Esempio n. 1
        public GLES2SurfaceDesc RequestRenderBuffer(GLenum format, int width, int height, int fsaa)
            var retVal = new GLES2SurfaceDesc();

            retVal.buffer = null;
            if (format != GLenum.None)
                var key = new RBFormat(format, width, height, fsaa);
                if (this.renderBufferMap.ContainsKey(key))
                    retVal.buffer     = this.renderBufferMap[key].buffer;
                    retVal.zoffset    = 0;
                    retVal.numSamples = fsaa;
                    //New one
                    var rb = new GLES2RenderBuffer(format, width, height, fsaa);
                    this.renderBufferMap.Add(key, new RBRef(rb));
                    retVal.buffer     = rb;
                    retVal.zoffset    = 0;
                    retVal.numSamples = fsaa;
Esempio n. 2
		public GLES2RenderTexture( string name, GLES2SurfaceDesc target, bool writeGamma, int fsaa )
			: base( target.buffer, target.zoffset )
		{ = name;
			hwGamma = writeGamma;
			base.fsaa = fsaa;
Esempio n. 3
 public GLES2RenderTexture(string name, GLES2SurfaceDesc target, bool writeGamma, int fsaa)
     : base(target.buffer, target.zoffset)
 { = name;
     hwGamma   = writeGamma;
     base.fsaa = fsaa;
		public GLES2FBORenderTexture( GLES2FBOManager manager, string name, GLES2SurfaceDesc target, bool writeGamma, int fsaa )
			: base( name, target, writeGamma, fsaa )
			this.fb.BindSurface( 0, target );

			width = this.fb.Width;
			height = this.fb.Height;
Esempio n. 5
        public GLES2FBORenderTexture(GLES2FBOManager manager, string name, GLES2SurfaceDesc target, bool writeGamma, int fsaa)
            : base(name, target, writeGamma, fsaa)
            this.fb.BindSurface(0, target);

            width  = this.fb.Width;
            height = this.fb.Height;
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 ///   Binds a surface to a certain attachment point. attachemnt: 0..Axiom.Config.MaxMultipleRenderTarget-1
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attachment"> </param>
 /// <param name="target"> </param>
 public void BindSurface(int attachment, GLES2SurfaceDesc target)
     this._color[attachment] = target;
     if (this._color[0].buffer != null)
Esempio n. 7
        public void RequestRenderBuffer(ref GLES2SurfaceDesc surface)
            if (surface.buffer == null)

            var key = new RBFormat(surface.buffer.GLFormat, surface.buffer.Width, surface.buffer.Height, surface.numSamples);

            if (this.renderBufferMap.ContainsKey(key))
Esempio n. 8
        public void ReleaseRenderBuffer(GLES2SurfaceDesc surface)
            if (surface.buffer == null)

            var key = new RBFormat(surface.buffer.GLFormat, surface.buffer.Width, surface.buffer.Height, surface.numSamples);

            if (this.renderBufferMap.ContainsKey(key))
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes object (find suitable depth and stencil format). Must be called every time the bindings change. It will throw an exception if: -Attachment point 0 has no binding -Not all bound surfaces have the same size -Not all bound surfaces have the same internal format
        /// </summary>
        private void Initialize()
            //First buffer must be bound
            if (this._color[0].buffer == null)
                throw new Core.AxiomException("Attachment 0 must have surface attached");
            // If we're doing multisampling, then we need another FBO which contains a
            // renderbuffer which is set up to multisample, and we'll blit it to the final
            // FBO afterwards to perform the multisample resolve. In that case, the
            // mMultisampleFB is bound during rendering and is the one with a depth/stencil

            var maxSupportedMRTs = Core.Root.Instance.RenderSystem.Capabilities.MultiRenderTargetCount;

            //Store basic stats
            int    width  = this._color[0].buffer.Width;
            int    height = this._color[0].buffer.Height;
            GLenum format = this._color[0].buffer.GLFormat;

            //Bind simple buffer to add color attachments
            GL.BindFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All.Framebuffer, this._fb);

            //bind all attachment points to frame buffer
            for (int x = 0; x < maxSupportedMRTs; x++)
                if (this._color[x].buffer != null)
                    if (this._color[x].buffer.Width != width || this._color[x].buffer.Height != height)
                        var ss = new StringBuilder();
                        ss.Append("Attachment " + x + " has incompatible size ");
                        ss.Append(this._color[x].buffer.Width + "x" + this._color[x].buffer.Height);
                        ss.Append(". It must be of the same as the size of surface 0, ");
                        ss.Append(width + "x" + height.ToString());
                        throw new Core.AxiomException(ss.ToString());
                    if (this._color[x].buffer.GLFormat != format)
                        throw new Core.AxiomException("Attachment " + x.ToString() + " has incompatible format.");
                    this._color[x].buffer.BindToFramebuffer((GLenum)((int)GLenum.ColorAttachment0) + x, this._color[x].zoffset);
                    GL.FramebufferRenderbuffer(GLenum.Framebuffer, (GLenum)((int)GLenum.ColorAttachment0) + x, GLenum.Renderbuffer, 0);
            //Now deal with depth/stencil
            if (this._multiSampleFB > 0)
                //Bind multisample buffer
                GL.BindFramebuffer(GLenum.Framebuffer, this._multiSampleFB);

                //Create AA render buffer (color)
                //note, this can be shared too because we blit it to the final FBO
                //right after the render is finished
                this._multiSampleColorBuffer = this._manager.RequestRenderBuffer(format, width, height, this._numSamples);

                //Attach it, because we won't be attaching below and non-multisample has
                //actually been attached to other FBO
                this._multiSampleColorBuffer.buffer.BindToFramebuffer(GLenum.ColorAttachment0, this._multiSampleColorBuffer.zoffset);

                //depth & stencil will be dealt with below

            /// Depth buffer is not handled here anymore.
            /// See GLES2FrameBufferObject::attachDepthBuffer() & RenderSystem::setDepthBufferFor()
            var bufs = new GLenum[Configuration.Config.MaxMultipleRenderTargets];

            for (int x = 0; x < Configuration.Config.MaxMultipleRenderTargets; x++)
                //Fill attached color buffers
                if (this._color[x].buffer != null)
                    bufs[x] = (GLenum)((int)GLenum.ColorAttachment0) + x;
                    bufs[x] = GLenum.None;

            //Check status
            var status = GL.CheckFramebufferStatus(GLenum.Framebuffer);


            //Possible todo:

            /*Port notes
             * Ogre leaves a comment indicating that the screen buffer for iOS
             * is 1 as opposed to 0 in the case of most other devices
             * I'd like to think that OpenTK takes care of this for us and have defaulted it
             * to 0

            GL.BindFramebuffer(GLenum.Framebuffer, 0);

            switch (status)
            case GLenum.FramebufferComplete:
                //All is good

            case GLenum.FramebufferUnsupported:
                throw new Core.AxiomException("All framebuffer formats with this texture internal format unsupported");

                throw new Core.AxiomException("Framebuffer incomplete or other FBO status error");
Esempio n. 10
 public virtual RenderTexture CreateRenderTexture(string name, GLES2SurfaceDesc target, bool writeGamme, int fsaa)
Esempio n. 11
		public GLES2SurfaceDesc RequestRenderBuffer( GLenum format, int width, int height, int fsaa )
			var retVal = new GLES2SurfaceDesc();
			retVal.buffer = null;
			if ( format != GLenum.None )
				var key = new RBFormat( format, width, height, fsaa );
				if ( this.renderBufferMap.ContainsKey( key ) )
					retVal.buffer = this.renderBufferMap[ key ].buffer;
					retVal.zoffset = 0;
					retVal.numSamples = fsaa;
					//New one
					var rb = new GLES2RenderBuffer( format, width, height, fsaa );
					this.renderBufferMap.Add( key, new RBRef( rb ) );
					retVal.buffer = rb;
					retVal.zoffset = 0;
					retVal.numSamples = fsaa;
			return retVal;
		/// <summary>
		///   Initializes object (find suitable depth and stencil format). Must be called every time the bindings change. It will throw an exception if: -Attachment point 0 has no binding -Not all bound surfaces have the same size -Not all bound surfaces have the same internal format
		/// </summary>
		private void Initialize()
			this._manager.ReleaseRenderBuffer( this._depth );
			this._manager.ReleaseRenderBuffer( this._stencil );
			this._manager.ReleaseRenderBuffer( this._multiSampleColorBuffer );
			//First buffer must be bound
			if ( this._color[ 0 ].buffer == null )
				throw new Core.AxiomException( "Attachment 0 must have surface attached" );
			// If we're doing multisampling, then we need another FBO which contains a
			// renderbuffer which is set up to multisample, and we'll blit it to the final 
			// FBO afterwards to perform the multisample resolve. In that case, the 
			// mMultisampleFB is bound during rendering and is the one with a depth/stencil

			var maxSupportedMRTs = Core.Root.Instance.RenderSystem.Capabilities.MultiRenderTargetCount;

			//Store basic stats
			int width = this._color[ 0 ].buffer.Width;
			int height = this._color[ 0 ].buffer.Height;
			GLenum format = this._color[ 0 ].buffer.GLFormat;

			//Bind simple buffer to add color attachments
			GL.BindFramebuffer( OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All.Framebuffer, this._fb );
			GLES2Config.GlCheckError( this );

			//bind all attachment points to frame buffer
			for ( int x = 0; x < maxSupportedMRTs; x++ )
				if ( this._color[ x ].buffer != null )
					if ( this._color[ x ].buffer.Width != width || this._color[ x ].buffer.Height != height )
						var ss = new StringBuilder();
						ss.Append( "Attachment " + x + " has incompatible size " );
						ss.Append( this._color[ x ].buffer.Width + "x" + this._color[ x ].buffer.Height );
						ss.Append( ". It must be of the same as the size of surface 0, " );
						ss.Append( width + "x" + height.ToString() );
						ss.Append( "." );
						throw new Core.AxiomException( ss.ToString() );
					if ( this._color[ x ].buffer.GLFormat != format )
						throw new Core.AxiomException( "Attachment " + x.ToString() + " has incompatible format." );
					this._color[ x ].buffer.BindToFramebuffer( (GLenum) ( (int) GLenum.ColorAttachment0 ) + x, this._color[ x ].zoffset );
					GL.FramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.Framebuffer, (GLenum) ( (int) GLenum.ColorAttachment0 ) + x, GLenum.Renderbuffer, 0 );
					GLES2Config.GlCheckError( this );
			//Now deal with depth/stencil
			if ( this._multiSampleFB > 0 )
				//Bind multisample buffer
				GL.BindFramebuffer( GLenum.Framebuffer, this._multiSampleFB );
				GLES2Config.GlCheckError( this );

				//Create AA render buffer (color)
				//note, this can be shared too because we blit it to the final FBO
				//right after the render is finished
				this._multiSampleColorBuffer = this._manager.RequestRenderBuffer( format, width, height, this._numSamples );

				//Attach it, because we won't be attaching below and non-multisample has
				//actually been attached to other FBO
				this._multiSampleColorBuffer.buffer.BindToFramebuffer( GLenum.ColorAttachment0, this._multiSampleColorBuffer.zoffset );

				//depth & stencil will be dealt with below

			/// Depth buffer is not handled here anymore.
			/// See GLES2FrameBufferObject::attachDepthBuffer() & RenderSystem::setDepthBufferFor()
			var bufs = new GLenum[ Configuration.Config.MaxMultipleRenderTargets ];
			for ( int x = 0; x < Configuration.Config.MaxMultipleRenderTargets; x++ )
				//Fill attached color buffers
				if ( this._color[ x ].buffer != null )
					bufs[ x ] = (GLenum) ( (int) GLenum.ColorAttachment0 ) + x;
					bufs[ x ] = GLenum.None;

			//Check status
			var status = GL.CheckFramebufferStatus( GLenum.Framebuffer );
			GLES2Config.GlCheckError( this );

			//Possible todo:
			/*Port notes
			 * Ogre leaves a comment indicating that the screen buffer for iOS 
			 * is 1 as opposed to 0 in the case of most other devices
			 * I'd like to think that OpenTK takes care of this for us and have defaulted it
			 * to 0

			GL.BindFramebuffer( GLenum.Framebuffer, 0 );
			GLES2Config.GlCheckError( this );

			switch ( status )
				case GLenum.FramebufferComplete:
					//All is good
				case GLenum.FramebufferUnsupported:
					throw new Core.AxiomException( "All framebuffer formats with this texture internal format unsupported" );
					throw new Core.AxiomException( "Framebuffer incomplete or other FBO status error" );
Esempio n. 13
        public override Graphics.RenderTexture CreateRenderTexture(string name, GLES2SurfaceDesc target, bool writeGamme, int fsaa)
            var retVal = new GLES2FBORenderTexture(this, name, target, writeGamme, fsaa);

Esempio n. 14
		public void ReleaseRenderBuffer( GLES2SurfaceDesc surface )
			if ( surface.buffer == null )

			var key = new RBFormat( surface.buffer.GLFormat, surface.buffer.Width, surface.buffer.Height, surface.numSamples );
			if ( this.renderBufferMap.ContainsKey( key ) )
				this.renderBufferMap[ key ].buffer.Dispose();
				this.renderBufferMap.Remove( key );
Esempio n. 15
		public void RequestRenderBuffer( ref GLES2SurfaceDesc surface )
			if ( surface.buffer == null )

			var key = new RBFormat( surface.buffer.GLFormat, surface.buffer.Width, surface.buffer.Height, surface.numSamples );
			if ( this.renderBufferMap.ContainsKey( key ) ) {}
Esempio n. 16
		public GLES2TextureBuffer( string baseName, All target, int id, int width, int height, All internalFormat, All format, int face, int level, BufferUsage usage, bool crappyCard, bool writeGamma, int fsaa )
			: base( 0, 0, 0, PixelFormat.Unknown, usage )
		{ = target;
			this.textureID = id;
			this.face = face;
			this.level = level;
			this.softwareMipmap = crappyCard;

			GLES2Config.GlCheckError( this );
			GL.BindTexture( target, this.textureID );
			GLES2Config.GlCheckError( this );

			//Get face identifier
			this.faceTarget =;
			if ( == All.TextureCubeMap )
				this.faceTarget = All.TextureCubeMapPositiveX + face;
			//Calculate the width and height of the texture at this mip level
			this.width = this.level == 0 ? width : (int) ( width / Math.Utility.Pow( 2, level ) );
			this.height = this.level == 0 ? height : (int) ( height / Math.Utility.Pow( 2, level ) );

			if ( this.width < 1 )
				this.width = 1;
			if ( this.height < 1 )
				this.height = 1;

			//Only 2D is supporte so depth is always 1
			depth = 1;

			GlInternalFormat = internalFormat;
			this.format = GLES2PixelUtil.GetClosestAxiomFormat( internalFormat, format );

			rowPitch = this.width;
			slicePitch = this.height * this.width;
			sizeInBytes = PixelUtil.GetMemorySize( this.width, this.height, depth, this.format );
			//Setup a pixel box
			Buffer = new PixelBox( this.width, this.height, depth, this.format );

			if ( this.width == 0 || this.height == 0 || depth == 0 )
				//We are invalid, do not allocat a buffer

			if ( ( (TextureUsage) usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) == TextureUsage.RenderTarget )
				//Create render target for each slice

				for ( int zoffset = 0; zoffset < depth; zoffset++ )
					var name = "rtt/ " + GetHashCode() + "/" + baseName;
					var rtarget = new GLES2SurfaceDesc { buffer = this, zoffset = zoffset };
					var trt = GLES2RTTManager.Instance.CreateRenderTexture( name, rtarget, writeGamma, fsaa );
					this.sliceTRT.Add( trt );
					Core.Root.Instance.RenderSystem.AttachRenderTarget( this.sliceTRT[ zoffset ] );
Esempio n. 17
		public virtual RenderTexture CreateRenderTexture( string name, GLES2SurfaceDesc target, bool writeGamme, int fsaa )
			return null;
Esempio n. 18
        public GLES2TextureBuffer(string baseName, All target, int id, int width, int height, All internalFormat, All format, int face, int level, BufferUsage usage, bool crappyCard, bool writeGamma, int fsaa)
            : base(0, 0, 0, PixelFormat.Unknown, usage)
           = target;
            this.textureID      = id;
            this.face           = face;
            this.level          = level;
            this.softwareMipmap = crappyCard;

            GL.BindTexture(target, this.textureID);

            //Get face identifier
            this.faceTarget =;
            if ( == All.TextureCubeMap)
                this.faceTarget = All.TextureCubeMapPositiveX + face;
            //Calculate the width and height of the texture at this mip level
            this.width  = this.level == 0 ? width : (int)(width / Math.Utility.Pow(2, level));
            this.height = this.level == 0 ? height : (int)(height / Math.Utility.Pow(2, level));

            if (this.width < 1)
                this.width = 1;
            if (this.height < 1)
                this.height = 1;

            //Only 2D is supporte so depth is always 1
            depth = 1;

            GlInternalFormat = internalFormat;
            this.format      = GLES2PixelUtil.GetClosestAxiomFormat(internalFormat, format);

            rowPitch    = this.width;
            slicePitch  = this.height * this.width;
            sizeInBytes = PixelUtil.GetMemorySize(this.width, this.height, depth, this.format);
            //Setup a pixel box
            Buffer = new PixelBox(this.width, this.height, depth, this.format);

            if (this.width == 0 || this.height == 0 || depth == 0)
                //We are invalid, do not allocat a buffer

            if (((TextureUsage)usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget) == TextureUsage.RenderTarget)
                //Create render target for each slice

                for (int zoffset = 0; zoffset < depth; zoffset++)
                    var name    = "rtt/ " + GetHashCode() + "/" + baseName;
                    var rtarget = new GLES2SurfaceDesc {
                        buffer = this, zoffset = zoffset
                    var trt = GLES2RTTManager.Instance.CreateRenderTexture(name, rtarget, writeGamma, fsaa);
		/// <summary>
		///   Binds a surface to a certain attachment point. attachemnt: 0..Axiom.Config.MaxMultipleRenderTarget-1
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="attachment"> </param>
		/// <param name="target"> </param>
		public void BindSurface( int attachment, GLES2SurfaceDesc target )
			this._color[ attachment ] = target;
			if ( this._color[ 0 ].buffer != null )
Esempio n. 20
		public override Graphics.RenderTexture CreateRenderTexture( string name, GLES2SurfaceDesc target, bool writeGamme, int fsaa )
			var retVal = new GLES2FBORenderTexture( this, name, target, writeGamme, fsaa );
			return retVal;