Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a connection string for the matching DB or log an error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <param name="dbName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetConnectionString(Configs.InitialConfig config, string dbName)
            string regexPattern = $".*Initial Catalog={dbName};.*";
            var    regexOptions = RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
            string cs           = Regex.Match(config.connections, regexPattern, regexOptions)?.Value;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cs))
                cs = "connection_string_required"; // a placeholder in case the CS is missing
                Program.WriteLine($"{config.mirrorDB} / {dbName}: missing connection string.", ConsoleColor.Red);

        /// <summary>
        /// Write out blank config files for all known structures in class Configs.
        /// </summary>
        public static void GenerateBlankConfigs()
            string currentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string configFolder     = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, Program.FileNames.ConfigFolder);

            // create the folder if it doesn't exist
            if (!Directory.Exists(configFolder))

            Program.WriteLine($"Writing config files to {configFolder}");

            // create the initial config file
            var config = new Configs.InitialConfig();

            Configs.GenericConfigEntry.SaveConfigFile(Program.FileNames.InitialConfig, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config));

            // copy all templates to the local templates folder
            string templatesFolderDest = Path.Combine(currentDirectory, Program.FileNames.TemplatesFolder);
            string templatesFolderSrc  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), Program.FileNames.TemplatesFolder);

            if (!Directory.Exists(templatesFolderDest))
            Program.WriteLine($"Writing template files to {templatesFolderDest}");

            // Copy the files and overwrite destination files if they already exist.
            foreach (string templateFile in Directory.GetFiles(templatesFolderSrc))
                string templateFileNoPath = Path.GetFileName(templateFile);
                string fileNameDest       = Path.Combine(templatesFolderDest, templateFileNoPath);
                if (File.Exists(fileNameDest))
                    Program.WriteLine($"{templateFileNoPath} already exists.", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                    File.Copy(templateFile, fileNameDest, false);
                    Program.WriteLine($"{templateFileNoPath} written.");
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Use an arbitrary template to generate an SQL script.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configFile"></param>
        public static void GenerateScript(Configs.InitialConfig config, string templateFileName)

            string templateContents = Generators.GetTemplateContents(templateFileName);

            // get the list of all placeholders in the template
            var matches           = Regex.Matches(templateContents, @"{{\s*([^}]+)\s*}}");
            var matchPlaceholders = new List <string>(); // contains replacement placeholders like {{loggingAzStorageContainerUrl}}

            // process placeholders one by one
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                string placeholder = match.Value;
                if (matchPlaceholders.Contains(placeholder))
                    continue;                       // ignore repeating placeholders
                matchPlaceholders.Add(placeholder); // add it to the list so we don't process it multiple times

                    // replace all instances with the value from config
                    string matchValue = (string)config.GetType().GetField(match.Groups[1].Value).GetValue(config);
                    templateContents = templateContents.Replace(placeholder, matchValue, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Program.WriteLine($"Variable has no matching config entry: {placeholder}.", ConsoleColor.Red);

            string fileSuffix = string.Format(Program.FileNames.OutputFileNameMaskRunOnMirror, config.mirrorDB, "x", "x");

            string outputFileName = $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(templateFileName)}__{fileSuffix}{fileExtSQL}";

            Generators.SaveGeneratedScript(templateContents, outputFileName, 0);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a .bat file for executing all SQL scripts in the current directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configFile"></param>
        public static void GenerateSqlCmdBatch(Configs.InitialConfig config, string targetDirectory, string oParam)
            // check if we have the server name
            bool runOnAz = string.Equals(oParam, "az", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oParam) && !runOnAz)
                Program.WriteLine("Param -o can be set to AZ (run on Azure) or omitted (run locally).", ConsoleColor.Red);

            // check if we have the server name
            string serverName = (runOnAz)? config.serverName + "" : config.localServer;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverName))
                string serverParamName = (runOnAz) ? "serverName" : "localServer";
                Program.WriteLine($"Missing `{serverParamName}` param in `/config/config.json`", ConsoleColor.Red);

            // prepare identity (user name) for Azure
            string userName = (runOnAz) ? $"-U '{config.identity}'" : "";

            // the target directory can be relative or absolute
            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(targetDirectory))
                targetDirectory = targetDirectory.TrimStart(('\\'));
                if (!targetDirectory.ToLower().StartsWith("scripts\\"))
                    targetDirectory = "scripts\\" + targetDirectory;
                targetDirectory = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), targetDirectory);

            // get all files in the folder
            string[] fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory);

            // do not write out an empty file
            if (fileNames.Length == 0)
                Program.WriteLine($"Empty folder: {targetDirectory}", ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            // loop thru the files
            var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            foreach (string fileName in fileNames)
                // skip non-.sql files
                if (!fileName.EndsWith(fileExtSQL))

                string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileName(fileName);

                // extract the DB to run the script in from the file name
                var match = Regex.Match(fileNameOnly, @"^.*__([\w\d]*)__[\w\d]*__[\w\d]*", regexOptions_im);
                if (!match.Success || match.Groups.Count != 2)
                    Program.WriteLine($"Cannot extract semantic parts from {fileNameOnly}", ConsoleColor.Red);
                string dbName = match.Groups[1]?.Value;

                sb.AppendLine($"sqlcmd -b -S \"{serverName}\" {userName} -d {dbName} -i \"{fileNameOnly}\"");
                sb.AppendLine($"if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {{git add \"{fileNameOnly}\"}}");

            sb.AppendLine(); // an empty line at the end to execute the last statement

            // output file name
            string batFileName = Path.Combine(targetDirectory, "apply.ps1");

            // do not overwrite files for consistency
            if (File.Exists(batFileName))
                Program.WriteLine($"#{batFileName} already exists.", ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            Program.WriteLine($"Saving to {batFileName}");

            // save
                File.WriteAllText(batFileName, sb.ToString(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);
            catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Genrate a generic list of tables as JSON for further editing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configFile"></param>
        public static void GenerateSecondaryConfigFiles(Configs.InitialConfig config)
            // output collections per config file
            List <Configs.AllTables> tableListMirror = new List <Configs.AllTables>();                              // config for mirror tables
            List <Configs.AllTables> tableListRO     = new List <Configs.AllTables>();                              // config for read-only external tables
            List <Configs.AllTables> spList          = new List <Configs.AllTables>();                              // config for remote SP proxies

            List <Configs.CreateMasterKey>          masterKeyList  = new List <Configs.CreateMasterKey>();          // config for Master Key config
            List <Configs.CreateExternalDataSource> extDataSrcList = new List <Configs.CreateExternalDataSource>(); // config for ext data source config

            Configs.AllTables prevTable = new Configs.AllTables();                                                  // a container for tracking changes

            // normalise line endings and remove [ ]
            config.masterTables ??= "";
            config.masterTablesRO ??= "";
            config.masterTables   = config.masterTables.Replace("\r", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace(" ", "");
            config.masterTablesRO = config.masterTablesRO.Replace("\r", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace(" ", "");
            config.connections    = config.connections.Replace("\r", "");

            var jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings()
                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore
            };                                                                                                // ignore null properties

            // combine mirror and ro lists
            string[] allTables   = config.masterTables.Split("\n");
            string[] roTables    = config.masterTablesRO.Split("\n");
            int      mirrorCount = allTables.Length;

            if (roTables.Length > 0)
                Array.Resize <string>(ref allTables, mirrorCount + roTables.Length);
                Array.Copy(roTables, 0, allTables, mirrorCount, roTables.Length);

            foreach (string tableLine in allTables)
                mirrorCount--; // decrement the counter to know when mirrors turn into read-only tables
                if (mirrorCount == -1)
                    prevTable = new Configs.AllTables();                    // reset on switching from mirrors to ROs
                // get the 3-part name like DB_STATS..TB_MANUALRESERVATION
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tableLine))
                    continue;                                       // skip empty lines
                string[] tableParts = tableLine.Trim().Split(".");

                // check the format
                if (tableParts.Length != 3)
                    throw new Exception($"Must be a 3-part name: {tableLine}");
                if (tableParts[0].ToLower() == config.mirrorDB.ToLower())
                    throw new Exception($"Found a self-reference: {tableLine}");

                // add mirror table details
                var tableItem = new Configs.AllTables()
                    masterTableOrSP = tableParts[2],
                    masterDB        = (prevTable.masterDB?.ToLower() != tableParts[0].ToLower()) ? tableParts[0] : null,
                    mirrorDB        = (prevTable.mirrorDB?.ToLower() != config.mirrorDB.ToLower()) ? config.mirrorDB : null,
                    masterCS        = (prevTable.masterDB?.ToLower() != tableParts[0].ToLower()) ? DbAccess.GetConnectionString(config, tableParts[0]) : null

                if (mirrorCount >= 0)
                    tableListMirror.Add(tableItem); // add to mirror collection
                    tableListRO.Add(tableItem); // add to read-only collection

                prevTable.Merge(tableItem, true); // merge with overwrite

                // process MasterKeyConfig
                var masterKeyItem = new Configs.CreateMasterKey();
                if (masterKeyList.Count == 0) // add full details to the first item only
                    masterKeyItem.password   = config.password;
                    masterKeyItem.credential = config.credential;
                    masterKeyItem.identity   = config.identity;
                    masterKeyItem.secret     = config.secret;
                    // the very first record is actually for the mirror DB, so we have to re-initialise
                    // not to miss the first master table from the loop
                    masterKeyItem.localDB = config.mirrorDB;
                    masterKeyItem = new Configs.CreateMasterKey();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableItem.masterDB))
                    masterKeyItem.localDB = tableItem.masterDB; // only local db can be added automatically

                // process ExternalDataSource config
                var extDataSrcItem = new Configs.CreateExternalDataSource();
                if (extDataSrcList.Count == 0) // add full details to the first item only
                    extDataSrcItem.serverName = config.serverName;
                    extDataSrcItem.credential = config.credential;
                    extDataSrcItem.twoway     = config.twoway;
                    extDataSrcItem.externalDB = config.mirrorDB;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableItem.masterDB))
                    extDataSrcItem.localDB = tableItem.masterDB; // only local db can be added automatically

                // check if the table exists in Master DB
                string tableCols = DbAccess.GetTableColumns(prevTable.masterCS, prevTable.masterTableOrSP);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableCols))
                    Program.WriteLine($"Missing table definition for {prevTable.masterDB}..{prevTable.masterTableOrSP}", ConsoleColor.Red);

            // process the list of SPs
            prevTable = new Configs.AllTables(); // restart the properties inheritance
            string[] masterSPs = (config.masterSPs ?? "").Split("\n");
            foreach (string spLine in masterSPs)
                // get the 3-part name like DB_STATS..TB_MANUALRESERVATION
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spLine))
                    continue;                                    // skip empty lines
                string[] spParts = spLine.Trim().Split(".");

                // check the format
                if (spParts.Length != 3)
                    throw new Exception($"Must be a 3-part name: {spLine}");
                if (spParts[0].ToLower() == config.mirrorDB.ToLower())
                    throw new Exception($"Found a self-reference: {spLine}");

                // add mirror table details
                var spItem = new Configs.AllTables()
                    masterTableOrSP = spParts[2],
                    masterDB        = (prevTable.masterDB?.ToLower() != spParts[0].ToLower()) ? spParts[0] : null,
                    mirrorDB        = (prevTable.mirrorDB?.ToLower() != config.mirrorDB.ToLower()) ? config.mirrorDB : null,
                    masterCS        = (prevTable.masterDB?.ToLower() != spParts[0].ToLower()) ? DbAccess.GetConnectionString(config, spParts[0]) : null

                spList.Add(spItem);            // add to mirror collection

                prevTable.Merge(spItem, true); // merge with overwrite

                // process MasterKeyConfig
                var masterKeyItem = new Configs.CreateMasterKey();
                if (masterKeyList.Count == 0) // add full details to the first item only
                    masterKeyItem.password   = config.password;
                    masterKeyItem.credential = config.credential;
                    masterKeyItem.identity   = config.identity;
                    masterKeyItem.secret     = config.secret;
                    // the very first record is actually for the mirror DB, so we have to re-initialise
                    // not to miss the first master table from the loop
                    masterKeyItem.localDB = config.mirrorDB;

                // process ExternalDataSource config
                var extDataSrcItem = new Configs.CreateExternalDataSource();
                if (spList.Count == 1) // add full details to the first item only
                    extDataSrcItem.serverName = config.serverName;
                    extDataSrcItem.credential = config.credential;
                    extDataSrcItem.localDB    = config.mirrorDB;
                extDataSrcItem.externalDB = spItem.masterDB;

                // check if the SP exists in Master DB
                if (!DbAccess.CheckProcedureExists(prevTable.masterCS, prevTable.masterTableOrSP))
                    Program.WriteLine($"Missing SP definition for {prevTable.masterDB}..{prevTable.masterTableOrSP}", ConsoleColor.Red);

            // save as files
            if (tableListMirror.Count > 0)
                Configs.GenericConfigEntry.SaveConfigFile(Program.FileNames.TablesConfigMirror, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tableListMirror.ToArray(), jsonSettings));
            if (tableListRO.Count > 0)
                Configs.GenericConfigEntry.SaveConfigFile(Program.FileNames.TablesConfigReadOnly, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tableListRO.ToArray(), jsonSettings));
            if (spList.Count > 0)
                Configs.GenericConfigEntry.SaveConfigFile(Program.FileNames.SPsConfig, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(spList.ToArray(), jsonSettings));
            Configs.GenericConfigEntry.SaveConfigFile(Program.FileNames.MasterKeyConfig, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(masterKeyList.ToArray(), jsonSettings));
            Configs.GenericConfigEntry.SaveConfigFile(Program.FileNames.ExternalDataSourceConfig, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(extDataSrcList.ToArray(), jsonSettings));
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace all cross-DB refs and prepares a batch file for executing modified files with *SqlCmd* utility.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SearchAndReplace(Configs.InitialConfig config, string changeListFileName, string replacementTemplate)
            // validate the grep file
            if (!File.Exists(changeListFileName))
                Program.WriteLine($"Grep file not found: {changeListFileName}.", ConsoleColor.Red);

            string rootFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(changeListFileName); // the input file should be in the root folder

            // .bat file name
            string batFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(changeListFileName) + ".ps1";

            batFileName = Path.Combine(rootFolder, batFileName);

            // do not overwrite files for consistency
            if (File.Exists(batFileName))
                Program.WriteLine($"{batFileName} already exists.", ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            // check if we have the server name
            string serverName = config.localServer;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverName))
                Program.WriteLine("Missing `localServer` param in `/config/config.json`", ConsoleColor.Red);

            // list of all files and DBs to add to SQL CMD
            List <string> sqlFiles           = new List <string>();
            List <string> sqlDBs             = new List <string>();
            List <bool>   sqlFilesCommentOut = new List <bool>();
            int           inLineNumber       = 0;

            // load the change list
            foreach (string inLine in File.ReadAllLines(changeListFileName))
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inLine))
                    continue;                                    // skip empty lines
                // split the string into folder, line number and SQL statement
                // e.g. ./citi_ip_country/dbo.GetRentalpCountryCodeByIpNumber.UserDefinedFunction.sql:18:	from	citi_ip_country..tb_ip p, citi_ip_country..tb_location c
                var match = Regex.Match(inLine, REGEX_GREP_PARTS, regexOptions_im);
                if (!match.Success || match.Groups.Count != 5)
                    Program.WriteLine($"Cannot extract semantic parts from line {inLineNumber}:\n {inLine}\n with {REGEX_GREP_PARTS}", ConsoleColor.Red);

                // get individual values
                string sqlFileName      = match.Groups[1]?.Value;
                string dbNameFromFolder = match.Groups[2]?.Value;
                int    lineNumber       = (int.TryParse(match.Groups[3]?.Value, out lineNumber)) ? lineNumber - 1 : -1;
                string sqlStatement     = match.Groups[4]?.Value;

                // check if any of the values are incorrect
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlFileName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbNameFromFolder) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlStatement) || lineNumber < 0)
                    Program.WriteLine($"Cannot extract semantic parts from this line:\n {inLine}\n with {REGEX_GREP_PARTS}", ConsoleColor.Red);

                // extract all 3 parts from the 3-part name
                string threePartRegex = $@"\[?(CITI_\w*)\]?\.\[?(\w*)\]?\.\[?(\w*)\]?";
                match = Regex.Match(sqlStatement, threePartRegex, regexOptions_im);
                if (!match.Success || match.Groups.Count != 4 ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[1]?.Value) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[3]?.Value))
                    Program.WriteLine($"Cannot extract semantic parts from line {inLineNumber}:\n {sqlStatement}\n with {threePartRegex}", ConsoleColor.Red);

                // schemaPart can be .. or dbo.
                string schemaPart = match.Groups[2]?.Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaPart))
                    schemaPart = "dbo";

                // prepare the new SQL object name
                string sqlObjectNameNew = string.Format(replacementTemplate, dbNameFromFolder, match.Groups[1]?.Value, match.Groups[3]?.Value, schemaPart);
                string sqlStatementNew  = Regex.Replace(sqlStatement, threePartRegex, sqlObjectNameNew, regexOptions_im);

                // log the output
                Program.WriteLine($"#{inLineNumber}  {sqlFileName}");

                // load the file and find the matching line match
                sqlFileName = sqlFileName.Replace("/", "\\").TrimStart(new char[] { '.', '\\' });
                sqlFileName = Path.Combine(rootFolder, sqlFileName);
                string[] sqlLines = File.ReadAllLines(sqlFileName);

                // check if the line number is valid
                if (sqlLines.Length <= lineNumber)
                    Program.WriteLine($"Line {lineNumber + 1} is out of bounds.", ConsoleColor.Red);

                // check if the file line matches the new line
                if (sqlLines[lineNumber] == sqlStatementNew)
                    Program.WriteLine($"Already modified.");
                    AddToBatFileList(sqlFileName, dbNameFromFolder, true, sqlFiles, sqlDBs, sqlFilesCommentOut);

                // check if the line matches the old line
                string canonicalSqlLine      = sqlLines[lineNumber].Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").ToLower();
                string canonicalSqlStatement = sqlStatement.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").ToLower();
                if (canonicalSqlLine != canonicalSqlStatement)
                    Program.WriteLine($"Line {lineNumber + 1} mismatch in the SQL file.", ConsoleColor.Red);

                // replace the line
                sqlLines[lineNumber] = sqlStatementNew;

                // write out the file
                File.WriteAllLines(sqlFileName, sqlLines, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

                AddToBatFileList(sqlFileName, dbNameFromFolder, false, sqlFiles, sqlDBs, sqlFilesCommentOut);

            // prepare .bat file

            var sb             = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            int rootPathLength = rootFolder.Length + 1;

            // loop thru the files
            for (int i = 0; i < sqlFiles.Count; i++)
                string sqlCmdFileName = sqlFiles[i].Remove(0, rootPathLength);
                string gitFileName    = Path.GetFileName(sqlFiles[i]);
                string commentOut     = (sqlFilesCommentOut[i]) ? "#" : "";
                sb.AppendLine($"{commentOut}sqlcmd -b -S {serverName} -d {sqlDBs[i]} -i \"{sqlCmdFileName}\"");
                sb.AppendLine($"{commentOut}if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {{git -C {sqlDBs[i]} add \"{gitFileName}\"}}");

            sb.AppendLine(); // an empty line at the end to execute the last statement

            Program.WriteLine($"Saving SQLCMD to {batFileName}");

            // save
                File.WriteAllText(batFileName, sb.ToString(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);
            catch (Exception ex)