        //Example routine to add an invoice into the fsInvPost Object
        // without images
        bool ProcessInvoiceNoImage(fsInvPost _invPost, int _transKey,
            object _debtorKey, object _invNumber, object _invAmount,
            object _invDate, object
                _invDescr, string _enteredUserId)
            bool _successful = false;
                //Request API to start a new invoice
                if (!_invPost.StartInvoice())
                    throw new Exception("Unsuccessfully started new invoice.   " + _invPost.OutErrorMsg);
                //Request to clear prior user id information
                //Assign the CADENCE DebtorKey to the new invoice
                string _label = "DebtorKey";
                if (!_invPost.PutFld(ref _label, ref _debtorKey))
                    throw new Exception("Unsuccessfully stored debtorkey." + _invPost.OutErrorMsg);

                //Assign the CADENCE invoice amount to the new invoice
                _label = "InvAmt";
                if (!_invPost.PutFld(ref _label, ref _invAmount))
                    throw new Exception("Unsuccessfully stored invoice amount. " + _invPost.OutErrorMsg);

                //Assign the CADENCE invoice # to the new invoice
                _label = "InvNo";
                if (!_invPost.PutFld(ref _label, ref _invNumber))
                    throw new Exception("Unsuccessfully stored invoice #. " + _invPost.OutErrorMsg);

                //Assign the CADENCE invoice date to the new invoice
                _label = "InvDate";
                if (!_invPost.PutFld(ref _label, ref _invDate))
                    throw new Exception("Unsuccessfully stored invoice date. " + _invPost.OutErrorMsg);

                //Assign the CADENCE invoice description to the new invoice
                _label = "InvDescr";
                if (!_invPost.PutFld(ref _label, ref _invDescr))
                    throw new Exception("Unsuccessfully stored invoice description. " + _invPost.OutErrorMsg);

                //Assign the CADENCE invoice user id
                _invPost.SetUserId(ref _enteredUserId);
                if (!_invPost.WrapInvoice())
                    throw new Exception("Unsuccessfully wrapped the invoice into database. " + _invPost.OutErrorMsg);
                //set indicator of success
                _successful = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
            return _successful;
        //Example - Routine to process a batch of invoices using fsInvPost
        public bool ProcessBatchOfInvoices(int _transKey, int _BatchNo)
            bool _successful = false;
                bool _OkToProcessInvoice = false;
                string _dbType = "SQL";
                string _dbName = "Cadence_Test_308";
                string _dbServer = "Tasql1";
                string _dbLogin = "******";
                string _dbPassword = "******";
                decimal _debitInvAmt = 0;
                decimal _creditInvAmt = 0;
                decimal _serviceFeeAmt = 0;
                decimal _escrowAmt = 0;
                decimal _expenseAmt = 0;
                decimal _recourseAmt = 0;
                decimal _netAmtToAdv = 0;
                int _debtorKey = 694;
                string _invNumber = Convert.ToString("11111");
                decimal _invAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(100);
                DateTime _invDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2014");
                string _invDescr = Convert.ToString("test invoice");
                string _enteredUserId = Convert.ToString("~~mobile");

                fsInvPost _invPost = new fsInvPost();
                _invPost.InUsePreCalc = true;
                _invPost.InAllowNoImage = true;

                _OkToProcessInvoice = _invPost.Init(ref _dbType, ref _dbName, ref _dbServer, ref _dbLogin, ref _dbPassword);
                //Evaluate if the Init process was success to continue to add invoices
                if (_OkToProcessInvoice)
                    //if appropriate, set the transaction key associated to the batch header
                    //_invPost.SetTrans(ref _transKey);
                    var result = _invPost.CreateBuy("2", DateTime.Now, 0);
                    if (result)
                        var transKey = _invPost.OutTransKey;
                        //if appropriate, set the total associate with the batch 
                        _invPost.SetTransTotals(ref _debitInvAmt, ref _creditInvAmt, ref _serviceFeeAmt,
                                                ref _escrowAmt, ref _expenseAmt, ref _recourseAmt, ref _netAmtToAdv);

                        // Note - Repeat this line for every invoice to add to the batch
                        _successful = ProcessInvoiceWithImage(_invPost, transKey, _debtorKey, _invNumber, _invAmount, _invDate, _invDescr, _enteredUserId, "C:\\test.jpg");

                        //Evaluate if the Invoice was processed successfully

                        if (_successful)
                            //Complete Invoice Post Process
                            _successful = false;
                            _successful = _invPost.ReleaseBuy();
                            if (!_successful)
                                throw new Exception("Unsuccessfuly released purchase" + _invPost.OutErrorMsg);

                            _successful = true;

            return _successful;