Esempio n. 1
        internal void ReadFile(long startFileOffset, long endFileOffset, ReadLogResult readLogResult)
            ProgressForm progressForm = new ProgressForm();
            progressForm.Text = string.Format("Progress loading {0}", fileName);
            progressForm.Visible = progressFormVisible;
            if (stacktraceTable == null)
                stacktraceTable = new StacktraceTable();
            if (timePos == null)
                timePos = new TimePos[1000];
            AddTypeName(0, "Free Space");
                Stream s = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                r = new StreamReader(s);
                for (timePosIndex = timePosCount; timePosIndex > 0; timePosIndex--)
                    if (timePos[timePosIndex-1].pos <= startFileOffset)
                // start at the beginning if no later start point available or asked for info that can only
                // be constructed by reading the whole file.
                if (timePosIndex <= 1 || readLogResult.relocatedHistogram != null || readLogResult.finalizerHistogram != null
                                      || readLogResult.criticalFinalizerHistogram != null || readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                    pos = 0;
                    timePosIndex = 1;
                    pos = timePos[timePosIndex].pos;
                if (timePosCount == 0)
                    timePos[0] = new TimePos(0.0, 0);
                    timePosCount = timePosIndex = 1;
                s.Position = pos;
                buffer = new byte[4096];
                bufPos = 0;
                bufLevel = 0;
                int maxProgress = (int)(r.BaseStream.Length/1024);
                line = 1;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                ulong[] ulongStack = new ulong[1000];
                int[] intStack = new int[1000];
                int stackPtr = 0;
                c = ReadChar();
                bool thisIsR = false, previousWasR;
                bool extendedRootInfoSeen = false;
                int lastTickIndex = 0;
                bool newGcEvent = false;

                while (c != -1)
                    if (pos > endFileOffset)
                    if ((line % 1024) == 0)
                        int currentProgress = (int)(pos/1024);
                        if (currentProgress <= maxProgress)
                            if (progressForm.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    lastLineStartPos = pos-1;
                    previousWasR = thisIsR;
                    thisIsR = false;
                    switch (c)
                        case    -1:

                        case    'F':
                        case    'f':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int funcIndex = ReadInt();
                            while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            // Name may contain spaces if they are in angle brackets.
                            // Example: <Module>::std_less<unsigned void>.()
                            // The name may be truncated at 255 chars by profilerOBJ.dll
                            int angleBracketsScope = 0;
                            while (c > ' ' || angleBracketsScope != 0 && sb.Length < 255)
                                if (c == '<')
                                c = ReadChar();

                                if (c == '>' && angleBracketsScope > 0)
                            string name = sb.ToString();
                            while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            while (c > '\r')
                                if (c == ')')
                                    c = ReadChar();
                                c = ReadChar();
                            string signature = sb.ToString();

                            ulong addr = ReadULong();
                            uint size = ReadUInt();
                            int modIndex = ReadInt();
                            int stackIndex = ReadInt();

                            if (c != -1)
                                EnsureStringCapacity(funcIndex, ref funcName);
                                funcName[funcIndex] = name;
                                EnsureStringCapacity(funcIndex, ref funcSignature);
                                funcSignature[funcIndex] = signature;
                                EnsureIntCapacity(funcIndex, ref funcModule);
                                funcModule[funcIndex] = modIndex;

                                string nameAndSignature = name;
                                if (signature != null)
                                    nameAndSignature = name + ' '+signature;

                                if (stackIndex >= 0 && readLogResult.functionList != null)
                                    funcSignatureIdHash[nameAndSignature] = funcIndex;
                                    readLogResult.functionList.Add(funcIndex, stackIndex, size, modIndex);

                        case    'T':
                        case    't':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int typeIndex = ReadInt();
                            while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            if (c != -1 && Char.IsDigit((char)c))
                                if (ReadInt() != 0)
                                    finalizableTypes[typeIndex] = true;
                            while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            while (c > '\r')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            string typeName = sb.ToString();
                            if (c != -1)
                                AddTypeName(typeIndex, typeName);

                        // 'A' with thread identifier
                        case    '!':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int threadId = ReadInt();
                            ulong id = ReadULong();
                            int typeSizeStackTraceIndex = ReadInt();
                            typeSizeStackTraceIndex = stacktraceTable.MapTypeSizeStacktraceId(typeSizeStackTraceIndex);
                            if (c != -1)
                                if (readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                                    readLogResult.liveObjectTable.InsertObject(id, typeSizeStackTraceIndex, lastTickIndex, lastTickIndex, true, readLogResult.sampleObjectTable);
                                if (pos >= startFileOffset && pos < endFileOffset && readLogResult.allocatedHistogram != null)
                                    // readLogResult.calls.Add(new CallOrAlloc(false, threadId, typeSizeStackTraceIndex));
                                    readLogResult.allocatedHistogram.AddObject(typeSizeStackTraceIndex, 1);
                                List<string> prev;
                                if (assembliesJustLoaded.TryGetValue(threadId, out prev) && prev.Count != 0)
                                    foreach(string assemblyName in prev)
                                        assemblies[assemblyName] = -typeSizeStackTraceIndex;
                            readLogResult.hadAllocInfo = true;
                            readLogResult.hadCallInfo = true;

                        case    'A':
                        case    'a':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            ulong id = ReadULong();
                            int typeSizeStackTraceIndex = ReadInt();
                            typeSizeStackTraceIndex = stacktraceTable.MapTypeSizeStacktraceId(typeSizeStackTraceIndex);
                            if (c != -1)
                                if (readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                                    readLogResult.liveObjectTable.InsertObject(id, typeSizeStackTraceIndex, lastTickIndex, lastTickIndex, true, readLogResult.sampleObjectTable);
                                if (pos >= startFileOffset && pos < endFileOffset && readLogResult.allocatedHistogram != null)
                                    // readLogResult.calls.Add(new CallOrAlloc(false, typeSizeStackTraceIndex));
                                    readLogResult.allocatedHistogram.AddObject(typeSizeStackTraceIndex, 1);
                            readLogResult.hadAllocInfo = true;
                            readLogResult.hadCallInfo = true;

                        case    'C':
                        case    'c':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            if (pos <  startFileOffset || pos >= endFileOffset)
                                while (c >= ' ')
                                    c = ReadChar();
                            int threadIndex = ReadInt();
                            int stackTraceIndex = ReadInt();
                            stackTraceIndex = stacktraceTable.MapTypeSizeStacktraceId(stackTraceIndex);
                            if (c != -1)
                                if (readLogResult.callstackHistogram != null)
                                    readLogResult.callstackHistogram.AddObject(stackTraceIndex, 1);
                                List<string> prev;
                                if (assembliesJustLoaded.TryGetValue(threadIndex, out prev) && prev.Count != 0)
                                    foreach(string assemblyName in prev)
                                        assemblies[assemblyName] = stackTraceIndex;
                            readLogResult.hadCallInfo = true;

                        case    'E':
                        case    'e':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            extendedRootInfoSeen = true;
                            thisIsR = true;
                            if (pos <  startFileOffset || pos >= endFileOffset)
                                while (c >= ' ')
                                    c = ReadChar();
                            if (!previousWasR)
                                heapDumpEventList.AddEvent(lastTickIndex, null);
                                if (readLogResult.objectGraph != null && !readLogResult.objectGraph.empty)
                                    readLogResult.objectGraph.BuildTypeGraph(new FilterForm());
                                readLogResult.objectGraph = new ObjectGraph(this, lastTickIndex);
                                Histogram[] h = readLogResult.heapDumpHistograms;
                                if (h != null)
                                    readLogResult.heapDumpHistograms = new Histogram[h.Length+1];
                                    for (int i = 0; i < h.Length; i++)
                                        readLogResult.heapDumpHistograms[i] = h[i];
                                    readLogResult.heapDumpHistograms[h.Length] = new Histogram(this);
                            ulong objectID = ReadULong();
                            GcRootKind rootKind = (GcRootKind)ReadInt();
                            GcRootFlags rootFlags = (GcRootFlags)ReadInt();
                            ulong rootID = ReadULong();
                            ObjectGraph objectGraph = readLogResult.objectGraph;
                            if (c != -1 && objectID > 0 && objectGraph != null && (rootFlags & GcRootFlags.WeakRef) == 0)
                                string rootName;
                                switch (rootKind)
                                case    GcRootKind.Stack:      rootName = "Stack";        break;
                                case    GcRootKind.Finalizer:  rootName = "Finalizer";    break;
                                case    GcRootKind.Handle:     rootName = "Handle";       break;
                                default:                       rootName = "Other";        break;                      

                                if ((rootFlags & GcRootFlags.Pinning) != 0)
                                    rootName += ", Pinning";
                                if ((rootFlags & GcRootFlags.WeakRef) != 0)
                                    rootName += ", WeakRef";
                                if ((rootFlags & GcRootFlags.Interior) != 0)
                                    rootName += ", Interior";
                                if ((rootFlags & GcRootFlags.Refcounted) != 0)
                                    rootName += ", RefCounted";

                                int rootTypeId = objectGraph.GetOrCreateGcType(rootName);
                                ulongStack[0] = objectID;
                                ObjectGraph.GcObject rootObject = objectGraph.CreateObject(rootTypeId, 1, ulongStack);

                                objectGraph.AddRootObject(rootObject, rootID);
                        case    'R':
                        case    'r':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            thisIsR = true;
                            if (extendedRootInfoSeen || pos <  startFileOffset || pos >= endFileOffset)
                                while (c >= ' ')
                                    c = ReadChar();
                            if (!previousWasR)
                                heapDumpEventList.AddEvent(lastTickIndex, null);
                                if (readLogResult.objectGraph != null && !readLogResult.objectGraph.empty)
                                    readLogResult.objectGraph.BuildTypeGraph(new FilterForm());
                                readLogResult.objectGraph = new ObjectGraph(this, lastTickIndex);
                                Histogram[] h = readLogResult.heapDumpHistograms;
                                if (h != null)
                                    readLogResult.heapDumpHistograms = new Histogram[h.Length+1];
                                    for (int i = 0; i < h.Length; i++)
                                        readLogResult.heapDumpHistograms[i] = h[i];
                                    readLogResult.heapDumpHistograms[h.Length] = new Histogram(this);
                            stackPtr = 0;
                            ulong objectID;
                            while ((objectID = ReadULong()) != ulong.MaxValue)
                                if (objectID > 0)
                                    ulongStack[stackPtr] = objectID;
                                    if (stackPtr >= ulongStack.Length)
                                        ulongStack = GrowULongVector(ulongStack);
                            if (c != -1)
                                if (readLogResult.objectGraph != null)
                                    readLogResult.objectGraph.AddRoots(stackPtr, ulongStack);

                        case    'O':
                        case    'o':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            if (pos <  startFileOffset || pos >= endFileOffset || readLogResult.objectGraph == null)
                                while (c >= ' ')
                                    c = ReadChar();
                            ulong objectId = ReadULong();
                            int typeIndex = ReadInt();
                            uint size = ReadUInt();
                            stackPtr = 0;
                            ulong objectID;
                            while ((objectID = ReadULong()) != ulong.MaxValue)
                                if (objectID > 0)
                                    ulongStack[stackPtr] = objectID;
                                    if (stackPtr >= ulongStack.Length)
                                        ulongStack = GrowULongVector(ulongStack);
                            if (c != -1)
                                ObjectGraph objectGraph = readLogResult.objectGraph;

                                int typeSizeStackTraceId = -1;
                                int allocTickIndex = 0;
                                // try to find the allocation stack trace and allocation time
                                // from the live object table
                                if (readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                                    LiveObjectTable.LiveObject liveObject;
                                    readLogResult.liveObjectTable.GetNextObject(objectId, objectId, out liveObject);
                                    if ( == objectId)
                                        typeSizeStackTraceId = liveObject.typeSizeStacktraceIndex;
                                        allocTickIndex = liveObject.allocTickIndex;
                                        Histogram[] h = readLogResult.heapDumpHistograms;
                                        if (h != null)
                                            h[h.Length-1].AddObject(liveObject.typeSizeStacktraceIndex, 1);
                                if (typeSizeStackTraceId == -1)
                                    typeSizeStackTraceId = stacktraceTable.GetOrCreateTypeSizeId(typeIndex, (int)size);
                                ObjectGraph.GcObject gcObject = objectGraph.CreateAndEnterObject(objectId, typeSizeStackTraceId, stackPtr, ulongStack);
                                gcObject.AllocTickIndex = allocTickIndex;

                        case    'M':
                        case    'm':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int modIndex = ReadInt();
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            while (c > '\r')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            if (c != -1)
                                string lineString = sb.ToString();
                                int addrPos = lineString.LastIndexOf(" 0x");
                                if (addrPos <= 0)
                                    addrPos = lineString.Length;
                                int backSlashPos = lineString.LastIndexOf(@"\");
                                if (backSlashPos <= 0)
                                    backSlashPos = -1;
                                string basicName = lineString.Substring(backSlashPos + 1, addrPos - backSlashPos - 1);
                                string fullName = lineString.Substring(0, addrPos);

                                EnsureStringCapacity(modIndex, ref modBasicName);
                                modBasicName[modIndex] = basicName;
                                EnsureStringCapacity(modIndex, ref modFullName);
                                modFullName[modIndex] = fullName;

                        case    'U':
                        case    'u':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            ulong oldId = ReadULong();
                            ulong newId = ReadULong();
                            uint length = ReadUInt();
                            Histogram reloHist = null;
                            if (pos >= startFileOffset && pos < endFileOffset)
                                reloHist = readLogResult.relocatedHistogram;
                            if (readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                                readLogResult.liveObjectTable.UpdateObjects(reloHist, oldId, newId, length, lastTickIndex, readLogResult.sampleObjectTable);

                        case    'V':
                        case    'v':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            ulong startId = ReadULong();
                            uint length = ReadUInt();
                            Histogram reloHist = null;
                            if (pos >= startFileOffset && pos < endFileOffset)
                                reloHist = readLogResult.relocatedHistogram;
                            if (readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                                readLogResult.liveObjectTable.UpdateObjects(reloHist, startId, startId, length, lastTickIndex, readLogResult.sampleObjectTable);

                        case    'B':
                        case    'b':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int startGC = ReadInt();
                            int induced = ReadInt();
                            int condemnedGeneration = ReadInt();
                            if (startGC != 0)
                                newGcEvent = gcEventList.AddEvent(lastTickIndex, null);
                            if (newGcEvent)
                                if (startGC != 0)
                                    if (induced != 0)
                                        for (int gen = 0; gen <= condemnedGeneration; gen++)
                                    int condemnedLimit = condemnedGeneration;
                                    if (condemnedLimit == 2)
                                        condemnedLimit = 3;
                                    for (int gen = 0; gen <= condemnedLimit; gen++)
                                        cumulativeGenerationSize[gen] += generationSize[gen];

                            for (int gen = 0; gen <= 3; gen++)
                                generationSize[gen] = 0;

                            while (c >= ' ')
                                ulong rangeStart = ReadULong();
                                ulong rangeLength = ReadULong();
                                ulong rangeLengthReserved = ReadULong();
                                int rangeGeneration = ReadInt();
                                if (c == -1 || rangeGeneration < 0)
                                if (readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                                    if (startGC != 0)
                                        if (rangeGeneration > condemnedGeneration && condemnedGeneration != 2)
                                            readLogResult.liveObjectTable.Preserve(rangeStart, rangeLength, lastTickIndex);
                                        readLogResult.liveObjectTable.GenerationInterval(rangeStart, rangeLength, rangeGeneration, lastTickIndex);
                                generationSize[rangeGeneration] += rangeLength;
                            if (startGC == 0 && readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                                readLogResult.liveObjectTable.RecordGc(lastTickIndex, condemnedGeneration, readLogResult.sampleObjectTable, false);

                        case    'L':
                        case    'l':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int isCritical = ReadInt();
                            ulong objectId = ReadULong();
                            if (pos >= startFileOffset && pos < endFileOffset && readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                                // try to find the allocation stack trace and allocation time
                                // from the live object table
                                LiveObjectTable.LiveObject liveObject;
                                readLogResult.liveObjectTable.GetNextObject(objectId, objectId, out liveObject);
                                if ( == objectId)
                                    if (isCritical != 0 && readLogResult.criticalFinalizerHistogram != null)
                                        readLogResult.criticalFinalizerHistogram.AddObject(liveObject.typeSizeStacktraceIndex, 1);
                                    if (readLogResult.finalizerHistogram != null)
                                        readLogResult.finalizerHistogram.AddObject(liveObject.typeSizeStacktraceIndex, 1);

                        case    'I':
                        case    'i':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int tickCount = ReadInt();
                            if (c != -1)
                                lastTickIndex = AddTimePos(tickCount, lastLineStartPos);
                                if (maxTickIndex < lastTickIndex)
                                    maxTickIndex = lastTickIndex;

                        case    'G':
                        case    'g':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int gcGen0Count = ReadInt();
                            int gcGen1Count = ReadInt();
                            int gcGen2Count = ReadInt();
                            // if the newer 'b' lines occur, disregard the 'g' lines.
                            if (gcCount[0] == 0 && readLogResult.liveObjectTable != null)
                                if (c == -1 || gcGen0Count < 0)
                                    readLogResult.liveObjectTable.RecordGc(lastTickIndex, 0, readLogResult.sampleObjectTable, gcGen0Count < 0);
                                    readLogResult.liveObjectTable.RecordGc(lastTickIndex, gcGen0Count, gcGen1Count, gcGen2Count, readLogResult.sampleObjectTable);

                        case    'N':
                        case    'n':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int funcIndex;
                            int stackTraceIndex = ReadInt();
                            stackPtr = 0;

                            int flag = ReadInt();
                            int matched = flag / 4;
                            int hadTypeId = (flag & 2);
                            bool hasTypeId = (flag & 1) == 1;

                            if (hasTypeId)
                                intStack[stackPtr++] = ReadInt();
                                intStack[stackPtr++] = ReadInt();

                            if (matched > 0 && c != -1)
                                /* use some other stack trace as a reference */
                                int otherStackTraceId = ReadInt();
                                otherStackTraceId = stacktraceTable.MapTypeSizeStacktraceId(otherStackTraceId);
                                int[] stacktrace = stacktraceTable.IndexToStacktrace(otherStackTraceId);
                                if (matched > stacktrace.Length - hadTypeId)
                                    matched = stacktrace.Length - hadTypeId;
                                for(int i = 0; i < matched; i++)
                                    int funcId = stacktrace[i + hadTypeId];
                                    Debug.Assert(funcId < funcName.Length && funcName[funcId] != null);
                                    intStack[stackPtr++] = funcId;
                                    if (stackPtr >= intStack.Length)
                                        intStack = GrowIntVector(intStack);

                            while ((funcIndex = ReadInt()) >= 0)
                                intStack[stackPtr] = funcIndex;
                                if (stackPtr >= intStack.Length)
                                    intStack = GrowIntVector(intStack);

                            if (c != -1)
                                stacktraceTable.Add(stackTraceIndex, intStack, stackPtr, hasTypeId);

                        case 'y':
                        case 'Y':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int threadid = ReadInt();
                                assembliesJustLoaded[threadid] = new List<string>();
                            /* int assemblyId = */ ReadInt();

                            while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            while (c > '\r')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            string assemblyName = sb.ToString();

                        case 'S':
                        case 's':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int stackTraceIndex = ReadInt();
                            int funcIndex;
                            stackPtr = 0;
                            while ((funcIndex = ReadInt()) >= 0)
                                intStack[stackPtr] = funcIndex;
                                if (stackPtr >= intStack.Length)
                                    intStack = GrowIntVector(intStack);
                            if (c != -1)
                                stacktraceTable.Add(stackTraceIndex, intStack, stackPtr, false);

                        case    'Z':
                        case    'z':
                            sb.Length = 0;
                            c = ReadChar();
                            while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            while (c > '\r')
                                c = ReadChar();
                            if (c != -1)
                                lastTickIndex = AddTimePos(lastLineStartPos);
                                if (maxTickIndex < lastTickIndex)
                                    maxTickIndex = lastTickIndex;
                                commentEventList.AddEvent(lastTickIndex, sb.ToString());

                        case    'H':
                        case    'h':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int threadId = ReadInt();
                            ulong handleId = ReadULong();
                            ulong initialObjectId = ReadULong();
                            int stacktraceId = ReadInt();
                            if (c != -1)
                                if (readLogResult.handleHash != null)
                                    readLogResult.handleHash[handleId] = new HandleInfo(threadId, handleId, initialObjectId, lastTickIndex, stacktraceId);
                                if (readLogResult.createdHandlesHistogram != null)
                                    readLogResult.createdHandlesHistogram.AddObject(stacktraceId, 1);

                        case    'J':
                        case    'j':
                            c = ReadChar();
                            int threadId = ReadInt();
                            ulong handleId = ReadULong();
                            int stacktraceId = ReadInt();
                            if (c != -1)
                                if (readLogResult.handleHash != null)         
                                    if (readLogResult.handleHash.ContainsKey(handleId))
//                                        Console.WriteLine("Non-existent handle {0:x} destroyed in line {1}", handleId, line);
                                        int[] stacktrace = stacktraceTable.IndexToStacktrace(stacktraceId);
                                        for (int i = stacktrace.Length; --i >= 0; )
                                            Console.WriteLine("  {0}", funcName[stacktrace[i]]);
                                if (readLogResult.destroyedHandlesHistogram != null)
                                    readLogResult.destroyedHandlesHistogram.AddObject(stacktraceId, 1);
                            // just ignore the unknown
                            while(c != '\n' && c != '\r')
                                c = ReadChar();
                    while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
                        c = ReadChar();
                    if (c == '\r')
                        c = ReadChar();
                    if (c == '\n')
                        c = ReadChar();
//                readLogResult.functionList.ReportCallCountSizes(readLogResult.callstackHistogram);
//            catch (Exception)
//            {
//                throw new Exception(string.Format("Bad format in log file {0} line {1}", fileName, line));
//                throw;
//            }
                progressForm.Visible = false;
                if (r != null)
Esempio n. 2
        int AddTimePos(int tick, long pos)
            double time = tick*0.001;
            // The time stamps can not always be taken at face value.
            // The two problems we try to fix here are:
            // - the time may wrap around (after about 50 days).
            // - on some MP machines, different cpus could drift apart
            // We solve the first problem by adding 2**32*0.001 if the
            // time appears to jump backwards by more than 2**31*0.001.
            // We "solve" the second problem by ignoring time stamps
            // that still jump backward in time.
            double lastTime = 0.0;
            if (timePosIndex > 0)
                lastTime = timePos[timePosIndex-1].time;
            // correct possible wraparound
            while (time + (1L<<31)*0.001 < lastTime)
                time += (1L<<32)*0.001;

            // ignore times that jump backwards
            if (time < lastTime)
                return timePosIndex - 1;

            while (timePosCount >= timePos.Length)

            // we have only 23 bits to encode allocation time.
            // to avoid running out for long running measurements, we decrease time resolution
            // as we chew up slots. below algorithm uses 1 millisecond resolution for the first
            // million slots, 2 milliseconds for the second million etc. this gives about
            // 2 million seconds time range or 23 days. This is if we really have a time stamp
            // every millisecond - if not, the range is much larger...
            double minimumTimeInc = 0.000999*(1<<timePosIndex/(maxTimePosCount/8));
            if (timePosCount < maxTimePosCount && (time - lastTime >= minimumTimeInc))
                if (timePosIndex < timePosCount)
                    // This is the case where we read the file again for whatever reason
                    Debug.Assert(timePos[timePosIndex].time == time && timePos[timePosIndex].pos == pos);
                    return timePosIndex++;
                    timePos[timePosCount] = new TimePos(time, pos);
                    return timePosCount++;
                return timePosIndex - 1;
Esempio n. 3
        // variant of above to give comments their own tick index
        int AddTimePos(long pos)
            double lastTime = 0.0;
            if (timePosIndex > 0)
                lastTime = timePos[timePosIndex-1].time;

            while (timePosCount >= timePos.Length)

            // stop giving comments their own tick index if we have already
            // burned half the available slots
            if (timePosCount < maxTimePosCount/2)
                if (timePosIndex < timePosCount)
                    // This is the case where we read the file again for whatever reason
                    Debug.Assert(timePos[timePosIndex].time == lastTime && timePos[timePosIndex].pos == pos);
                    return timePosIndex++;
                    timePos[timePosCount] = new TimePos(lastTime, pos);
                    return timePosCount++;
                return timePosIndex - 1;
Esempio n. 4
        const int maxTimePosCount = (1<<23)-1; // ~8,000,000 entries

        void GrowTimePos()
            TimePos[] newTimePos = new TimePos[2*timePos.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < timePos.Length; i++)
                newTimePos[i] = timePos[i];
            timePos = newTimePos;