Esempio n. 1
        public Point_Obj get_gaze_pt(Point_Obj right_eye, Point_Obj left_eye, float alpha, float beta, float gamma)
            // Compute Z coordinate of head/eyes in the WCS (World Coordinate System)
            float Z = (-f * EYE_DIST) / (left_eye.get_x() - right_eye.get_x());
            Console.WriteLine("EST Z: {0}", Z);

            // Use computed Z coordinate to get X,Y world coordinates of the eyes
            float X_r = Z * (right_eye.get_x() - princ_pt.get_x()) / (-f);
            float Y_r = Z * (right_eye.get_y() - princ_pt.get_y()) / (-f);

            float X_l = Z * (left_eye.get_x() - princ_pt.get_x()) / (-f);
            float Y_l = Z * (left_eye.get_y() - princ_pt.get_y()) / (-f);

            // Compute direction vector (d) of eyes using rotation angles (alpha, beta, gamma)
            DenseVector k_hat = new DenseVector(3);
            k_hat[2] = 1;
            //DenseMatrix R = get_rotation_mat(alpha, beta, gamma);
            DenseMatrix R = get_rotation_mat(alpha, beta, gamma);
            DenseVector d = R * k_hat;

            // Get point of intersection using eye points and direction vector d
            DenseVector P_r = new DenseVector(new[]{Convert.ToDouble(X_r), Convert.ToDouble(Y_r), Convert.ToDouble(Z)});
            DenseVector P_l = new DenseVector(new[] { Convert.ToDouble(X_l), Convert.ToDouble(Y_l), Convert.ToDouble(Z)});

            DenseVector p_hat_r = P_r + d * (-P_r[2] / d[2]);
            DenseVector p_hat_l = P_l + d * (-P_l[2] / d[2]);
            DenseVector p_hat_avg = (p_hat_r + p_hat_l) / 2;

            return new Point_Obj(Convert.ToSingle(p_hat_avg[0]), Convert.ToSingle(p_hat_avg[1]));
Esempio n. 2
        private void process_float_data(float[] input_array)
            float frame_num = input_array[0];
            float success_flag = input_array[1];
            Point_Obj left_eye = new Point_Obj(input_array[2], input_array[3], input_array[4]);
            Point_Obj right_eye = new Point_Obj(input_array[5], input_array[6], input_array[7]);

            float alpha = input_array[8]*180;
            float beta = input_array[9]*180;
            float gamma = input_array[10]*180;

            if (success_flag == 0.0)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: Tracking Failure", Convert.ToInt32(frame_num));
                plot_gaze_point(new Point_Obj(-1000,-1000));

            Gaze_Comp G = new Gaze_Comp();
            Point_Obj p = G.get_gaze_pt(right_eye, left_eye, alpha, beta, gamma);
            Console.WriteLine("GAZE POINT (X, Y): ({0}, {1})", p.get_x(), p.get_y());
            Point_Obj disp_pt = new Point_Obj(-p.get_x(), p.get_y()+ MONITOR_DIM_Y/2);
            Console.WriteLine("TRANSF GAZE POINT (X, Y): ({0}, {1})", disp_pt.get_x(), disp_pt.get_y());

            // Plot Rotation Angles
            plot_point("Pitch", Convert.ToDouble(alpha));
            plot_point("Yaw", Convert.ToDouble(beta));
            plot_point("Roll", Convert.ToDouble(gamma));
Esempio n. 3
        private void plot_gaze_point(Point_Obj p)
            if (this.chart2.InvokeRequired)
                //ChartCallback c = new ChartCallback(plot_point);
                GazeChartCallback gC = new GazeChartCallback(plot_gaze_point);
                this.Invoke(gC, new object[] { p });
                this.chart2.Series["Series1"].Points.AddXY(p.get_x(), p.get_y());
                int L = this.chart2.Series["Series1"].Points.Count;

                if (p.get_x() < -MONITOR_DIM_X / 2 || p.get_x() > MONITOR_DIM_X / 2)
                    this.chart2.Series["Series1"].Points[L - 1].Color = Color.Red;
                else if (p.get_y() < -MONITOR_DIM_Y / 2 || p.get_y() > MONITOR_DIM_Y / 2)
                    this.chart2.Series["Series1"].Points[L - 1].Color = Color.Red;
                    this.chart2.Series["Series1"].Points[L - 1].Color = Color.Blue;

                if(L > 25)
                    DataPoint d = new DataPoint(this.chart2.Series["Series1"].Points[0].XValue, this.chart2.Series["Series1"].Points[0].YValues[0]);
