Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadDiskInformation(out DiskInformation result)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = "out result";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadDiskInformation(" + args + ")"));

            ushort len = 0;
            result = null;

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadDiskInformation, 10, 34, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60))
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, 34);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer16(0);
                if (len <= 34)
                    result = new DiskInformation(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);
                    return CommandStatus.Success;
                len += 2;

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadDiskInformation, 10, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60))
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                result = new DiskInformation(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the PAC data for a blu-ray disk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pacid">the pac id of the pac to read</param>
        /// <param name="pacfmt">the format of the pac to read</param>
        /// <param name="data">return storage for the pac data</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadDiskStructurePac(uint pacid, byte pacfmt, out byte [] data)
            data = null;

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = "out byte[] data";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadDvdStructurePac(" + args + ")"));

            ushort len = 4;
            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadDvdStructure, 12, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60))
                cmd.SetCDB24(2, pacid);
                cmd.SetCDB8(6, pacfmt);
                cmd.SetCDB8(7, 0x30);            // Read PAC data
                cmd.SetCDB16(8, len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = (ushort)(cmd.GetBuffer16(0) + 2);
                if (len == 2)
                    data = new byte[0];
                    return CommandStatus.Success;
                Debug.Assert(len < 8192);

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadDvdStructure, 12, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60))
                cmd.SetCDB24(2, pacid);
                cmd.SetCDB8(6, pacfmt);
                cmd.SetCDB8(7, 0x30);         // Read manufacturing information
                cmd.SetCDB16(8, len);          // Up to 2k of data

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = (ushort)(cmd.GetBuffer16(0) + 2);
                data = new byte[len];
                Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, len);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus SendCueSheet(byte [] sheet)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = sheet.ToString();
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.SendCueSheet(" + args + ")"));

                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 1, "Cue Sheet"));
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 1, "----------------------------------------------"));
                for (int i = 0; i < sheet.GetLength(0) / 8; i++)
                    string s = "" ;

                    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        if (j != 0)
                            s += " ";
                        s += sheet[i * 8 + j].ToString("x2");
                    m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 1, s));
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 1, "----------------------------------------------"));

            ushort len = (ushort)sheet.GetLength(0);
            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.SendCueSheet, 10, len, Command.CmdDirection.Out, 10))
                cmd.SetCDB32(5, len);
                cmd.SetCDB8(5, 0);
                Marshal.Copy(sheet, 0, cmd.GetBuffer(), len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus GetConfiguration(GetConfigType type, ushort start, out FeatureList result)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = type.ToString() + ", " + start.ToString() + ", out result";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.GetConfiguration(" + args + ")"));

            uint len = 0;
            result = null;

            if (type == GetConfigType.Reserved)
                throw new Exception("cannot use reserved value") ;

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.GetConfiguration, 10, 8, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10))
                cmd.SetCDB8(1, (byte)type);
                cmd.SetCDB16(2, start);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, 8);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer32(0);
                len += 4;       // Add four for the length field

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.GetConfiguration, 10, (ushort)len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10))
                cmd.SetCDB8(1, (byte)type);
                cmd.SetCDB16(2, start);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, (ushort)len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                result = new FeatureList(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the ATIP information from a CD media
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadAtip(out AtipInfo info)
            ushort len;
            info = null;

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = "info";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadAtip(" + args + ")"));
            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadTocPmaAtip, 10, 32, Command.CmdDirection.In, 5 * 60))
                cmd.SetCDB8(2, 4);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, 32);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer16(0);
                len += 2;

            if (len <= 4)
                return CommandStatus.Success;

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadTocPmaAtip, 10, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 5 * 60))
                cmd.SetCDB8(2, 4);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                info = new AtipInfo(cmd.GetBuffer(), len);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadTrackInformation(ReadTrackType type, uint addr, out TrackInformation info)
            info = null;

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = "info";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadTrackInformation(" + args + ")"));
            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadTrackInformation, 10, 48, Command.CmdDirection.In, 5 * 60))
                cmd.SetCDB8(1, (byte)type);
                cmd.SetCDB32(2, addr);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, 40);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                info = new TrackInformation(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);
            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pc"></param>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ModeSense(PageControl pc, byte page, out ModeTable table)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = pc.ToString() + ", " + page.ToString() + ", out result";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ModeSense(" + args + ")"));

            ushort len = 0;

            table = null;

            byte b = 0;
            b |= (byte)((byte)(pc) << 7);
            b |= (byte)(page & 0x3f);

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ModeSense, 10, 8, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60 * 5))
                cmd.SetCDB8(1, 8);              // Disable block descriptors
                cmd.SetCDB8(2, b);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, 8);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer16(0);
                len += 2;

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ModeSense, 10, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60 * 5))
                cmd.SetCDB8(1, 8);              // Disable block descriptors
                cmd.SetCDB8(2, b);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                table = new ModeTable(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadFormatCapacities(bool all, out IList<CapacityDescriptor> caplist)
            caplist = new List<CapacityDescriptor>();

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = all.ToString() + ", out caplist";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadFormatCapacities(" + args + ")"));
            int len;

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadFormatCapacities, 10, 8, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60))
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, 8);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer8(3) + 4;
            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadFormatCapacities, 10, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60))
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, (ushort)len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                int offset = 4;
                len = cmd.GetBuffer8(3) + 4;
                while (offset < len)
                    caplist.Add(new CapacityDescriptor(cmd.GetBuffer(), offset, cmd.BufferSize));
                    offset += 8;
            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform a SCSI inquiry on the device to get information about the device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">The return value describing the inquiry results</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus Inquiry(out InquiryResult result)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = "out result";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.Inquiry(" + args + ")"));

            result = null;

            byte len = 0;
            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.Inquiry, 6, 36, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10))
                cmd.SetCDB16(3, 36);
                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer8(4);
                len += 5;

                if (len <= cmd.BufferSize)
                    result = new InquiryResult(cmd.GetBuffer(), len);

                    if (m_logger != null)
                        m_logger.DumpBuffer(9, "Raw Inquiry Result", cmd.GetBuffer(), len);
                    return CommandStatus.Success;

                // As an oddity, the Sony DW-G120A only supports requests that are an even number
                // of bytes.
                if ((len % 2) == 1)
                    len = (byte)((len / 2 * 2) + (((len % 2) == 1) ? 2 : 0));

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.Inquiry, 6, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 100))
                cmd.SetCDB8(4, len);
                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                result = new InquiryResult(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);

                if (m_logger != null)
                    m_logger.DumpBuffer(9, "Raw Inquiry Result", cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="save"></param>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ModeSelect(bool save, ModeTable table)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string t = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Pages.Count; i++)
                    if (t.Length > 0)
                        t += ", ";
                    t = t + table.Pages[i].PageCode;
                string args = save.ToString() + ", ModeTable(" + t + ")";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ModeSelect(" + args + ")"));

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ModeSelect, 10, table.Size, Command.CmdDirection.Out, 60 * 5))
                byte b = 0x10;
                if (save)
                    b |= 0x01;

                cmd.SetCDB8(1, b);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, table.Size);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus GetPerformance(uint lba, PerformanceList.DataType rwtype, PerformanceList.ExceptType extype, out PerformanceList list)
            list = null;

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = rwtype.ToString() + ", " + extype.ToString() + ", list";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.GetPerformance(" + args + ")"));

            uint len = 0;
            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.GetPerformance, 12, 24, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10))
                byte b = 0x10;
                if (rwtype == PerformanceList.DataType.WriteData)
                    b |= 0x04 ;

                b |= (byte)extype;

                cmd.SetCDB8(1, b);
                cmd.SetCDB16(8, 1);

                if (extype == PerformanceList.ExceptType.Entire)
                    cmd.SetCDB32(2, lba);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer32(0);
                len += 4;       // For the length field

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.GetPerformance, 12, (ushort)len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10))
                byte b = 0x10;
                if (rwtype == PerformanceList.DataType.WriteData)
                    b |= 0x04;

                b |= (byte)extype;

                cmd.SetCDB8(1, b);

                if (extype == PerformanceList.ExceptType.Entire)
                    cmd.SetCDB32(2, lba);

                cmd.SetCDB16(8, (ushort)((len - 8) / 16));

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                list = new PerformanceList(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus GetSpeed(out SpeedDescriptorList list)
            ushort initial_size = 8 + 4 * 16;
            list = null;

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = string.Empty;
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.GetWriteSpeed(" + args + ")"));

            uint len = 0;
            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.GetPerformance, 12, initial_size, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10 * 60))
                cmd.SetCDB16(8, (ushort)((initial_size - 8) / 16));
                cmd.SetCDB8(10, 3);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer32(0);
                len += 4;                       // For the length field

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.GetPerformance, 12, (ushort)len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10 * 60))
                cmd.SetCDB16(8, (ushort)((len - 8) / 16));
                cmd.SetCDB8(10, 3);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                list = new SpeedDescriptorList(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polled"></param>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus GetEventStatusNotification(bool polled, NotificationClass request, out EventStatusNotification result)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = polled.ToString() + ", " + request.ToString() + ", out result";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.GetEventStatusNotification(" + args + ")"));

            ushort len = 0;
            result = null;

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.GetEventStatusNotification, 10, 4, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10))
                if (polled)
                    cmd.SetCDB8(1, 1);
                cmd.SetCDB8(4, (byte)request);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, 4);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                byte n = cmd.GetBuffer8(2);
                if ((n & 0x80) != 0)
                    // There are no events, just capture the header
                    result = new EventStatusNotification(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);
                    return CommandStatus.Success;

                // There are event notifications to be grabbed, allocate space for these
                len = cmd.GetBuffer16(0);
                len += 4;               // For the length field

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.GetEventStatusNotification, 10, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10))
                if (polled)
                    cmd.SetCDB8(1, 1);
                cmd.SetCDB8(4, (byte)request);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                result = new EventStatusNotification(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the data from a ReadDvdStructure request as a series of bytes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="format">the format of the read dvd structure request</param>
        /// <param name="data">the AACS volume identifier</param>
        /// <returns>status of command execution</returns>
        private CommandStatus ReadDiskStructureReturnBytes(byte format, out byte[] data)
            data = null;

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = "out byte[] data";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadDvdStructureAACSVolumeIdentifier(" + args + ")"));

            ushort len = 4;
            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadDvdStructure, 12, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60))
                cmd.SetCDB8(7, format);         // Read manufacturing information
                cmd.SetCDB16(8, len);          // Up to 2k of data

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer16(0);
                if (len == 0)
                    data = new byte[0];
                    return CommandStatus.Success;
                Debug.Assert(len < 8192);

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadDvdStructure, 12, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60))
                cmd.SetCDB8(7, format);         // Read manufacturing information
                cmd.SetCDB16(8, len);          // Up to 2k of data

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer16(0);
                data = new byte[len];
                Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, len);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// This method requests that the SCSI device transfer data to the given buffer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="force">If true, the data is forced from the media and cannot be read from the cache</param>
        /// <param name="streaming">If true, this is a streaming read</param>
        /// <param name="lba">The starting logical address for the data</param>
        /// <param name="length">The length of the data to read</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data buffer to received the data</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus Read(bool force, bool streaming, uint lba, uint length, ref byte [] data)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = force.ToString() + ", " + streaming.ToString() + ", " + lba.ToString() + ", " + length.ToString() + ", buffer";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.Read(" + args + ")"));

            if (streaming || length > 65535)
                using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.Read12, 12, (ushort)data.GetLength(0), Command.CmdDirection.In, 5 * 60))
                    if (force)
                        cmd.SetCDB8(1, 4);              // Set the FUA bit

                    cmd.SetCDB32(2, lba);
                    cmd.SetCDB32(6, length);

                    if (streaming)
                        cmd.SetCDB8(10, 0x80);          // Set the streaming bit

                    CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                    if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                        return st;

                    Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, data.GetLength(0));
                using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.Read, 10, (ushort)data.GetLength(0), Command.CmdDirection.In, 5 * 60))
                    if (force)
                        cmd.SetCDB8(1, 4);              // Set the FUA bit

                    cmd.SetCDB32(2, lba);
                    cmd.SetCDB16(7, (ushort)length);

                    CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                    if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                        return st;

                    Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, data.GetLength(0));

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadDiskStructure(uint addr, byte layer, byte format, ref byte [] data)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = string.Empty;
                args += "addr=" + addr.ToString();
                args += ", layer=" + layer.ToString();
                args += ", format=" + format.ToString();
                args += "ref byte[] data";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadDvdStructure(" + args + ")"));

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadDvdStructure, 12, 2048, Command.CmdDirection.In, 60))
                cmd.SetCDB32(2, addr) ;         // Address = 0 
                cmd.SetCDB8(6, layer);          // Layer number = 0
                cmd.SetCDB8(7, format);         // Read manufacturing information
                cmd.SetCDB16(8, 2048);          // Up to 2k of data

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;
                int len = data.GetLength(0);
                if (len > 2048)
                    len = 2048;
                Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, len);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads subheader CD data from a data mode 2 track
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sector">the sector # of the data to read</param>
        /// <param name="hdr">return subheader data</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadCD(uint sector, out SubheaderData hdr)
            hdr = null ;
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = sector.ToString() + ", out SubheaderData hdr";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadCD(" + args + ")"));

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadCd, 12, 4, Command.CmdDirection.In, 10))
                cmd.SetCDB32(2, sector);
                cmd.SetCDB24(6, 1);
                cmd.SetCDB8(9, 0x40);          // Header data only

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                hdr = new SubheaderData(cmd.GetBuffer(), cmd.BufferSize);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the table of contents from the disk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="track">the track or session to find the TOC for</param>
        /// <param name="toc">a list return value containins a list of table of content entryies</param>
        /// <param name="mode">time versus lba mode</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadToc(byte track, bool mode, out IList<TocEntry> toc)
            ushort len;
            toc = null;

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = "info";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadToc(" + args + ")"));

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadTocPmaAtip, 10, 16, Command.CmdDirection.In, 5 * 60))
                if (mode)
                    cmd.SetCDB8(1, 2);
                cmd.SetCDB8(6, track);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, 16);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer16(0);
                len += 2;

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadTocPmaAtip, 10, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 5 * 60))
                if (mode)
                    cmd.SetCDB8(1, 2);
                cmd.SetCDB8(6, track);
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                int offset = 4;
                toc = new List<TocEntry>();

                while (offset + 8 <= len)
                    TocEntry entry = new TocEntry(cmd.GetBuffer(), offset, cmd.BufferSize, mode);

                    offset += 8;

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the subchannel data from a series of sectors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sector"></param>
        /// <param name="length"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="mode">the subchannel mode</param>
		/// <param name="timeout">timeout (in seconds)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadSubChannel(byte mode, uint sector, uint length, ref byte[] data, int timeout)
            byte bytes_per_sector;

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = sector.ToString() + ", " + length.ToString() + ", data";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadSubChannel(" + args + ")"));

            if (mode != 1 && mode != 2 && mode != 4)
                throw new Exception("invalid read mode for ReadSubchannel() call");

            bytes_per_sector = 96;
            if (mode == 2)
                bytes_per_sector = 16;

            if (data.GetLength(0) < length * bytes_per_sector)
                throw new Exception("data buffer is not large enough to hold the data requested");

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadCd, 12, (int)(length * bytes_per_sector), Command.CmdDirection.In, timeout))
                byte b = (byte)(1 << 2);
                cmd.SetCDB8(1, b);
                cmd.SetCDB32(2, sector);            // The sector number to start with
                cmd.SetCDB24(6, length);            // The length in sectors
                cmd.SetCDB8(10, mode);                 // Corrected, de-interleaved P - W data

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, (int)(length * bytes_per_sector));
            return CommandStatus.Success ;
Esempio n. 20
		/// <summary>
		/// This method reads the ATIP information from a CD media
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public CommandStatus ReadPMA(out byte[] data)
			ushort len;
			data = null;

			if (m_logger != null)
				string args = "info";
				m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadFullToc(" + args + ")"));
			using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadTocPmaAtip, 10, 320, Command.CmdDirection.In, 5 * 60))
				cmd.SetCDB8(1, 2);
				cmd.SetCDB8(2, 3);
				cmd.SetCDB16(7, 320);

				CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
				if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
					return st;

				len = cmd.GetBuffer16(0);
				len += 2;

				if (len <= 320)
					data = new byte[len];
					Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, len);
					return CommandStatus.Success;

			using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadTocPmaAtip, 10, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, 5 * 60))
				cmd.SetCDB8(2, 3);
				cmd.SetCDB16(7, len);

				CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
				if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
					return st;

				//info = new AtipInfo(cmd.GetBuffer(), len);
				data = new byte[len];
				Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, len);

			return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 21
		/// <summary>
		/// Read the subchannel data from a series of sectors
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="mode">subchannel mode</param>
		/// <param name="track">track number</param>
		/// <param name="data">output buffer</param>
		/// <param name="offs">output buffer offset</param>
		/// <param name="timeout">timeout (in seconds)</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public CommandStatus ReadSubChannel42(byte mode, int track, ref byte[] data, int offs, int timeout)
			if (m_logger != null)
				m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadSubChannel42()"));

			if (mode != 1 && mode != 2 && mode != 3)
				throw new Exception("invalid read mode for ReadSubchannel42() call");

			int size = mode == 1 ? 16 : 24;
			if (offs + data.GetLength(0) < size)
				throw new Exception("data buffer is not large enough to hold the data requested");

			using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadSubChannel, 10, size, Command.CmdDirection.In, timeout))
				// 42 00 40 01  00 00 00 00 10 00
				//cmd.SetCDB8(1, 2); // MSF
				cmd.SetCDB8(2, 64); // SUBQ
				cmd.SetCDB8(3, mode);
				cmd.SetCDB8(6, (byte)track);
				cmd.SetCDB16(7, (ushort)size);

				CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
				if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
					return st;

				Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, offs, size);
			return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus RequestSense()
            if (m_logger != null)
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.RequestSense()"));

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.RequestSense, 6, 18, Command.CmdDirection.None, 5*60))
                cmd.SetCDB8(4, 18);
                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                m_sense_info = new byte[18];
                Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), m_sense_info, 0, 18);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the CD text information from the leadin using the ReadTocPmaAtip command form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
		/// <param name="_timeout"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus ReadCDText(out byte [] data, int _timeout)
            ushort len;

            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = "info";
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.ReadCDText(" + args + ")"));

            data = null;
			using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadTocPmaAtip, 10, 4, Command.CmdDirection.In, _timeout))
                cmd.SetCDB8(2, 5);                  // CDText info in leadin
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, 4);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                len = cmd.GetBuffer16(0);
                len += 2;

                if (len <= 4)
                    data = new byte[len];
                    Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, len);
                    return CommandStatus.Success;

			using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.ReadTocPmaAtip, 10, len, Command.CmdDirection.In, _timeout))
                cmd.SetCDB8(2, 5);                 // CDText info in leadin
                cmd.SetCDB16(7, len);

                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

                data = new byte[len];
                Marshal.Copy(cmd.GetBuffer(), data, 0, len);

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 24
        private CommandStatus SendCommand32(Command cmd)
            f.Length = m_scsi_request_size_32;
            f.CdbLength = (byte)cmd.GetCDBLength();
            f.DataIn = 0;
            if (cmd.Direction == Command.CmdDirection.In)
                f.DataIn = 1;
            f.DataTransferLength = (uint)cmd.BufferSize;
            f.TimeOutValue = (uint)cmd.TimeOut;
            for (byte i = 0; i < f.CdbLength; i++)
                f.CdbData[i] = cmd.GetCDB(i);
            f.SenseInfoOffset = 48;
            f.SenseInfoLength = 24;

            uint total = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(f);

            uint ret = 0;

            // Set the buffer field
            f.DataBuffer = cmd.GetBuffer();

            // Send through ioctl field
            IntPtr pt = new IntPtr(&f);
            if (!Control(IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT, pt, total, pt, total, ref ret, IntPtr.Zero))
                string str ;
                str = "IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT failed - " + Win32ErrorToString(LastError);
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Error, 0, str));
                return CommandStatus.IoctlFailed;

            m_scsi_status = f.ScsiStatus;
            if (f.SenseInfoLength != 0)
                m_sense_info = new byte[f.SenseInfoLength];
                for (int i = 0; i < f.SenseInfoLength; i++)
                    m_sense_info[i] = f.SenseInfo[i];
                m_sense_info = null;

            if (m_scsi_status != 0)
                return CommandStatus.DeviceFailed;

            return CommandStatus.Success;
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// This method sends the format unit command down to the SCSI device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CommandStatus FormatUnit(FormatParameterList plist)
            if (m_logger != null)
                string args = "plist" ;
                m_logger.LogMessage(new UserMessage(UserMessage.Category.Debug, 8, "Bwg.Scsi.Device.FormatUnit(" + args + ")"));

            using (Command cmd = new Command(ScsiCommandCode.FormatUnit, 6, (ushort)plist.Size, Command.CmdDirection.Out, 60*60))
                cmd.SetCDB8(1, 0x11);


                CommandStatus st = SendCommand(cmd);
                if (st != CommandStatus.Success)
                    return st;

            return CommandStatus.Success;