Esempio n. 1
        private CloudEventsSpecVersion(
            string versionId,
            CloudEventAttribute idAttribute,
            CloudEventAttribute sourceAttribute,
            CloudEventAttribute typeAttribute,
            CloudEventAttribute dataContentTypeAttribute,
            CloudEventAttribute dataSchemaAttribute,
            CloudEventAttribute subjectAttribute,
            CloudEventAttribute timeAttribute)
            VersionId                = versionId;
            IdAttribute              = idAttribute;
            SourceAttribute          = sourceAttribute;
            TypeAttribute            = typeAttribute;
            DataContentTypeAttribute = dataContentTypeAttribute;
            DataSchemaAttribute      = dataSchemaAttribute;
            SubjectAttribute         = subjectAttribute;
            TimeAttribute            = timeAttribute;

            var allAttributes = new[]
                idAttribute, sourceAttribute, typeAttribute, dataContentTypeAttribute,
                dataSchemaAttribute, subjectAttribute, timeAttribute

            RequiredAttributes = allAttributes.Where(a => a.IsRequired).ToList().AsReadOnly();
            OptionalAttributes = allAttributes.Where(a => !a.IsRequired).ToList().AsReadOnly();
            AllAttributes      = RequiredAttributes.Concat(OptionalAttributes).ToList().AsReadOnly();
            attributesByName   = AllAttributes.ToDictionary(attr => attr.Name);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets or fetches the value associated with the given attribute.
        /// If the attribute is not known in this event, fetching the value always returns null, and
        /// setting the value adds the attribute, which must be an extension attribute with a name which is
        /// not otherwise present known to the event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// If non-null, the value must be compatible with the type of the attribute. For example, an attempt
        /// to store a Time context attribute with a string value will fail with an <see cref="ArgumentException"/>.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The the value being set is null, any existing value is removed from the event.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="attribute">The attribute whose value should be set or fetched.</param>
        /// <returns>The fetched attribute value, or null if the attribute has no value in this event.</returns>
        public object this[CloudEventAttribute attribute]
                Validation.CheckNotNull(attribute, nameof(attribute));
                Validation.CheckArgument(attribute.Name != CloudEventsSpecVersion.SpecVersionAttributeName, nameof(attribute), Strings.ErrorCannotIndexBySpecVersionAttribute);

                // TODO: Is this validation definitely useful? It does mean we never return something
                // that's invalid for the attribute, which is potentially good...
                var value = attributeValues.GetValueOrDefault(attribute.Name);
                if (value is object)
                Validation.CheckNotNull(attribute, nameof(attribute));
                Validation.CheckArgument(attribute.Name != CloudEventsSpecVersion.SpecVersionAttributeName, nameof(attribute), Strings.ErrorCannotIndexBySpecVersionAttribute);

                string name           = attribute.Name;
                var    knownAttribute = GetAttribute(name);

                // TODO: Are we happy to add the extension in even if the value is null?
                Validation.CheckArgument(knownAttribute is object || attribute.IsExtension,
                                         "Cannot add an unknown non-extension attribute to an event.");

                // If the attribute is new, or we previously had an extension attribute, replace it with our new information.
                // TODO: Alternatively, we could validate that it's got the same type... but what if it has
                // different validation criteria?
                if (knownAttribute is null || (knownAttribute.IsExtension && knownAttribute != attribute))
                    extensionAttributes[name] = attribute;

                if (value is null)
                // TODO: We could convert the attribute value here instead? Or is that a bit too much "magic"?
                attributeValues[name] = attribute.Validate(value);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets or fetches the value associated with the given attribute name.
        /// Setting a value of null removes the value from the event, if it exists.
        /// If the attribute is not known in this event, fetching the value always returns null, and
        /// setting the value add a new extension attribute with the given name, and a type of string.
        /// (The value for an unknown attribute must be a string or null.)
        /// </summary>
        public object this[string attributeName]
                // TODO: Validate the attribute name is valid (e.g. not upper case)? Seems overkill.
                Validation.CheckNotNull(attributeName, nameof(attributeName));
                Validation.CheckArgument(attributeName != CloudEventsSpecVersion.SpecVersionAttributeName, nameof(attributeName), Strings.ErrorCannotIndexBySpecVersionAttribute);
                return(attributeValues.GetValueOrDefault(Validation.CheckNotNull(attributeName, nameof(attributeName))));
                Validation.CheckNotNull(attributeName, nameof(attributeName));
                Validation.CheckArgument(attributeName != CloudEventsSpecVersion.SpecVersionAttributeName, nameof(attributeName), Strings.ErrorCannotIndexBySpecVersionAttribute);

                var knownAttribute = GetAttribute(attributeName);

                // TODO: Are we happy to add the extension in even if the value is null?
                // (It's a simple way of populating extensions after the fact...)
                if (knownAttribute is null)
                    Validation.CheckArgument(value is null || value is string,
                                             nameof(value), "Cannot assign value of type {0} to unknown attribute '{1}'",
                                             value.GetType(), attributeName);
                    knownAttribute = CloudEventAttribute.CreateExtension(attributeName, CloudEventAttributeType.String);
                    extensionAttributes[attributeName] = knownAttribute;

                if (value is null)
                // TODO: We could convert the attribute value here instead? Or is that a bit too much "magic"?
                attributeValues[attributeName] = knownAttribute.Validate(value);