Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Implement OnLoad Event to handle fetching of results.
        /// Prevents derrived classes from implementing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        sealed protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            // Step 1. Load config from App Module Page content item
            // Set Dictionary Mapping Filepath according to current language
            this.DictionaryConfig = ModuleObjectFactory <DictionaryConfig> .GetModuleObject(this.SnippetInfo.Data);

            //Step 2. Parse URL and pull out q, expand, and contains parameters for new URL syntax

            String searchString = Strings.Clean(Request.QueryString["q"]);
            // default results to 'A' if no term chosen
            String expand = Strings.Clean(Request.QueryString["expand"], "A");
            // String language = Strings.Clean(Request.QueryString["language"]);
            String contains = Strings.Clean(Request.QueryString["contains"], "false");
            String first    = Strings.Clean(Request.QueryString["first"]);
            String page     = Strings.Clean(Request.QueryString["page"]);

            // Step 3. Get URL query parameters for expand and handling old URL syntax
            String legacySearchString = Strings.Clean(Request.QueryString["search"]);
            String legacyCdrId        = Strings.Clean(Request.QueryString["cdrid"]);
            String legacyId           = Strings.Clean(Request.QueryString["id"]);

            // Step 4. Load control depending on URL and path
            // Path is either /search?q=<term> or /def/<term or code>
            // Old URLs (?search=, ?cdrid=, ?id=, ?expand= get redirected or handled
            BaseDictionaryControl dictionaryControl = null;

            List <string> route = this.CurrAppPath.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < route.Count; i++)
                route[i] = Strings.Clean(route[i]);

            if (route.Count > 0)
                if (route[0].Equals("search") || route[0].Equals("buscar"))
                    // If path is /search, load the ResultsList control
                    dictionaryControl = LoadResultsListControl();
                else if (route[0].Equals("def"))
                    // If path is /def, load DefinitionView control
                    string friendlyName = GetFriendlyName(route[1]);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(friendlyName))
                        dictionaryControl = LoadDefinitionViewControl();
                else if (route.Count > 2)
                    // If path extends further than /search or /def/<term>, raise a 400 error
                    NCI.Web.CDE.Application.ErrorPageDisplayer.RaisePageByCode("Dictionary", 400, "Invalid parameters for dictionary");
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(legacySearchString))
                // redirect to new search URL using searchString as term
                RedirectToResultsList(legacySearchString, contains, first, page);
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(legacyCdrId))
                // redirect to new view URL using cdrId
                // check for friendly name
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(legacyId))
                // redirect to new view URL using cdrId or id
                // check for friendly name
            else if (dictionaryControl == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(expand))
                dictionaryControl = LoadExpandListControl();
                dictionaryControl = LoadExpandListControl();

            // Add control to page
            if (dictionaryControl != null)
                dictionaryControl.DictionaryConfiguration = this.DictionaryConfig;
                dictionaryControl.PageInstruction         = this.PageInstruction;
                dictionaryControl.DictionaryRouter        = this;
Esempio n. 2
 protected override BaseDictionaryControl LoadResultsListControl()
     localControl = (BaseDictionaryControl)Page.LoadControl("~/SnippetTemplates/TermDictionary/Views/TermDictionaryResultsList.ascx");
Esempio n. 3
 protected override BaseDictionaryControl LoadDefinitionViewControl()
     localControl = (BaseDictionaryControl)Page.LoadControl("~/SnippetTemplates/TermDictionary/Views/TermDictionaryDefinitionView.ascx");
 protected override BaseDictionaryControl LoadExpandListControl()
     localControl = (BaseDictionaryControl)Page.LoadControl("~/SnippetTemplates/DrugDictionary/Views/DrugDictionaryExpandList.ascx");