Esempio n. 1
        public static MetaInfo GetFormatedMetaInfo(MetaInfo meta, string name, string categoryName = null, string brandName = null)
            if (meta != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.Title))
                    meta.Title = SettingsSEO.GetDefaultTitle(meta.Type) ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaTitle;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.MetaKeywords))
                    meta.MetaKeywords = SettingsSEO.GetDefaultMetaKeywords(meta.Type) ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.MetaDescription))
                    meta.MetaDescription = SettingsSEO.GetDefaultMetaDescription(meta.Type) ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.H1))
                    meta.H1 = SettingsSEO.GetDefaultH1(meta.Type) ?? String.Empty;

                meta.Title = GlobalStringVariableService.TranslateExpression(meta.Title, meta.Type, name, categoryName, brandName);
                meta.MetaKeywords = GlobalStringVariableService.TranslateExpression(meta.MetaKeywords, meta.Type, name, categoryName, brandName);
                meta.MetaDescription = GlobalStringVariableService.TranslateExpression(meta.MetaDescription, meta.Type, name, categoryName, brandName);
                meta.H1 = GlobalStringVariableService.TranslateExpression(meta.H1, meta.Type, name, categoryName, brandName);
            return meta;
Esempio n. 2
 public static void SetMeta(MetaInfo meta)
     if (IsMetaExist(meta.ObjId, meta.Type))
         meta.MetaId = InsertMetaInfo(meta);
Esempio n. 3
 private static void UpdateMetaInfo(MetaInfo meta)
         "UPDATE [SEO].[MetaInfo] SET [Title] = @Title, [MetaKeywords] = @MetaKeywords,[MetaDescription] = @MetaDescription, [H1]=@H1 where ObjId=@ObjId and Type=@Type",
         new SqlParameter("@Title", meta.Title ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaTitle),
         new SqlParameter("@MetaKeywords", meta.MetaKeywords ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords),
         new SqlParameter("@MetaDescription", meta.MetaDescription ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaDescription),
         new SqlParameter("@H1", meta.H1 ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultH1 ?? string.Empty),
         new SqlParameter("@ObjId", meta.ObjId),
         new SqlParameter("@Type", meta.Type.ToString()));
Esempio n. 4
        private static int InsertMetaInfo(MetaInfo meta)
            var id = SQLDataAccess.ExecuteScalar <int>("[SEO].[sp_AddMetaInfo]", CommandType.StoredProcedure,
                                                       new SqlParameter("@Title", meta.Title ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaTitle),
                                                       new SqlParameter("@MetaKeywords", meta.MetaKeywords ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords),
                                                       new SqlParameter("@MetaDescription", meta.MetaDescription ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaDescription),
                                                       new SqlParameter("@H1", meta.H1 ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultH1 ?? string.Empty),
                                                       new SqlParameter("@ObjId", meta.ObjId),
                                                       new SqlParameter("@Type", meta.Type.ToString()));

Esempio n. 5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsPostBack) return;
            var nmeta = new MetaInfo(string.Format("{0} - {1}", SettingsMain.ShopName, Resource.Client_Brands_Header));
            SetMeta(nmeta, string.Empty, page: paging.CurrentPage);

            header.Text = Resource.Client_Brands_Header;
            if (paging.CurrentPage > 1)
                header.Text = header.Text + Resource.Client_Catalog_PageIs + paging.CurrentPage;
Esempio n. 6
        public static MetaInfo GetFormatedMetaInfo(MetaInfo meta, string name)
            if (meta != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.Title))
                    meta.Title = SettingsSEO.GetDefaultTitle(meta.Type) ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaTitle;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.MetaKeywords))
                    meta.MetaKeywords = SettingsSEO.GetDefaultMetaKeywords(meta.Type) ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(meta.MetaDescription))
                    meta.MetaDescription = SettingsSEO.GetDefaultMetaDescription(meta.Type) ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords;

                meta.Title           = GlobalStringVariableService.TranslateExpression(meta.Title, meta.Type, name);
                meta.MetaKeywords    = GlobalStringVariableService.TranslateExpression(meta.MetaKeywords, meta.Type, name);
                meta.MetaDescription = GlobalStringVariableService.TranslateExpression(meta.MetaDescription, meta.Type, name);
Esempio n. 7
 private static void UpdateMetaInfo(MetaInfo meta)
     SQLDataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE [SEO].[MetaInfo] SET [Title] = @Title,[MetaKeywords] = @MetaKeywords,[MetaDescription] = @MetaDescription where ObjId=@ObjId and Type=@Type",
         new SqlParameter {
             ParameterName = "@Title", Value = meta.Title ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaTitle
         new SqlParameter {
             ParameterName = "@MetaKeywords", Value = meta.MetaKeywords ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords
         new SqlParameter {
             ParameterName = "@MetaDescription", Value = meta.MetaDescription ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaDescription
         new SqlParameter {
             ParameterName = "@ObjId", Value = meta.ObjId
         new SqlParameter {
             ParameterName = "@Type", Value = meta.Type.ToString( )
Esempio n. 8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool categoryIdIsNum = false;
            int categoryId = -1;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["newscategoryid"]) &&
                Int32.TryParse(Request["newscategoryid"], out categoryId))
                categoryIdIsNum = categoryId != -1;

            _paging = new SqlPaging
                    TableName = "Settings.News left join Catalog.Photo on Photo.objId=News.NewsID and Type=@Type",
                    ItemsPerPage = SettingsNews.NewsPerPage

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "NewsID" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "AddingDate", Sorting = SortDirection.Descending });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "Title" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "PhotoName as Picture" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "TextToPublication" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "TextToEmail" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "TextAnnotation" });

            _paging.AddField(new Field { Name = "UrlPath" });

            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.News.ToString() });

            if (categoryIdIsNum)
                var f = new Field { Name = "NewsCategoryID", NotInQuery = true };
                var filter = new EqualFieldFilter
                        ParamName = "@NewsCategoryID",
                        Value = categoryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                f.Filter = filter;

            MetaInfo nmeta = new MetaInfo
                    Type = MetaType.News,
                    Title = SettingsNews.NewsMetaTitle,
                    MetaKeywords = SettingsNews.NewsMetaKeywords,
                    MetaDescription = SettingsNews.NewsMetaDescription,
                    H1 = SettingsNews.NewsMetaH1

            var category = NewsService.GetNewsCategoryById(categoryId);
            header.Text = category != null
                              ? string.Format("{0} / {1}", Resource.Client_News_News, category.Name)
                              : Resource.Client_News_News;

            if (paging.CurrentPage > 1)
                header.Text = header.Text + Resource.Client_Catalog_PageIs + paging.CurrentPage;

            if (category != null)
                ucBreadCrumbs.Items = new List<BreadCrumbs>
                        new BreadCrumbs
                                Name = Resource.Client_News_News,
                                Url = UrlService.GetAbsoluteLink("news")
                        new BreadCrumbs
                                Name = category.Name,
                                Url = UrlService.GetLink(ParamType.NewsCategory, category.UrlPath, category.NewsCategoryID)
                ucBreadCrumbs.Visible = false;

            if (paging.CurrentPage > 1)
                nmeta.Title += Resource.Client_Catalog_PageIs + paging.CurrentPage;
                nmeta.MetaDescription += Resource.Client_Catalog_PageIs + paging.CurrentPage;
            SetMeta(nmeta, string.Empty);
Esempio n. 9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _priceField = CustomerSession.CurrentCustomer.PriceType.ToString();

            _paging = new SqlPaging
                    TableName =
                        "[Catalog].[Product] " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Offer] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Offer].[ProductID] AND [Offer].[Main] = 1 " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[Photo] ON [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type='product' and Photo.Main=1 " +
                        "inner join Catalog.ProductCategories on ProductCategories.ProductId = [Product].[ProductID] " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Catalog].[ShoppingCart] ON [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[OfferID] = [Catalog].[Offer].[OfferID] AND [Catalog].[ShoppingCart].[ShoppingCartType] = 3 AND [ShoppingCart].[CustomerID] = @CustomerId " +
                        "Left JOIN [Catalog].[Ratio] on Product.ProductId= Ratio.ProductID and Ratio.CustomerId=@CustomerId " +
                        "LEFT JOIN [Customers].[LastPrice] ON [LastPrice].[ProductId] = [Product].[ProductId] AND [LastPrice].[CustomerId] = @CustomerId"

            new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "[Product].[ProductID]", IsDistinct = true},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) ELSE (Select Count(PhotoName) From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type) END)  AS CountPhoto"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) PhotoName From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS Photo"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.ColorID is not null THEN (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE ([Photo].ColorID = Offer.ColorID or [Photo].ColorID is null) and [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type Order By main desc, [Photo].[PhotoSortOrder]) ELSE (Select TOP(1) [Photo].[Description] From [Catalog].[Photo] WHERE [Product].[ProductID] = [Photo].[ObjId] and Type=@Type AND [Photo].[Main] = 1) END)  AS PhotoDesc"},
                    new Field {Name = "[ProductCategories].[CategoryID]", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "BriefDescription"},
                    new Field {Name = "Product.ArtNo"},
                    new Field {Name = "Name"},

                    new Field {Name = "Recomended"},
                    new Field {Name = "Bestseller"},
                    new Field {Name = "New"},
                    new Field {Name = "OnSale"},
                    new Field {Name = "Discount"},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.Main", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.OfferID"},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.Amount"},
                    new Field {Name = "(CASE WHEN Offer.Amount=0 OR Offer.Amount < IsNull(MinAmount,0) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) as TempAmountSort", Sorting=SortDirection.Descending},
                    new Field {Name = "MinAmount"},
                    new Field {Name = "MaxAmount"},
                    new Field {Name = "Multiplicity"},
                    new Field {Name = "Enabled"},
                    new Field {Name = "AllowPreOrder"},
                    new Field {Name = "Ratio"},
                    new Field {Name = "RatioID"},
                    new Field {Name = "DateModified"},
                    new Field {Name = "ShoppingCartItemId"},
                    new Field {Name = "UrlPath"},

                    new Field {Name = "[ShoppingCart].[CustomerID]", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "BrandID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Size_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Color_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ProductID as Price_ProductID", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "Offer.ColorID"},
                    new Field {Name = "CategoryEnabled", NotInQuery=true},
                    new Field {Name = "null as AdditionalPhoto"}

            if (SettingsCatalog.ComplexFilter)
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "(select [Settings].[ProductColorsToString]([Product].[ProductID])) as Colors"},
                    new Field {Name = string.Format("(select max ({0}) - min ({0}) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as MultiPrices", _priceField)},
                    new Field {Name = string.Format("(select min ({0}) from catalog.offer where offer.productid=product.productid) as Price", _priceField)},
                _paging.AddFieldsRange(new List<Field>
                    new Field {Name = "null as Colors"},
                    new Field {Name = "0 as MultiPrices"},
                    new Field
                        Name = SettingsCatalog.UseLastPrice
                            ? string.Format("(CASE WHEN ProductPrice IS NULL THEN {0} ELSE ProductPrice END) as Price", _priceField)
                            : string.Format("{0} as Price", _priceField)
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@CustomerId", Value = CustomerSession.CustomerId.ToString() });
            _paging.AddParam(new SqlParam { ParameterName = "@Type", Value = PhotoType.Product.ToString() });


            var nmeta = new MetaInfo(string.Format("{0} - {1}", SettingsMain.ShopName, Resource.Client_Search_AdvancedSearch));
            SetMeta(nmeta, string.Empty, page:paging.CurrentPage);
Esempio n. 10
 private static void UpdateMetaInfo(MetaInfo meta)
         "UPDATE [SEO].[MetaInfo] SET [Title] = @Title, [MetaKeywords] = @MetaKeywords,[MetaDescription] = @MetaDescription, [H1]=@H1 where ObjId=@ObjId and Type=@Type",
         new SqlParameter("@Title", meta.Title ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaTitle),
         new SqlParameter("@MetaKeywords", meta.MetaKeywords ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords),
         new SqlParameter("@MetaDescription", meta.MetaDescription ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaDescription),
         new SqlParameter("@H1", meta.H1 ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultH1),
         new SqlParameter("@ObjId", meta.ObjId),
         new SqlParameter("@Type", meta.Type.ToString()));
Esempio n. 11
 private static int InsertMetaInfo(MetaInfo meta)
     var id = SQLDataAccess.ExecuteScalar<int>("[SEO].[sp_AddMetaInfo]", CommandType.StoredProcedure,
                                               new SqlParameter("@Title", meta.Title ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaTitle),
                                               new SqlParameter("@MetaKeywords", meta.MetaKeywords ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaKeywords),
                                               new SqlParameter("@MetaDescription", meta.MetaDescription ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultMetaDescription),
                                               new SqlParameter("@H1", meta.H1 ?? SettingsSEO.DefaultH1),
                                               new SqlParameter("@ObjId", meta.ObjId),
                                               new SqlParameter("@Type", meta.Type.ToString()));
     return id;
Esempio n. 12
 public static void SetMeta(MetaInfo meta)
     if (IsMetaExist(meta.ObjId, meta.Type))
         meta.MetaId = InsertMetaInfo(meta);
Esempio n. 13
    private Int32 ProcessProduct(Random rnd, Int32 intProductIndex)
        if (!ImportStatistic.IsRun)

        var product = new Product();

        // Simple prop

        product.ArtNo = intProductIndex.ToString();

        product.Name = Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 35, 5);

        product.Enabled = true;

        product.Discount = DevTool.GetRandomInt(rnd, 0, 100);

        product.Weight = DevTool.GetRandomInt(rnd, 0, 1000);

        product.Size = GetSizeForBdFormat(string.Format("{0} x {1} x {2}",
                                                        DevTool.GetRandomInt(rnd, 0, 100),
                                                        DevTool.GetRandomInt(rnd, 0, 100),
                                                        DevTool.GetRandomInt(rnd, 0, 100)));

        product.BriefDescription = Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 250, 7);

        product.Description = Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 2500, 7);

        // Offer

        var offr = new Offer
            OfferListId   = CatalogService.DefaultOfferListId,
            Price         = DevTool.GetRandomInt(rnd, 1000, 10000),
            SupplyPrice   = DevTool.GetRandomInt(rnd, 0, 3000),
            ShippingPrice = DevTool.GetRandomInt(rnd, 0, 2000),
            Amount        = DevTool.GetRandomInt(rnd, 0, 500),
            Unit          = Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 4)

        product.Offers = new List <Offer> {

        // URL

        product.UrlPath = product.ArtNo;

        // Meta

        var metaResul = new AdvantShop.SEO.MetaInfo
            Title = string.Format("#STORE_NAME# - {0} {1} ({2})",
                                  Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 4),
                                  Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 4),
                                  Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 4)),
            MetaKeywords = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}",
                                         Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 4),
                                         Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 4),
                                         Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 4),
                                         Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 4),
                                         Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 4)),
            MetaDescription = Strings.GetRandomString(rnd, 255, 7)

        metaResul.ObjId = product.ProductId; // New Adv3.0 Fix

        product.Meta = metaResul;

        // Update / Insert Product

