Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This stores a document into CosmosDB. First the document is stored with the
        /// DocumentDB-API and then with the MongoAPI. Explore both Location-Elements:
        ///  * "LocationMongoDB" and
        ///  * "LocationCosmosDB"
        ///  and their representation in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task DemoStorageOfLocation()
                MongoItem demoDoc = new MongoItem("Hansi", "Huber", "Test", "ModeT", "",
                                                  1.1, 2.2,
                                                  new string[] { "male", "person" },
                                                  new string[] { "hansi" });
                // =======================================================
                // Store in CosmosDB
                // =======================================================
                DocumentClient docDBclient = await CosDB.ConnectToCosmosDB(Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo, Config.Account_DemoBuild_Mongo_Key);

                Database docDBdb = await CosDB.CreateOrGetDatabase(docDBclient, "demodb");

                DocumentCollection collection = await CosDB.CreateOrGetCollection(docDBclient, docDBdb, "democolDocDB", 400, null, null, false);

                await docDBclient.CreateDocumentAsync(collection.SelfLink, demoDoc);

                // =======================================================
                // Store with MongoDB API
                // =======================================================
                MongoQueryTest queryTest = new MongoQueryTest();
                MongoClient    client    = MongoDemo.Client;
                var            db        = client.GetDatabase("demodb");
                    await db.DropCollectionAsync("democol");
                catch (Exception)
                var col = db.GetCollection <MongoItem>("democol");
                await col.InsertOneAsync(demoDoc);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"DemoMongoAPILocation Demo failed with {ex.Message}.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Create some Test Data in Memory
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <MongoItem> CreateTestData()
            List <MongoItem> result = new List <MongoItem>();
            MongoItem        newItem;

            newItem = new MongoItem("Andreas", "Pollak", "Vienna", "ModeA", "2017:04:03 14:00:00", 48.080, 16.140, new string[] { "person", "male" }, new string[] { "apollak", "pollaka" });
            newItem = new MongoItem("Nina", "Huber", "Vienna", "ModeA", "2017:04:03 15:00:00", 48.085, 16.145, new string[] { "person", "female" }, new string[] { "ninah", "hnina" });
            newItem = new MongoItem("Michaela", "Bauer", "Vienna", "ModeB", "2017:04:03 16:00:00", 48.090, 16.150, new string[] { "person", "female" }, new string[] { "michib", "bmichi" });
            newItem = new MongoItem("Karl", "Sarg", "Graz", "ModeB", "2017:04:03 19:00:00", 48.095, 16.155, new string[] { "person", "male" }, new string[] { "ksarg", "sargk" });
            newItem = new MongoItem("Martina", "Uhlig", "Graz", "ModeC", "2017:04:02 18:00:00", 48.100, 16.160, new string[] { "person", "female" }, new string[] { "martinau", "umartina" });
            newItem = new MongoItem("Susan", "Maier", "Graz", "ModeC", "2017:04:02 17:00:00", 48.105, 16.165, new string[] { "person", "female" }, new string[] { "susanm", "msusan" });
            newItem = new MongoItem("Karin", "Janos", "Graz", "ModeD", "2017:04:05 09:00:00", 48.110, 16.170, new string[] { "person", "female" }, new string[] { "karinj", "jkarin" });

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the behaviour of CosmosDB when access with Linq for MongoDB driver
        /// in contrary to a standard mongodb instantiated via Bitnami as virtual machine f.e.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task DemoMongoAPIQueries1()
                MongoClient client = MongoDemo.Client;
                var         db     = client.GetDatabase("demodb");
                    await db.DropCollectionAsync("democol");
                catch (Exception)
                var col = db.GetCollection <MongoItem>("democol");

                MongoItem itemA = new MongoItem()
                    id       = "84476d91-8fe4-4d8c-8525-feefb3e12912",
                    City     = "demo",
                    DemoUser = new MUser()
                        FirstName = "Hansi", LastName = "Huber"
                    UserList = new string[] { "user1" },
                    TagList  = new string[] { "car", "crash" }
                MongoItem itemB = new MongoItem()
                    id       = "2ba8a3a2-9937-408b-b5d3-0acef8ce0fb7",
                    City     = "marastore",
                    DemoUser = new MUser()
                        FirstName = "Mara", LastName = "Jade"
                    UserList = new string[] { "user2" },
                    TagList  = new string[] { "car", "luxus" }
                await col.InsertOneAsync(itemA);

                await col.InsertOneAsync(itemB);

                /// Try to load documents that have their "Container" property
                /// start with "mara".
                /// Bitnami:    Returns 1 result.
                /// CosmosDB:   Returns 1 result
                /// {aggregate([{ "$match" : { "City" : /^mara/s } }])}
                var result = from items in col.AsQueryable <MongoItem>()
                             where items.City.StartsWith("mara")
                             select items;
                foreach (var item in result)

                /// Bitnami:    Returns 1 result.
                /// CosmosDB:   Returns 1 result
                // {aggregate([{ "$match" : { "DemoUser.FirstName" : /^Hansi/s } }])}
                result = from items in col.AsQueryable <MongoItem>()
                         where items.DemoUser.FirstName.StartsWith("Hansi")
                         select items;
                foreach (var item in result)

                /// Try to load documents that contain a certain element in their Tag List
                /// This will always return 0 results with DocumentDB
                /// This will return the correct result with a Bitnami MongoDB Instance
                /// Bitnami ==>     2 Results
                /// CosmosDB ==>    0 Results
                /// It seems not the full MongoDB API is supported with CosmosDB or this is a bug!
                /// {aggregate([{ "$match" : { "TagList" : "car" } }])}
                result = from items in col.AsQueryable <MongoItem>()
                         where items.TagList.Contains <string>("car")
                         select items;
                foreach (var item in result)

                /// Again try to load the element by using Select Many
                /// Fails with Exception: "$project or $group does not support {document}."
                /// Update: This also fails with a BitNami MongoDB Instance
                // This query:
                //  var tagResults =    from a in col.AsQueryable<MongoItem>()
                //                      from b in a.TagList
                //                      where b.StartsWith("car")
                //                      select b;
                // Cannot be created

                // This is my manual query which would retrieve the relevant Objects
                // Returns a result in  Bitnami
                // In CosmosDB if fails because $unwind is not supported. If you remove $unwind it still does not return any results.
                // db.democol.aggregate( [ { $unwind : "$TagList" }, { "$project" : { "TagList" : "$TagList", "_id" : "$_id" } },{$match : {"TagList":"car"} } ])
                // This query
                //  var tagResults =    from a in col.AsQueryable<MongoItem>()
                //                      from b in a.TagList
                //                      select b;
                // Results in: {aggregate([{ "$unwind" : "$TagList" }, { "$project" : { "TagList" : "$TagList", "_id" : 0 } }])}
                // This query
                //      var tagResults = from a in col.AsQueryable()
                //                      from b in a.TagList
                //                      select new { id =, tag = b };
                // Translates to: {aggregate([{ "$unwind" : "$TagList" }, { "$project" : { "id" : "$_id", "tag" : "$TagList", "_id" : 0 } }])}


                //var tagResults = col.AsQueryable<MongoItem>()
                //                .SelectMany(e => e.TagList, (e, b) => new { entityA = e, bitem = b })
                //                .Where(t => "car" == t.bitem)
                //                .Select(t => t.bitem);
                // "$project or $group does not support {document}."

                //var tagResults = col.AsQueryable<MongoItem>()
                //          .Select(e => new {, e.TagList });
                // {aggregate([{ "$project" : { "id" : "$_id", "TagList" : "$TagList", "_id" : 0 } }])}

                var tagResults = col.AsQueryable <MongoItem>()
                                 .SelectMany(e => e.TagList, (e, b) => new { A = e, B = b });
                // Bitnami: Error => "$project or $group does not support {document}."
                foreach (var tag in tagResults)


                // db.democol.find({ "TagList" : "crash" })
                // Bitnami ==> Return 2 results
                using (IAsyncCursor <MongoItem> cursor = await col.FindAsync(p => p.TagList.Any(t => t == "car")))
                    while (await cursor.MoveNextAsync())
                        IEnumerable <MongoItem> batch = cursor.Current;
                        foreach (MongoItem document in batch)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"MongoDB Demo failed with {ex.Message}.");