protected override Student[,] distribute() { Student[,] classroom = new Student[_classRoomRows, _classRoomColumns]; // Distribution phase int i = 0; for (int r = 0; r < _classRoomRows && i < students.Length; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < _classRoomColumns && i < students.Length; c++) { classroom[r, c] = students[c + (r * _classRoomColumns)]; i++; } } // Swap phase for (int j = 0; j < _MaxSwaps; j++ ) { for (int r = 0; r < _classRoomRows-1; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < _classRoomColumns; c++) { if (classroom[r + 1, c] != null && classroom[r, c] != null && classroom[r, c].height > classroom[r + 1, c].height + _MinHeightDifference) { Student help = classroom[r, c]; classroom[r, c] = classroom[r + 1, c]; classroom[r + 1, c] = help; } } } } return classroom; }
public bool Add(Student newStudent) { string gradeString = newStudent.grade.ToString().Replace(',', '.'); string sql = "INSERT INTO " + TBL_STUDENTS + " (" + STUD_NAME + ", " + STUD_GRADE + ", " + STUD_HEIGHT + ", " + CLASS_ID + ") " + "VALUES('" + + "', " + ConvertGrade(newStudent.grade) + ", " + newStudent.height + ", " + + ");"; return _db.ExecuteInsertUpdateDelete(sql); }
public bool Edit(Student editStudent) { string sql = "UPDATE " + TBL_STUDENTS + " SET " + STUD_NAME + "='" + + "', " + STUD_HEIGHT + "=" + editStudent.height + ", " + STUD_GRADE + "=" + ConvertGrade(editStudent.grade) + ", " + CLASS_ID + "=" + + " WHERE " + STUD_ID + "=" + + ";"; return _db.ExecuteInsertUpdateDelete(sql); }
private void bAddStud_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkAndGetValues()) { _newStud = new Student(0, name, grade, height, studClass); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Fill in all required fields"); } }
protected override Student[,] distribute() { Student[,] classroom = new Student[_classRoomRows, _classRoomColumns]; int i = 0; for (int r = 0; r < _classRoomRows && i < students.Length; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < _classRoomColumns && i < students.Length; c++) { classroom[r, c] = students[i]; i++; } } return classroom; }
private void bEditStud_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtEditStudName.Text != "" && cmbEditStudClass.SelectedIndex>-1 && cmbEditStudClass.SelectedItem!=null && cmbEditStudClass.Text!="") { _editStudent = new Student(, txtEditStudName.Text, (double)nudEditStudGrade.Value, (int)nudEditStudHeight.Value, (Class)cmbEditStudClass.SelectedItem); this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Fill in all required fields."); } }
public bool Add(Student newStudent) { long newStudId = 1 + Convert.ToInt64( _doc.Root .Descendants(STUDINDEX_EL) .First() .Value); try { XElement newStudEl = GenerateXElement(newStudent, newStudId); _doc.Root .Elements(CLASS_EL) .Single(c => (string) c.Attribute(ID_ATT) .Add(newStudEl); _doc.Root.Element(META_EL).SetElementValue(STUDINDEX_EL, newStudId); _doc.Save(_path); return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public Student[,] createClassroom(Student[] array) { students = array; sort(0, students.Length - 1); return distribute(); }
private XElement GenerateXElement(Student student) { XElement newStudEl = new XElement(STUD_EL); newStudEl.SetAttributeValue(STUD_NAME_ATT,; newStudEl.SetAttributeValue(ID_ATT,; newStudEl.SetElementValue(STUD_GRADE_EL, student.grade); newStudEl.SetElementValue(STUD_HEIGHT_EL, student.height); return newStudEl; }
public bool Edit(Student editStudent) { XElement oldStud = _doc.Root .Descendants(STUD_EL) .Single(s => (string)s.Attribute(ID_ATT).Value ==; try { if (Convert.ToInt32(oldStud.Parent.Attribute(ID_ATT).Value) == { oldStud.SetAttributeValue(STUD_NAME_ATT,; oldStud.SetElementValue(STUD_GRADE_EL, editStudent.grade); oldStud.SetElementValue(STUD_HEIGHT_EL, editStudent.height); _doc.Save(_path); } else { XElement newStudEl = GenerateXElement(editStudent); oldStud.Remove(); _doc.Root .Elements(CLASS_EL) .Single(c => (string)c.Attribute(ID_ATT).Value == .Add(newStudEl); _doc.Save(_path); } return true; } catch (Exception) { return false; } }
public bool Delete(Student delStudent) { try { _doc.Root .Descendants(STUD_EL) .Single(s => (string)s.Attribute(ID_ATT).Value == .Remove(); _doc.Save(_path); } catch (Exception) { return false; } return true; }
private void ShowClassroom(Student[,] classroom) { // Generate the lables to display the classroom. // Variables used to calculate the position and size of each label. int lineHeight = 15; int lblWidth = 150; int lblVerticalOffset = 180; int lblHorizontalOffset = 20; int lblMargin = 20; lblList = new List<Label>(); // The list of lalbels. // Iterate through the classroom. for (int r = 0; r < classRoomRows; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < classRoomColumns; c++) { Student current = classroom[r, c]; // The currently selected student. Label lblStudent = new Label(); // Create a new label. lblStudent.Height = lineHeight * 3; // Set label height... lblStudent.Width = lblWidth; // ,width... lblStudent.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; // and border. if (current != null) { // Fill in te label with information from the Student. lblStudent.Text = + "\n" + current.grade + "/10\n" + current.height + "cm"; } else { // Fill in an Empty Seat. lblStudent.Text = EMPTY_SEAT; } // Set th label's position. lblStudent.Location = new Point(c * (lblWidth + lblMargin) + lblHorizontalOffset, r * lineHeight * 4 + lblVerticalOffset); lblStudent.Click += new EventHandler(StudentLabel_Click); // Set the EventHandler for when the label is clicked. lblList.Add(lblStudent); // Add the label to the List... this.Controls.Add(lblStudent); // and to the Form. } } }
public bool Delete(Student editStudent) { string sql = "DELETE FROM " + TBL_STUDENTS + " WHERE " + STUD_ID + "=" + + ";"; return _db.ExecuteInsertUpdateDelete(sql); }
public bool Edit(Student editStudent) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public bool Add(Student newStudent) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void cmbStudents_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedStud = (Student) ((ComboBox)sender).SelectedItem; txtEditStudName.Text =; nudEditStudGrade.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(selectedStud.grade); nudEditStudHeight.Value = selectedStud.height; cmbEditStudClass.SelectedItem = selectedStud.class_id; }