Esempio n. 1
    Int32 DisplayPhone(string MakeFilter)
        Int32              PhoneID;                               //Var to store the primary key
        String             Make;                                  //Var to store the Make
        String             Model;                                 //Var to store the Model
        clsPhoneCollection MakeSearch = new clsPhoneCollection(); //Create an instance of the phone book class

        MakeSearch.ReportByMake(MakeFilter);                      //invoke the phone make filter
        Int32 RecordCount;                                        //Var to store the count of records
        Int32 Index = 0;                                          //Var to store the index for the loop

        RecordCount = MakeSearch.Count;                           //get the count of records
        lstPhones.Items.Clear();                                  //clear the list box
        while (Index < RecordCount)                               //While there are records to process
            PhoneID = MakeSearch.PhoneList[Index].PhoneID;        //get primary key
            Make    = MakeSearch.PhoneList[Index].Make;           //get Make
            Model   = MakeSearch.PhoneList[Index].Model;          //get Model
            //create a new entry for the list box
            ListItem NewEntry = new ListItem(Make + " " + Model, PhoneID.ToString());
        return(RecordCount); //return the count of records found
Esempio n. 2
        public void ReportByMakeTestDataFound()
        //Report By Make Test Data Found Method
            //create an instance of the filtered data
            clsPhoneCollection FilteredPhones = new clsPhoneCollection();
            //var to store outcome
            Boolean OK = true;

            //apply a make that does exist
            //check that the correct number of records are found
            if (FilteredPhones.Count == 2)
                //check that the first record id ID 36
                if (FilteredPhones.PhoneList[0].PhoneID != 7)
                    OK = false;

                //check that the first record is ID 37
                if (FilteredPhones.PhoneList[1].PhoneID != 8)
                    OK = false;

                OK = false;

            //test to see that the two values are the same
Esempio n. 3
        public void ReportByMakeNoneFound()
        //Report By Make None Found Method
            //create an instance of the filtered data
            clsPhoneCollection FilteredPhones = new clsPhoneCollection();

            //apply a blank string (Should return all phones)
            FilteredPhones.ReportByMake(" xxxx");
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(0, FilteredPhones.Count);
Esempio n. 4
        public void ReportByMakeMethodOK()
        //Report By Make Method
            //create an instance of the class containing unfiltered results
            clsPhoneCollection AllPhones = new clsPhoneCollection();
            //create an instance of the filtered data
            clsPhoneCollection FilteredPhones = new clsPhoneCollection();

            //apply a blank string (Should return all phones)
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AllPhones.Count, FilteredPhones.Count);