Esempio n. 1
        public void Cleanup()
            // Kill all exes associated with tests
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

Esempio n. 2
 public static void Class_Initialize(TestContext tc)
     // Build the JS app first from a JS file
     JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();
Esempio n. 3
        public void JS_PTI_BasicEndToEnd_BiDi_Test()
            Utilities    MyUtils = new Utilities();
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            int  numRounds       = 2;
            long totalBytes      = 2147483648;
            long totalEchoBytes  = 2147483648;
            int  bytesPerRound   = 0;
            int  maxMessageSize  = 0;
            int  batchSizeCutoff = 0;
            int  messagesSent    = 49152;
            bool bidi            = true;

            string logTriggerSize            = "1024";                              // just set a test to have 1024 which is the default of C#
            string originaltestName          = "jsptibidiendtoendtest";
            string testName                  = originaltestName + uniqueTestNameID; // this is the version to make it unqiue so other CI tests don't affect it
            string logOutputFileName_TestApp = testName + "_TestApp.log";

            JSUtils.JS_UpdateJSConfigFile(JSUtils.JSConfig_instanceName, testName);
            JSUtils.JS_UpdateJSConfigFile(JSUtils.JSConfig_logTriggerSizeinMB, logTriggerSize);
            JSUtils.StartJSPTI(numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, logOutputFileName_TestApp);

            // Verify the data in the output file - too many changing rows in output to do a cmp file so verify some of the key lines
            bool pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputFileName_TestApp, "Bytes received: " + totalBytes.ToString(), 10, false, testName, true); // number of bytes processed

            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputFileName_TestApp, "SUCCESS: The expected number of bytes (" + totalBytes.ToString() + ") have been received", 1, false, testName, true);
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputFileName_TestApp, "SUCCESS: The expected number of echoed bytes (" + totalEchoBytes.ToString() + ") have been received", 1, false, testName, true);
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputFileName_TestApp, "All rounds complete (" + messagesSent.ToString() + " messages sent)", 1, false, testName, true);
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputFileName_TestApp, "[IC] Connected!", 1, false, testName, true);
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputFileName_TestApp, "round #" + numRounds.ToString(), 1, false, testName, true);

            // Verify integrity of Ambrosia logs by replaying
            JSUtils.JS_VerifyTimeTravelDebugging(testName, numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, true);
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Class_Initialize(TestContext tc)
            // Build the JS app first from a JS file
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

Esempio n. 5
        public void JS_CG_CustomSerialParamNoRaw_Test()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName = "TS_CustomSerialParamNoRawParam.ts";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
Esempio n. 6
        public void JS_CG_LiteralObjArray_Test()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName = "TS_LitObjArray.ts";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
Esempio n. 7
        public void JS_CodeGen_EventHandler_Test()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName = "TS_EventHandlers.ts";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
Esempio n. 8
        public void JS_PTI_RestartTwoProcKillClient_Test()
            Utilities    MyUtils = new Utilities();
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            int  numRounds       = 10;
            long totalBytes      = 163840;
            long totalEchoBytes  = 163840;
            int  bytesPerRound   = 16384;
            int  maxMessageSize  = 64;
            int  batchSizeCutoff = 16384;
            int  messagesSent    = 2560;
            bool bidi            = false;

            string testName           = "jsptirestartkillclient";
            string clientInstanceName = testName + "client";
            string serverInstanceName = testName + "server";
            string logOutputClientFileName_TestApp          = testName + "Client_TestApp.log";
            string logOutputServerFileName_TestApp          = testName + "Server_TestApp.log";
            string logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp = testName + "Client_TestApp_Restarted.log";

            JSUtils.JS_UpdateJSConfigFile(JSUtils.JSConfig_instanceName, testName, JSUtils.JSPTI_CombinedInstanceRole);
            JSUtils.JS_UpdateJSConfigFile(JSUtils.JSConfig_instanceName, clientInstanceName, JSUtils.JSPTI_ClientInstanceRole);
            JSUtils.JS_UpdateJSConfigFile(JSUtils.JSConfig_instanceName, serverInstanceName, JSUtils.JSPTI_ServerInstanceRole);

            // Start it once - Launch the client and the server as separate procs
            //*** NOTE - The first call (Server in this case) starts 4 nodes and sometimes it doesn't give proper process id
            //*** However, the second call only starts one node, so make sure client is second so then know that PID is correct for killing it
            int serverProcessID = JSUtils.StartJSPTI(numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, logOutputServerFileName_TestApp, 0, false, JSUtils.JSPTI_ServerInstanceRole);
            int clientProcessID = JSUtils.StartJSPTI(numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, logOutputClientFileName_TestApp, 0, false, JSUtils.JSPTI_ClientInstanceRole, serverInstanceName);

            // Give it 5 seconds where it tries to connect but doesn't

            // Kill client

            // Restart the client and make sure it continues
            clientProcessID = JSUtils.StartJSPTI(numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp, 0, false, JSUtils.JSPTI_ClientInstanceRole, serverInstanceName);

            // Verify the data in the restarted output file
            bool pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputServerFileName_TestApp, "Bytes received: " + totalBytes.ToString(), 5, false, testName, true); // number of bytes processed

            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputServerFileName_TestApp, "SUCCESS: The expected number of bytes (" + totalBytes.ToString() + ") have been received", 1, false, testName, true);

            // Verify that echo is NOT part of the output - won't pop assert on fail so check return value
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp, "SUCCESS: The expected number of echoed bytes (" + totalEchoBytes.ToString() + ") have been received", 0, true, testName, false, false);
            if (pass == true)
                Assert.Fail("<JS_PTI_RestartTwoProcKillClient_Test> Echoed string should NOT have been found in the output but it was.");
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp, "All rounds complete (" + messagesSent.ToString() + " messages sent)", 1, false, testName, true, false);
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp, "[IC] Connected!", 1, false, testName, true, false);

            // Verify integrity of Ambrosia logs by replaying
            JSUtils.JS_VerifyTimeTravelDebugging(testName, numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, true, "", JSUtils.JSPTI_ServerInstanceRole);
Esempio n. 9
        public void JS_CG_GenTypeConcrete2_Test()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName = "TS_GenType2.ts";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
Esempio n. 10
        public void JS_PTI_BasicRestartTwoProc_PostMeth_Test()
            Utilities    MyUtils = new Utilities();
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            int  numRounds       = 3;
            long totalBytes      = 3221225472;
            long totalEchoBytes  = 3221225472;
            int  bytesPerRound   = 0;
            int  maxMessageSize  = 0;
            int  batchSizeCutoff = 0;
            bool bidi            = false;

            string originaltestName = "jsptirestartpostmeth";
            string testName         = originaltestName + uniqueTestNameID; // this is the version to make it unqiue so other CI tests don't affect it

            string clientInstanceName = testName + "client";
            string serverInstanceName = testName + "server";
            string logOutputClientFileName_TestApp          = testName + "Client_TestApp.log";
            string logOutputServerFileName_TestApp          = testName + "Server_TestApp.log";
            string logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp = testName + "Client_TestApp_Restarted.log";

            JSUtils.JS_UpdateJSConfigFile(JSUtils.JSConfig_instanceName, testName, JSUtils.JSPTI_CombinedInstanceRole);
            JSUtils.JS_UpdateJSConfigFile(JSUtils.JSConfig_instanceName, clientInstanceName, JSUtils.JSPTI_ClientInstanceRole);
            JSUtils.JS_UpdateJSConfigFile(JSUtils.JSConfig_instanceName, serverInstanceName, JSUtils.JSPTI_ServerInstanceRole);

            // Start it once - Launch the client and the server as separate procs
            //*** NOTE - The first call (Server in this case) starts 4 nodes and sometimes it doesn't give proper process id
            //*** However, the second call only starts one node, so make sure client is second so then know that PID is correct for killing it
            int serverProcessID = JSUtils.StartJSPTI(numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, logOutputServerFileName_TestApp, 0, false, JSUtils.JSPTI_ServerInstanceRole, "", true);
            int clientProcessID = JSUtils.StartJSPTI(numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, logOutputClientFileName_TestApp, 0, false, JSUtils.JSPTI_ClientInstanceRole, serverInstanceName, true);

            // Give it 20 seconds where it tries to connect but doesn't

            // Kill client

            // Restart the client and make sure it continues
            clientProcessID = JSUtils.StartJSPTI(numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp, 0, false, JSUtils.JSPTI_ClientInstanceRole, serverInstanceName);

            // Verify the data in the restarted output file
            bool pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputServerFileName_TestApp, "Bytes received: " + totalBytes.ToString(), 5, false, testName, true); // number of bytes processed

            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputServerFileName_TestApp, "SUCCESS: The expected number of bytes (" + totalBytes.ToString() + ") have been received", 1, false, testName, true);

            // Verify that echo is NOT part of the output - won't pop assert on fail so check return value
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp, "All rounds complete", 1, false, testName, true, false);
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp, "[IC] Connected!", 1, false, testName, true, false);

            // Verify the Post Method messages
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp, "Restarted result timeouts for", 1, false, testName, true, false);
            pass = MyUtils.WaitForProcessToFinish(logOutputClientRestartedFileName_TestApp, "SUCCESS: The result handler for the 'incrementValue' post method was called the expected number of times (114688)", 1, false, testName, true, false);

            // Verify integrity of Ambrosia logs by replaying
            JSUtils.JS_VerifyTimeTravelDebugging(testName, numRounds, totalBytes, totalEchoBytes, bytesPerRound, maxMessageSize, batchSizeCutoff, bidi, true, "", JSUtils.JSPTI_ServerInstanceRole);
Esempio n. 11
        public void JS_CG_Misc_AST_Test()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName = "ASTTest.ts";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
Esempio n. 12
        public void JS_CG_Neg_MethodIDInt()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_MethodIDInt.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: The value ('Hello') supplied for @ambrosia attribute 'methodID' is not an integer";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Error: The value ('Hello') supplied for @ambrosia attribute 'methodID' is not an integer";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 13
        public void JS_CG_Neg_CommaAttrib()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_CommasBetweenAttrib.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: Malformed @ambrosia attribute 'publish=true version=1 doRuntimeTypeChecking=true'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "expected format is: attrName=attrValue, ...";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 14
        public void JS_CG_Neg_AsyncFcthn()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_AsyncFctn.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "as a post method (reason: async functions are not supported)";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Error: Unable to publish type alias 'Digits'";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 15
        public void JS_CG_Neg_AmbrosiaTagNewLine()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_AmbrosiaTagNewline.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: A newline is not allowed in the attributes of an @ambrosia tag";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Error: A newline is not allowed in the attributes of an @ambrosia tag";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 16
        public void JS_CG_Neg_OverloadFctn()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_OverloadedFunction.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: Unable to publish function 'fnOverload'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "as a post method (reason: The @ambrosia tag must appear on the implementation of an overloaded function";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 17
        public void JS_CG_Neg_NestedFctn()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_NestedFunction.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: The @ambrosia tag is not valid on a local function ('localFn'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Error: The @ambrosia tag is not valid on a local function ('localFn'";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 18
        public void JS_CG_Neg_UnionType()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_UnionType.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: Unable to publish type alias 'MyUnionType'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "as a type (reason: The published type 'MyUnionType' has an invalid type ('string|number'); union types are not supported)";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 19
        public void JS_CG_Neg_TagMethod()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_TagMethod.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: The input source file (TS_TagMethod.ts) does not publish any entities (exported functions, type aliases and enums annotated with an @ambrosia JSDoc tag)";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Error: The input source file (TS_TagMethod.ts) does not publish any entities (exported functions, type aliases and enums annotated with an @ambrosia JSDoc tag)";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 20
        public void JS_CG_Neg_RunTimeBool()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_RunTimeBool.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: The value ('Hello') supplied for @ambrosia attribute 'doRuntimeTypeChecking' is not a boolean ";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Error: The value ('Hello') supplied for @ambrosia attribute 'doRuntimeTypeChecking' is not a boolean ";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 21
        public void JS_CG_Neg_QuoteAttribVal()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_QuoteAttributeValue.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: The value ('\"true\"') supplied for @ambrosia attribute 'publish' is not a boolean";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Error: The value ('\"true\"') supplied for @ambrosia attribute 'publish' is not a boolean";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 22
        public void JS_CG_Neg_PublishMethodRef()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_PublishMethodBeforeRef.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: Unable to publish function 'fn'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "as a post method (reason: The following types must be published before any method can be published: 'Name' found in published type 'MyType')";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 23
        public void JS_CG_Neg_PublishClass()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_PublishClass.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: The @ambrosia tag is not valid on a class; valid targets are: function, type alias, enum";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Error: The @ambrosia tag is not valid on a class; valid targets are: function, type alias, enum";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 24
        public void JS_CG_Neg_NoFunctionComplexTypes()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_NoFunctionComplexType.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: Unable to publish type alias 'myComplexType'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "as a type (reason: The published type 'myComplexType' [property 'fn'] has an invalid type ('()=>void'); function types are not supported)";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 25
        public void JS_CG_Neg_UnionTypeCommented()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_UnionTypeCommented.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: Unable to publish function 'myComplexReturnFunction'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "as a post method (reason: The return type of method 'myComplexReturnFunction' [property 'r2'] has an invalid type ('number|string'); union types are not supported)";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 26
        public void JS_CG_Neg_UnknownAttribute()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_UnknownAttribute.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: The @ambrosia attribute 'published' is invalid for a function";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "valid attributes are: publish, version, methodID, doRuntimeTypeChecking";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 27
        public void JS_CG_Neg_MethodIDNeg()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_MethodIDNeg.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: Unable to publish function 'MyFn'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "as a method (reason: Method ID -2 is invalid";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 28
        public void JS_CG_Neg_SingleUInt8Array()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_SingleUInt8Array.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Unable to publish function 'takesCustomSerializedParams'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Uint8Array parameter; Post methods do NOT support custom (raw byte) parameter serialization - all parameters are always serialized to JSON)";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 29
        public void JS_CG_Neg_TwoAmbrTag()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_TwoAmbrTags.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: The @ambrosia tag is defined more than once at";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "Error: The @ambrosia tag is defined more than once at";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);
Esempio n. 30
        public void JS_CG_Neg_OptionalProp()
            JS_Utilities JSUtils = new JS_Utilities();

            string testfileName      = "TS_OptionalProperties.ts";
            string ConsumerErrorMsg  = "Error: Unable to publish type alias 'MyTypeWithOptionalMembers'";
            string PublisherErrorMsg = "as a type (reason: Property 'bar' is optional, but types with optional properties are not supported)";

            // Generate the consumer and publisher files and verify output and the generated files to cmp files
            JSUtils.Test_CodeGen_TSFile(testfileName, true, ConsumerErrorMsg, PublisherErrorMsg);