public CueExport(Cue cue) { Name = cue.Name; Pan = cue.Pan; Volume = cue.Volume; Pitch = cue.Pitch; Looped = cue.Looped; Name = cue.Name; PlaybackMode = cue.CuePlaybackMode; Sounds = new List<SoundExport>(cue.Children.Count); foreach (Sound sound in cue.Children) { Sounds.Add(new SoundExport(sound)); } }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); Cue[] tmp = GetComponents<Cue>(); for(int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; ++i) { if(tmp[i].Type == CueType.GRASS) CueGrass = tmp[i]; else if (tmp[i].Type == CueType.SNOW) CueSnow = tmp[i]; else if (tmp[i].Type == CueType.SAND) CueSand = tmp[i]; else if (tmp[i].Type == CueType.DIRT) CueDirt = tmp[i]; } }
public int Play(string k, bool apply3d, float Position) { if (Main.Mode == Modes.SINGLE) { float num = (float)(((double)Position - 224.0) / 448.0); Sound.emitter.Position = (double)Position - 224.0 <= 0.0 ? ((double)Position - 224.0 >= 0.0 ? new Vector3(1.5f * num, 0.0f, 1f - Math.Abs(num)) : new Vector3(1.5f * num, 0.0f, 1f - Math.Abs(num))) : new Vector3(1.5f * num, 0.0f, 1f - Math.Abs(num)); } if (!apply3d) { Sound.emitter.Position = Vector3.Zero; } foreach (string str in Sound.already) { if (str == k) { return(0); } } if (k.Contains(".wav")) { k = k.Replace(".wav", ""); } foreach (string key in this.SEs.Keys) { if (key == k) { this.SEs[key].Dispose(); this.SEs[key] = Sound.SB.GetCue(k); this.SEs[key].Apply3D(Sound.listener, Sound.emitter); this.SEs[key].Play(); Sound.already.Add(k); return(0); } } Cue cue = Sound.SB.GetCue(k); this.SEs.Add(k, cue); cue.Apply3D(Sound.listener, Sound.emitter); cue.Play(); Sound.already.Add(k); return(0); }
public override void Initialize() { this.safehouse = SaveManager.Instance.XmlPath.Contains("safehouse"); myPlayerController = (PlayerController)this.MyObject.GetComponent <PlayerController>(); if (myPlayerController == null) { Debug.Log("There is some error in getting player controller"); } this.maxHP = this.myPlayerController.HitPoints; this.currentHP = this.maxHP; this.myEq = this.myPlayerController.Equipment; this.hpTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/HP"); this.hpBGTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/HPBG"); this.heartTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/heart"); this.popularityBGTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/fameBG"); this.popularityFillTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/fame"); this.popularitySadTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/sad"); this.populartiyHappyTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/smile"); this.backpackTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/backpack");; this.burgerTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/burger"); this.equipmentFont = TrashSoupGame.Instance.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Fonts/FontTest"); this.liveBGTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/LIVEBG"); this.liveTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/LIVE"); this.bgTexture = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadTexture(@"Textures/HUD/window_red2_0"); if (!TrashSoupGame.Instance.EditorMode) { ExplorationCue = AudioManager.Instance.GetCue("exploration"); ExplorationCue.Play(); } popularityFirstStepApplause = TrashSoupGame.Instance.Content.Load <SoundEffect>(@"Audio/Ambient/applause_1"); popularityFirstEffectInstance = popularityFirstStepApplause.CreateInstance(); popularitySecondStepApplause = TrashSoupGame.Instance.Content.Load <SoundEffect>(@"Audio/Ambient/applause_2"); popularitySecondEffectInstance = popularitySecondStepApplause.CreateInstance(); popularityThirdStepApplause = TrashSoupGame.Instance.Content.Load <SoundEffect>(@"Audio/Ambient/applause_3"); popularityThirdEffectInstance = popularityThirdStepApplause.CreateInstance(); base.Initialize(); }
/******************************************************************************************* * Main Load * *****************************************************************************************/ protected override void LoadContent() { // load font spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); statsFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/StatsFont"); instructionsFont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/InstructionsFont"); // load sounds and play initial sound audioEngine = new AudioEngine("Content/Audio/GameAudio.xgs"); waveBank = new WaveBank(audioEngine, "Content/Audio/Wave Bank.xwb"); soundBank = new SoundBank(audioEngine, "Content/Audio/Sound Bank.xsb"); trackCue = soundBank.GetCue("Tracks"); trackCue.Play(); // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); // load spaceship spaceship.LoadContent(Content, "Models/spaceship"); CreateObstacles1(); CreateObstacles2(); CreateObstacles3(); CreateObstacles4(); CreateObstacles5(); CreateObstacles6(); CreateAstronauts(); CreateStars(); // load ground ground.LoadContent(Content, "Models/ground"); // load lifebar lifebar = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/lifebar5"); // load uhd uhd = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/uhd"); // load logo logo = Content.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/logo"); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the SelectedIndexChanged event of the Cues control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void Cues_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (View.Cues.SelectedIndices.Count > 1) //more than one selected { //force selection of a single item //forcing is necessary because we have a multiselect list. This is needed to also allow "no selection". See // int index = View.Cues.SelectedIndex; View.Cues.UnSelectAll(); View.Cues.SetSelected(index, true); return; } if (View.Cues.SelectedIndex >= 0) //valid selection? { //get that cue Cue selectedCue = (View.Cues.Items[View.Cues.SelectedIndex] as DisplayCue).Item; Core.Model.Instance.SelectedCue = selectedCue; //update the model } }
public override void unload() { // Set objects to null so they can bre freed background = null; leftArrow = null; pressedLeftArrow = null; rightArrow = null; pressedRightArrow = null; optionOver = null; optionSelected = null; // Music MediaPlayer.Stop(); song = null; // Clear input callbacks Input.clearCallbacks(); loaded = false; }
//* -----------------------------------------------------------------------* /// <summary>死んだ効果音をゆっくり破棄するスレッドです。</summary> /// /// <returns>スレッドが実行される間、<c>true</c></returns> private IEnumerator <object> threadGC() { while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < (isHighPriorityMode ? 6 : 20); i++) { yield return(null); } if (GRAVE_SE.Count > 0) { Cue cue = GRAVE_SE.Dequeue(); if (cue != null) { cue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); cue.Dispose(); cue = null; } } } }
public void HitByRain() { if (m_distortState == DistortState.NONE) { m_distortState = DistortState.FALLING; rainSound = Sound.PlayCue("rain"); } else { m_distortRestoreDelay = k_rainRestoreDelay; //if (m_distortState != DistortState.FALLING) //{ // if (rainSound != null) // { // rainSound.Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); // rainSound = null; // } //} } }
public CosmeticDebris(Texture2D texture, Vector2 startingPosition, float rotationSpeed, float xVelocity, float yVelocity, int groundYLevel, Rectangle sourceRect, Color color, Cue tapSound, LightSource light, int lightTailLength, int disappearTime) { this.timeToDisappearAfterReachingGround = disappearTime; this.disappearTimer = this.timeToDisappearAfterReachingGround; this.texture = texture; this.position = startingPosition; this.rotationSpeed = rotationSpeed; this.xVelocity = xVelocity; this.yVelocity = yVelocity; this.sourceRect = sourceRect; this.groundYLevel = groundYLevel; this.color = color; this.tapSound = tapSound; this.light = light; if (lightTailLength > 0) { this.lightTail = new Queue <Vector2>(); this.lightTailLength = lightTailLength; } }
public static void Play(string musicCueName) { while (!Wave.IsPrepared) { Audio.Sound.Update(); } if (string.Compare(_musicStr, musicCueName, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0) { _musicStr = musicCueName; if (_musicCue != null) { _musicCue.Dispose(); } _musicCue = Sound.GetCue(_musicStr); _musicCue.Play(); } }
public static void playSound(String soundIdentifier, Vector2 point) { if (theWorld == null) { throw new FieldAccessException("World object not instantiated."); } Point lookingAt = theWorld.LookingAt; float length = (new Vector2((lookingAt.X + ((Globals.VIEWPORT_WIDTH / Globals.TILE_SIZE) / 2)), (lookingAt.Y + ((Globals.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT / Globals.TILE_SIZE) / 2))) - point).Length(); float newVolume = GameOptions.Instance.sfxVolume * (80.0f * (float)Math.Log10(-0.05f * length + 1.0f)); LoggerFactory.GetLogger().Trace("Playing sound at volume: " + newVolume + "db"); Cue cue = Sounds.Instance.LoadSound(soundIdentifier); cue.SetVariable("Volume", newVolume); cue.Play(); }
private void FixedUpdate() { if (cue == null) { cue = hitController.GetCue(); } switch (CurrentStage) { case TurnStage.AwaitingTurnCompletion: if (!BodiesAreMoving()) { EndTurn(); } break; case TurnStage.SettingUpNextTurn: LerpCamTo(lerpTarget); break; } }
} // PlayExplosionSound() public static void PlayWhosh(float volume) { //*lags a little! // Sound bank must be valid if (soundBank == null) { return; } // Get whosh cue, will either create cue or reuse existing cue Cue newWhoshCue = soundBank.GetCue(Sounds.Whosh.ToString()); //"Whosh"); // Set volume newWhoshCue.SetVariable("Volume", volume * 100); // And play newWhoshCue.Play(); //*/ //Play(Sounds.Whosh); } // PlayWhosh(volume)
public override void doCollisionAction(Rectangle positionOfCollider, int speedOfCollision, Vector2 tileLocation, Character who, GameLocation location) { if (speedOfCollision > 0 && this.maxShake == 0f && positionOfCollider.Intersects(this.getBoundingBox(tileLocation))) { if ((who == null || who.GetType() != typeof(FarmAnimal)) && Grass.grassSound != null && !Grass.grassSound.IsPlaying && Utility.isOnScreen(new Point((int)tileLocation.X, (int)tileLocation.Y), 2, location) && Game1.soundBank != null) { Grass.grassSound = Game1.soundBank.GetCue("grassyStep"); Grass.grassSound.Play(); } this.shake(0.3926991f / (float)((5 + Game1.player.addedSpeed) / speedOfCollision), 0.03926991f / (float)((5 + Game1.player.addedSpeed) / speedOfCollision), (float)positionOfCollider.Center.X > tileLocation.X * (float)Game1.tileSize + (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2)); } if (who is Farmer && Game1.player.CurrentTool != null && Game1.player.CurrentTool is MeleeWeapon && ((MeleeWeapon)Game1.player.CurrentTool).isOnSpecial && ((MeleeWeapon)Game1.player.CurrentTool).type == 0 && Math.Abs(this.shakeRotation) < 0.001f && this.performToolAction(Game1.player.CurrentTool, -1, tileLocation, null)) { Game1.currentLocation.terrainFeatures.Remove(tileLocation); } if (who is Farmer) { (who as Farmer).temporarySpeedBuff = -1f; } }
public void CanDequeueTwiceInARow() { Node node1 = new Node(10); Node node2 = new Node(20); Node node3 = new Node(30); Stack stack1 = new Stack(null); Stack stack2 = new Stack(null); Cue queue = new Cue(stack1, stack2); queue.Enqueue(node1); queue.Enqueue(node2); queue.Enqueue(node3); queue.Dequeue(); queue.Dequeue(); Assert.Equal(node3.Value, queue.Dequeue().Value); }
private void m_btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog(); open.Filter = "Wave File (*.wav)|*.wav;"; if (open.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string fileName = open.FileName; var inPath = fileName; string outputFileName = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 4); var outPath = outputFileName + "Cue.wav"; //var reader = new AudioFileReader(inPath); CueWaveFileReader reader = new CueWaveFileReader(inPath); //var reader2 = new AudioFileReader(inPath); Cue cue = new Cue(9895490, "HI"); if (reader.Cues != null) { //reader.Cues.Add(cue); MessageBox.Show(reader.Cues.Count.ToString()); int[] list = reader.Cues.CuePositions; string[] cueLabelLists = reader.Cues.CueLabels; Console.WriteLine("List of cues {0}", list); int cueLabelCount = 0; foreach (int cuePoint in list) { decimal tempCuePointInSec = cuePoint / 44100; MessageBox.Show("Cue Point Position in seconds : " + tempCuePointInSec.ToString() + " and it's label is " + cueLabelLists[cueLabelCount]); cueLabelCount++; } //CueWaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(outPath, reader); } }
public List <Cue> Load(string csvfile, bool timed = false, DateTime startTime = default(DateTime)) { string text = File.ReadAllText(csvfile); rowList.Clear(); string[][] grid = CsvParser2.Parse(text); for (int i = 1; i < grid.Length; i++) { Cue row = new Cue(); int.TryParse(grid[i][0], out row.NewScreenNumber); int.TryParse(grid[i][1], out row.CueNumberForInput); row.TypeoOfChange = grid[i][2]; int.TryParse(grid[i][3], out row.StartingGain); int.TryParse(grid[i][4], out row.StartingFrequency); int.TryParse(grid[i][5], out row.EndingGain); int.TryParse(grid[i][6], out row.EndingFrequency); int.TryParse(grid[i][7], out row.StartingTactorLocation); int.TryParse(grid[i][8], out row.EndingTactorLocation); int.TryParse(grid[i][9], out row.StartingISI); int.TryParse(grid[i][10], out row.EndingISI); int.TryParse(grid[i][11], out row.StartingPulseDuration); int.TryParse(grid[i][12], out row.EndingPulseDuration); int.TryParse(grid[i][13], out row.StartChangeAfterPulseNumber); int.TryParse(grid[i][14], out row.EndChangeAfterPulseNumber); if (grid[i].Length > 15) { // DateTime.TryParse(grid[i][15], out row.presentTime); row.presentTime = grid[i][15]; } //else // row.presentTime = "-"; rowList.Add(row); } Loaded = true; return(rowList); }
/// <summary> /// Damages all actors in a radius around the rocket. /// </summary> /// <param name="touchedActor">The actor that was originally hit.</param> public override void Explode(Actor touchedActor) { // stop the rocket-flying cue if (rocketCue != null) { rocketCue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); rocketCue.Dispose(); rocketCue = null; } // play the explosion cue world.AudioManager.PlayCue("explosionMedium"); // add a double-particle system effect world.ParticleSystems.Add(new ParticleSystem(this.position, Vector2.Zero, 64, 32f, 64f, 3f, 0.05f, explosionColors)); world.ParticleSystems.Add(new ParticleSystem(this.position, Vector2.Zero, 16, 128f, 256f, 4f, 0.1f, explosionColors)); base.Explode(touchedActor); }
public override void Removed(EventArgs e) { base.Removed(e); if (starParticles != null && children.Contains(starParticles)) { RemoveChild(starParticles); } starParticles = null; if (steamParticles != null && children.Contains(steamParticles)) { RemoveChild(steamParticles); } steamParticles = null; if (spacePsst != null) { spacePsst.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); spacePsst = null; } }
public DefeatState(UrbanRace game) : base(game) { this.type = Type.DEFEAT; this.spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice); this.background = null; this.button = null; this.pressedButton = null; this.selectedButton = null; this.retroFont = null; retryButtonPos = new Vector2(Settings.getOpt("defeatRetryButtonX"), Settings.getOpt("defeatRetryButtonY")); retryTextPos = new Vector2(Settings.getOpt("defeatRetryTextX"), Settings.getOpt("defeatRetryTextY")); menuButtonPos = new Vector2(Settings.getOpt("defeatMenuButtonX"), Settings.getOpt("defeatMenuButtonY")); menuTextPos = new Vector2(Settings.getOpt("defeatMenuTextX"), Settings.getOpt("defeatMenuTextY")); // Audio optionOver = null; optionSelected = null; song = null; }
public void Play() { if (cue.IsPaused) { cue.Resume(); return; } if (cue.IsPlaying) { return; } if (cue.IsStopped) { cue = sb.GetCue(cueName); Volume = vol; } cue.Play(); }
/// <summary> /// Play a sound from the mod's wave bank. /// </summary> /// <param name="soundName">The name of the sound in the mod's wave bank. This will fail if the sound doesn't exists. This is also case sensitive.</param> public void playSound(string soundName) { Game1.waveBank = this.waveBank; Game1.soundBank = this.soundBank; Cue currentCue = this.soundBank.GetCue(soundName); if (currentCue == null) { return; } else { currentCue.Play(); currentlyPlayingSounds.Add(currentCue); } Game1.waveBank = this.vanillaWaveBank; Game1.soundBank = this.vanillaSoundBank; removeAllStopedSounds(); }
public Intro() { new List <int>(); new List <int>(); new List <int>(); this.texture = Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("Minigames\\Intro"); this.roadsideTexture = Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("Maps\\spring_outdoorsTileSheet"); this.cloudTexture = Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("Minigames\\Clouds"); this.transformMatrix = Matrix.CreateScale(3f); this.skyColor = new Color(64, 136, 248); this.roadColor = new Color(130, 130, 130); this.createBeginningOfLevel(); Game1.player.FarmerSprite.SourceRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 32); this.bigCloudPosition = (float)this.cloudTexture.Width; if (Game1.soundBank != null) { Intro.roadNoise = Game1.soundBank.GetCue("roadnoise"); } this.currentState = 1; Game1.changeMusicTrack("spring_day_ambient"); }
public void CanEnqueueANode() { Node node1 = new Node(10); Node node2 = new Node(20); Node node3 = new Node(30); Node node4 = new Node(40); Node node5 = new Node(50); Stack stack1 = new Stack(null); Stack stack2 = new Stack(null); Cue queue = new Cue(stack1, stack2); queue.Enqueue(node1); queue.Enqueue(node2); queue.Enqueue(node3); queue.Enqueue(node4); queue.Enqueue(node5); Assert.Equal(node1.Value, queue.Dequeue().Value); }
private void Start() { cueBall = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CueBall"); turnManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TurnManager") .GetComponent <TurnManager>(); cue = Instantiate(cueToInstantiate); cam = Camera.main; SetCueToTurnStart(); cam.transform.position = cue.cameraSocket.position; lineRenderer.gameObject.SetActive(false); //InstantiateTrajectoryIndicators(); audioSource = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CueBall") .GetComponent <AudioSource>(); cueStrike = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("Audio/cueStrike"); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { Sonya.Initialize(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight); SubZero.Initialize(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight); Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 45, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 30), SonyaHealth, Color.LimeGreen); Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 45, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 30), SonyaHealth, Color.Red); Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - 580, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 30), SonyaHealth, Color.LimeGreen); Vector2(graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth - 580, graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight / 30), SonyaHealth, Color.Red); audioEngine = new AudioEngine("Content\\game music.xgs"); waveBank = new WaveBank(audioEngine, "Content\\Wave Bank.xwb"); soundBank = new SoundBank(audioEngine, "Content\\Sound Bank.xsb"); musicCue = soundBank.GetCue("fighting backgorund music"); musicCue.Play(); base.Initialize(); this.IsMouseVisible = false; }
public override void Update(float elapsedTime) { CLOUD_STATE emitterState = currentState; if (currentState == CLOUD_STATE.LIGHTNING) { if (rumbleSound == null) { rumbleSound = Sound.PlayCue("rumble1"); } } if (currentState == CLOUD_STATE.TRANSITION) { if (m_anim.Done) { currentState = transitionTarget; PlayAnim(); } emitterState = transitionTarget; } switch (emitterState) { case CLOUD_STATE.RAIN: m_rainParticle.Effect.Trigger(Position); break; case CLOUD_STATE.HAIL: m_hailParticle.Effect.Trigger(Position); break; } m_anim.Update(elapsedTime); Texture = m_anim.CurrentFrame; base.Update(elapsedTime); }
protected static LoadCuesResult LoadCues(byte[] header, string filename) { LoadCuesResult result; result.cues = new OrderedDictionary <string, Cue>(); result.cuesWithIds = 0; var cuePackagePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, filename); using (var fs = File.OpenRead(cuePackagePath)) { for (var i = 0; i < header.Length; i++) { if (fs.ReadByte() != header[i]) { throw new Exception("Cues package is corrupt"); } } using (var br = new BinaryReader(new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress, false))) { var count = br.ReadInt32(); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var name = br.ReadString(); var context = new CueDeserializeContext(br); var cue = new Cue(context); // Post-processing: result.cues.Add(name, cue); if (cue.type == CueType.Cycle || cue.type == CueType.RandomCycle) { = result.cuesWithIds++; } } } } return(result); }
public static Vector2 PitchToPos(Cue cue) { float x = 0, y = 0; if (cue.behavior == TargetBehavior.Melee) { switch (cue.pitch) { case 98: x = -2f * xSize; y = -1 * ySize; break; case 99: x = 2f * xSize; y = -1 * ySize; break; case 100: x = -2f * xSize; y = 1 * ySize; break; case 101: x = 2f * xSize; y = 1 * ySize; break; } } else { int col = cue.pitch % 12; int row = cue.pitch / 12; x = -xStart + (col + (float)cue.gridOffset.x) * xSize; y = -yStart + (row + (float)cue.gridOffset.y) * ySize; } return(new Vector2(x, y)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates and adds a new cue at the current player position. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This should not change the currently selected cue and the player itself. /// Usually, the player would actually play the music when this is called, /// and the player should run through. /// </remarks> public void CreateCueHere() { if ((SelectedTrack != null)) //there is a track selected? { //add a cue to the current track TimeSpan position = Player.Position; //get position of the cursor Cue cue = new Cue { Description = String.Format("Cue at {0}", (DateTime.MinValue + new TimeSpan(0, 0, position.Minutes, position.Seconds, position.Milliseconds)).ToString("mm:ss.fff")), Shortcut = GetNextCueShortcut(), Time = position.TotalSeconds }; InsertCueToTrackOrdered(cue); Compilation.IsDirty = true; //explicitly set to dirty TODO this new dirty state should get recognized by the model itself. //OnPropertyChanged("SelectedCue"); //explicitly raise now to reflect the change to the cues in general } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (state_ != camera_.CurrentCamera.State) { state_ = camera_.CurrentCamera.State; defaultCategory.SetVolume(50); switch (state_) { case CameraState.Chase: cameraCue = soundBank.GetCue("chase"); cameraCue.Play(); break; case CameraState.Reverse: cameraCue = soundBank.GetCue("reverse"); cameraCue.Play(); break; case CameraState.Dynamic: cameraCue = soundBank.GetCue("dynamic"); cameraCue.Play(); break; case CameraState.TopDown: cameraCue = soundBank.GetCue("top_down"); cameraCue.Play(); break; } } for (int i = 0; i < cueArray.Length; i++) cueArray[i].Apply3D(listener_, CarSoundEmitters.AudioEmitters[i]); if (car_.LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() <= 400) musicCategory.SetVolume(car_.LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() / 16); else if (car_.LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() > 1650) musicCategory.SetVolume(0); else musicCategory.SetVolume(25); base.Update(gameTime); }
public virtual void SetSound() { if (lane.LaneKind == LaneKind.Car) { if (vehicleStyleIndex == 1 && this.CurChildFrame == 0) { cue =, audioListener, audioEmitter); } else if (vehicleStyleIndex == 11) { cue =, audioListener, audioEmitter); } else if (vehicleStyleIndex == 12) { cue =, audioListener, audioEmitter); } else { cue =, audioListener, audioEmitter); } } }
public Cue PlaySong(string name, float delayTime) { if (currentSongCue != null && currentSongCue.IsPlaying) currentSongCue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); #if !USE_XACT currentMediaPlayerSong = songs[name]; if (delayTime <= 0.0f) { gameHasControl = MediaPlayer.GameHasControl; if (gameHasControl) { try { MediaPlayer.Play(currentMediaPlayerSong); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; } catch { } } } else { currentSongDelayTime = delayTime; currentSongDelayTimeTotal = delayTime; } return null; #else currentSongCue = currentSoundBank.GetCue(name); if (delayTime <= 0.0f) { currentSongDelayTime = -1.0f; currentSongCue.Play(); } else { currentSongDelayTime = delayTime; } return currentSongCue; #endif }
private void InitializeInstance(SoundEffectInstance instance, Cue cue) { if (Pan.HasValue) instance.Pan = Pan.Value; else { instance.Pan = cue.Pan; } if (Pitch.HasValue) instance.Pitch = Pitch.Value; else { instance.Pitch = cue.Pitch; } if (Volume.HasValue) instance.Volume = Volume.Value; else { instance.Volume = cue.Volume; } }
public void RefreshProperties(Cue cue) { Pitch = cue.Pitch; Pan = cue.Pan; Volume = cue.Volume; }
public static bool IsValidForStop(Cue c) { return c != null && !c.IsDisposed && c.IsPlaying; }
public void StopCurrentSong() { if (currentSongCue != null) { currentSongCue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); currentSongCue = null; } else { gameHasControl = MediaPlayer.GameHasControl; if (gameHasControl) { try { MediaPlayer.Stop(); } catch { } currentMediaPlayerSong = null; } } }
public static bool IsValidForPlay(Cue c) { return c == null || c.IsDisposed || !c.IsPlaying; }
/// <summary> /// Set the AudioCue up to be ready to play the specified sound. /// </summary> /// <param name="soundBank">The SoundBank to find the sound in.</param> /// <param name="soundName">The name of the sound to play.</param> public void SetUp(SoundBank soundBank, String soundName) { Debug.Assert(m_state == State.AVAILABLE); m_cue = soundBank.GetCue(soundName); m_state = State.SETUP; }
static public Cue GetCue(string cueName) { Cue tempCue = new Cue(); return tempCue; }
public void PrevSong() { if (SongList.Count == 0) return; if (currentSongCue != null && currentSongCue.IsPlaying) currentSongCue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored); currentSongId = (--currentSongId + SongList.Count) % SongList.Count; #if !USE_XACT gameHasControl = MediaPlayer.GameHasControl; if (gameHasControl) { currentMediaPlayerSong = songs[SongList[currentSongId]]; try { MediaPlayer.Play(currentMediaPlayerSong); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; } catch { } } #else currentSongCue = currentSoundBank.GetCue(SongList[currentSongId]); currentSongCue.Play(); #endif }
public void SetCurrentSongCue(Cue songCue) { currentSongCue = songCue; }
/// <summary> /// Starts a new combat stage. Called right after the stage changes. /// </summary> /// <remarks>The stage never changes into NotStarted.</remarks> protected override void StartStage() { switch (stage) { case CombatActionStage.Preparing: // called from Start() { // play the animations combatant.CombatSprite.PlayAnimation("SpellCast"); spellSpritePosition = Combatant.Position; spell.SpellSprite.PlayAnimation("Creation"); // remove the magic points Combatant.PayCostForSpell(spell); } break; case CombatActionStage.Advancing: { // play the animations spell.SpellSprite.PlayAnimation("Traveling"); // calculate the projectile destination projectileDirection = Target.Position - Combatant.OriginalPosition; totalProjectileDistance = projectileDirection.Length(); projectileDirection.Normalize(); projectileDistanceCovered = 0f; // determine if the projectile is flipped if (Target.Position.X > Combatant.Position.X) { projectileSpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } else { projectileSpriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None; } // get the projectile's cue and play it projectileCue = AudioManager.GetCue(spell.TravelingCueName); if (projectileCue != null) { projectileCue.Play(); } } break; case CombatActionStage.Executing: { // play the animation spell.SpellSprite.PlayAnimation("Impact"); // stop the projectile sound effect if (projectileCue != null) { projectileCue.Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); } // apply the spell effect to the primary target bool damagedAnyone = ApplySpell(Target); // apply the spell to the secondary targets foreach (Combatant targetCombatant in CombatEngine.SecondaryTargetedCombatants) { // skip dead or dying targets if (targetCombatant.IsDeadOrDying) { continue; } // apply the spell damagedAnyone |= ApplySpell(targetCombatant); } // play the impact sound effect if (damagedAnyone) { AudioManager.PlayCue(spell.ImpactCueName); if (spell.Overlay != null) { spell.Overlay.PlayAnimation(0); spell.Overlay.ResetAnimation(); } } } break; case CombatActionStage.Returning: // play the animation combatant.CombatSprite.PlayAnimation("Idle"); break; case CombatActionStage.Finishing: // play the animation combatant.CombatSprite.PlayAnimation("Idle"); break; case CombatActionStage.Complete: // play the animation combatant.CombatSprite.PlayAnimation("Idle"); // make sure that the overlay has stopped spell.Overlay.StopAnimation(); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Marks this AudioCue as no longer in use /// </summary> public void Free() { Debug.Assert(m_state != State.AVAILABLE); Debug.Assert(false == m_cue.IsPlaying); m_cue.Dispose(); m_cue = null; m_state = State.AVAILABLE; }