public void GetWorkItem_OnValidRequest_ReturnsWorkItem() { // ARRANGE DbContextOptions <TestDatabaseContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <TestDatabaseContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .Options; IDatabaseContext dbContext = new TestDatabaseContext(options); WorkItemRepository repository = new WorkItemRepository(dbContext); WorkItemConverter converter = new WorkItemConverter(dbContext); WorkItem workItem = new WorkItem() { Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), WorkItemEnd = DateTime.Now, WorkItemStart = DateTime.Now, WorkItemCollectionId = 1 }; dbContext.WorkItems.Add(workItem); dbContext.SaveChanges(); // ACT WorkItemPublic result = repository.GetWorkItem(1); // ASSERT result.Should().BeEquivalentTo <WorkItemPublic>(converter.Convert(workItem)); }
private static void GetWorkItem(APIHelper aPIHelper, AzureServiceConfiguration azureServiceConfiguration) { Console.WriteLine($"Obtendo os dados do Work Item de ID {azureServiceConfiguration.LastWorkItemID}"); WorkItemDTO workItemDTO = aPIHelper.Get <WorkItemDTO>($"{azureServiceConfiguration.Organization}/{azureServiceConfiguration.Project}/_apis/wit/workitems/{azureServiceConfiguration.LastWorkItemID}?fields=System.Id,System.Title,System.WorkItemType,System.CreatedDate&api-version=5.1").GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (workItemDTO != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Dados do Work Item de ID {azureServiceConfiguration.LastWorkItemID} foram encontrados e serão adicionados ao banco de dados"); WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository(new AzureDevOpsDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext()); workItemRepository.Add(new WorkItem { ID = workItemDTO.fields.SystemId, Title = workItemDTO.fields.SystemTitle, Type = workItemDTO.fields.SystemWorkItemType, CreatedOn = workItemDTO.fields.SystemCreatedDate }); azureServiceConfiguration.LastWorkItemID++; GetWorkItem(aPIHelper, azureServiceConfiguration); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Dados do Work Item de ID {azureServiceConfiguration.LastWorkItemID} não foram encontrados a rotina será encerrada"); azureServiceConfiguration.LastWorkItemID--; azureServiceConfigurationRepository.Update(azureServiceConfiguration); } }
public int AddWorkItem(WorkItemDto dto, string userId) { UserWorkItem workItem = null; using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository()) { workItem = workItemRepository .Find(x => x.TaskId == dto.TaskId && x.WeekId == dto.WeekId && x.UserId == userId && x.ServerId == dto.ServerId); if (workItem != null) { throw new Exception("Work Item already exists"); } // Add a new work item. UserWorkItem userWorkItem = new UserWorkItem { WeekId = dto.WeekId, UserId = dto.UserId, TaskId = dto.TaskId, ServerId = dto.ServerId, Title = dto.Title, Description = dto.Description }; return(workItemRepository.Insert(userWorkItem)); } }
public int MoveWorkItemToPrevious(WorkItemDto workItemDto) { if (workItemDto == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(workItemDto), "WorkItem cannot be null"); } int workItemWeekId = workItemDto.WeekId; int previousWeekId = -1; using (WeekInfoRepository weekInfoRepository = new WeekInfoRepository()) { WeekInfo weekInfo = weekInfoRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemWeekId); if (weekInfo == null) { throw new Exception("Week not found."); } DateTime startDate = weekInfo.StartDate; DateTime nextDate = startDate.AddDays(-7); weekInfo = weekInfoRepository .Find(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.StartDate) == nextDate); if (weekInfo == null) { throw new Exception("Next Week not found."); } previousWeekId = weekInfo.Id; } using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository()) { UserWorkItem workItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemDto.Id); if (workItem == null) { throw new Exception("Work Item not found"); } // Validate if work item already exists in previous week. UserWorkItem previousWeekWorkItem = workItemRepository .Find(x => x.TaskId == workItemDto.TaskId && x.WeekId == previousWeekId && x.ServerId == workItemDto.ServerId); if (previousWeekWorkItem != null) { workItemRepository.Delete(previousWeekWorkItem); } workItem.WeekId = previousWeekId; workItem.State = WorkItemState.New; int nextWorkItemId = workItemRepository.Insert(workItem); UserWorkItem currentWorkItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemDto.Id); // update the current work item. currentWorkItem.State = WorkItemState.Moved; workItemRepository.Update(currentWorkItem); return(nextWorkItemId); } }
public UnitOfWork(ApplicationDbContext dbContext) { _dbContext = dbContext; _projectRepository = new ProjectRepository(_dbContext); _userRepository = new UserRepository(_dbContext); _workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository(_dbContext); _commentRepository = new CommentRepository(_dbContext); }
public IEnumerable <WorkItem> GetItems(int limit) { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WorkTrekEntities"].ConnectionString; WorkItemRepository repository = new WorkItemRepository(connectionString); var list = repository.Entities.Take(limit).ToList(); return(list); }
public List <WorkItemDto> GetWorkItemByTaskId(int taskId, int weekId) { using (WorkItemRepository repository = new WorkItemRepository()) { return(repository .Filter(x => x.TaskId == taskId && x.WeekId == weekId) .Select(x => x.ToDto(x.Id)).ToList()); } }
public List <WorkItemDto> GetUserSyncedTasksByDateRange(DateTime fromDate, DateTime endDate, string userId, bool includeIncompleteItems = false) { List <WorkItemDto> workItemDtos = new List <WorkItemDto>(); if (fromDate.Date > DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(7)) { return(workItemDtos); } if (endDate.Date < fromDate.Date) { return(workItemDtos); } WeekInfo currentWeekInfo = null; List <int> weekIdRange = new List <int>(); using (WeekInfoRepository repository = new WeekInfoRepository()) { currentWeekInfo = repository.GetCurrentWeekInfo(); if (currentWeekInfo == null) { throw new Exception("Current Week is not registered."); } IQueryable <WeekInfo> weekItems = repository.FilterLocal( x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.StartDate) >= fromDate && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.EndDate) <= endDate); weekIdRange = weekItems.Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); } if (weekIdRange.Count == 0 && !includeIncompleteItems) { return(workItemDtos); } // Get Current Week Tasks. if (weekIdRange.Contains(currentWeekInfo.Id)) { List <WorkItemDto> userWorkItems = GetUserCurrentWeekSyncedTasks(userId, includeIncompleteItems); workItemDtos.AddRange(userWorkItems); weekIdRange = weekIdRange.Except(new List <int>() { currentWeekInfo.Id }).ToList(); } // Get other week Tasks. using (WorkItemRepository repository = new WorkItemRepository()) { List <WorkItemDto> otherWeekWorkItems = repository.Filter(x => weekIdRange.Contains(x.WeekId)).ToList() .Select(x => x.ToDto(x.Id)).ToList(); workItemDtos.AddRange(otherWeekWorkItems); } return(workItemDtos); }
public WorkItemFileManager( WorkItemPermissionManager workItemPermissionManager, UserContext userContext, WorkItemRepository repository) { this.workItemPermissionManager = workItemPermissionManager; this.userContext = userContext; this.repository = repository; }
public int CopyWorkItemToNext(WorkItemDto workItemDto) { if (workItemDto == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(workItemDto), "WorkItem cannot be null"); } int workItemWeekId = workItemDto.WeekId; int nextWeekId = -1; using (WeekInfoRepository weekInfoRepository = new WeekInfoRepository()) { WeekInfo weekInfo = weekInfoRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemWeekId); if (weekInfo == null) { throw new Exception("Week not found."); } DateTime startDate = weekInfo.StartDate; DateTime nextDate = startDate.AddDays(7); weekInfo = weekInfoRepository .Find(x => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(x.StartDate) == nextDate); if (weekInfo == null) { throw new Exception("Next Week not found."); } nextWeekId = weekInfo.Id; } using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository()) { UserWorkItem workItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.Id == workItemDto.Id); if (workItem == null) { throw new Exception("Work Item not found"); } // Validate if work item already exists in next week. UserWorkItem nextWeekWorkItem = workItemRepository .Find(x => x.TaskId == workItemDto.TaskId && x.WeekId == nextWeekId && x.ServerId == workItemDto.ServerId); if (nextWeekWorkItem != null) { workItemRepository.Delete(nextWeekWorkItem); } // Clone the work item. workItem.WeekId = nextWeekId; workItem.State = WorkItemState.New; int nextWorkItemId = workItemRepository.Insert(workItem); return(nextWorkItemId); } }
public override void Initialize(object sender, SectionInitializeEventArgs e) { base.Initialize(sender, e); _settingsRepository = new SettingsRepository(e.ServiceProvider); _workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository(CurrentContext); var view = new MyWorkItemsSectionView(); SectionContent = view; view.DataContext = this; view.Loaded += ViewOnLoaded; }
public void ShouldGetUpdatesForWorkItem() { using (var client = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VSOnlineBaseUrl"]) }) { var connection = new TfsConnection(userName, password, client); var repo = new WorkItemRepository(connection); var results = repo.GetWorkItemUpdates(86); Assert.IsTrue(results.Result.Where(s => s.ChangedDate != string.Empty).All(s => s.Id != 0)); } }
public bool DeleteWorkItem(WorkItemDto dto, string userId) { using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository()) { UserWorkItem workItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.Id == dto.Id); if (workItem != null) { workItemRepository.Delete(workItem); return(true); } } return(false); }
public void ShouldGetWorkItemsFromQuery() { using (var client = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VSOnlineBaseUrl"]) }) { var connection = new TfsConnection(userName, password, client); var repo = new WorkItemRepository(connection); var results = repo.GetInProcAndClosedWorkItems(@"BPS.Scrum\Dev -SEP Project"); Assert.IsTrue(results.Result.WorkItems.All(r => r.Id != 0)); } }
public WorkItemDto GetWorkItemByTaskId(int taskId, int weekId, int serverId) { WorkItemDto workItem = null; using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository()) { UserWorkItem entity = workItemRepository. Find(x => x.TaskId == taskId && x.WeekId == weekId && x.ServerId == x.ServerId); if (entity != null) { return(entity.ToDto(entity.Id)); } } return(workItem); }
private void GetWorkItemStore() { try { string tfsUrl = (string)Session["TfsUrl"]; string collectionName = (string)Session["SelectedCollection"]; Uri teamCollectionUri = new Uri(tfsUrl + "/" + collectionName); WorkItemStore workItemStore = WorkItemRepository.Get(teamCollectionUri); Session["WorkItemStore"] = workItemStore; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } }
public void UpdateWorkItem_OnValidRequest_UpdatesWorkItem() { // ARRANGE DbContextOptions <TestDatabaseContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <TestDatabaseContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .Options; IDatabaseContext dbContext = new TestDatabaseContext(options); WorkItemRepository repository = new WorkItemRepository(dbContext); WorkItemPublic workItem = new WorkItemPublic() { ID = 1, Description = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), WorkItemEnd = DateTime.Now, WorkItemStart = DateTime.Now, WorkItemCollectionID = 1 }; dbContext.WorkItems.Add(new WorkItem() { ID = 1 }); dbContext.WorkItemCollections.Add(new WorkItemCollection() { ID = 1, TaskBoardId = 1 }); dbContext.TaskBoards.Add(new TaskBoard() { ID = 1, UserID = 1 }); dbContext.Users.Add(new User() { ID = 1 }); dbContext.SaveChanges(); // ACT WorkItemPublic result = repository.UpdateWorkItem(workItem); // ASSERT result.Should().BeEquivalentTo <WorkItemPublic>(workItem); }
public WorkItemDto GetWorkItemById(int taskId, int serverId, int weekId, string userId) { UserWorkItem userWorkItem = null; using (WorkItemRepository repository = new WorkItemRepository()) { userWorkItem = repository.Find( x => x.TaskId == taskId && x.ServerId == serverId && x.WeekId == weekId && x.UserId == userId); } if (userWorkItem == null) { return(null); } return(userWorkItem.ToDto(userWorkItem.Id)); }
public void ShouldGetworkItems() { using (var client = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VSOnlineBaseUrl"]) }) { var connection = new TfsConnection(userName, password, client); var repo = new WorkItemRepository(connection); var results = repo.GetInProcAndClosedWorkItems(@"BPS.Scrum\Dev -SEP Project"); var workItemIds = results.Result.WorkItems.Select(r => r.Id).ToArray(); var wi = repo.GetWorkItems(workItemIds); Assert.IsNotNull(wi.Result.First().Id); Assert.IsNotNull(wi.Result.First().Rev); Assert.IsNotNull(wi.Result.First().Title); Assert.IsNotNull(wi.Result.First().Effort); Assert.IsNotNull(wi.Result.First().State); Assert.IsNotNull(wi.Result.First().ChangedDate); Assert.IsNotNull(wi.Result.First().ClosedDate); } }
public void DeleteWorkItem_OnValidRequest_DeletesWorkItem() { // ARRANGE DbContextOptions <TestDatabaseContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <TestDatabaseContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .Options; IDatabaseContext dbContext = new TestDatabaseContext(options); WorkItemRepository repository = new WorkItemRepository(dbContext); dbContext.WorkItems.Add(new WorkItem() { ID = 1 }); dbContext.SaveChanges(); // ACT repository.DeleteWorkItem(1); // ASSERT dbContext.WorkItems.Any(wi => wi.ID == 1).Should().BeFalse(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { using (var workItemRepo = new WorkItemRepository()) { const string c_collectionUri = ""; const string c_projectName = "MyGreatProject"; const string c_repoName = "MyRepo"; // Interactively ask the user for credentials, caching them so the user isn't constantly prompted VssCredentials creds = new VssClientCredentials(); creds.Storage = new VssClientCredentialStorage(); // Connect to VSTS VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(c_collectionUri), creds); // Get a GitHttpClient to talk to the Git endpoints GitHttpClient gitClient = connection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>(); // Get data about a specific repository var repo = gitClient.GetRepositoryAsync(c_projectName, c_repoName).Result; var a = workItemRepo.GetAll().ToList(); } }
public void SetUp() { _workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository(_connection); }
public List <WorkItemDto> GetUserCurrentWeekSyncedTasks(string userId, bool includeIncompleteItems = true) { List <WorkItemDto> currentWeekTasks = new List <WorkItemDto>(); WeekInfo currentWeek = null; UserInfo currentUser = null; using (UserInfoRepository userInfoRepository = new UserInfoRepository()) { currentUser = userInfoRepository.Find(x => x.UserId == userId); if (currentUser == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("User Id {0} not found", userId)); } } // Get current week. using (WeekInfoRepository repository = new WeekInfoRepository()) { currentWeek = repository.GetCurrentWeekInfo(); if (currentWeek == null) { throw new Exception("Current Week is not registered."); } } // Get servers configured for the user. List <UserServerInfo> userServers = new List <UserServerInfo>(); using (UserServerInfoRepository repository = new UserServerInfoRepository()) { userServers = repository.Filter(x => x.UserId == userId).ToList(); } // Get user incomplete tasks from task repository. List <int> currentWeekTaskIdList = new List <int>(); List <int> currentWeekMovedTaskList = new List <int>(); foreach (UserServerInfo server in userServers) { using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository()) { IQueryable <UserWorkItem> currentWeekSavedTasks = workItemRepository .Filter(x => x.ServerId == server.Id && x.UserId == userId && x.State != WorkItemState.Moved && x.WeekId == currentWeek.Id); IQueryable <UserWorkItem> currentWeekMovedTasks = workItemRepository .Filter(x => x.ServerId == server.Id && x.UserId == userId && x.State == WorkItemState.Moved && x.WeekId == currentWeek.Id); currentWeekTaskIdList = currentWeekSavedTasks.Select(x => x.TaskId).ToList(); currentWeekMovedTaskList = currentWeekSavedTasks.Select(x => x.TaskId).ToList(); } TeamServer teamServer = null; using (TeamServerRepository repository = new TeamServerRepository()) { teamServer = repository.Find(x => x.Id == server.TfsId); if (teamServer == null) { continue; } } // Get all tasks by id including to do items. List <WorkItem> userIncompleteItems = _teamServerManagementService .GetWorkItemsByIds(currentWeekTaskIdList, teamServer.Url, server.CredentialHash, includeIncompleteItems); using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository()) { foreach (WorkItem item in userIncompleteItems) { // Add new items. UserWorkItem existingWorkItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.UserId == userId && x.WeekId == currentWeek.Id && x.TaskId == item.Id); if (existingWorkItem == null) { UserWorkItem newWorkItem = item.ToEntity(server.TfsId); newWorkItem.UserId = userId; newWorkItem.AssignedTo = currentUser.FirstName + " " + currentUser.LastName; newWorkItem.WeekId = currentWeek.Id; int newWorkItemId = workItemRepository.Insert(newWorkItem); currentWeekTasks.Add(newWorkItem.ToDto(newWorkItemId)); } else { existingWorkItem.Title = item.Title; existingWorkItem.Status = item.State; existingWorkItem.Sprint = item.IterationPath; existingWorkItem.Project = item.AreaPath; existingWorkItem.Description = item.Description; workItemRepository.Update(existingWorkItem); currentWeekTasks.Add(existingWorkItem.ToDto(existingWorkItem.Id)); } } } } return(currentWeekTasks); }
public WorkItemService() { workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository(new AzureDevOpsDbContextFactory().CreateDbContext()); }
public List <WorkItemDto> GetUserIncompleteSyncedTasks(int serverId, string userId) { TeamServer server = null; List <WorkItemDto> workItemsDtoList = new List <WorkItemDto>(); UserServerInfo userServerInfo = null; try { using (TeamServerRepository teamServerRepository = new TeamServerRepository()) { server = teamServerRepository.GetById(serverId); if (server == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid Server Id : {0}", serverId)); } } UserInfo userInfo = null; using (UserInfoRepository userInfoRepository = new UserInfoRepository()) { userInfo = userInfoRepository.Find(x => x.UserId == userId); if (userInfo == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("User with ID {0} Not Found", userId)); } } using (UserServerInfoRepository userServerInfoRepository = new UserServerInfoRepository()) { userServerInfo = userServerInfoRepository.FindLocal( x => x.UserId == userId && x.TfsId == serverId ); if (userServerInfo == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("User with id : {0} is not registered with server id : {1}", userId, serverId)); } } string credentialHash = userServerInfo.CredentialHash; string url = server.Url; WeekInfo currentWeek = null; using (WeekInfoRepository weekInfoRepository = new WeekInfoRepository()) { currentWeek = weekInfoRepository.GetCurrentWeekInfo(); if (currentWeek == null) { throw new Exception("Current Week is not registered."); } } List <WorkItem> tfsWorkItems = _teamServerManagementService.GetUserIncompleteItems(url, credentialHash); using (WorkItemRepository workItemRepository = new WorkItemRepository()) { foreach (WorkItem item in tfsWorkItems) { // Add new items. UserWorkItem existingWorkItem = workItemRepository.Find(x => x.UserId == userId && x.WeekId == currentWeek.Id && x.TaskId == item.Id); if (existingWorkItem == null) { UserWorkItem newWorkItem = item.ToEntity(userServerInfo.TfsId); newWorkItem.UserId = userId; newWorkItem.AssignedTo = userInfo.FirstName + " " + userInfo.LastName; newWorkItem.WeekId = currentWeek.Id; int newWorkItemId = workItemRepository.Insert(newWorkItem); workItemsDtoList.Add(newWorkItem.ToDto(newWorkItemId)); } else { existingWorkItem.Title = item.Title; existingWorkItem.Status = item.State; existingWorkItem.Sprint = item.IterationPath; existingWorkItem.Project = item.AreaPath; existingWorkItem.Description = item.Description; workItemRepository.Update(existingWorkItem); workItemsDtoList.Add(existingWorkItem.ToDto(existingWorkItem.Id)); } } } return(workItemsDtoList); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); throw; } }