Esempio n. 1
        internal Dictionary<string, string> GetSeries(Fields fields, string xlsFileNameWPath, ChartMode chartMode, int columnCount)
            Dictionary<string, string> RetVal = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                Dictionary<string, IRange> PyramidSeries = new Dictionary<string, IRange>();

                if (chartMode == ChartMode.Insert || chartMode == ChartMode.Edit)
                    this.TableSheetIndex = 1;

                this.ExcelFile = new DIExcel(xlsFileNameWPath, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);

                //-- Insert column and its value.
                this.InserDataValueColumn(fields, columnCount);

                //-- Generate the series for pyramid chart
                PyramidSeries = this.GetPyramidSeries(fields, chartMode);

                //-- Save the file

                //-- Insert / Edit the chart
                switch (chartMode)
                    case ChartMode.Insert:
                        this.InsertChart(PyramidSeries, xlsFileNameWPath);

                    case ChartMode.Edit:
                        this.CreatePyramidChartAndSetDataRange(xlsFileNameWPath, PyramidSeries);

                    case ChartMode.ExcelInsert:
                    case ChartMode.ExcelEdit:
                        RetVal = this.ConvertRangeIntoString(PyramidSeries);

            catch (Exception)
            return RetVal;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// It makes sort string to be used for sorting DataView.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sortedFields">Field class object having sorted elements.</param>
        /// <returns>sort string</returns>
        private string GetSortString(Fields sortedFields)
            string RetVal = string.Empty;

                if (!(sortedFields == null))
                    foreach (Field field in sortedFields.Sort)
                        if (RetVal.Length == 0)
                            RetVal = field.FieldID + " " + field.SortType.ToString().ToUpper();
                            RetVal += ", " + field.FieldID + " " + field.SortType.ToString().ToUpper();
            catch (Exception)
                RetVal = string.Empty;
            return RetVal;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates DES  for missing data ( blank DES + DES where data exists )
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="singleWorkbook"></param>
        /// <param name="dBConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="dBQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="userSelection"></param>
        /// <param name="sortedFields"></param>
        /// <param name="xlsFileNameWPath"></param>
        /// <param name="includeGUID"></param>
        /// <param name="languageFileNameWPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ExportMissingDataDES(bool singleWorkbook, DIConnection dBConnection, DIQueries dBQueries, UserSelection userSelection, Fields sortedFields, string xlsFileNameWPath, bool includeGUID, string languageFileNameWPath)
            bool RetVal = false;
            IWorkbook DESWorkbook = null;

            DataTable DistinctIU;
            String SqlQuery = string.Empty;
            DataView FilteredDataView = null;
            DataView BlankDESDataView = null;
            DataTable BlankRecordsTable = null;
            DataTable WhereDataExistsTable = null;
            DataColumn[] PrimayKeyColumns;
            string RowFilter = string.Empty;
            int IUCounter = 0;
            int ProgressBarValue = 0;
            string IndicatorNId = string.Empty;
            string UnitNId = string.Empty;


                //1. Get Distinct IU
                DistinctIU = DIExport.GetDistinctIU(true, dBConnection, dBQueries, userSelection);

                // Initialize progress bar
                this.RaiseProgressBarInitialize(DistinctIU.Rows.Count + 1);

                // 3. Iterate through each Row having distinct Indicator + Unit.
                foreach (DataRow dr in DistinctIU.Rows)
                    IndicatorNId = dr[Indicator.IndicatorNId].ToString();
                    UnitNId = dr[Unit.UnitNId].ToString();

                    // 2.1 get records where data exists
                    WhereDataExistsTable = this.GetDESDataViewWhereDataExits(includeGUID, userSelection, dBConnection, dBQueries, languageFileNameWPath, IndicatorNId, UnitNId).Table;

                    // 2.2 get blank records for all given combination
                    // get blank DES data view
                    BlankRecordsTable = GetBlankDESDataView(BlankDESDataView, IndicatorNId, UnitNId, singleWorkbook, dBConnection, dBQueries, userSelection, includeGUID).Table;

                    // 2.3. merge WhereDataExistsTable and BlankRecordsTable

                    // delete denominator column from BlankRecordsTable
                    if (BlankRecordsTable.Columns.Contains(Data.DataDenominator))

                    // merge missing records & records where data exists
                    if (WhereDataExistsTable != null)

                        // set primary key
                        if (WhereDataExistsTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                            PrimayKeyColumns = this.GetPrimaryKeyColumnForMissingDataDES(WhereDataExistsTable, userSelection);

                            WhereDataExistsTable.PrimaryKey = PrimayKeyColumns;


                    if (BlankRecordsTable != null)
                        // set primary key
                        if (BlankRecordsTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                            PrimayKeyColumns = this.GetPrimaryKeyColumnForMissingDataDES(BlankRecordsTable, userSelection);

                            BlankRecordsTable.PrimaryKey = PrimayKeyColumns;


                        if (userSelection.TimePeriodNIds.Length == 0 || userSelection.TimePeriodNIds.Length == 0)
                            foreach (DataRow BlankDESRow in BlankRecordsTable.Rows)
                                string SelectionClause = string.Empty;
                                SelectionClause = Area.AreaID + " ='" + DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Area.AreaID])) + "' AND "
               + Indicator.IndicatorName + " ='" + DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Indicator.IndicatorName])) + "' AND "
               + Unit.UnitName + " ='" + DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Unit.UnitName])) + "' AND "
               + SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal + " ='" + DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal])) + "'";

                                if (userSelection.TimePeriodNIds.Length > 0)
                                    SelectionClause += " AND " + Timeperiods.TimePeriod + " ='" + DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Timeperiods.TimePeriod])) + "'";

                                if (userSelection.SourceNIds.Length > 0)
                                    SelectionClause += " AND " + IndicatorClassifications.ICName + " ='" + DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[IndicatorClassifications.ICName])) + "'";

                                if (WhereDataExistsTable.Select(SelectionClause).Length == 0)
                                    DataRow NewRow = WhereDataExistsTable.NewRow();
                                    // add timeperiod, Area_ID,Area_name,IC_name,Indicator_name,indicator_gid, Unit_Name,unit_gid, Sugbroup_Val, Subgroup_val_gid

                                    // Timeperiod
                                    NewRow[Timeperiods.TimePeriod] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Timeperiods.TimePeriod]));

                                    // source
                                    NewRow[IndicatorClassifications.ICName] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[IndicatorClassifications.ICName]));

                                    // Area
                                    NewRow[Area.AreaID] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Area.AreaID]));
                                    NewRow[Area.AreaName] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Area.AreaName]));

                                    NewRow[Indicator.IndicatorName] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Indicator.IndicatorName]));
                                    if (BlankRecordsTable.Columns.Contains(Indicator.IndicatorGId))
                                        NewRow[Indicator.IndicatorGId] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Indicator.IndicatorGId]));

                                    NewRow[Unit.UnitName] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Unit.UnitName]));
                                    if (BlankRecordsTable.Columns.Contains(Unit.UnitGId))
                                        NewRow[Unit.UnitGId] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[Unit.UnitGId]));

                                    // subgroup_val
                                    NewRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupVal]));
                                    if (BlankRecordsTable.Columns.Contains(SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId))
                                        NewRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId] = DICommon.RemoveQuotes(Convert.ToString(BlankDESRow[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId]));


                            WhereDataExistsTable.Merge(BlankRecordsTable, true, MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey);
                    catch (Exception ex)


                    // add missing columns
                    if (WhereDataExistsTable.Columns.Contains(Data.DataDenominator) == false)

                    FilteredDataView = WhereDataExistsTable.DefaultView;

                    //////// 2.4 Limit DataRows to 65,536 as Excels sheet has 65,536 rows limit.
                    //////if (FilteredDataView.Table.Rows.Count > 65500)
                    //////    for (int i = FilteredDataView.Table.Rows.Count - 1; i > 65500; i--)
                    //////    {
                    //////        FilteredDataView.Table.Rows[i].Delete();
                    //////    }

                    // 2.5 update filteredDataView
                        // Rename GID columns if not required.
                        if (!(includeGUID))
                            FilteredDataView.Table.Columns[Indicator.IndicatorGId].ColumnName = "I_GID";
                            FilteredDataView.Table.Columns[Unit.UnitGId].ColumnName = "U_GID";
                            if (FilteredDataView.Table.Columns.Contains(SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId))
                                FilteredDataView.Table.Columns[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId].ColumnName = "S_GID";

                        //// Update Sector , Class in DataView
                        //DIExport.AddSectorClassInDataView(ref FilteredDataView, dBConnection, dBQueries, IndicatorNId, UnitNId);


                    catch (Exception)

                    this.RaiseProgressBarIncrement(ProgressBarValue);   //raise Progressbar_Increment event

                    if (FilteredDataView.Count > 0)
                        //// Set Indicator, Unit Name for progress bar event, and raise Progress_Increment event
                        //this.RaiseProcessIndicatorUnitInfo(FilteredDataView.Table.Rows[0][Indicator.IndicatorName].ToString(), FilteredDataView.Table.Rows[0][Unit.UnitName].ToString(), FilteredDataView.Table.Rows.Count);

                        // Set sort order on FilteredDataView.
                        FilteredDataView.Sort = this.GetSortString(sortedFields);

                            // Process Workbook by filling worksheet with DataView.
                            this.ProcessWorkbook(singleWorkbook, ref DESWorkbook, FilteredDataView, IUCounter, xlsFileNameWPath, languageFileNameWPath, dBConnection, dBQueries, IndicatorNId, UnitNId);
                        catch (Exception)


                //if (singleWorkbook)
                if (!(DESWorkbook == null))
                    // Delete last worksheet which is left blank.
                    DESWorkbook.Worksheets[DESWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 1].Delete();

                    // Set first sheet as active sheet.

                    // Save Workbook
                RetVal = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!(DESWorkbook == null))
                // Close progress bar
                this.RaiseProcessIndicatorUnitInfo(string.Empty, string.Empty, 0);

            return RetVal;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates DES where data exists
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="singleWorkbook"></param>
        /// <param name="dBConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="dBQueries"></param>
        /// <param name="userSelection"></param>
        /// <param name="sortedFields"></param>
        /// <param name="xlsFileNameWPath"></param>
        /// <param name="includeGUID"></param>
        /// <param name="languageFileNameWPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ExportDESWhereDataExists(bool singleWorkbook, DIConnection dBConnection, DIQueries dBQueries, UserSelection userSelection, Fields sortedFields, string xlsFileNameWPath, bool includeGUID, string languageFileNameWPath)
            bool RetVal = false;
            IWorkbook DESWorkbook = null;

            DataTable DistinctIU;
            String SqlQuery = string.Empty;
            DataView FilteredDataView = null;
            DataTable MissingRecordTable;
            DataTable WhereDataExistsTable;
            string RowFilter = string.Empty;
            int IUCounter = 0;
            int ProgressBarValue = 0;
            string IndicatorNId = string.Empty;
            string UnitNId = string.Empty;


                //1. Get Distinct IU
                DistinctIU = DIExport.GetDistinctIU(false, dBConnection, dBQueries, userSelection);

                // Initialize progress bar
                this.RaiseProgressBarInitialize(DistinctIU.Rows.Count + 1);

                // 3. Iterate through each Row having distinct Indicator + Unit.
                foreach (DataRow dr in DistinctIU.Rows)
                    IndicatorNId = dr[Indicator.IndicatorNId].ToString();
                    UnitNId = dr[Unit.UnitNId].ToString();

                    // get records where data exists
                    FilteredDataView = this.GetDESDataViewWhereDataExits(includeGUID, userSelection, dBConnection, dBQueries, languageFileNameWPath, IndicatorNId, UnitNId);

                    // update filteredDataView
                        // Rename GID columns if not required.
                        if (!(includeGUID))
                            FilteredDataView.Table.Columns[Indicator.IndicatorGId].ColumnName = "I_GID";
                            FilteredDataView.Table.Columns[Unit.UnitGId].ColumnName = "U_GID";
                            if (FilteredDataView.Table.Columns.Contains(SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId))
                                FilteredDataView.Table.Columns[SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId].ColumnName = "S_GID";

                        //// Update Sector , Class in DataView
                        //DIExport.AddSectorClassInDataView(ref FilteredDataView, dBConnection, dBQueries, IndicatorNId, UnitNId);


                    catch (Exception)

                    this.RaiseProgressBarIncrement(ProgressBarValue);   //raise Progressbar_Increment event

                    if (FilteredDataView.Count > 0)
                        //// Set Indicator, Unit Name for progress bar event, and raise Progress_Increment event
                        //this.RaiseProcessIndicatorUnitInfo(FilteredDataView.Table.Rows[0][Indicator.IndicatorName].ToString(), FilteredDataView.Table.Rows[0][Unit.UnitName].ToString(), FilteredDataView.Table.Rows.Count);

                        // Set sort order on FilteredDataView.
                        FilteredDataView.Sort = this.GetSortString(sortedFields);

                            // Process Workbook by filling worksheet with DataView.
                            this.ProcessWorkbook(singleWorkbook, ref DESWorkbook, FilteredDataView, IUCounter, xlsFileNameWPath, languageFileNameWPath, dBConnection, dBQueries, IndicatorNId, UnitNId);
                        catch (Exception)


                if (singleWorkbook)
                    if (!(DESWorkbook == null))
                        // Delete last worksheet which is left blank.
                        DESWorkbook.Worksheets[DESWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 1].Delete();

                        // Set first sheet as active sheet.

                        // Save Workbook

                RetVal = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!(DESWorkbook == null))
                // Close progress bar
                this.RaiseProcessIndicatorUnitInfo(string.Empty, string.Empty, 0);

            return RetVal;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet using Database as data source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="singleWorkbook">true, if single workbook is required.</param>
        /// <param name="emptyDES">true, to get missing records</param>
        /// <param name="withWhereDataExists">true to get records where data exists</param>
        /// <param name="dBConnection">DbConnection object of source database.</param>
        /// <param name="dBQueries">DBQueries object of source database.</param>
        /// <param name="userSelection">UserSelection object containg NIDs of Indicator, Unit, Subgroup, Area, Source, TimePeriod</param>
        /// <param name="xlsFileNameWPath">workbook file name with path.</param>
        /// <param name="includeGUID">true, if GUID of I, U, S to be included in DES.</param>
        /// <param name="languageFileNameWPath">Xml language file name with path, for language handling.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ExportDataEntrySpreadsheet(bool singleWorkbook, bool emptyDES, bool withWhereDataExists, DIConnection dBConnection, DIQueries dBQueries, UserSelection userSelection, Fields sortedFields, string xlsFileNameWPath, bool includeGUID, string languageFileNameWPath)
            bool RetVal = false;
            IWorkbook DESWorkbook = null;

            DataTable DistinctIU;
            String SqlQuery = string.Empty;
            DataView FilteredDataView = null;
            DataTable MissingRecordTable;
            DataTable WhereDataExistsTable;
            string RowFilter = string.Empty;
            int IUCounter = 0;
            int ProgressBarValue = 0;


                //1. Get Distinct IU
                DistinctIU = DIExport.GetDistinctIU(emptyDES, dBConnection, dBQueries, userSelection);

                // Initialize progress bar
                this.RaiseProgressBarInitialize(DistinctIU.Rows.Count );

                // 3. Iterate through each Row having distinct Indicator + Unit.
                foreach (DataRow dr in DistinctIU.Rows)
                    //// Prepare DES DataView for given IU
                    //if (emptyDES && FilteredDataView != null)
                    //    // If FilteredDataView is already made, Dataview will be same for every IU,
                    //    // then use existing Dataview
                    //    // Update Indicator & Unit in same DataView
                    //    DIExport.UpdateIndicatorUnitInDataView(ref FilteredDataView, dBConnection, dBQueries, dr[Indicator.IndicatorNId].ToString(), dr[Unit.UnitNId].ToString());

                    //    // Update Sector , Class in DataView
                    //    DIExport.AddSectorClassInDataView(ref FilteredDataView, dBConnection, dBQueries, dr[Indicator.IndicatorNId].ToString(), dr[Unit.UnitNId].ToString());


                    // get missing records with where data exists
                    if (emptyDES & withWhereDataExists)
                        //-- CASE: Missing Records + DATA Exists

                        //get records where data exists
                        WhereDataExistsTable = DIExport.GetDESDataViewForIU(includeGUID, false, userSelection, dBConnection, dBQueries, languageFileNameWPath, dr[Indicator.IndicatorNId].ToString(), dr[Unit.UnitNId].ToString()).Table;

                        //get missing records
                        MissingRecordTable = DIExport.GetMissingRecords(includeGUID, userSelection, dBConnection, dBQueries, languageFileNameWPath, dr[Indicator.IndicatorNId].ToString(), dr[Unit.UnitNId].ToString()).Table;

                        List<String> RequiredColumns = new List<string>();

                        foreach (DataColumn Column in MissingRecordTable.Columns)
                            if (Column.ColumnName != Data.DataDenominator)

                        MissingRecordTable = MissingRecordTable.DefaultView.ToTable(true, RequiredColumns.ToArray());

                        // merge missing records & records where data exists


                        // add missing columns
                        if (WhereDataExistsTable.Columns.Contains(Data.DataDenominator) == false)

                        FilteredDataView = WhereDataExistsTable.DefaultView;

                    else // get missing records or where data exists
                        //-- CASE 1: blank Records
                        //-- CASE 2: Where Data Exists

                        FilteredDataView = DIExport.GetDESDataViewForIU(includeGUID, emptyDES, userSelection, dBConnection, dBQueries, languageFileNameWPath, dr[Indicator.IndicatorNId].ToString(), dr[Unit.UnitNId].ToString());

                     //raise Progressbar_Increment event

                    if (FilteredDataView.Count > 0)
                        // Set Indicator, Unit Name for progress bar event, and raise Progress_Increment event
                        //this.RaiseProcessIndicatorUnitInfo(FilteredDataView.Table.Rows[0][Indicator.IndicatorName].ToString(), FilteredDataView.Table.Rows[0][Unit.UnitName].ToString(), FilteredDataView.Table.Rows.Count);

                        // Set sort order on FilteredDataView.
                        FilteredDataView.Sort = this.GetSortString(sortedFields);

                            // Process Workbook by filling worksheet with DataView.
                            this.ProcessWorkbook(singleWorkbook, ref DESWorkbook, FilteredDataView, IUCounter, xlsFileNameWPath, languageFileNameWPath);
                        catch (Exception)


                //if (singleWorkbook)
                if (!(DESWorkbook == null))
                    // Delete last worksheet which is left blank.
                    DESWorkbook.Worksheets[DESWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 1].Delete();

                    // Set first sheet as active sheet.

                    // Save Workbook
                RetVal = true;

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!(DESWorkbook == null))
                // Close progress bar
                this.RaiseProcessIndicatorUnitInfo(string.Empty, string.Empty, 0);

            return RetVal;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates DevInfo Data Entry Spreadsheet using DataView as data source.
        /// <para>DataView must have manadatory columns</para>
        /// <para>Mandatory columns (Indicator_Name, Unit_Name, Subgroup_Val, TimePeriod, AreaID, Area_Name, DataValue, ICSource, Footnote, DataDenominator)</para>
        /// <para>Optional columns: Indicator_GID, Unit_GID, Subgroup_Val_Gid, Sector (IC_Name), Class (IC_Name)</para>
        /// <para>To insert Sector & Class in a DataView, Developer can use DIExport.AddSectorClassInDataTable()</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="singleWorkbook">true, if single workbook is required.</param>
        /// <param name="desDataView">DataView containing Data required for DES generation. Columns required for DES are mentioned above.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xlsFileNameWPath">workbook file name with path.</param>
        /// <param name="languageFileNameWPath">Xml language file name with path, for language handling.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ExportDataEntrySpreadsheet(bool singleWorkbook, DataView desDataView, bool includeGUID, Fields sortedFields, string xlsFileNameWPath, string languageFileNameWPath)
            bool RetVal = false;
            IWorkbook DESWorkbook = null;
            DataTable DistinctIU;
            string[] IndicatorUnitColumns = new string[2];
            string RowFilter = string.Empty;
            string SortFilter = string.Empty;
            int IUCounter = 0;
            int ProgressBarValue = 0;

                // 1. Check if DataView is valid to be used to generate DES.
                if ((DIExport.IsValidDESDataView(desDataView)))
                    // 1) Remove GUID columns in desDataView , if GUID is not required.
                    if (!includeGUID)
                        if (desDataView.Table.Columns.Contains(Indicator.IndicatorGId))
                        if (desDataView.Table.Columns.Contains(Unit.UnitGId))
                        if (desDataView.Table.Columns.Contains(SubgroupVals.SubgroupValGId))

                    // 2. Get distinct Indicator, Unit from sourceDataView.
                    IndicatorUnitColumns[0] = Indicator.IndicatorName;
                    IndicatorUnitColumns[1] = Unit.UnitName;
                    DistinctIU = desDataView.ToTable(true, IndicatorUnitColumns);

                    // Initialize progress bar
                    this.RaiseProgressBarInitialize(DistinctIU.Rows.Count + 1);

                    // 4. Iterate through each Row having distinct Indicator + Unit.
                    foreach (DataRow dr in DistinctIU.Rows)

                        this.RaiseEndIndicatorUnit();   //Indicates that previous indicator unit is processed.

                        // 4.1) Set rowfilter on sourceDataview
                        desDataView.RowFilter = Indicator.IndicatorName + " = '" + DICommon.RemoveQuotes(dr[Indicator.IndicatorName].ToString()) + "' AND " + Unit.UnitName + " = '" + DICommon.RemoveQuotes(dr[Unit.UnitName].ToString()) + "'";

                        // 4.2) Set sort order on desDataView.
                        desDataView.Sort = this.GetSortString(sortedFields);

                        // 4.3) Get DataView for selected Indicator & Unit , by applying rowfilter on sourceDataview
                        DataView FilteredDataView = desDataView.ToTable().DefaultView;
                        desDataView.RowFilter = string.Empty;
                        desDataView.Sort = string.Empty;

                        //// 4.4) Set indicator, unit Name, and DataCount in progress bar event
                        //this.RaiseProcessIndicatorUnitInfo(dr[Indicator.IndicatorName].ToString(), dr[Unit.UnitName].ToString(), FilteredDataView.Table.Rows.Count);

                        // 4.5) Process workbook. Fills it with Data fromm DataView.
                        this.ProcessWorkbook(singleWorkbook, ref DESWorkbook, FilteredDataView, IUCounter, xlsFileNameWPath, languageFileNameWPath);


                    //if (singleWorkbook)
                    if (!(DESWorkbook == null))
                        // Delete last worksheet which is left blank.
                        DESWorkbook.Worksheets[DESWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 1].Delete();

                        // Set first sheet as active sheet.

                        // Save Workbook

                    RetVal = true;

                    // TODO: validate exception message.
                    throw new ApplicationException("Invalid dataview. Column missing.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!(DESWorkbook == null))
                // Close progress bar
                this.RaiseProcessIndicatorUnitInfo(string.Empty, string.Empty, 0);



            return RetVal;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Inser the data value column and its data value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fields"></param>
        private void InserDataValueColumn(Fields fields, int columnCount)
            int RowCount = -1;
            int ColumnCount = -1;
            string Range = string.Empty;
            int FormulaRange = -1;
            int NewColumnIndex = -1;

            //-- Get the index of the column
            InsertColumnIndex = columnCount + fields.Rows.Count;
            NewColumnIndex = this.InsertColumnIndex;

            if (this.ExcelFile.GetUsedRange(TableSheetIndex).Columns.Count > 2)
                FormulaRange = fields.Rows.Count + 1;
                FormulaRange = this.InsertColumnIndex - 1;

            //-- Used row count
            RowCount = this.ExcelFile.GetUsedRange(TableSheetIndex).Rows.Count;
            ColumnCount = this.ExcelFile.GetUsedRange(TableSheetIndex).Columns.Count;

            for (int ColumnIndex = FormulaRange; ColumnIndex < ColumnCount; ColumnIndex += 2)
                //-- Copy the datavalues through formula
                for (int Index = 0; Index < RowCount; Index++)
                    string ColumnRange = this.ExcelFile.GetRange(TableSheetIndex, Index, ColumnIndex, Index, ColumnIndex);
                    if (Index == 0)
                        this.ExcelFile.ExecuteFormula(TableSheetIndex, Index, NewColumnIndex, Index, NewColumnIndex, "=" + ColumnRange);
                        this.ExcelFile.ExecuteFormula(TableSheetIndex, Index, NewColumnIndex, Index, NewColumnIndex, "=-" + ColumnRange);
                    this.ExcelFile.SetForegroundColor(TableSheetIndex, NewColumnIndex, System.Drawing.Color.White);
                NewColumnIndex += 1;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the pyramid series
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary<string, IRange> GetPyramidSeries(Fields fields, ChartMode chartMode)
            Dictionary<string, IRange> RetVal = new Dictionary<string, IRange>();
                int Index=0;
                int StartRowIndex = 1;
                int FormulaRange = -1;
                IRange Range = null;
                string ColumnHeader = string.Empty;
                string TempAreaName = string.Empty;
                string AreaName = string.Empty;
                int RowCount = this.ExcelFile.GetUsedRange(TableSheetIndex).Rows.Count;
                int ColumnCount = this.ExcelFile.GetUsedRange(TableSheetIndex).Columns.Count;
                int NewColumnIndex = this.InsertColumnIndex;

                if (fields.Rows.Count > 1)
                    if (this.ExcelFile.GetUsedRange(TableSheetIndex).Columns.Count > 2)
                        FormulaRange = fields.Rows.Count;
                        FormulaRange = this.InsertColumnIndex - 2;

                    AreaName = this.ExcelFile.GetCellValue(TableSheetIndex, 1, AreaColumnIndex, 1, AreaColumnIndex);

                    for (int ColumnIndex = FormulaRange; ColumnIndex < this.InsertColumnIndex; ColumnIndex += 2)
                        for (int RowIndex = 2; RowIndex < RowCount; RowIndex++)
                            TempAreaName = this.ExcelFile.GetCellValue(TableSheetIndex, RowIndex, AreaColumnIndex, RowIndex, AreaColumnIndex);
                            if (AreaName.ToLower() != TempAreaName.ToLower())
                                ColumnHeader = this.ExcelFile.GetCellValue(TableSheetIndex, 0, ColumnIndex, 0, ColumnIndex).Replace("\n", "-");
                                if (Index == 0)
                                    //this._DataSourceDimensions = StartRowIndex.ToString() + "," + DimensionIndex.ToString() + "," + (RowIndex - 1) + "," + (this.InsertColumnIndex - 2);
                                    Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, StartRowIndex, DimensionIndex, RowIndex - 1, FormulaRange);
                                    RetVal.Add(AreaName + " - " + ColumnHeader, Range);
                                    Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, RowIndex, ColumnIndex, RowIndex, ColumnIndex);
                                    RetVal.Add(AreaName + " - " + ColumnHeader, Range);

                                ColumnHeader = this.ExcelFile.GetCellValue(TableSheetIndex, 0, NewColumnIndex, 0, NewColumnIndex).Replace("\n", "-");
                                Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, RowIndex, NewColumnIndex, RowIndex, NewColumnIndex);
                                RetVal.Add(AreaName + " - " + ColumnHeader, Range);

                                AreaName = TempAreaName;
                                StartRowIndex = RowIndex;
                        Index += 1;
                        StartRowIndex = 2;
                        NewColumnIndex += 1;
                    for (int ColumnIndex = 1; ColumnIndex < this.InsertColumnIndex; ColumnIndex += 2)
                        if (Index == 0)
                            if (chartMode == ChartMode.Insert)
                                Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, StartRowIndex, 1, RowCount - 1, 1);
                                ColumnHeader = this.ExcelFile.GetCellValue(TableSheetIndex, 0, 1, 0, 1).Replace("\n", "-");
                                RetVal.Add(ColumnHeader, Range);

                                Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, StartRowIndex, 0, RowCount - 1, 0);
                                ColumnHeader = "1";
                                RetVal.Add(ColumnHeader, Range);
                            else if (chartMode == ChartMode.ExcelInsert)
                                Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, StartRowIndex, 0, RowCount - 1, 1);
                                ColumnHeader = this.ExcelFile.GetCellValue(TableSheetIndex, 0, 1, 0, 1).Replace("\n", "-");
                                RetVal.Add(ColumnHeader, Range);
                            else if (chartMode == ChartMode.Edit || chartMode == ChartMode.ExcelEdit)
                                Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, StartRowIndex, 0, RowCount - 1, fields.Columns.Count - 1);
                                ColumnHeader = "";
                                RetVal.Add(ColumnHeader, Range);

                                Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, StartRowIndex, 1, RowCount - 1, 1);
                                ColumnHeader = this.ExcelFile.GetCellValue(TableSheetIndex, 0, 1, 0, 1).Replace("\n", "-");
                                RetVal.Add(ColumnHeader, Range);
                            Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, StartRowIndex, ColumnIndex, RowCount - 1, ColumnIndex);
                            ColumnHeader = this.ExcelFile.GetCellValue(TableSheetIndex, 0, ColumnIndex, 0, ColumnIndex).Replace("\n", "-");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ColumnHeader.Trim()))
                                RetVal.Add(ColumnHeader, Range);

                        Range = this.ExcelFile.GetSelectedRange(TableSheetIndex, StartRowIndex, NewColumnIndex, RowCount - 1, NewColumnIndex);
                        ColumnHeader = this.ExcelFile.GetCellValue(TableSheetIndex, 0, NewColumnIndex, 0, NewColumnIndex).Replace("\n", "-");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ColumnHeader.Trim()))
                            RetVal.Add(ColumnHeader, Range);

                        Index += 1;
                        NewColumnIndex += 1;
            catch (Exception)
            return RetVal;
Esempio n. 9
            public DataviewPreference(string languageFileName)
                this._Fields = new Fields();
