Esempio n. 1
        public virtual void SetupCharacterController()
            playerRigid = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            // Remove any Rigidbody on our root
            if (playerRigid != null)

            BNGPlayerController bng = GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();

            if (bng)
                bng.DistanceFromGroundOffset = 0f;

            // Add the CharacterController
            characterController = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
            if (characterController == null)
                characterController           = gameObject.AddComponent <CharacterController>();
                characterController.skinWidth = 0.001f;
          = new Vector3(0, -0.25f, 0);
                characterController.radius    = 0.1f;
                characterController.height    = 1.5f;

            playerInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 2
        public virtual void CheckControllerReferences()
            // Component may be called while disabled, so check for references here
            if (playerController == null)
                playerController = GetComponentInParent <BNGPlayerController>();

            if (playerInitialized == false)
                // Check CharacterController initialization
                if (ControllerType == PlayerControllerType.CharacterController && characterController == null)

                    playerInitialized = true;

                // Rigidbody Initialization
                if (ControllerType == PlayerControllerType.Rigidbody && playerRigid == null)
                    playerRigid = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

                    // If it is still null, then we'll need to setup the player rigid body
                    if (playerRigid == null)
Esempio n. 3
 void Awake()
     character        = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
     playerController = GetComponent <OVRPlayerController>();
     cameraRig        = GetComponentInChildren <OVRCameraRig>();
     bngController    = transform.parent.GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();
Esempio n. 4
        void setupVariables()
            input            = GetComponent <InputBridge>();
            playerController = GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();
            controller       = GetComponentInChildren <CharacterController>();
            cameraRig        = GetComponentInChildren <OVRCameraRig>().transform;

            // Make sure teleport line is a root object
            if (TeleportLine != null)
                TeleportLine.transform.parent = null;
                _initialLineWidth             = TeleportLine.startWidth;

            if (CollisionLayers == 0)
                Debug.Log("Teleport layer not set. Setting Default.");
                CollisionLayers = 1;

            // HTC Uses a Trackpad that is recognized as a Thumbstick. Force to Hold Downmode
            if (ControlType == TeleportControls.ThumbstickRotate && input.IsHTCDevice())
                Debug.Log("HTC Device detected, switching Teleport Mode to Thumbstick Down");
                ControlType = TeleportControls.ThumbstickDown;

            setVariables = true;
Esempio n. 5
        void setupVariables()
            input            = InputBridge.Instance;
            playerController = GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();
            controller       = GetComponentInChildren <CharacterController>();
            cameraRig        = playerController.CameraRig;
            fader            = cameraRig.GetComponentInChildren <ScreenFader>();

            // Make sure teleport line is a root object
            if (TeleportLine != null)
                TeleportLine.transform.parent   = null;
                TeleportLine.transform.position =;
                TeleportLine.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

                _initialLineWidth = TeleportLine.startWidth;

            if (CollisionLayers == 0)
                Debug.Log("Teleport layer not set. Setting Default.");
                CollisionLayers = 1;

            // HTC Uses a Trackpad that is recognized as a Thumbstick. Force to Hold Downmode
            if (ControlType == TeleportControls.ThumbstickRotate && input.IsHTCDevice)
                Debug.Log("HTC Device detected, switching Teleport Mode to Thumbstick Down");
                ControlType = TeleportControls.ThumbstickDown;

            setVariables = true;
Esempio n. 6
        void Start()
            mainCameraTransform = GameObject.Find("CameraRig").transform;
            leftHandAnchor      = GameObject.Find("LeftHandAnchor").transform;
            rightHandAnchor     = GameObject.Find("RightHandAnchor").transform;

            leftControllerTranform  = GameObject.Find("LeftControllerAnchor").transform;
            rightControllerTranform = GameObject.Find("RightControllerAnchor").transform;

            player = FindObjectOfType <BNGPlayerController>();

            if (player)
                // Use this to keep our head up high
                player.ElevateCameraIfNoHMDPresent = true;
                _originalPlayerYOffset             = player.ElevateCameraHeight;

                smoothLocomotion = player.GetComponentInChildren <SmoothLocomotion>();

                if (smoothLocomotion == null)
                    Debug.Log("No Smooth Locomotion component found. Will not be able to use SmoothLocomotion without calling it manually.");
                else if (smoothLocomotion.MoveAction == null)
                    Debug.Log("Smooth Locomotion Move Action has not been assigned. Make sure to assign this in the inspector if you want to be able to move around using the VR Emulator.");
Esempio n. 7
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     pControl                = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponentInChildren <OVRPlayerController>();
     characterController     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponentInChildren <CharacterController>();
     bngController           = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();
     _initialGravityModifier = pControl.GravityModifier;
     audioSource             = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
Esempio n. 8
        private float _verticalSpeed = 0; // Keep track of vertical speed

        void Start()
            characterController = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
            playerController    = GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();
            if (playerController == null)
                playerController = GetComponentInParent <BNGPlayerController>();
Esempio n. 9
        public override void GrabItem(Grabber grabbedBy)
            // Add the climber so we can track it's position for Character movement
            if (bngController == null)
                bngController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();
            bngController.AddClimber(this, grabbedBy);

Esempio n. 10
        public virtual void CheckControllerReferences()
            // Component may be called while disabled, so check for references here
            if (playerController == null)
                playerController = GetComponentInParent <BNGPlayerController>();

            if (characterController == null)
                characterController = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
Esempio n. 11
        void Start()
            mainCameraTransform     = GameObject.Find("CameraRig").transform;
            leftControllerTranform  = GameObject.Find("LeftHandAnchor").transform;
            rightControllerTranform = GameObject.Find("RightHandAnchor").transform;

            player = FindObjectOfType <BNGPlayerController>();

            // Use this to keep our head up high
            player.ElevateCameraIfNoHMDPresent = true;
            _originalPlayerYOffset             = player.ElevateCameraHeight;

            smoothLocomotion = player.GetComponentInChildren <SmoothLocomotion>();
Esempio n. 12
        void Start()
            if (GameObject.Find("CameraRig"))
                mainCameraTransform = GameObject.Find("CameraRig").transform;
            // Oculus Rig Setup
            else if (GameObject.Find("OVRCameraRig"))
                mainCameraTransform = GameObject.Find("OVRCameraRig").transform;

            leftHandAnchor  = GameObject.Find("LeftHandAnchor").transform;
            rightHandAnchor = GameObject.Find("RightHandAnchor").transform;

            leftControllerTranform  = GameObject.Find("LeftControllerAnchor").transform;
            rightControllerTranform = GameObject.Find("RightControllerAnchor").transform;

            player = FindObjectOfType <BNGPlayerController>();

            if (player)
                // Use this to keep our head up high
                player.ElevateCameraIfNoHMDPresent = true;
                _originalPlayerYOffset             = player.ElevateCameraHeight;

                smoothLocomotion = player.GetComponentInChildren <SmoothLocomotion>(true);

                // initialize component if it's currently disabled
                if (smoothLocomotion != null && !smoothLocomotion.isActiveAndEnabled)

                playerTeleport = player.GetComponentInChildren <PlayerTeleport>(true);
                if (playerTeleport)
                    priorStraightSetting = playerTeleport.ForceStraightArrow;

                if (smoothLocomotion == null)
                    Debug.Log("No Smooth Locomotion component found. Will not be able to use SmoothLocomotion without calling it manually.");
                else if (smoothLocomotion.MoveAction == null)
                    Debug.Log("Smooth Locomotion Move Action has not been assigned. Make sure to assign this in the inspector if you want to be able to move around using the VR Emulator.");
Esempio n. 13
        void Start()
            player   = GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();
            teleport = GetComponent <PlayerTeleport>();

            // Load Locomotion Preference
            if (LoadLocomotionFromPrefs)
                ChangeLocomotion(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("LocomotionSelection", 0) == 0 ? LocomotionType.Teleport : LocomotionType.SmoothLocomotion, false);
                ChangeLocomotion(DefaultLocomotion, false);
Esempio n. 14
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            GameObject player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

            if (player)
                characterController = player.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterController>();
                bngController       = player.GetComponentInChildren <BNGPlayerController>();
                playerGravity       = player.GetComponentInChildren <PlayerGravity>();
                Debug.Log("No player object found.");

            audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
Esempio n. 15
        void Start()
            mainCameraTransform     = GameObject.Find("CameraRig").transform;
            leftControllerTranform  = GameObject.Find("LeftHandAnchor").transform;
            rightControllerTranform = GameObject.Find("RightHandAnchor").transform;

            player = FindObjectOfType <BNGPlayerController>();

            // Use this to keep our head up high
            player.ElevateCameraIfNoHMDPresent = true;
            _originalPlayerYOffset             = player.ElevateCameraHeight;

            // Only useful in the editor
            if (!Application.isEditor)
Esempio n. 16
        void Awake()
            col   = GetComponent <Collider>();
            rigid = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"))
                input = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <InputBridge>();
                Debug.LogError("No InputBridge Found on Player GameObject. Make sure you have one Player with the 'Player' Tag and the InputBridge component");

            events     = GetComponents <GrabbableEvents>().ToList();
            collisions = new List <Collider>();

            // Try parent if no rigid found here
            if (rigid == null && transform.parent != null)
                rigid = transform.parent.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            // Store initial rigidbody properties so we can reset them later as needed
            if (rigid)
                initialCollisionMode     = rigid.collisionDetectionMode;
                initialInterpolationMode = rigid.interpolation;
                wasKinematic             = rigid.isKinematic;
                usedGravity = rigid.useGravity;

            // Store initial parent so we can reset later if needed

            validGrabbers = new List <Grabber>();

            OriginalScale = transform.localScale.x;

            if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"))
                player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponentInChildren <BNGPlayerController>();
Esempio n. 17
        public virtual void SetupRigidbodyPlayer()
            playerRigid                = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
            playerRigid.mass           = 50f;
            playerRigid.drag           = 1f;
            playerRigid.angularDrag    = 0.05f;
            playerRigid.freezeRotation = true;
            // playerRigid.useGravity = false; // Gravity is applied manually

            // Remove any CharacterControllers, if any
            CharacterController charController = GetComponent <CharacterController>();

            if (charController != null)

            BNGPlayerController bng = GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();

            if (bng)
                bng.DistanceFromGroundOffset = -0.087f;

            // Add the colliders
            CapsuleCollider cc = gameObject.AddComponent <CapsuleCollider>();

            cc.radius = 0.1f;
   = new Vector3(0, 0.785f, 0);
            cc.height = 1.25f;

            SphereCollider sc = gameObject.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();

   = new Vector3(0, 0.079f, 0);
            sc.radius = 0.08f;

            playerInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 18
 void Start()
     characterController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponentInChildren <CharacterController>();
     bngController       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <BNGPlayerController>();
     audioSource         = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
Esempio n. 19
 void Awake()
     character     = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
     bngController = transform.GetComponentInParent <BNGPlayerController>();
Esempio n. 20
 void Start()
     player = GetComponentInParent <BNGPlayerController>();