Esempio n. 1
 public void InitWarden()
     ModuleName   = "5F947B8AB100C93D206D1FC3EA1FE6DD";
     Script       = new ScriptedObject($"warden\\{ModuleName}.vb", $"warden\\{ModuleName}.dll", InMemory: false);
     WardenModule = (byte[])Script.InvokeField("Main", "MD5");
     ModuleKey    = (byte[])Script.InvokeField("Main", "RC4");
     ModuleSize   = Conversions.ToInteger(Script.InvokeField("Main", "Size"));
     CheckIDs[0]  = Conversions.ToByte(Script.InvokeField("Main", "MEM_CHECK"));
     CheckIDs[1]  = Conversions.ToByte(Script.InvokeField("Main", "PAGE_CHECK_A"));
     CheckIDs[2]  = Conversions.ToByte(Script.InvokeField("Main", "MPQ_CHECK"));
     CheckIDs[3]  = Conversions.ToByte(Script.InvokeField("Main", "LUA_STR_CHECK"));
     CheckIDs[4]  = Conversions.ToByte(Script.InvokeField("Main", "DRIVER_CHECK"));
     CheckIDs[5]  = Conversions.ToByte(Script.InvokeField("Main", "TIMING_CHECK"));
     CheckIDs[6]  = Conversions.ToByte(Script.InvokeField("Main", "PROC_CHECK"));
     CheckIDs[7]  = Conversions.ToByte(Script.InvokeField("Main", "MODULE_CHECK"));
     ModuleData   = File.ReadAllBytes("warden\\" + ModuleName + ".bin");
     if (LoadModule(ModuleName, ref ModuleData, ModuleKey))
         WorldServiceLocator._WorldServer.Log.WriteLine(LogType.SUCCESS, "[WARDEN] Load of module, success [{0}]", ModuleName);
         WorldServiceLocator._WorldServer.Log.WriteLine(LogType.CRITICAL, "[WARDEN] Failed to load module [{0}]", ModuleName);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(GameManager.SELECT_KEY))
            if (selectedObject != null)
            else if (selectedObject == null && inRangeObject != null)
                StartCoroutine(ToggleAnimation(true, 0));
                if (inRangeObject.CompareTag(GameManager.ANIMATED_OBJECT_TAG))
                    AnimatedObject anim = inRangeObject.GetComponent <AnimatedObject>();
                    anim.Invoke("ActivateAnimation", 0.3f);
                    StartCoroutine(ToggleAnimation(false, 0.05f));

                else if (inRangeObject.CompareTag(GameManager.SCRIPTED_OBJECT_TAG))
                    ScriptedObject scrpt = inRangeObject.GetComponent <ScriptedObject>();
                    StartCoroutine(ToggleAnimation(false, 0.1f));

                else if (inRangeObject.CompareTag(GameManager.MOVABLE_OBJECT_TAG))
Esempio n. 3
	public static void Init(ScriptedObject SO){
		instance = (MenuEditWindow)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(MenuEditWindow));
		// be sure we don't blow away and edits when switching scripts...

		instance.myObject = SO;
		instance.title = "Menu Category Editor";
		instance.myTree = ScriptMenuTreeNode.BuildMenu(SO);
	// temporary debug variables
//	string eventtype = "";
//	string mouseloc = "";

	public static void Init(ScriptedObject role){
		instance = (RoleEditorWindow)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(RoleEditorWindow));
		// be sure we don't blow away and edits when switching scripts...
//		instance.requestedScript = script;
		// what if we start running before saving ? we should probably warn for that too.
//		if (!(EditorApplication.isPlaying || EditorApplication.isPaused))
			// don't load up yet, put up a confirmation dialog first.
//			instance.confirmChange=true;
//			return;
//		}
		instance.myLeftRole = role;
		instance.title = "Role Editor";

		instance.leftHasChanged = false;
		instance.rightHasChanged = false;
//		EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += instance.PlaymodeCallback;
        static ScriptedObjectTest()
            .AddScenario(() =>
                         new ConstructorArgumentValidationTestScenario <ScriptedObject>
                Name             = "constructor should throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException when parameter 'databaseObjectType' is ScriptableObjectType.Invalid scenario",
                ConstructionFunc = () =>
                    var referenceObject = A.Dummy <ScriptedObject>();

                    var result = new ScriptedObject(

                ExpectedExceptionType            = typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException),
                ExpectedExceptionMessageContains = new[] { "scriptableObjectType", "Invalid" },
Esempio n. 6
 public WardenMaiev()
     WardenModule    = Array.Empty <byte>();
     ModuleName      = "";
     ModuleKey       = Array.Empty <byte>();
     ModuleData      = Array.Empty <byte>();
     ModuleSize      = 0;
     CheckIDs        = new byte[8];
     Script          = null;
     delegateCache   = new Dictionary <string, Delegate>();
     dwModuleSize    = 0;
     dwLibraryCount  = 0;
     SendPacketD     = null;
     CheckModuleD    = null;
     ModuleLoadD     = null;
     AllocateMemD    = null;
     FreeMemoryD     = null;
     SetRC4DataD     = null;
     GetRC4DataD     = null;
     GenerateRC4Keys = null;
     UnloadModule    = null;
     PacketHandler   = null;
     Tick            = null;
     m_Mod           = 0;
     m_ModMem        = 0;
     InitPointer     = 0;
     init            = null;
     myFuncList      = IntPtr.Zero;
     myFunctionList  = default;
     pFuncList       = 0;
     ppFuncList      = 0;
     myWardenList    = default;
     pWardenList     = 0;
     m_RC4           = 0;
     m_PKT           = Array.Empty <byte>();
	public void HandleStatus()
	/* These calls are terribly expensive, and are eating 50% of our CPU runtime  TODO Find a place where they can be done once */
		// get the icontag
		if (iconTag == null && checkCount < 100) {
			iconTag = GetComponentInChildren<IconTag> ();

		// get scripted object
		if (SO == null && checkCount < 100) {
			SO = GetComponent<ScriptedObject> () as ScriptedObject;	
	/*  */
		if ( SO != null )
			// set busy
			if ( SO.GetCurrentScript() != null )
			// set talking
			Brain.AudioInfo ai = Brain.GetInstance().CurrentAudioInfo;
			if ( ai != null )
				if ( == Name )
					CurrentState = State.talking;
					// turn on tag if talking
					if ( iconTag != null )
						iconTag.renderer.enabled = true;

			// reset iconTag to highlight status
			if ( iconTag != null )
				iconTag.renderer.enabled = highlight;
				if ( CurrentState == State.talking )
					iconTag.renderer.enabled = true;

			// check to see if we need updating
			if ( CurrentState == lastState )
			lastState = CurrentState;

			// change state
			if ( iconTag != null )
				// set material
				switch (CurrentState) 
				case State.busy:
					if ( texBusy == null )
						texBusy = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/npcStatus-busy");
					if ( texBusy != null )
						iconTag.renderer.material.mainTexture = texBusy;
				case State.talking:
					if ( texTalking == null )
						texTalking = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/npcStatus-talking");
					if ( texTalking != null )
						iconTag.renderer.material.mainTexture = texTalking;
					// force on if talking
					iconTag.renderer.enabled = true;
				case State.idle:
					if ( texListening == null )
						texListening = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/npcStatus-listening");
					if ( texListening != null )
						iconTag.renderer.material.mainTexture = texListening;
	public void Awake()
			lookAt = body.GetComponent<LookAtController>();
		if(lookAt == null)
			canLookAt = false;
		if(breatheClip != null)
			body.animation[].blendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Additive;
			body.animation[].layer = 1;
			Debug.LogWarning( + " starting with no breatheClip!!");
		//if(postures.Count > 0 && !animInit)
		// whoever gets here first can build these:
		if (maleClips == null){
			maleClips = new Dictionary<string,AnimationClip>();
			Object[] mObjs = Resources.LoadAll("Animations/Male");
			// this seems pretty lame, but this is how we apparently have to instantiate these
			for (int i=0; i<mObjs.Length; i++){
				maleClips.Add (mObjs[i].name, mObjs[i] as AnimationClip);
		if (femaleClips == null){
			femaleClips = new Dictionary<string,AnimationClip>();
			Object[] mObjs = Resources.LoadAll("Animations/Female");
			// this seems pretty lame, but this is how we apparently have to instantiate these
			for (int i=0; i<mObjs.Length; i++){
				femaleClips.Add (mObjs[i].name, mObjs[i] as AnimationClip);
		if (animationScriptObject == null){
			Object SOB = Resources.Load("Animations/AnimationScripts");
			GameObject go = Instantiate (SOB) as GameObject;
			if (go != null){
				animationScriptObject = go.GetComponent<ScriptedObject>();
Esempio n. 9
        public override StringCollection Script(SmoScriptingContext context)
            var textObject = ScriptedObject as ITextObject;

            if (textObject == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          String.Format("ScriptedObject '{0}' cannot be scripted as alter", ScriptedObject.GetType().Name));

            StringCollection result = Script(textObject, context);

	public void ReleasedBy(InteractionScript script, ScriptedObject caller){
//		Debug.LogError(name+" Released by ";
		if (reservedForScript == script)
			reservedForScript = null; // we cleared this when we started the script...
		if (actingInScript == script){
			// if the releasing script was stacked, and will release to a higher script, we must not clear this
			// or it opens a window wher another waiting script could take control
			ScriptedObject so = caller; //GetComponent<ScriptedObject>();
			if (so == null) so = GetComponent<ScriptedObject>();
			if (so == null) return;
			if (so.scriptStack.Count <= 1){ // if the script that was running was not stacked
				// should we be setting this null here if we don't release ?
//				actingInScript = null; // now our character is free to run scripts. 
				int checkCount = GetComponent<ScriptedObject>().scriptStack.Count;
				if (GetComponent<ScriptedObject>().scriptStack.Count == 0){ // or maybe 1 ?
					actingInScript = null; // now our character is free to run scripts. 
				{  // what should this branch do ?
					actingInScript = null;
				ScriptedObject.QueuedScript temp = so.scriptStack.Pop ();
				InteractionScript callingScript = so.scriptStack.Peek ().script;
				so.scriptStack.Push (temp);
				// release any actors not needed by the calling script
				if (callingScript.actorObjects.Contains (this)){
					actingInScript = callingScript;
					// reenabled these two lines 11/19/15 to get queued blanket scripts to run in parallel
					actingInScript = null;
					// this was added to fix leaving a hole when roll patient finished in exam bleeding
					// add me to the calling script's actors so i will be released when it is done
					// but maybe we shold fix exam bleeding by adding the needed characters instead
					// of this fix, which prevents actors from being released after sub scripts...
//11/19/15					callingScript.actorObjects.Add (this);
//11/19/15					actingInScript = callingScript;
	public void ExecuteEvent(ScriptedObject thisCaller,string eventName){
		// intended to be called from animation Events, start execution at the named line, and
		// run until an action flagged sequenceEnd=true;
		// Look for the line. fail if not found
		int startingIndex=-1;
		for (int i=0;i<scriptLines.Length;i++){
			if (scriptLines[i].name == eventName){
		if (startingIndex <0){
			Debug.LogError("AnimationEvent using "+name+" could not find line "+eventName);
		// caller is only used by ExecuteScript and onScriptComplete, so we might go without it...
		caller = thisCaller;
		myObject = caller.gameObject;
		args.Clear(); // do we need any args for events ?
		SetArgs (startingArgs);
		currentLine = startingIndex;
		nextLineLabel = "";
		isRunning = true;
		readyState = readiness.executing;
		myOI = caller.GetComponent<ObjectInteraction>();

		if (debug) Debug.Log ("Script "+name+" execution started");
		if (scriptLines[currentLine] != null)
	public void OnScriptComplete(string error){
		if (debug) Debug.Log ("Script "+name+" OnScriptComplete");
		// we're done.  Assuming no errors, see if we need to send a :COMPLETE message
		string triggerString = "none";
		if (args.ContainsKey("trigger"))
			triggerString = args["trigger"];
		if (triggerString.Contains(":"))
			// send :COMPLETE msg to brain
			string completion;
			if (error == null || error == "") completion = ":COMPLETE";
			else completion = ":"+error.ToUpper();
            InteractStatusMsg msg = new InteractStatusMsg(triggerString + completion);
//		hasRun = true;
		isRunning = false;
		readyState = readiness.unknown; // will update on the next readiness test.
		currentLine = scriptLines.Length; // so don't update a line by accident
		ScriptedObject myCaller = caller;
		caller = null; // have to do this before, because OnScriptComplete could start us up again!
		// release character task actors

		foreach (ObjectInteraction actor in actorObjects){
			actor.ReleasedBy(this, myCaller);

		if (myCaller == null)
			Debug.LogWarning("Script Complete but caller was null!!"+name);
			// added this block 6/19/14 to keep queue from hanging when scripts owned by another
			// object interaction are run from an objects queue
			if (!actorObjects.Contains(myCaller.ObjectInteraction))
				myCaller.ObjectInteraction.ReleasedBy (this, myCaller);

		roleMap.Clear(); // clear the assigned roles so they don't get reserved by accident
	void AddScript(ScriptedObject so,string newName){
		// create a new child game object with a default scripted action and link it in	
		GameObject newChild = new GameObject(newName);
		InteractionScript newIS = newChild.AddComponent("InteractionScript") as InteractionScript;
		// maybe initialize some fields to meaningful defaults ?
		newIS.item = newName;
		newIS.triggerStrings = new string[1];
		newIS.triggerStrings[0] = newName;
		newIS.triggerOnStatus = false;
		newIS.scriptLines = new ScriptedAction[0];
		newChild.transform.parent = so.transform;
		if (so.scripts == null) so.scripts = new InteractionScript[0];
		InteractionScript[] tmp = new InteractionScript[ so.scripts.Length];
		for (int i=0; i < so.scripts.Length; i++){
			tmp[i]= so.scripts[i];
		so.scripts = new InteractionScript[tmp.Length+1];
		for (int i=0; i < tmp.Length; i++){
			so.scripts[i] = tmp[i];
		so.scripts[tmp.Length] = newIS;
		// go ahead and bring it up in the editor
Esempio n. 14
//	void Awake(){
//		EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += PlaymodeCallback;
//	}
	void OnGUI(){
//		wantsMouseMove = true;
//		mouseloc = Event.current.mousePosition.ToString() + dropTarget.ToString();
		// handle drag/drop mouse events --------------------------------------------------------
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag){
			if (dragObject == null){
				// mark where the drag started so the Repaint can check
				dragStart = Event.current.mousePosition;
				dragStart.y -= headerHeight+20; // there's some strange offset required here...
			{   // dragging
				if ( dropTarget.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)){
					// handle highlight of drop target  
					dropColor =;
					dropColor = Color.white;
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp && dragObject != null){
			dropColor =;
			if ( dropTarget.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)){
				// Perform Drop
				if (dropTargetRole == myLeftRole)
					leftHasChanged = true;
					rightHasChanged = true;
				// see if we are rearranging within a role, or copying to a new role
				if (dragObject.transform.parent.gameObject == dropTargetRole.gameObject){
					// rearranging.  Need to know if we are moving up or down in the list,
					// because the dropTargetIndex changes if current index is lower.
					InteractionScript movingScript = dragObject.GetComponent<InteractionScript>();
					int currentIndex = dropTargetRole.IndexOf(movingScript);
					if (currentIndex < 0){
						// we should only be seeing array elements here... use Adopt drop target to reparent.
						if (dropTargetIndex > 0 && currentIndex <= dropTargetIndex)
							dropTargetIndex --; // drop target index is never < 1
				{ // duplicate entire InteractionScript,gameObject, actions, etc...and insert into drop Role
					GameObject newScriptObject = Instantiate(dragObject) as GameObject; =;
					// parent to the target role
					newScriptObject.transform.parent = dropTargetRole.transform;
					// convert role references in scripted actions of the new script if possible...TODO!
					InteractionScript newScript = newScriptObject.GetComponent<InteractionScript>();
					dragObject = null;
					dragStart =;
					return; // does this avoid the GUI Element count error ?
				dropColor = Color.yellow; // for debugging only
			// un drag, no matter
			dragObject = null;
			dragStart =;
		// END of mouse even processing for drag and drop ------------------------------------------------------
		GUILayout.Label ("DRAG and DROP Interactions between Roles.  Drag roles (ScriptedObjects) to edit in from Hierarchy");
/*		if (GUILayout.Button (Event.current.type.ToString()+" "+mouseloc)){
			dropColor = Color.white;
		// draw the left role
		GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect(0,headerHeight ,position.width*.5f,position.height));
		GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
		myLeftRole = (ScriptedObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("ROLE:",myLeftRole,typeof(ScriptedObject),true,GUILayout.Width(position.width*.5f-100));
		if (myLeftRole != null){
			if (leftHasChanged){
				GUI.color =;
				if ( GUILayout.Button("SAVE")){
					leftHasChanged = false;
				GUI.color =;
				if ( GUILayout.Button("UNDO")){
					leftHasChanged = false;
				GUI.color = Color.white;
				if ( GUILayout.Button("CLEAR"))
					myLeftRole = null;	
		if (myLeftRole != null){
			DrawRole(myLeftRole,ref leftScrollPos,ref leftConfirmDelete,ref leftHasChanged,0,headerHeight+20);
		// draw the right role 
		GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect(position.width*.5f,headerHeight ,position.width*.5f,position.height));
		GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
		myRightRole = (ScriptedObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("ROLE:",myRightRole,typeof(ScriptedObject),true,GUILayout.Width(position.width*.5f-100));
		if (myRightRole != null){
			if (rightHasChanged){
				GUI.color =;
				if ( GUILayout.Button("SAVE")){
					rightHasChanged = false;
				GUI.color =;
				if ( GUILayout.Button("UNDO")){
					rightHasChanged = false;
				GUI.color = Color.white;
				if ( GUILayout.Button("CLEAR"))
					myRightRole = null;	
		if (myRightRole != null){
			DrawRole(myRightRole,ref rightScrollPos,ref rightConfirmDelete,ref rightHasChanged,position.width*.5f,headerHeight+20);
		// show dragObject last
		if (dragObject == null)
			GUI.Button(new Rect(0,0,0,0),""); // dummy button to keep GUI element count even
			GUI.color =;
			if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Event.current.mousePosition.x-20,Event.current.mousePosition.y+10,250,20),{
				dragObject = null;
				dragStart =;
			GUI.color =;

Esempio n. 15
	void RevertRole(ScriptedObject role){
//		role.LoadFromXML(role.XMLName); // reverting from the prefab is preferred.
		// because LOAD disconnects...
//		PrefabUtility.ResetToPrefabState(role.gameObject); // this seems to work strangely like an 'undo'
//		PrefabUtility.ReconnectToLastPrefab(role.gameObject);
Esempio n. 16
	void DrawRole(ScriptedObject role,ref Vector2 scrollPos,ref int confirmDelete,ref bool hasChanged, float areaOffsetX,float areaOffsetY){
		Rect lastRect = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
		if (role == null || role.scripts == null){
			GUILayout.Label("I lost my Role somewhere... sorry");
		GUI.color = Color.white;

		scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos);
		for (int i=0; i< role.scripts.Length; i++){
			if (confirmDelete == i){
				GUILayout.Label("CONFIRM Delete? (Script will remain as orphan)");
				if (GUILayout.Button("YES, ORPHAN the script.")){
					hasChanged = true;
					confirmDelete = -1;
					return; // does this avoid the GUI count error ?
				if (GUILayout.Button("Oops, no, Keep the script")){
					confirmDelete = -1;
			bool expand = false;
			GUI.backgroundColor = Color.grey;
			if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent("X",null,"delete line"),GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))){
				confirmDelete = i;
				break; // we've affected the array, don't draw any more gui this frame.

			if (role.scripts[i]!=null && Selection.activeObject != role.scripts[i].gameObject){
				GUI.backgroundColor = Color.yellow;
				if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent(">",null,"EDIT line"),GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))){
					Selection.activeGameObject = role.scripts[i].gameObject;
			} else {
				GUI.backgroundColor =;
				expand = true;
				if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent("V",null,"CLOSE line"),GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)))
					Selection.activeGameObject = role.gameObject;
//			string prefix = i<10?"  ":"";
			GUI.color = Color.white;
			GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
			GUILayout.Button(role.scripts[i].name+" | "+role.scripts[i].prettyname);
			// DRAG SOURCE from the above button
			// place this right after you draw the GUI element to drag from:--------------------------------
			// we pick the drag source during the Repaint pass, using the drag start that was set during the
			// EventMouseDrag handler when there was no Drag Object set ...
			if(Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint){
				lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
				Rect dragCheckRect = lastRect; // need to check against window coords, not area coords
				dragCheckRect.x += areaOffsetX;
				dragCheckRect.y -= scrollPos.y;
				if(dragObject == null && dragCheckRect.Contains(dragStart))
					dragObject = role.scripts[i].gameObject;
			//-----------------------------------------End Drag Source handler -------------------------------			
			GUI.color = Color.white;
//			if (GUILayout.Button (new GUIContent("?",null,"show help"),GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) helpTarget = myScript.scriptLines[i];
			// Set up a possible drop target button if we are dragging something over the item we just showed
			// we use GUI.Button instead of GUILayout.Button for better control of the drop target display
			Rect nextRect = lastRect;
			nextRect.y += nextRect.height/2; // move the drop target down a little to represent "insert after"
			if (dragObject != null && nextRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)){
				GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (nextRect.width,nextRect.width,nextRect.height,nextRect.height); // reserve space for the drop target
				GUI.color = dropColor; // set in the MouseDrag pass to debug, but we don't really need that since it's working
				string verb = "COPY ";
				if (dragObject.transform.parent.gameObject == role.gameObject)
					verb = "MOVE ";
				GUI.Button(nextRect," HERE ["+dropTargetIndex+"]");
				if(Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint){
					dropTargetIndex = i+1;  // where we would insert in the list...
					dropTargetRole = role;
					dropTarget = nextRect;
					dropTarget.x += areaOffsetX;
					dropTarget.y += areaOffsetY;  // relative to the window origin, not the GUI area...
				GUI.color = Color.white;	
			else {
				// dummy button to keep the count even
				GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (0,0,0,0);
				GUI.Button(new Rect(0,0,0,0),"");
		InteractionScript adoptScript = null;
		adoptScript = (InteractionScript)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Re-Adopt Child Script:",adoptScript,typeof(InteractionScript),true,GUILayout.Width(position.width*.5f-20));
		if (adoptScript != null){
			// be sure this is our child...
			if (adoptScript.transform.parent.gameObject == role.gameObject){
				role.InsertScriptAt(adoptScript, role.scripts.Length);
				hasChanged = true;
		GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
		if (GUILayout.Button ("",GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))){ //extra line so we can scroll to the bottom

//		hasChanged |= GUI.changed; // only when WE say it has.
		if (GUI.changed) EditorUtility.SetDirty(role); // this helps keep changes		
	int AddScripts(MenuTreeNode node,ScriptedObject SO, int index){
		if ( != null){
			InteractionScript IS = BuildScriptFromInteraction(;
			SO.scripts[index] = IS;
			// build the unity hierachy
			IS.gameObject.transform.parent = SO.gameObject.transform;
			foreach (MenuTreeNode n in node.children)
				index = AddScripts(n,SO,index);
		return index;
	void OnWizardOtherButton(){
		menuTree = MenuTreeNode.BuildMenu(XMLName);
		// assuming that worked, we'll build a script of character tasks for every node that is an interaction.
		string[] parts = XMLName.Split('/');
		GameObject scriptedObjectGO = new GameObject(parts[parts.Length-1]+"Scripts");
		SO = scriptedObjectGO.AddComponent<ScriptedObject>();
		int numScripts = CountScripts(menuTree);
		SO.scripts = new InteractionScript[numScripts];
		// now traverse the menutree, and as we encounter maps, build them into scripts
		currentScript = 0; // this is a global
		AddScripts(menuTree, SO, currentScript);
		SO.prettyname = parts[parts.Length-1]+" Scripts";
		SO.XMLName = XMLName+" "+DateTime.Now.ToString(); // we really don't need this value, but it shows where we came from
		SO.moveToParentOnDrop = true;

Esempio n. 19
		ScriptMenuTreeNode newNode; // used when building up new menus
//		bool valid = true; // when adding a new node, set to true when all required fields have values.
		// these local varaibles are for the editor GUI, letting you open one task,list or stringmap per node for editing.
//		string editingTaskKey = ""; // the task at this node open for edit
//		string editingStrmapKey = "";
//		StringMap editStrmap = new StringMap(); // this persistent value lets us edit a stringmap
		public static ScriptMenuTreeNode BuildMenu( ScriptedObject SO ) // pass in the scripted object
			ScriptMenuTreeNode returnNode = new ScriptMenuTreeNode();
			returnNode.subcategories = new Dictionary<string, ScriptMenuTreeNode>();
			returnNode.scripts = new List<InteractionScript>();
	        foreach (InteractionScript script in SO.scripts)
				ScriptMenuTreeNode currentNode = returnNode;
				if (script.category == null || script.category.Count==0)
					foreach (string cat in script.category)
						// find or build out the category tree to point to the desired category
						currentNode = GetNode(returnNode, cat);	
						// add this script to that node's script list
			                // it's a terminal node, an interaction
			return returnNode;
Esempio n. 20
	void SaveRole(ScriptedObject role){
		// update the prefab too!
		GameObject vup = PrefabUtility.FindValidUploadPrefabInstanceRoot(role.gameObject);
//		Debug.Log (po.ToString()+pp.ToString()+pr.ToString()+rgo.ToString()+vup.ToString());
		if ( vup != null){
			PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab (vup,
									ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab); // GetPrefabObject crashed unity editor...
//		PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab (role.gameObject,
//									PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(role.gameObject),
//									ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab); // GetPrefabObject crashed unity editor...
	public void Execute(ScriptedObject thisCaller,string argString="", GameObject obj=null){
		caller = thisCaller;

		foreach (ObjectInteraction actor in actorObjects){
			actor.reservedForScript = null; // incase anyone got reserved who doesn't get picked by the dispatcher
		// here, we must find a character for each role, assign and reserve them
		Dispatcher.GetInstance().FillRoles(this); // bail if fail
		if (obj == null) myObject = caller.gameObject; // the scripted object by default
		else myObject = obj;
		args.Clear(); // clear the dictionary to start
		SetArgs (startingArgs);
		currentLine = 0;
		nextLineLabel = "";
		isRunning = true;
		readyState = readiness.executing;
		myOI = caller.GetComponent<ObjectInteraction>();

//Debug.LogWarning(name+" reserving ";

		foreach (ObjectInteraction actor in actorObjects){
			actor.actingInScript = this;
			actor.reservedForScript = null;
		foreach (ScriptedAction sa in scriptLines)
			sa.hasExecuted = false; // really just for debug use, would break 'executeOnlyOnce'
		// if there's an interaction set specified, send it to the interaction manager.
		if (interactionSet != null && interactionSet.Name != null && interactionSet.Name != "")
			InteractionMgr.GetInstance().CurrentSet = interactionSet;
		if (debug) Debug.Log ("Script "+name+" execution started");
		// we're going to have to handle multiple current lines for roles 
		if (scriptLines[currentLine] != null)
	bool CheckScriptName(ScriptedObject so){
		if (newScriptName == ""){
			scriptNameWarning = "You must Supply a ScriptName";
			return false;	
		if (so.scripts != null)
			foreach (InteractionScript script in so.scripts){ // should really check globally across all scripts.
				if ( == newScriptName){
					scriptNameWarning = "ScriptName already used";
					return false;
		scriptNameWarning = "";
		addScriptButtonLabel = "ADD SCRIPT";
		return true;
	void SaveUpdatedPrefab(ScriptedObject so){
Esempio n. 24
	// because the scripted objects thenselves are generally not created from serialized data when the game is run,
	// but rather instantiated from prefabs or placed in the level or asset bundle, these serialize routines
	// may not really matter.  The individual interaction scripts/actions, however, really do have to be right!!
	public ScriptedObjectInfo ToInfo(ScriptedObject so){ // saves values to an info for serialization (to XML)
		ScriptedObjectInfo info = new ScriptedObjectInfo();
		info.unityObjectName =;

		info.moveToParentOnDrop = so.moveToParentOnDrop; // set this in each prefab, but false so constructed ones dont
		info.dropTargetName = so.dropTargetName;
		info.scripts = new InteractionScript.InteractionScriptInfo[so.scripts.Length];
		for (int i = 0; i<so.scripts.Length; i++){
			if (so.scripts[i] != null){
				info.scripts[i] = so.scripts[i].ToInfo(so.scripts[i]);
				Debug.Log("Scripted Boject ""contains null script at index "+i);
				EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Save Failed","Scripted Boject ""contains null script at index "+i,"OK");
		if (so.startupScript != null)
			info.startupScriptName =;
		info.register = so.register; // instead, derive this from any contained scripts who listen to status messages
		info.prettyname = so.prettyname; // this was on the OI class, we shouldnt need it here
		info.XMLName = so.XMLName;
		info.XMLDirectory = so.XMLDirectory;
		info.assetBundleInfo = so.assetBundleInfo;
		info.voiceList = so.voiceList;
		info.voiceLists = so.voiceLists;
		info.vitalsBehaviors = so.vitalsBehaviors;
		info.scanRecords = so.scanRecords;
		return info;
Esempio n. 25
        public CreatureInfo(int CreatureID)
            : this()
            Id = CreatureID;
            WorldServiceLocator._WorldServer.CREATURESDatabase.Add(Id, this);
            DataTable MySQLQuery = new DataTable();

            WorldServiceLocator._WorldServer.WorldDatabase.Query($"SELECT * FROM creature_template LEFT JOIN creature_template_spells ON creature_template.entry = creature_template_spells.`entry` WHERE creature_template.entry = {CreatureID};", ref MySQLQuery);
            if (MySQLQuery.Rows.Count == 0)
                WorldServiceLocator._WorldServer.Log.WriteLine(LogType.FAILED, "CreatureID {0} not found in SQL database.", CreatureID);
                found_ = false;
            found_  = true;
            ModelA1 = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("modelid1");
            ModelA2 = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("Modelid2");
            ModelH1 = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("modelid3");
            ModelH2 = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("modelid4");
            Name    = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <string>("name");
                SubName = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <string>("subname");
            catch (Exception projectError)
                SubName = "";
            Size                 = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <float>("scale");
            MinLife              = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("MinLevelHealth");
            MaxLife              = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("MaxLevelHealth");
            MinMana              = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("MinLevelMana");
            MaxMana              = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("MaxLevelMana");
            ManaType             = 0;
            Faction              = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <short>("factionAlliance");
            Elite                = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <byte>("rank");
            Damage.Maximum       = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <float>("MaxMeleeDmg");
            RangedDamage.Maximum = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <float>("MaxRangedDmg");
            Damage.Minimum       = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <float>("MinMeleeDmg");
            RangedDamage.Minimum = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <float>("MinRangedDmg");
            AttackPower          = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("MeleeAttackPower");
            RangedAttackPower    = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("RangedAttackPower");
            WalkSpeed            = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <float>("SpeedWalk");
            RunSpeed             = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <float>("SpeedRun");
            BaseAttackTime       = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <short>("MeleeBaseAttackTime");
            BaseRangedAttackTime = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <short>("RangedBaseAttackTime");
            cNpcFlags            = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("NpcFlags");
            DynFlags             = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("DynamicFlags");
            cFlags               = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("UnitFlags");
            TypeFlags            = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <uint>("CreatureTypeFlags");
            CreatureType         = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <byte>("CreatureType");
            CreatureFamily       = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <byte>("Family");
            LevelMin             = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <byte>("MinLevel");
            LevelMax             = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <byte>("MaxLevel");
            TrainerType          = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("TrainerType");
            TrainerSpell         = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("TrainerSpell");
            Classe               = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <byte>("TrainerClass");
            Race                 = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <byte>("TrainerRace");
            Leader               = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <byte>("RacialLeader");

            if (!Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(MySQLQuery.Rows[0]["spell1"])))
                Spells[0] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("spell1");
                Spells[0] = 0;
            if (!Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(MySQLQuery.Rows[0]["spell2"])))
                Spells[1] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("spell2");
                Spells[1] = 0;
            if (!Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(MySQLQuery.Rows[0]["spell3"])))
                Spells[2] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("spell3");
                Spells[2] = 0;
            if (!Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(MySQLQuery.Rows[0]["spell4"])))
                Spells[3] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("spell4");
                Spells[3] = 0;
            PetSpellDataID = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("PetSpellDataId");
            LootID         = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("LootId");
            SkinLootID     = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("SkinningLootId");
            PocketLootID   = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("PickpocketLootId");
            MinGold        = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <uint>("MinLootGold");
            MaxGold        = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <uint>("MaxLootGold");
            Resistances[0] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("Armor");
            Resistances[1] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("ResistanceHoly");
            Resistances[2] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("ResistanceFire");
            Resistances[3] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("ResistanceNature");
            Resistances[4] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("ResistanceFrost");
            Resistances[5] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("ResistanceShadow");
            Resistances[6] = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("ResistanceArcane");
            EquipmentID    = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <int>("EquipmentTemplateId");
            MechanicImmune = MySQLQuery.Rows[0].As <uint>("SchoolImmuneMask");
            if (File.Exists("scripts\\gossip\\" + WorldServiceLocator._Functions.FixName(Name) + ".vb"))
                ScriptedObject tmpScript = new ScriptedObject("scripts\\gossip\\" + WorldServiceLocator._Functions.FixName(Name) + ".vb", "", InMemory: true);
                TalkScript = (TBaseTalk)tmpScript.InvokeConstructor("TalkScript");
            else if (((uint)cNpcFlags & 0x10u) != 0)
                TalkScript = new WS_NPCs.TDefaultTalk();
            else if (((uint)cNpcFlags & 0x40u) != 0)
                TalkScript = new WS_GuardGossip.TGuardTalk();
            else if (cNpcFlags == 0)
                TalkScript = null;
            else if (cNpcFlags == 1)
                TalkScript = new WS_NPCs.TDefaultTalk();
                TalkScript = new WS_NPCs.TDefaultTalk();