65")),
                    (heightElement = new NumericEntryElement("Height (in cm)","ex. 170"))
                },  (waistHipsSection = new Section ("Waist & Hips") {
                    (waistElement = new NumericEntryElement("Waist (in cm)", "ex. 47"))
                    /* hips element will be added here if female is selected*/
                new Section("Ideal Weight & BMI"){
                    (idealWeightElement = new NumericEntryElement("Ideal Weight (in kg)", "ex. 45")),
                    (idealBMIElement = new NumericEntryElement("Ideal BMI (in kg/m2)","ex. 18"))
                new Section("Cholestrol & HDL"){
                    (cholestrolElement = new NumericEntryElement("Cholestrol (in mmol/L)", "ex. 5.17")),
                    (hdlElement = new NumericEntryElement("HDL (in mmol/L)","ex. 1.56"))
                new Section("Neck"){
                    (neckElement = new NumericEntryElement("Neck (in cm)","ex. 30")),
                new Section(){
                    new DietRootElement ("Level Of Activity", levelOfActivityRadioGroup) { levelOfActivitySection }
                /* Calculate Button*/
                new Section()
                    (calculateButtonElement = new DietStringElement("Calculate",
                        /* On Calculate Click create the resulting UI*/
                       delegate {
                        /* exising code from SL MVC project */
                        controller.SetAge( StringToNumberUtility.GetInt32( ageElement.Value, 0 ) );
                        controller.SetGender( genderRadioGroup.Selected == 0 ? true : false);
                        controller.SetWeight( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( weightElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                        controller.SetHeight( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( heightElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                        controller.SetWaist( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( waistElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                        controller.SetHips( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble((hipsElement == null ? null : hipsElement.Value), 0.00 ) );
                        controller.SetIdealWeight( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( idealWeightElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                        controller.SetIdealBMI( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( idealBMIElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                        controller.SetCholesterol( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( cholestrolElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                        controller.SetHDL( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( hdlElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                        controller.SetNeck( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( neckElement.Value, 0.00 ) );

                        var selectedActivity = levelOfActivitySection.Elements[levelOfActivityRadioGroup.Selected].Caption;
                        controller.SetActivity( ( LevelOfActivity )Enum.Parse(typeof(LevelOfActivity), selectedActivity ));

                         resultSection = new Section ("Results") {

                            new DietStringElement("Calories Per Day: ", model.CaloriesPerDay.ToString()),
                            new DietStringElement("Lean Body Mass: ", model.LeanBodyMass.ToString()),
                            new DietStringElement("Fat: ", model.PercentBodyFat.ToString() + " %"),
                            new DietStringElement("Waist Hips Label: ", model.WaistHipsRatio.ToString() + " cm"),
                            new DietStringElement("BMI Ratio: ", model.BMI.ToString()),
                            new DietStringElement("Cholestrol Ratio: ", model.CholesterolRatio.ToString() + " mmol/L"),
                            new DietStringElement("Waist Height Ratio: ", model.WaistHeightRatio.ToString() + " cm"),
                            new DietStringElement("Ideal Weight: ", model.IdealWeight.ToString() + " kg"),


                        resultDvc = new DietDialogViewController(new RootElement("Results"){ resultSection }, true);
                        nvc.PushViewController(resultDvc, true);


            // subscribe to IdealBMI and IdealWeight changed events on the model to update the UI
            model.IdealBMIChanged += (sender, e) => {
                idealBMIElement.Value = e.IdealBMI.ToString();

            model.IdealWeightChanged += (sender, e) => {
                idealWeightElement.Value = e.IdealWeight.ToString();

            // Since Ideal BMI has to be calculated based on the Ideal weight, set all the fields in
            // the controller that are used for calcaulation
            idealWeightElement.Changed += (sender, e) => {

                controller.SetWeight( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( weightElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                controller.SetHeight( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( heightElement.Value, 0.00 ) );

                controller.SetIdealWeight( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( idealWeightElement.Value, 0.00 ) );

            idealBMIElement.Changed += (sender, e) => {
                controller.SetWeight( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( weightElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                controller.SetHeight( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( heightElement.Value, 0.00 ) );
                controller.SetIdealBMI( StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble( idealBMIElement.Value, 0.00 ) );

            calculateButtonElement.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the UI for DialogViewController using Element API
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateUI()
            EntryElement ageElement, weightElement, heightElement, waistElement, hipsElement = null,
                         idealWeightElement, idealBMIElement, cholestrolElement, hdlElement, neckElement;
            StringElement calculateButtonElement;

            Section waistHipsSection = null;

            // Gender Group and Section
            var genderRadioGroup    = new RadioGroup("gender", 0);
            var femaleRadioElement  = new DietRadioElement("Female", "gender");
            var maleRadioElement    = new DietRadioElement("Male", "gender");
            var radioElementSection = new Section()

            // add hips element to wasit & hips section if female is selected
            femaleRadioElement.Tapped += delegate {
                if (!waistHipsSection.Elements.Contains(hipsElement = new NumericEntryElement("Hips (in cm)", "ex. 88")))

            // remove hips element if male is selected.
            maleRadioElement.Tapped += delegate {
                if (waistHipsSection.Elements.Contains(hipsElement))

            // Level of ActivityGroup & Section
            var levelOfActivityRadioGroup = new RadioGroup("levelOfActivity", 2);
            var levelOfActivitySection    = new Section()
                new DietRadioElement(LevelOfActivity.Active.ToString(), "levelOfActivity"),
                new DietRadioElement(LevelOfActivity.Moderate.ToString(), "levelOfActivity"),
                new DietRadioElement(LevelOfActivity.Sedentary.ToString(), "levelOfActivity")

            // Create Elements on the rootElement. This will be added to the DialogViewController's root.
            rootElement = new RootElement("Diet Calculator")
                new Section()
                    (ageElement = new NumericEntryElement("Age", "ex. 25")
                        KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.NumberPad
                    (new DietRootElement("Gender", genderRadioGroup)
                new Section("Height & Weight")
                    (weightElement = new NumericEntryElement("Weight (in kg)", "ex. 65")),
                    (heightElement = new NumericEntryElement("Height (in cm)", "ex. 170"))
                }, (waistHipsSection = new Section("Waist & Hips")
                    (waistElement = new NumericEntryElement("Waist (in cm)", "ex. 47"))
                    /* hips element will be added here if female is selected*/
                new Section("Ideal Weight & BMI")
                    (idealWeightElement = new NumericEntryElement("Ideal Weight (in kg)", "ex. 45")),
                    (idealBMIElement = new NumericEntryElement("Ideal BMI (in kg/m2)", "ex. 18"))
                new Section("Cholestrol & HDL")
                    (cholestrolElement = new NumericEntryElement("Cholestrol (in mmol/L)", "ex. 5.17")),
                    (hdlElement = new NumericEntryElement("HDL (in mmol/L)", "ex. 1.56"))
                new Section("Neck")
                    (neckElement = new NumericEntryElement("Neck (in cm)", "ex. 30")),
                new Section()
                    new DietRootElement("Level Of Activity", levelOfActivityRadioGroup)
                /* Calculate Button*/
                new Section()
                    (calculateButtonElement = new DietStringElement("Calculate",
                                                                    /* On Calculate Click create the resulting UI*/
                                                                    delegate {
                        /* exising code from SL MVC project */
                        controller.SetAge(StringToNumberUtility.GetInt32(ageElement.Value, 0));
                        controller.SetGender(genderRadioGroup.Selected == 0 ? true : false);
                        controller.SetWeight(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(weightElement.Value, 0.00));
                        controller.SetHeight(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(heightElement.Value, 0.00));
                        controller.SetWaist(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(waistElement.Value, 0.00));
                        controller.SetHips(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble((hipsElement == null ? null : hipsElement.Value), 0.00));
                        controller.SetIdealWeight(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(idealWeightElement.Value, 0.00));
                        controller.SetIdealBMI(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(idealBMIElement.Value, 0.00));
                        controller.SetCholesterol(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(cholestrolElement.Value, 0.00));
                        controller.SetHDL(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(hdlElement.Value, 0.00));
                        controller.SetNeck(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(neckElement.Value, 0.00));

                        var selectedActivity = levelOfActivitySection.Elements[levelOfActivityRadioGroup.Selected].Caption;
                        controller.SetActivity(( LevelOfActivity )Enum.Parse(typeof(LevelOfActivity), selectedActivity));

                        resultSection = new Section("Results")
                            new DietStringElement("Calories Per Day: ", model.CaloriesPerDay.ToString()),
                            new DietStringElement("Lean Body Mass: ", model.LeanBodyMass.ToString()),
                            new DietStringElement("Fat: ", model.PercentBodyFat.ToString() + " %"),
                            new DietStringElement("Waist Hips Label: ", model.WaistHipsRatio.ToString() + " cm"),
                            new DietStringElement("BMI Ratio: ", model.BMI.ToString()),
                            new DietStringElement("Cholestrol Ratio: ", model.CholesterolRatio.ToString() + " mmol/L"),
                            new DietStringElement("Waist Height Ratio: ", model.WaistHeightRatio.ToString() + " cm"),
                            new DietStringElement("Ideal Weight: ", model.IdealWeight.ToString() + " kg"),

                        resultDvc = new DietDialogViewController(new RootElement("Results")
                        }, true);
                        nvc.PushViewController(resultDvc, true);

            // subscribe to IdealBMI and IdealWeight changed events on the model to update the UI
            model.IdealBMIChanged += (sender, e) => {
                idealBMIElement.Value = e.IdealBMI.ToString();

            model.IdealWeightChanged += (sender, e) => {
                idealWeightElement.Value = e.IdealWeight.ToString();

            // Since Ideal BMI has to be calculated based on the Ideal weight, set all the fields in
            // the controller that are used for calcaulation
            idealWeightElement.Changed += (sender, e) => {
                controller.SetWeight(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(weightElement.Value, 0.00));
                controller.SetHeight(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(heightElement.Value, 0.00));

                controller.SetIdealWeight(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(idealWeightElement.Value, 0.00));
            idealBMIElement.Changed += (sender, e) => {
                controller.SetWeight(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(weightElement.Value, 0.00));
                controller.SetHeight(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(heightElement.Value, 0.00));
                controller.SetIdealBMI(StringToNumberUtility.GetDouble(idealBMIElement.Value, 0.00));

            calculateButtonElement.Alignment = UITextAlignment.Center;