Esempio n. 1
        public byte[] GenerateLetter(VisaLetter visaLetter)
            var doc = InitializeDocument();
            var ms = new MemoryStream();
            var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms); //This binds the memory stream to the doc.

            var table = InitializeTable();

            WriteHeader(table, doc);

            #region Date Approved
            table = InitializeTable(2);
            table.SetWidths(new float[] { 61, 39 });
            //table.AddCell(InitializeCell(halignment: Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, bottomBorder: false, overridePaddingTop: 5, overridePaddingBottom: 20));
            table.AddCell(InitializeCell(bottomBorder: false, font: _smallPrint, padding: false));
            #endregion Date Approved

            table = InitializeTable();
            table.AddCell(InitializeCell(visaLetter.DateDecided.HasValue ? visaLetter.DateDecided.Value.Date.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") : DateTime.UtcNow.ToPacificTime().Date.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"), halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, overridePaddingTop: 5, overridePaddingBottom: 20));
            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("To Whom It May Concern", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, overridePaddingBottom:25));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell(string.Format("RE:  {0} {1} Request for Visa", visaLetter.StudentFirstName, visaLetter.StudentLastName), halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, overridePaddingBottom:10));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell(string.Format("{0} {1} is completing {2} requirements for a {3} degree in {4}.  {5} is participating in the College of {6}’s commencement ceremony held at the UC Davis campus in Davis, California, United States of America on {7}."
                , visaLetter.StudentFirstName               //0
                , visaLetter.StudentLastName                //1
                , visaLetter.Gender == "M" ? "his" : "her"  //2
                , visaLetter.Degree                         //3
                , visaLetter.MajorName                      //4
                , visaLetter.Gender == "M" ? "He" : "She"   //5
                , visaLetter.CollegeName                    //6
                , visaLetter.CeremonyDateTime.HasValue ? visaLetter.CeremonyDateTime.Value.Date.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") : "ERROR") //7
                , halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell(string.Format("{0} {1} would be extremely appreciative if {2} {3}, {4} {5} could attend the ceremony.  {6}. {4} {5} resides at:"
                , visaLetter.Gender == "M" ? "Mr." : "Ms."  //0
                , visaLetter.StudentLastName                //1
                , visaLetter.Gender == "M" ? "his" : "her"  //2
                , visaLetter.RelationshipToStudent          //3
                , visaLetter.RelativeFirstName              //4
                , visaLetter.RelativeLastName               //5
                , visaLetter.RelativeTitle                  //6
                , halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell(visaLetter.RelativeMailingAddress, halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, overridePaddingBottom: 10));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell(string.Format("This is a memorable occasion and we hope that {0}. {1} {2} can attend."
                , visaLetter.RelativeTitle                  //0
                , visaLetter.RelativeFirstName              //1
                , visaLetter.RelativeLastName               //2
                ), halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false));

            WriteSignature(visaLetter, table, doc);

               // doc.Add(table);

            WriteFooter(visaLetter, writer);


            return ms.ToArray();
Esempio n. 2
        private Ceremony GetCeremonyForVisaLetter(VisaLetter letter, bool useDefaultCeremony = false)
            var termCode = TermService.GetCurrent();
            var currentReg = _registrationRepository.Queryable.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Student == letter.Student && a.TermCode.Id == termCode.Id);

            // has this student registered yet?
            if (currentReg != null)
                // display previous registration
                var participation = currentReg.RegistrationParticipations.FirstOrDefault(a => !a.Cancelled && !a.Registration.Student.SjaBlock && !a.Registration.Student.Blocked);
                if (participation != null && participation.Ceremony.Colleges.Any(a => a.Id == letter.CollegeCode))
                    return participation.Ceremony;

            if (useDefaultCeremony) //So we can grab a template. But we don't want to use this for defaulting the date
                return Repository.OfType<Ceremony>().Queryable.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == 1);
            return null;
Esempio n. 3
 private void WriteFooter(VisaLetter visaLetter, PdfWriter writer)
     var ct = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent);
     Phrase myText = new Phrase(string.Format("Letter Id:  {0}", visaLetter.ReferenceGuid), _smallPrint);
     ct.SetSimpleColumn(myText, 0, 50, _pageWidth + 40, 0, 0, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);
Esempio n. 4
        private void WriteSignature(VisaLetter visaLetter, PdfPTable table, Document doc)
            string url;
            Image img;
            var user = _repository.OfType<vUser>().Queryable.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LoginId == visaLetter.ApprovedBy);
            Check.Require(user != null, "Approval User is required");

            var cell = InitializeCell("Should you need more information, please contact me at ", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false);
            var anchor = new Anchor(user.Email, _linkFont);
            anchor.Reference = string.Format("mailto:{0}", user.Email);




            table = InitializeTable(2);
            table.SetWidths(new float[]{40,60});
            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, overridePaddingTop: 20));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("Kind regards.", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false, overridePaddingTop: 20));

            url = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/Images/vl_{0}_signature.png", user.LoginId.ToLower().Trim()));
            if (File.Exists(url))
                img = Image.GetInstance(new Uri(url));
                img.ScaleToFit(140f, 40f);
                throw new Exception("Image not found " + url);

            var imageCell = new PdfPCell(img);
            imageCell.BorderWidthLeft = 0;
            imageCell.BorderWidthRight = 0;
            imageCell.BorderWidthTop = 0;
            imageCell.BorderWidthBottom = 0;
            imageCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT;

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false));
            table.AddCell(imageCell); // (InitializeCell(img, halignment: Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, bottomBorder: false));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false));
            table.AddCell(InitializeCell(user.FullName, halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false, overridePaddingTop: 0));
            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("Commencement Coordinator", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false, overridePaddingTop: 0));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false, overridePaddingTop: 0));
            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("UC Davis", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false, overridePaddingTop: 0));

            table.AddCell(InitializeCell("", halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false, overridePaddingTop: 0));
            table.AddCell(InitializeCell(user.Phone, halignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT, bottomBorder: false, padding: false, overridePaddingTop: 0));

Esempio n. 5
        public string GenerateVisaLetterRequestDecision(VisaLetter visaLetter, Template template, HttpRequestBase request, UrlHelper url)
            _ceremony = new Ceremony(); //Don't care about ceremony
            _student = visaLetter.Student;
            _registration = new Registration(); //Don't Need
            _template = template;
            _visaLetter = visaLetter;

            _request = request;
            _url = url;

            return HandleBody(template.BodyText);
        public static AdminVisaDetailsModel Create(VisaLetter visaLetter, List<VisaLetter> relatedLetters)
            var viewModel = new AdminVisaDetailsModel() {VisaLetter = visaLetter, RelatedLetters = relatedLetters};

            return viewModel;
Esempio n. 7
        public ActionResult RequestVisaLetter(VisaLetterPostModel model)
            // validate student is in our DB, otherwise we need to do a lookup
            var student = GetCurrentStudent();

            // we were just unable to find record
            if (student == null) return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.NotFound());

            var existingLetter = Repository.OfType<VisaLetter>().Queryable.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Student.StudentId == student.StudentId && !a.IsCanceled && !a.IsDenied);
            if (existingLetter != null)
                ViewBag.AllowChange = false;
                ViewBag.AllowChange = true;

            var visaLetter = new VisaLetter();
            visaLetter.Student = student;
            visaLetter.Ceremony = model.Ceremony;
            visaLetter.MajorName = model.MajorName;
            visaLetter.RelationshipToStudent = model.RelationshipToStudent;
            visaLetter.RelativeFirstName = model.RelativeFirstName;
            visaLetter.RelativeLastName = model.RelativeLastName;
            visaLetter.RelativeMailingAddress = model.RelativeMailingAddress;
            visaLetter.RelativeTitle = model.RelativeTitle;
            visaLetter.StudentFirstName = model.StudentFirstName;
            visaLetter.StudentLastName = model.StudentLastName;
            visaLetter.Gender = model.Gender;
            visaLetter.CollegeCode = model.CollegeCode;
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(visaLetter.CollegeCode))
                visaLetter.CollegeName = SelectLists.CollegeNames.Single(a => a.Value == visaLetter.CollegeCode).Text;
            visaLetter.Degree = model.Degree;
            visaLetter.HardCopy = model.HardCopy;

            var termCode = TermService.GetCurrent();
            var currentReg = _registrationRepository.Queryable.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Student == student && a.TermCode.Id == termCode.Id);

            // has this student registered yet?
            if (currentReg != null)
                // display previous registration
                var participation = currentReg.RegistrationParticipations.FirstOrDefault(a => !a.Cancelled && !a.Registration.Student.SjaBlock && !a.Registration.Student.Blocked);
                if (participation != null && participation.Ceremony.Colleges.Any(a => a.Id == visaLetter.CollegeCode))
                    visaLetter.CeremonyDateTime = participation.Ceremony.DateTime;


            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //TODO: Try and pull to see if student is registered. If so, set values for which ceremony and which date.

                Message = "Request Created";

                return this.RedirectToAction("VisaLetterReceipt");

            Message = "Please correct errors and try again.";
            return View(visaLetter);
Esempio n. 8
        public ActionResult RequestVisaLetter()
            // validate student is in our DB, otherwise we need to do a lookup
            var student = GetCurrentStudent();

            // we were just unable to find record
            if (student == null) return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.NotFound());

            var existingLetter = Repository.OfType<VisaLetter>().Queryable.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Student.StudentId == student.StudentId && !a.IsCanceled && !a.IsDenied);

            ViewBag.AllowChange = true;

            var letter = new VisaLetter();
            letter.Student = student;
            if (existingLetter != null)
                letter.StudentFirstName = existingLetter.StudentFirstName;
                letter.StudentLastName = existingLetter.StudentLastName;
                letter.MajorName = existingLetter.MajorName;
                letter.CollegeCode = existingLetter.CollegeCode;
                letter.Gender = existingLetter.Gender;
                letter.CollegeName = existingLetter.CollegeName;
                letter.Degree = existingLetter.Degree;
                letter.HardCopy = existingLetter.HardCopy;
                letter.Ceremony = existingLetter.Ceremony;
                ViewBag.AllowChange = false;
                ViewBag.AllowCeremonyChange = false;
                letter.StudentFirstName = student.FirstName;
                letter.StudentLastName = student.LastName;
                var major = student.Majors.FirstOrDefault();
                if (major != null)
                    letter.MajorName = major.MajorName;
                    letter.CollegeCode = major.College.Id;

            var checkStudent = CheckStudentForVisaLetter();
            switch (checkStudent)
                case "NotEligible":
                    return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.NotEligible()); //Blocked
                case "SJA":
                    return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.SJA());
                case "S":
                    letter.Ceremony = 'S';
                    ViewBag.AllowCeremonyChange = false;
                case "F":
                    letter.Ceremony = 'F';
                    ViewBag.AllowCeremonyChange = false;
                case "PreviouslyWalked":
                    return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.PreviouslyWalked());
                case "CeremonyOver":
                    return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.CeremonyOver());


            return View(letter);
Esempio n. 9
 public void QueueVisaLetterDecision(VisaLetter visaLetter, Ceremony ceremony, HttpRequestBase request, UrlHelper url)
     Check.Require(visaLetter != null, "Visa Letter Request Required.");
     var template = ceremony.Templates.FirstOrDefault(a => a.TemplateType.Name == StaticValues.Template_VisaLetterDecision && a.IsActive);
     if (template != null)
         var subject = template.Subject;
         var body = _letterGenerator.GenerateVisaLetterRequestDecision(visaLetter, template, request, url);
         var emailQueue = new EmailQueue(visaLetter.Student, template, subject, body);