RenderView() public static method

public static RenderView ( string path, object data ) : string
path string
data object
return string
Esempio n. 1
 public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
     string appRelativePath = context.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath;
     string controlPath = appRelativePath.ToLower().Replace(".jza", ".ascx");
     var viewManager = new ViewManager<UserControl>();
     var control = viewManager.LoadViewControl(controlPath);
     SelectPropertyMetaDataProc.SetPropertyValues(control, context);
     context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
Esempio n. 2
    public string GetToolTipData(object context)
        IDictionary <string, object> contextDictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)context;
        string elementID = ((string)contextDictionary["Value"]);
        long   id        = long.Parse(elementID);

        if (elementID == string.Empty)
            throw new Exception("No Value argument is provided to the webservice!");

        EntidadesConosud dc = new EntidadesConosud();

        Entidades.Legajos leg = (from E in dc.Legajos
                                 where E.IdLegajos == id
                                 select E).First <Entidades.Legajos>();

        //DataTable information = new DataTable();

        //SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
        //    conn.Open();

        //    SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();

        //    try
        //    {
        //        adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [Customers] WHERE CustomerID=@id", conn);
        //        adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", elementID);
        //        adapter.Fill(information);
        //    }
        //    finally
        //    {
        //        if (!Object.Equals(adapter.SelectCommand, null)) adapter.SelectCommand.Dispose();
        //    }
        //    if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
        //    {
        //        conn.Close();
        //    }

        //DataRow row = information.Rows[0];

        return(ViewManager.RenderView("LegajosInfo.ascx", leg));
    public string GetToolTipData(object context)
        IDictionary <string, object> contextDictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)context;
        string elementID = ((string)contextDictionary["Value"]);

        // elementID is the user_id
        // will send a single row of a datatable to the tooltip

        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        dt = qPtl_User.GetSingleUserTooltip(Convert.ToInt32(elementID));
        DataRow row = dt.Rows[0];

        return(ViewManager.RenderView("~/social/controls/profile/tooltip.ascx", dt));
Esempio n. 4
    public string GetCustomersByCountry(object context, string path)
        IDictionary <string, object> contextDictionary = (IDictionary <string, object>)context;
        string country = ((string)contextDictionary["Value"]);

        DataTable customers = ToolTipWebService.DB_GetCustomersByCountry(country);

        if (customers.Rows.Count > 0)
            return(ViewManager.RenderView(path + "Customers.ascx", customers));
            return(ViewManager.RenderView(path + "NoCustomers.ascx", null));
Esempio n. 5
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            ViewManager vm = new ViewManager();

            vm.AddView("index", "~/views/index.html");

            context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";

            String oAuthURL = Authorization.GetAuthorizationUrl("", "");

            vm.Arguments = new Dictionary <String, String>()
                { "AUTH_CODE", oAuthURL }

Esempio n. 6
        private void enableToolboxCard(HttpContext ctx, IAuthenticator authInterface)
                // set authorization from session;
                this.authorizationCode = ctx.Session["CODE"].ToString();
                // get the user id
                String userId = DAL.RetrieveUserIdByAuthCode(this.authorizationCode);
                // get the view code for the new timeline card
                ViewManager vm = new ViewManager();
                // add view
                vm.AddView("timelineCardToolbox", "~/views/toolboxTimelineCardCover.html");
                // insert timeline card while rendering new view
                TimelineItem toolboxCard = Mirror.insertToolboxTimelineCard(Mirror.BuildService(authInterface), vm.RenderView("timelineCardToolbox"));
                // make timeline toolbox card with new item
                PostToolbox pt = new PostToolbox()
                    userId   = userId,
                    itemId   = toolboxCard.Id,
                    isActive = true

                // insert it into the database
                DAL.InsertPostToolbox(pt.userId, pt.itemId, pt.isActive);
            catch (Exception ex)
                String requestId = DAL.RetrieveRequestIdByAuthCode(this.authorizationCode);
                DAL.InsertAccessLog(requestId, userId, ex.ToString());
        private void handleReply(HttpContext ctx, Notification mirror, String requestPayload)
            // create new string builder to hold the response
            StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();

            // access the credential state
            IAuthorizationState credentialState = DAL.RetrieveCredentialsByRequestIdAndUserToken(mirror.UserToken, mirror.VerifyToken);

            // get auth code from the verify token
            String authCode = DAL.RetrieveAuthCodeByRequestId(mirror.VerifyToken);

            // we can reuse the access token
            IAuthenticator credentials = Authorization.GetAuthenticatorFromState(credentialState);

            // get the speakable text
            TimelineItem timelineItem = Mirror.getTimelineItem(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), mirror.ItemId);

            // get the new title and in reply to
            String newTitle  = timelineItem.Text;
            String inReplyTo = timelineItem.InReplyTo;

            // remove the extra timline card
            Mirror.DeleteTimelineItem(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), timelineItem.Id);

            // get active blogger link
            BlogLink bl = DAL.GetActiveBlogLinkByUserId(mirror.UserToken);

            // we need to determine if this came from our post toolbox or not
            PostToolbox postToolbox = DAL.GetPostToolbox(bl.userId);

            if (postToolbox.itemId == inReplyTo)
            // it's a new post request from the toolbox
                // new posting
                String newPostText = newTitle;

                // post manager
                PostManager pm = new PostManager();

                // create blogger post instance
                Post postInsertRequest = new Post();

                    // append brand
                    newPostText += "<code><br />Posted From Glass</code>";

                    // use post insert request to handle items
                    postInsertRequest = Blogger.insertPost(Blogger.BuildService(credentials), bl, newPostText);

                    // create the response that will go to glass
                    ViewManager bloggerViewHandler = new ViewManager();
                    bloggerViewHandler.AddView("bloggerText", "~/views/bloggerTextPost.html");
                    bloggerViewHandler.Arguments = new Dictionary <String, String>()
                        { "BLOG_NAME", bl.blogName },
                        { "BLOG_TEXT", newPostText }
                    timelineItem = Mirror.insertTimelineItem(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), bloggerViewHandler.RenderView("bloggerText"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // notify user of exception
                    DAL.InsertAccessLog(mirror.VerifyToken, mirror.UserToken, ex.ToString());
                    response.Append("<article>\n  <section>\n    <div class=\"text-auto-size\" style=\"\">\n      <p class=\"red\">Unable to Insert Text Post</p>\n      <p>Problem with Inserting Text Post</p>\n    </div>\n  </section>\n  <footer>\n    <div>please share again later</div>\n  </footer>\n</article>\n");
                    timelineItem = Mirror.insertTimelineItem(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), response.ToString(), true);

                // submit to post_manager
                pm.postImageLocation = "TEXT_ONLY";
                pm.postImageWebURI   = "TEXT_ONLY";
                pm.postImageContent  = "TEXT_ONLY";
                pm.blogLinkId        = bl.blogId;
                pm.postTitle         = DAL.scrubApos(postInsertRequest.Title);
                pm.postId            = postInsertRequest.Id;
                pm.postContent       = DAL.scrubApos(newPostText);
                pm.userId            = mirror.UserToken;
                pm.eTagId            = timelineItem.ETag;
                pm.itemId            = timelineItem.Id;

                // insert post manager
            // it's a title request
                // create blogger post instance
                Post postPatchRequest = new Post();

                    // the inreply to is the specific post we are dealing with
                    PostManager pm = DAL.GetPostManager(mirror, inReplyTo);

                    if (pm.itemId != "-1")
                        // use post insert request to handle items
                        postPatchRequest = Blogger.updatePostTitle(Blogger.BuildService(credentials), bl, pm, newTitle);
                        // set post manager title to new title
                        pm.postTitle = DAL.scrubApos(newTitle);
                        pm.itemId    = inReplyTo;
                        // update the post manager database
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // notify user of exception
                    DAL.InsertAccessLog(mirror.VerifyToken, mirror.UserToken, ex.ToString());
                    response.Append("<article>\n  <section>\n    <div class=\"text-auto-size\" style=\"\">\n      <p class=\"red\">Unable to Update</p>\n      <p>Problem with Updating Title Text</p>\n    </div>\n  </section>\n  <footer>\n    <div>please share again later</div>\n  </footer>\n</article>\n");
                    timelineItem = Mirror.insertTimelineItem(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), response.ToString(), true);

        private void handleGetComments(HttpContext ctx, Notification mirror, String requestPayload)
            // make new timeline item
            TimelineItem timelineItem = new TimelineItem();

            // access the credential state
            IAuthorizationState credentialState = DAL.RetrieveCredentialsByRequestIdAndUserToken(mirror.UserToken, mirror.VerifyToken);

            // get auth code from the verify token
            String authCode = DAL.RetrieveAuthCodeByRequestId(mirror.VerifyToken);

            // we can reuse the access token
            IAuthenticator credentials = Authorization.GetAuthenticatorFromState(credentialState);

            // get active blogger link
            BlogLink bl = DAL.GetActiveBlogLinkByUserId(mirror.UserToken);

                // set up the view manager
                ViewManager bloggerViewManager = new ViewManager();
                bloggerViewManager.AddView("bloggerPostCover", "~/views/bloggerPostingBundleCover.html");
                bloggerViewManager.AddView("bloggerComment", "~/views/bloggerComment.html");

                // take the top 3 recent posts
                PostList postList = Blogger.getPosts(Blogger.BuildService(credentials), bl);

                // list of html pages
                StringBuilder bundleCover = new StringBuilder();

                // html comment pages
                List <HtmlComment> htmlPages = new List <HtmlComment>();

                int totalCommentCount = 0;
                // build bundle cover - limit to constant recent_post_count init above
                for (int postIndex = 0; postIndex < RECENT_POST_COUNT; postIndex++)
                    // if the index is more than the amount of posts, just break out.
                    if (postIndex >= postList.Items.Count)

                    // get post
                    Post post = postList.Items[postIndex];
                    // get comments for post
                    CommentList commentList = Blogger.getComments(Blogger.BuildService(credentials), bl, post.Id);

                    // get the count
                    int commentCount = (commentList.Items == null) ? 0 : commentList.Items.Count;

                    // build individual comment view
                    if (commentCount > 0)
                        // go through each comment and make some pages
                        foreach (Comment comment in commentList.Items)
                            // new argument list
                            bloggerViewManager.Arguments = new Dictionary <String, String>()
                                { "PROFILE_URL", comment.Author.Image.Url },
                                { "POST_TITLE", post.Title },
                                { "COMMENT_CONTENT", comment.Content },
                                { "COMMENT_AUTHOR", comment.Author.DisplayName },
                                { "COMMENT_TIME", comment.Published },
                                { "BLOG_NAME", bl.blogName }

                            // render view and add it to the html page list
                            htmlPages.Add(new HtmlComment()
                                html = bloggerViewManager.RenderView("bloggerComment"), text = comment.Content, time = comment.Published
                        totalCommentCount += commentCount;

                // make new argument dictionary for view before processing.
                bloggerViewManager.Arguments = new Dictionary <String, String>()
                    { "POST_COUNT", totalCommentCount.ToString() }

                timelineItem = Mirror.insertCommentBundleTimelineCard(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), bloggerViewManager.RenderView("bloggerPostCover"), htmlPages, mirror);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // notify user of exception
                StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
                DAL.InsertAccessLog(mirror.VerifyToken, mirror.UserToken, ex.ToString());
                response.Append("<article>\n  <section>\n    <div class=\"text-auto-size\" style=\"\">\n      <p class=\"red\">Unable to Retrieve Comments</p>\n      <p>Problem with Retrieving Comments</p>\n    </div>\n  </section>\n  <footer>\n    <div>please share again later</div>\n  </footer>\n</article>\n");
                timelineItem = Mirror.insertTimelineItem(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), response.ToString(), true);
        private void handleShare(HttpContext ctx, Notification mirror, String requestPayload)
                // access the credential state
                IAuthorizationState credentialState = DAL.RetrieveCredentialsByRequestIdAndUserToken(mirror.UserToken, mirror.VerifyToken);

                // get auth code from the verify token
                String authCode = DAL.RetrieveAuthCodeByRequestId(mirror.VerifyToken);

                // we can reuse the access token
                IAuthenticator credentials = Authorization.GetAuthenticatorFromState(credentialState);

                // is there an attachment?
                Attachment attachment = Mirror.getTimelineItem(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), mirror.ItemId).Attachments[0];

                // only do this if post doesn't exsist
                Stream fileStream = Mirror.DownloadAttachment(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), attachment);

                // create a new image and save it to the server
                PostManager pm = makeImage(fileStream, mirror);

                // create an image payload for re-creation
                String imagePayload = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + makeImageBase64(pm.postImageLocation);

                // create the response that will go to blogger
                ViewManager bloggerViewHandler = new ViewManager();
                bloggerViewHandler.AddView("bloggerImage", "~/views/bloggerImageView.html");
                bloggerViewHandler.Arguments = new Dictionary <String, String>()
                    { "IMAGE_WEB_URI", pm.postImageWebURI }
                String bloggerResponse = bloggerViewHandler.RenderView("bloggerImage");

                // get active blogger link
                BlogLink bl = DAL.GetActiveBlogLinkByUserId(mirror.UserToken);

                // create blogger post instance
                Post postInsertRequest = new Post();

                // create timeline post instance
                TimelineItem timelineItem = new TimelineItem();

                    // use post insert request to handle items
                    postInsertRequest = Blogger.insertPost(Blogger.BuildService(credentials), bl, bloggerResponse);
                    ViewManager timlineViewHandler = new ViewManager();
                    timlineViewHandler.AddView("timelineImage", "~/views/insertTimelinePhotoOverlay.html");
                    timlineViewHandler.Arguments = new Dictionary <String, String>()
                        { "IMAGE_WEB_URI", pm.postImageWebURI },
                        { "BLOG_NAME", bl.blogName }
                    timelineItem = Mirror.insertTimelineItem(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), timlineViewHandler.RenderView("timelineImage"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    DAL.InsertAccessLog(mirror.VerifyToken, mirror.UserToken, ex.ToString());
                    postInsertRequest.Title = "FAILED";
                    postInsertRequest.Id    = "FAILED";
                    postInsertRequest.Url   = "FAILED";

                    String errorTitle      = "Unable to Post";
                    String errorDesc       = "This blog has exceeded its posting limit for the day";
                    String errorAdditional = "please share again tomorrow";

                    ViewManager errorInsertTimeline = new ViewManager();
                    errorInsertTimeline.AddView("timelineError", "~/views/timelineErrorView.html");
                    errorInsertTimeline.Arguments = new Dictionary <String, String>()
                        { "ERROR_TITLE", errorTitle },
                        { "ERROR_DESC", errorDesc },
                        { "ERROR_ADDITIONAL", errorAdditional },

                    timelineItem = Mirror.insertTimelineItem(Mirror.BuildService(credentials), errorInsertTimeline.RenderView("timelineError"), true);

                // submit to post_manager
                pm.postImageContent = imagePayload;
                pm.blogLinkId       = bl.blogId;
                pm.postTitle        = postInsertRequest.Title;
                pm.postId           = postInsertRequest.Id;
                pm.postContent      = bloggerResponse;
                pm.userId           = mirror.UserToken;
                pm.eTagId           = timelineItem.ETag;
                pm.itemId           = timelineItem.Id;

                // insert post manager

            catch (Exception ex)
                String additionalData = "";
                additionalData += "|Function: handleShare()";
                additionalData += "|Exception: " + ex.ToString();
                additionalData += "|Request Payload: " + requestPayload;
                DAL.InsertAccessLog(mirror.VerifyToken, mirror.UserToken, additionalData);