Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <CertificateRequestResult> PerformCertificateRequest(VaultManager vaultManager, ManagedSite managedSite, IProgress <RequestProgressState> progress = null)
            // FIXME: refactor into different concerns, there's way to much being done here

            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                    ManagedSiteLog.AppendLog(managedSite.Id, new ManagedSiteLogItem {
                        EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.GeneralInfo, Message = "Beginning Certificate Request Process: " + managedSite.Name

                    bool enableIdentifierReuse = false;

                    if (vaultManager == null)
                        vaultManager = GetVaultManager();

                    //enable or disable EFS flag on private key certs based on preference
                    vaultManager.UseEFSForSensitiveFiles = Properties.Settings.Default.EnableEFS;

                    //primary domain and each subject alternative name must now be registered as an identifier with LE and validated

                    if (progress != null)
                        progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                            IsRunning = true, CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = "Registering Domain Identifiers"

                    await Task.Delay(200); //allow UI update

                    var config = managedSite.RequestConfig;

                    List <string> allDomains = new List <string> {

                    if (config.SubjectAlternativeNames != null)

                    bool allIdentifiersValidated = true;

                    if (config.ChallengeType == null)
                        config.ChallengeType = "http-01";

                    List <PendingAuthorization> identifierAuthorizations = new List <PendingAuthorization>();
                    var distinctDomains = allDomains.Distinct();

                    foreach (var domain in distinctDomains)
                        var identifierAlias = vaultManager.ComputeIdentifierAlias(domain);

                        //check if this domain already has an associated identifier registerd with LetsEncrypt which hasn't expired yet
                        //await Task.Delay(200); //allow UI update

                        ACMESharp.Vault.Model.IdentifierInfo existingIdentifier = null;

                        if (enableIdentifierReuse)
                            existingIdentifier = vaultManager.GetIdentifier(domain.Trim().ToLower());

                        bool identifierAlreadyValid = false;
                        if (existingIdentifier != null &&
                            existingIdentifier.Authorization != null &&
                            (existingIdentifier.Authorization.Status == "valid" || existingIdentifier.Authorization.Status == "pending") &&
                            existingIdentifier.Authorization.Expires > DateTime.Now.AddDays(1))
                            //we have an existing validated identifier, reuse that for this certificate request
                            identifierAlias = existingIdentifier.Alias;

                            if (existingIdentifier.Authorization.Status == "valid")
                                identifierAlreadyValid = true;

                            // managedSite.AppendLog(new ManagedSiteLogItem { EventDate =
                            // DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.CertificateRequestStarted,
                            // Message = "Attempting Certificate Request: " + managedSite.SiteType });
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Reusing existing valid non-expired identifier for the domain " + domain);

                        ManagedSiteLog.AppendLog(managedSite.Id, new ManagedSiteLogItem {
                            EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.CertificateRequestStarted, Message = "Attempting Domain Validation: " + domain

                        //begin authorization process (register identifier, request authorization if not already given)
                        if (progress != null)
                            progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                Message = "Registering and Validating " + domain

                        //TODO: make operations async and yeild IO of vault

                        /*var authorization = await Task.Run(() =>
                         * {
                         *  return vaultManager.BeginRegistrationAndValidation(config, identifierAlias, challengeType: config.ChallengeType, domain: domain);
                         * });*/

                        var authorization = vaultManager.BeginRegistrationAndValidation(config, identifierAlias, challengeType: config.ChallengeType, domain: domain);

                        if (authorization != null && authorization.Identifier != null && !identifierAlreadyValid)
                            if (authorization.Identifier.Authorization.IsPending())
                                if (managedSite.ItemType == ManagedItemType.SSL_LetsEncrypt_LocalIIS)
                                    if (progress != null)
                                        progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                            Message = "Performing Challenge Response via IIS: " + domain

                                    //ask LE to check our answer to their authorization challenge (http), LE will then attempt to fetch our answer, if all accessible and correct (authorized) LE will then allow us to request a certificate
                                    //prepare IIS with answer for the LE challenege
                                    authorization = vaultManager.PerformIISAutomatedChallengeResponse(config, authorization);

                                    //if we attempted extensionless config checks, report any errors
                                    if (config.PerformAutoConfig && !authorization.ExtensionlessConfigCheckedOK)
                                        ManagedSiteLog.AppendLog(managedSite.Id, new ManagedSiteLogItem {
                                            EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed, Message = "Failed prerequisite configuration (" + managedSite.ItemType + ")"

                                        var result = new CertificateRequestResult {
                                            ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = "Automated configuration checks failed. Authorizations will not be able to complete.\nCheck you have http bindings for your site and ensure you can browse to http://" + domain + "/.well-known/acme-challenge/configcheck before proceeding."
                                        if (progress != null)
                                            progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                                CurrentState = RequestState.Error, Message = result.Message, Result = result

                                        return result;
                                        if (progress != null)
                                            progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                                CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = "Requesting Validation from Lets Encrypt: " + domain

                                        //ask LE to validate our challenge response
                                        vaultManager.SubmitChallenge(identifierAlias, config.ChallengeType);

                                        bool identifierValidated = vaultManager.CompleteIdentifierValidationProcess(authorization.Identifier.Alias);

                                        if (!identifierValidated)
                                            if (progress != null)
                                                progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                                    CurrentState = RequestState.Error, Message = "Domain validation failed: " + domain

                                            allIdentifiersValidated = false;
                                            if (progress != null)
                                                progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                                    CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = "Domain validation completed: " + domain

                                if (authorization.Identifier.Authorization.Status == "valid")
                                    identifierAuthorizations.Add(new PendingAuthorization {
                                        Identifier = authorization.Identifier
                            if (identifierAlreadyValid)
                                //we have previously validated this identifier and it has not yet expired, so we can just reuse it in our cert request
                                identifierAuthorizations.Add(new PendingAuthorization {
                                    Identifier = existingIdentifier

                    //check if all identifiers validates
                    if (identifierAuthorizations.Count == distinctDomains.Count())
                        allIdentifiersValidated = true;

                    if (allIdentifiersValidated)
                        string primaryDnsIdentifier = identifierAuthorizations.First().Identifier.Alias;
                        string[] alternativeDnsIdentifiers = identifierAuthorizations.Where(i => i.Identifier.Alias != primaryDnsIdentifier).Select(i => i.Identifier.Alias).ToArray();

                        if (progress != null)
                            progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = "Requesting Certificate via Lets Encrypt"
                        //await Task.Delay(200); //allow UI update

                        var certRequestResult = vaultManager.PerformCertificateRequestProcess(primaryDnsIdentifier, alternativeDnsIdentifiers);
                        if (certRequestResult.IsSuccess)
                            if (progress != null)
                                progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                    CurrentState = RequestState.Success, Message = "Completed Certificate Request."

                            string pfxPath = certRequestResult.Result.ToString();

                            if (managedSite.ItemType == ManagedItemType.SSL_LetsEncrypt_LocalIIS && config.PerformAutomatedCertBinding)
                                if (progress != null)
                                    progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                        CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = "Performing Automated Certificate Binding"
                                //await Task.Delay(200); //allow UI update

                                var iisManager = new IISManager();

                                //Install certificate into certificate store and bind to IIS site
                                if (iisManager.InstallCertForRequest(managedSite.RequestConfig, pfxPath, cleanupCertStore: true))
                                    //all done
                                    ManagedSiteLog.AppendLog(managedSite.Id, new ManagedSiteLogItem {
                                        EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.CertificateRequestSuccessful, Message = "Completed certificate request and automated bindings update (IIS)"

                                    //udpate managed site summary

                                        var certInfo = new CertificateManager().GetCertificate(pfxPath);
                                        managedSite.DateStart = certInfo.NotBefore;
                                        managedSite.DateExpiry = certInfo.NotAfter;
                                        managedSite.DateRenewed = DateTime.Now;

                                        managedSite.CertificatePath = pfxPath;
                                    catch (Exception)
                                        ManagedSiteLog.AppendLog(managedSite.Id, new ManagedSiteLogItem {
                                            EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.GeneralWarning, Message = "Failed to parse certificate dates"

                                    var result = new CertificateRequestResult {
                                        ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = true, Message = "Certificate installed and SSL bindings updated for " + config.PrimaryDomain
                                    if (progress != null)
                                        progress.Report(new RequestProgressState {
                                            IsRunning = false, CurrentState = RequestState.Success, Message = result.Message

                                    return result;
                                    return new CertificateRequestResult {
                                        ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = "An error occurred installing the certificate. Certificate file may not be valid: " + pfxPath
                                //user has opted for manual binding of certificate
                                    var certInfo = new CertificateManager().GetCertificate(pfxPath);
                                    managedSite.DateStart = certInfo.NotBefore;
                                    managedSite.DateExpiry = certInfo.NotAfter;
                                    managedSite.DateRenewed = DateTime.Now;

                                    managedSite.CertificatePath = pfxPath;
                                catch (Exception)
                                    ManagedSiteLog.AppendLog(managedSite.Id, new ManagedSiteLogItem {
                                        EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.GeneralWarning, Message = "Failed to parse certificate dates"

                                return new CertificateRequestResult {
                                    ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = true, Message = "Certificate created ready for manual binding: " + pfxPath
                            return new CertificateRequestResult {
                                ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = "The Let's Encrypt service did not issue a valid certificate in the time allowed. " + (certRequestResult.ErrorMessage ?? "")
                        return new CertificateRequestResult {
                            ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = "Validation of the required challenges did not complete successfully. Please ensure all domains to be referenced in the Certificate can be used to access this site without redirection. "
                catch (Exception exp)
                    return new CertificateRequestResult {
                        ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = managedSite.Name + ": Request failed - " + exp.Message
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <CertificateRequestResult> PerformCertificateRequest(ManagedSite managedSite, IProgress <RequestProgressState> progress = null)
            // FIXME: refactor into different concerns, there's way too much being done here
            if (managedSite.RequestConfig.ChallengeType == ACMESharpCompat.ACMESharpUtils.CHALLENGE_TYPE_HTTP && managedSite.RequestConfig.PerformExtensionlessConfigChecks)
                ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                    IsRunning = true, CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = Certify.CoreSR.CertifyManager_PerformingConfigTests

                var testResult = await TestChallenge(managedSite, isPreviewMode : false);

                if (!testResult.IsOK)
                    return(new CertificateRequestResult {
                        ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = String.Join("; ", testResult.FailedItemSummary), Result = testResult.Result

            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                // start with a failure result, set to success when succeeding
                var result = new CertificateRequestResult {
                    ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = ""

                var config = managedSite.RequestConfig;
                    // run pre-request script, if set
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.PreRequestPowerShellScript))
                            string scriptOutput = await PowerShellManager.RunScript(result, config.PreRequestPowerShellScript);
                            LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Pre-Request Script output: \n{scriptOutput}");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Pre-Request Script error:\n{ex.Message}");

                    // if the script has requested the certificate request to be aborted, skip the request
                    if (result.Abort)
                        LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Certificate Request Aborted: {managedSite.Name}");
                        result.Message = Certify.CoreSR.CertificateRequestWasAbortedByPSScript;
                        goto CertRequestAborted;

                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Beginning Certificate Request Process: {managedSite.Name}");

                    //enable or disable EFS flag on private key certs based on preference
                    if (CoreAppSettings.Current.EnableEFS)

                    //primary domain and each subject alternative name must now be registered as an identifier with LE and validated
                    ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                        IsRunning = true, CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = CoreSR.CertifyManager_RegisterDomainIdentity

                    await Task.Delay(200); //allow UI update, we should we using async calls instead

                    List <string> allDomains = new List <string> {

                    if (config.SubjectAlternativeNames != null)

                    // begin by assuming all identifiers are valid
                    bool allIdentifiersValidated = true;

                    if (config.ChallengeType == null)
                        config.ChallengeType = ACMESharpCompat.ACMESharpUtils.CHALLENGE_TYPE_HTTP;

                    List <PendingAuthorization> identifierAuthorizations = new List <PendingAuthorization>();
                    var distinctDomains = allDomains.Distinct();

                    string failureSummaryMessage = null;

                    // perform validation process for each domain
                    foreach (var domain in distinctDomains)
                        //begin authorization process (register identifier, request authorization if not already given)
                        var domainIdentifierId = _vaultProvider.ComputeDomainIdentifierId(domain);

                        LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Attempting Domain Validation: {domain}", LogItemType.CertificateRequestStarted);
                        ReportProgress(progress, string.Format(Certify.CoreSR.CertifyManager_RegisteringAndValidatingX0, domain));

                        //TODO: make operations async and yield IO of vault

                        /*var authorization = await Task.Run(() =>
                         * {
                         *  return vaultManager.BeginRegistrationAndValidation(config, identifierAlias, challengeType: config.ChallengeType, domain: domain);
                         * });*/

                        // begin authorization by registering the domain identifier. This may return
                        // an already validated authorization or we may still have to complete the
                        // authorization challenge. When rate limits are encountered, this step may fail.
                        var authorization = _vaultProvider.BeginRegistrationAndValidation(config, domainIdentifierId, challengeType: config.ChallengeType, domain: domain);

                        if (authorization != null && authorization.Identifier != null)
                            // check if authorization is pending, it may already be valid if an
                            // existing authorization was reused
                            if (authorization.Identifier.IsAuthorizationPending)
                                if (managedSite.ItemType == ManagedItemType.SSL_LetsEncrypt_LocalIIS)
                                    ReportProgress(progress, string.Format(Certify.CoreSR.CertifyManager_PerformingChallengeResponseViaIISX0, domain));

                                    // ask LE to check our answer to their authorization challenge
                                    // (http-01 or tls-sni-01), LE will then attempt to fetch our
                                    // answer, if all accessible and correct (authorized) LE will
                                    // then allow us to request a certificate
                                    authorization = _vaultProvider.PerformIISAutomatedChallengeResponse(_iisManager, managedSite, authorization);

                                    // pass authorization log items onto main log

                                    /*authorization.LogItems?.ForEach((msg) =>
                                     * {
                                     *  if (msg != null) LogMessage(managedSite.Id, msg, LogItemType.GeneralInfo);
                                     * });*/

                                    if ((config.ChallengeType == ACMESharpCompat.ACMESharpUtils.CHALLENGE_TYPE_HTTP && config.PerformExtensionlessConfigChecks && !authorization.ExtensionlessConfigCheckedOK) ||
                                        (config.ChallengeType == ACMESharpCompat.ACMESharpUtils.CHALLENGE_TYPE_SNI && config.PerformTlsSniBindingConfigChecks && !authorization.TlsSniConfigCheckedOK))
                                        //if we failed the config checks, report any errors
                                        LogMessage(managedSite.Id, string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_FailedPrerequisiteCheck, managedSite.ItemType), LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed);


                                        if (config.ChallengeType == ACMESharpCompat.ACMESharpUtils.CHALLENGE_TYPE_HTTP)
                                            result.Message = string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_AutomateConfigurationCheckFailed_HTTP, domain);

                                        if (config.ChallengeType == ACMESharpCompat.ACMESharpUtils.CHALLENGE_TYPE_SNI)
                                            result.Message = Certify.CoreSR.CertifyManager_AutomateConfigurationCheckFailed_SNI;

                                        ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                            CurrentState = RequestState.Error, Message = result.Message, Result = result

                                        ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                            CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_ReqestValidationFromLetsEncrypt, domain)
                                            //ask LE to validate our challenge response
                                            _vaultProvider.SubmitChallenge(domainIdentifierId, config.ChallengeType);

                                            bool identifierValidated = _vaultProvider.CompleteIdentifierValidationProcess(authorization.Identifier.Alias);

                                            if (!identifierValidated)
                                                var identifierInfo = _vaultProvider.GetDomainIdentifier(domain);
                                                var errorMsg = identifierInfo?.ValidationError;
                                                var errorType = identifierInfo?.ValidationErrorType;

                                                failureSummaryMessage = string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_DomainValidationFailed, domain, errorMsg);
                                                ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                                    CurrentState = RequestState.Error, Message = failureSummaryMessage
                                                }, managedSite.Id);

                                                allIdentifiersValidated = false;
                                                ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                                    CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_DomainValidationCompleted, domain)
                                                }, managedSite.Id);

                                            // clean up challenge answers
                                            // (.well-known/acme-challenge/* files for http-01 or iis
                                            // bindings for tls-sni-01)
                                // we already have a completed authorization, check it's valid
                                if (authorization.Identifier.Status == "valid")
                                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_DomainValidationSkipVerifed, domain));

                                    identifierAuthorizations.Add(new PendingAuthorization {
                                        Identifier = authorization.Identifier
                                    var errorMsg = "";
                                    if (authorization?.Identifier != null)
                                        errorMsg = authorization.Identifier.ValidationError;
                                        var errorType = authorization.Identifier.ValidationErrorType;

                                    failureSummaryMessage = $"Domain validation failed: {domain} \r\n{errorMsg}";

                                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_DomainValidationFailed, domain));

                                    allIdentifiersValidated = false;
                            // could not begin authorization : TODO: pass error from authorization
                            // step to UI

                            var lastActionLogItem = _vaultProvider.GetLastActionLogItem();
                            var actionLogMsg = "";
                            if (lastActionLogItem != null)
                                actionLogMsg = lastActionLogItem.ToString();

                            LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Could not begin authorization for domain with Let's Encrypt: { domain } {(authorization?.AuthorizationError != null ? authorization?.AuthorizationError : "Could not register domain identifier")} - {actionLogMsg}");

                            /*if (authorization != null && authorization.LogItems != null)
                             * {
                             *  LogMessage(managedSite.Id, authorization.LogItems);
                             * }*/
                            allIdentifiersValidated = false;

                        // abandon authorization attempts if one of our domains has failed verification
                        if (!allIdentifiersValidated)

                    //check if all identifiers have a valid authorization
                    if (identifierAuthorizations.Count != distinctDomains.Count())
                        allIdentifiersValidated = false;

                    if (allIdentifiersValidated)
                        string primaryDnsIdentifier = identifierAuthorizations.First().Identifier.Alias;
                        string[] alternativeDnsIdentifiers = identifierAuthorizations.Select(i => i.Identifier.Alias).ToArray();

                        ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                            CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = CoreSR.CertifyManager_RequestCertificate
                        }, managedSite.Id);

                        // Perform CSR request
                        // FIXME: make call async
                        var certRequestResult = _vaultProvider.PerformCertificateRequestProcess(primaryDnsIdentifier, alternativeDnsIdentifiers);

                        if (certRequestResult.IsSuccess)
                            ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                CurrentState = RequestState.Success, Message = CoreSR.CertifyManager_CompleteRequest
                            }, managedSite.Id);

                            string pfxPath = certRequestResult.Result.ToString();

                            // update managed site summary
                                var certInfo = CertificateManager.LoadCertificate(pfxPath);
                                managedSite.DateStart = certInfo.NotBefore;
                                managedSite.DateExpiry = certInfo.NotAfter;
                                managedSite.DateRenewed = DateTime.Now;

                                managedSite.CertificatePath = pfxPath;
                                managedSite.CertificateRevoked = false;

                                //ensure certificate contains all the requested domains
                                var subjectNames = certInfo.GetNameInfo(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType.UpnName, false);

                                //FIXME: LogMessage(managedSite.Id, "New certificate contains following domains: " + subjectNames, LogItemType.GeneralInfo);
                            catch (Exception)
                                LogMessage(managedSite.Id, "Failed to parse certificate dates", LogItemType.GeneralError);

                            if (managedSite.ItemType == ManagedItemType.SSL_LetsEncrypt_LocalIIS && config.PerformAutomatedCertBinding)
                                ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                    CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = CoreSR.CertifyManager_AutoBinding

                                // Install certificate into certificate store and bind to IIS site
                                if (_iisManager.InstallCertForRequest(managedSite, pfxPath, cleanupCertStore: true))
                                    //all done
                                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, CoreSR.CertifyManager_CompleteRequestAndUpdateBinding, LogItemType.CertificateRequestSuccessful);


                                    result.IsSuccess = true;
                                    result.Message = string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_CertificateInstalledAndBindingUpdated, config.PrimaryDomain);
                                    ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                        IsRunning = false, CurrentState = RequestState.Success, Message = result.Message
                                    result.Message = string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_CertificateInstallFailed, pfxPath);
                                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, result.Message, LogItemType.GeneralError);
                                //user has opted for manual binding of certificate


                                result.IsSuccess = true;
                                result.Message = string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_CertificateCreatedForBinding, pfxPath);
                                LogMessage(managedSite.Id, result.Message, LogItemType.CertificateRequestSuccessful);
                            result.Message = string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_LetsEncryptServiceTimeout, certRequestResult.ErrorMessage ?? "");
                            LogMessage(managedSite.Id, result.Message, LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed);
                        result.Message = string.Format(CoreSR.CertifyManager_ValidationForChallengeNotSuccess, (failureSummaryMessage != null ? failureSummaryMessage : ""));
                        LogMessage(managedSite.Id, result.Message, LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed);

                    // Goto label for aborted certificate request
                    CertRequestAborted : { }
                catch (Exception exp)
                    result.IsSuccess = false;
                    result.Message = string.Format(Certify.CoreSR.CertifyManager_RequestFailed, managedSite.Name, exp.Message, exp);
                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, result.Message, LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed);
                    //LogMessage(managedSite.Id, String.Join("\r\n", _vaultProvider.GetActionSummary())); FIXME: needs to be filtered in managed site
                    // if the request was not aborted, perform post-request actions
                    if (!result.Abort)
                        // run post-request script, if set
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.PostRequestPowerShellScript))
                                string scriptOutput = await PowerShellManager.RunScript(result, config.PostRequestPowerShellScript);
                                LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Post-Request Script output:\n{scriptOutput}");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Post-Request Script error: {ex.Message}");
                        // run webhook triggers, if set
                        if ((config.WebhookTrigger == Webhook.ON_SUCCESS && result.IsSuccess) ||
                            (config.WebhookTrigger == Webhook.ON_ERROR && !result.IsSuccess) ||
                            (config.WebhookTrigger == Webhook.ON_SUCCESS_OR_ERROR))
                                var(success, code) = await Webhook.SendRequest(config, result.IsSuccess);
                                LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Webhook invoked: Url: {config.WebhookUrl}, Success: {success}, StatusCode: {code}");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Webhook error: {ex.Message}");
                return result;
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <CertificateRequestResult> PerformCertificateRequest(ManagedSite managedSite, IProgress <RequestProgressState> progress = null)
            // FIXME: refactor into different concerns, there's way to much being done here

            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Beginning Certificate Request Process: {managedSite.Name}");

                    //enable or disable EFS flag on private key certs based on preference
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.EnableEFS)

                    //primary domain and each subject alternative name must now be registered as an identifier with LE and validated
                    ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                        IsRunning = true, CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = "Registering Domain Identifiers"

                    await Task.Delay(200); //allow UI update, we should we using async calls instead

                    var config = managedSite.RequestConfig;

                    List <string> allDomains = new List <string> {

                    if (config.SubjectAlternativeNames != null)

                    // begin by assuming all identifiers are valid
                    bool allIdentifiersValidated = true;

                    if (config.ChallengeType == null)
                        config.ChallengeType = "http-01";

                    List <PendingAuthorization> identifierAuthorizations = new List <PendingAuthorization>();
                    var distinctDomains = allDomains.Distinct();

                    // perform validation process for each domain
                    foreach (var domain in distinctDomains)
                        //begin authorization process (register identifier, request authorization if not already given)
                        var domainIdentifierId = _vaultProvider.ComputeDomainIdentifierId(domain);

                        LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Attempting Domain Validation: {domain}", LogItemType.CertificateRequestStarted);
                        ReportProgress(progress, $"Registering and Validating {domain} ");

                        //TODO: make operations async and yield IO of vault

                        /*var authorization = await Task.Run(() =>
                         * {
                         *  return vaultManager.BeginRegistrationAndValidation(config, identifierAlias, challengeType: config.ChallengeType, domain: domain);
                         * });*/

                        // begin authorization by registering the domain identifier. This may return
                        // an already validated authorization or we may still have to complete the
                        // authorization challenge
                        var authorization = _vaultProvider.BeginRegistrationAndValidation(config, domainIdentifierId, challengeType: config.ChallengeType, domain: domain);

                        if (authorization != null && authorization.Identifier != null)
                            // check if authorization is pending, it may already be valid if an
                            // existing authorization was reused
                            if (authorization.Identifier.IsAuthorizationPending)
                                if (managedSite.ItemType == ManagedItemType.SSL_LetsEncrypt_LocalIIS)
                                    ReportProgress(progress, $"Performing Challenge Response via IIS: {domain} ");

                                    //ask LE to check our answer to their authorization challenge (http), LE will then attempt to fetch our answer, if all accessible and correct (authorized) LE will then allow us to request a certificate
                                    //prepare IIS with answer for the LE challenege
                                    authorization = _vaultProvider.PerformIISAutomatedChallengeResponse(config, authorization);

                                    //if we attempted extensionless config checks, report any errors
                                    if (config.PerformAutoConfig && !authorization.ExtensionlessConfigCheckedOK)
                                        LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Failed prerequisite configuration checks ({ managedSite.ItemType })", LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed);


                                        var result = new CertificateRequestResult {
                                            ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = "Automated configuration checks failed. Authorizations will not be able to complete.\nCheck you have http bindings for your site and ensure you can browse to http://" + domain + "/.well-known/acme-challenge/configcheck before proceeding."
                                        ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                            CurrentState = RequestState.Error, Message = result.Message, Result = result

                                        return result;
                                        ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                            CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = $"Requesting Validation from Let's Encrypt: {domain}"

                                        //ask LE to validate our challenge response
                                        _vaultProvider.SubmitChallenge(domainIdentifierId, config.ChallengeType);

                                        bool identifierValidated = _vaultProvider.CompleteIdentifierValidationProcess(authorization.Identifier.Alias);

                                        if (!identifierValidated)
                                            ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                                CurrentState = RequestState.Error, Message = "Domain validation failed: " + domain
                                            }, managedSite.Id);

                                            allIdentifiersValidated = false;
                                            ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                                CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = "Domain validation completed: " + domain
                                            }, managedSite.Id);

                                // we already have a completed authorization, check it's valid
                                if (authorization.Identifier.Status == "valid")
                                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Domain already has current authorization, skipping verification: { domain }");

                                    identifierAuthorizations.Add(new PendingAuthorization {
                                        Identifier = authorization.Identifier
                                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Domain authorization failed : { domain } ");

                                    allIdentifiersValidated = false;
                            // could not begin authorization
                            LogMessage(managedSite.Id, $"Could not begin authorization for domain with Let's Encrypt: { domain } ");
                            allIdentifiersValidated = false;

                        // abandon authorization attempts if one of our domains has failed verification
                        if (!allIdentifiersValidated)

                    //check if all identifiers have a valid authorization
                    if (identifierAuthorizations.Count != distinctDomains.Count())
                        allIdentifiersValidated = false;

                    if (allIdentifiersValidated)
                        string primaryDnsIdentifier = identifierAuthorizations.First().Identifier.Alias;
                        string[] alternativeDnsIdentifiers = identifierAuthorizations.Select(i => i.Identifier.Alias).ToArray();

                        ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                            CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = "Requesting Certificate via Lets Encrypt"
                        }, managedSite.Id);

                        // Perform CSR request
                        // FIXME: make call async
                        var certRequestResult = _vaultProvider.PerformCertificateRequestProcess(primaryDnsIdentifier, alternativeDnsIdentifiers);

                        if (certRequestResult.IsSuccess)
                            ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                CurrentState = RequestState.Success, Message = "Completed Certificate Request."
                            }, managedSite.Id);

                            string pfxPath = certRequestResult.Result.ToString();

                            // update managed site summary
                                var certInfo = new CertificateManager().GetCertificate(pfxPath);
                                managedSite.DateStart = certInfo.NotBefore;
                                managedSite.DateExpiry = certInfo.NotAfter;
                                managedSite.DateRenewed = DateTime.Now;

                                managedSite.CertificatePath = pfxPath;

                                //ensure certificate contains all the requested domains
                                var subjectNames = certInfo.GetNameInfo(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType.UpnName, false);

                                LogMessage(managedSite.Id, "New certificate contains following domains: " + subjectNames, LogItemType.GeneralInfo);
                            catch (Exception)
                                LogMessage(managedSite.Id, "Failed to parse certificate dates", LogItemType.GeneralError);

                            if (managedSite.ItemType == ManagedItemType.SSL_LetsEncrypt_LocalIIS && config.PerformAutomatedCertBinding)
                                ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                    CurrentState = RequestState.Running, Message = "Performing Automated Certificate Binding"

                                // Install certificate into certificate store and bind to IIS site
                                if (_iisManager.InstallCertForRequest(managedSite, pfxPath, cleanupCertStore: true))
                                    //all done
                                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, "Completed certificate request and automated bindings update (IIS)", LogItemType.CertificateRequestSuccessful);


                                    var result = new CertificateRequestResult {
                                        ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = true, Message = $"Certificate installed and SSL bindings updated for {config.PrimaryDomain }"
                                    ReportProgress(progress, new RequestProgressState {
                                        IsRunning = false, CurrentState = RequestState.Success, Message = result.Message
                                    return result;
                                    var msg = $"An error occurred installing the certificate. Certificate file may not be valid: {pfxPath}";
                                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, msg, LogItemType.GeneralError);

                                    return new CertificateRequestResult {
                                        ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = msg
                                //user has opted for manual binding of certificate


                                var msg = $"Certificate created ready for manual binding: {pfxPath}";
                                LogMessage(managedSite.Id, msg, LogItemType.CertificateRequestSuccessful);

                                return new CertificateRequestResult {
                                    ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = true, Message = msg
                            var msg = $"The Let's Encrypt service did not issue a valid certificate in the time allowed. {(certRequestResult.ErrorMessage ?? "")}";
                            LogMessage(managedSite.Id, msg, LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed);
                            return new CertificateRequestResult {
                                ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = msg
                        var msg = "Validation of the required challenges did not complete successfully. Please ensure all domains to be referenced in the Certificate can be used to access this site without redirection. ";
                        LogMessage(managedSite.Id, msg, LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed);
                        return new CertificateRequestResult {
                            ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = msg
                catch (Exception exp)
                    var msg = managedSite.Name + ": Request failed - " + exp.Message;
                    LogMessage(managedSite.Id, msg, LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed);


                    return new CertificateRequestResult {
                        ManagedItem = managedSite, IsSuccess = false, Message = msg
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task <CertificateRequestResult> PerformCertificateRequest(VaultManager vaultManager, ManagedSite managedSite)
            if (vaultManager == null)
                vaultManager = new VaultManager(Properties.Settings.Default.VaultPath, ACMESharp.Vault.Providers.LocalDiskVault.VAULT);
            //primary domain and each subject alternative name must now be registered as an identifier with LE and validated

            var config = managedSite.RequestConfig;

            List <string> allDomains = new List <string>();

            if (config.SubjectAlternativeNames != null)
            bool allIdentifiersValidated = true;

            if (config.ChallengeType == null)
                config.ChallengeType = "http-01";

            List <PendingAuthorization> identifierAuthorizations = new List <PendingAuthorization>();

            foreach (var domain in allDomains)
                var identifierAlias = vaultManager.ComputeIdentifierAlias(domain);

                //check if this domain already has an associated identifier registerd with LetsEncrypt which hasn't expired yet

                var  existingIdentifier     = vaultManager.GetIdentifier(domain.Trim().ToLower());
                bool identifierAlreadyValid = false;
                if (existingIdentifier != null &&
                    existingIdentifier.Authorization != null &&
                    (existingIdentifier.Authorization.Status == "valid" || existingIdentifier.Authorization.Status == "pending") &&
                    existingIdentifier.Authorization.Expires > DateTime.Now.AddDays(1))
                    //we have an existing validated identifier, reuse that for this certificate request
                    identifierAlias = existingIdentifier.Alias;

                    if (existingIdentifier.Authorization.Status == "valid")
                        identifierAlreadyValid = true;

                    // managedSite.AppendLog(new ManagedSiteLogItem { EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.CertificateRequestStarted, Message = "Attempting Certificate Request: " + managedSite.SiteType });
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Reusing existing valid non-expired identifier for the domain " + domain);

                ManagedSiteLog.AppendLog(managedSite.Id, new ManagedSiteLogItem {
                    EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.CertificateRequestStarted, Message = "Attempting Certificate Request: " + managedSite.ItemType

                //begin authorization process (register identifier, request authorization if not already given)
                var authorization = vaultManager.BeginRegistrationAndValidation(config, identifierAlias, challengeType: config.ChallengeType, domain: domain);

                if (authorization != null && !identifierAlreadyValid)
                    if (authorization.Identifier.Authorization.IsPending())
                        if (managedSite.ItemType == ManagedItemType.SSL_LetsEncrypt_LocalIIS)
                            //ask LE to check our answer to their authorization challenge (http), LE will then attempt to fetch our answer, if all accessible and correct (authorized) LE will then allow us to request a certificate
                            //prepare IIS with answer for the LE challenege
                            authorization = vaultManager.PerformIISAutomatedChallengeResponse(config, authorization);

                            //if we attempted extensionless config checks, report any errors
                            if (config.PerformAutoConfig && !authorization.ExtensionlessConfigCheckedOK)
                                ManagedSiteLog.AppendLog(managedSite.Id, new ManagedSiteLogItem {
                                    EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.CertficateRequestFailed, Message = "Failed prerequisite configuration (" + managedSite.ItemType + ")"

                                return(new CertificateRequestResult {
                                    IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Automated checks for extensionless content failed. Authorizations will not be able to complete.Change the web.config in <your site>\\.well-known\\acme-challenge and ensure you can browse to http://<your site>/.well-known/acme-challenge/configcheck before proceeding."
                                //ask LE to validate our challenge response
                                vaultManager.SubmitChallenge(identifierAlias, config.ChallengeType);

                                bool identifierValidated = vaultManager.CompleteIdentifierValidationProcess(authorization.Identifier.Alias);

                                if (!identifierValidated)
                                    allIdentifiersValidated = false;
                    if (identifierAlreadyValid)
                        //we have previously validated this identifier and it has not yet expired, so we can just reuse it in our cert request
                        identifierAuthorizations.Add(new PendingAuthorization {
                            Identifier = existingIdentifier

            if (allIdentifiersValidated)
                string   primaryDnsIdentifier      = identifierAuthorizations.First().Identifier.Alias;
                string[] alternativeDnsIdentifiers = identifierAuthorizations.Where(i => i.Identifier.Alias != primaryDnsIdentifier).Select(i => i.Identifier.Alias).ToArray();

                var certRequestResult = vaultManager.PerformCertificateRequestProcess(primaryDnsIdentifier, alternativeDnsIdentifiers);
                if (certRequestResult.IsSuccess)
                    string pfxPath = certRequestResult.Result.ToString();

                    if (managedSite.ItemType == ManagedItemType.SSL_LetsEncrypt_LocalIIS && config.PerformAutomatedCertBinding)
                        var iisManager = new IISManager();

                        //Install certificate into certificate store and bind to IIS site
                        if (iisManager.InstallCertForDomain(config.PrimaryDomain, pfxPath, cleanupCertStore: true, skipBindings: !config.PerformAutomatedCertBinding))
                            //all done
                            ManagedSiteLog.AppendLog(managedSite.Id, new ManagedSiteLogItem {
                                EventDate = DateTime.UtcNow, LogItemType = LogItemType.CertificateRequestSuccessful, Message = "Completed certificate request and automated bindings update (IIS)"

                            return(new CertificateRequestResult {
                                IsSuccess = true, ErrorMessage = "Certificate installed and SSL bindings updated for " + config.PrimaryDomain
                            return(new CertificateRequestResult {
                                IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "An error occurred installing the certificate. Certificate file may not be valid: " + pfxPath
                        return(new CertificateRequestResult {
                            IsSuccess = true, ErrorMessage = "Certificate created ready for manual binding: " + pfxPath
                    return(new CertificateRequestResult {
                        IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "The Let's Encrypt service did not issue a valid certificate in the time allowed. " + (certRequestResult.ErrorMessage != null ? certRequestResult.ErrorMessage : "")
                return(new CertificateRequestResult {
                    IsSuccess = false, ErrorMessage = "Validation of the required challenges did not complete successfully. Please ensure all domains to be referenced in the Certificate can be used to access this site without redirection. "