Simple class that describes a vertex position in x/y/z coordinates.
Esempio n. 1
 public EdgeIfc findsEdge( Vertex theSource,
     Vertex theTarGet)
     //dja: performance improvement
     //        for( Iterator<Vertex> vertexiter = GetVertices(); vertexiter.hasNext(); )
     //         {
     //        Vertex v1 = );
     //        for( EdgeIter edgeiter = v1.GetEdges(); edgeiter.hasNext(); )
     //            {
     //                EdgeIfc theEdge =;
     //            Vertex v2 = theEdge.GetOtherVertex( v1 );
     //              if ( ( v1.GetName().Equals( theSource.GetName() ) &&
     //                       v2.GetName().Equals( theTarGet.GetName() ) ) ||
     //                         ( v1.GetName().Equals( theTarGet.GetName() ) &&
     //                     v2.GetName().Equals( theSource.GetName() ) ) )
     //                    return theEdge;
     //            }
     //        }
     Vertex v1 = theSource;
     for( Iterator<EdgeIfc> edgeiter = v1.GetEdges(); edgeiter.hasNext(); )
             EdgeIfc theEdge =;
         Vertex v2 = theEdge.GetOtherVertex( v1 );
           if ( ( v1.GetName().Equals( theSource.GetName() ) &&
                    v2.GetName().Equals( theTarGet.GetName() ) ) ||
                      ( v1.GetName().Equals( theTarGet.GetName() ) &&
                  v2.GetName().Equals( theSource.GetName() ) ) )
                 return theEdge;
     return null;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void SetRandomEdge(Vertex[] vertices)
            bool found = false;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

            int count = 0;
            Random random = new Random();

            for (int k = 0; k < vertices.Length; k++)
                for(int l = 0; l < vertices.Length; l++)
                    if (k == l || vertices[k].Vertices.Any(v => v == vertices[l]))

                    if(random.Next(0, count) == 0)
                        i = k;
                        j = l;
                        found = true;

            if (found)
Esempio n. 3
    //this face is one of the srrounding faces attahed to vold
    public void ReplaceVertex(Vertex vold,Vertex vnew)
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            if(vertex[i].position == vold.position  )
                vertex[i]  = vnew;
                vold.RemoveFace( this );

                vnew.AddFace( this );

        //remove reff of vold from Neighborhood
                vold.RemoveIfNonNeighbor( vertex[0] );
                vertex[0].RemoveIfNonNeighbor( vold );
           				vold.RemoveIfNonNeighbor( vertex[1] );
           				vertex[1].RemoveIfNonNeighbor( vold );
                vold.RemoveIfNonNeighbor( 	vertex[2] );
                vertex[2].RemoveIfNonNeighbor( vold );

                vertex[0]. AddNeighbor(vertex[1]);
                vertex[0]. AddNeighbor(vertex[2]);

                vertex[1]. AddNeighbor(vertex[0]);
                vertex[1]. AddNeighbor(vertex[2]);

                vertex[2]. AddNeighbor(vertex[0]);
                vertex[2]. AddNeighbor(vertex[1]);
Esempio n. 4
        public static Vertex Intro(GraphData d)
            Vertex v = new Vertex();
            v.Include = Root + "Intro.html";
            Edge e;

            e = new Edge(d);
            e.State.VertexName = "SubcrisisManeuvering_Index";
            e.State.Rank1.InHand += 1;
            e.State.Rank2_dipl.InHand += 2;
            e.State.Rank2_econ.InHand += 1;
            e.State.Rank2_poli.InHand += 1;

            e.HTML = "Assume political control over crisis. Communicate with allies' political leaders, confirm a firm leadership position in NATO and with non-NATO allies. Establish continuous high level lines of communication. Summon political advisors.";

            e = new Edge(d);
            e.State.VertexName = "SubcrisisManeuvering_Index";
            e.Disabled = true;
            e.State.Rank3.InHand += 1;
            e.HTML = "Summon military leadership. Confirm command and control links over allies military leadership. Immediately address the nation.";

            return v;
Esempio n. 5
        public void Undirected()
            var graph = new Graph<int>(false);
            var vertex1 = new Vertex<int>(1);
            var vertex2 = new Vertex<int>(2);
            var vertex3 = new Vertex<int>(3);


            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2);

            Assert.AreEqual(vertex1.IncomingEdgeCount, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(vertex2.IncomingEdgeCount, 0);

            graph.AddEdge(vertex3, vertex2);

            Assert.AreEqual(vertex3.IncomingEdgeCount, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(vertex2.IncomingEdgeCount, 0);

            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex3);

            Assert.AreEqual(vertex1.IncomingEdgeCount, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(vertex3.IncomingEdgeCount, 0);
Esempio n. 6
 public VoronoiRegion(Vertex generator)
 { =;
     this.generator = generator;
     this.vertices = new List<Point>();
     this.bounded = true;
Esempio n. 7
        public TerrainRenderer(World world, WorldRenderer wr)
   = world;
   = world.Map;

            var tileSize = new Size( Game.CellSize, Game.CellSize );
            var tileMapping = new Cache<TileReference<ushort,byte>, Sprite>(
                x => Game.modData.SheetBuilder.Add(world.TileSet.GetBytes(x), tileSize));

            var vertices = new Vertex[4 * map.Bounds.Height * map.Bounds.Width];

            terrainSheet = tileMapping[map.MapTiles.Value[map.Bounds.Left, map.Bounds.Top]].sheet;

            int nv = 0;

            var terrainPalette = wr.Palette("terrain").Index;

            for( int j = map.Bounds.Top; j < map.Bounds.Bottom; j++ )
                for( int i = map.Bounds.Left; i < map.Bounds.Right; i++ )
                    var tile = tileMapping[map.MapTiles.Value[i, j]];
                    // TODO: move GetPaletteIndex out of the inner loop.
                    Util.FastCreateQuad(vertices, Game.CellSize * new float2(i, j), tile, terrainPalette, nv, tile.size);
                    nv += 4;

                    if (tileMapping[map.MapTiles.Value[i, j]].sheet != terrainSheet)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Terrain sprites span multiple sheets");

            vertexBuffer = Game.Renderer.Device.CreateVertexBuffer( vertices.Length );
            vertexBuffer.SetData( vertices, nv );
Esempio n. 8
File: Ferret.cs Progetto: 9volt/ld29
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     // Move towards current target
     if(currentDestination != null && pos != currentDestination){
             pos = next_node;
             List<Vertex> p = rf.FindPath(pos, currentDestination, wg.GetPathfindingCosts());
             if(p != null && p.Count > 1){
                 next_node = p[1];
             } else {
                 currentDestination = pos;
     } else if(currentDestination != null && target != null && pos == currentDestination && !occupying){
         target = wl.OccupyBurrow(pos);
         if(target != null){
             occupying = true;
     } else {
Esempio n. 9
    public void AddVertex( Vertex v ) {
        vertices.Add( v );

	  //dja: Add for performance reasons
	  verticesMap.Add(, v );

Esempio n. 10
        public void TestEquatable()
            var vn = new Vertex(12.34f, -98.7f, 54);
            var vertices = new Vertex[] { new Vertex(), vn, new Vertex(3, 2, 1) };
            var facet = new Facet(vn, vertices);

            IEquatable<Facet> ieqFacet = facet;


            var facet2 = new Facet();

            facet2 = new Facet(new Vertex(12.34f, -98.7f, 54), null);

            facet2 = new Facet() { Normal = null };

            facet2 = new Facet() { Vertices = null };

            facet2 = new Facet(new Vertex(12.34f, -98.7f, 54), vertices);

Esempio n. 11
        public double Compute(Vertex src, Vertex sink)
            m_ResidualEdgeCapacities = new EdgeDoubleDictionary();

            // initializing
            foreach(Vertex u in VisitedGraph.Vertices)
                foreach(Edge e in u.OutEdges)
                    ResidualCapacities[e] = Capacities[e];

            Colors[sink] = GraphColor.Gray;
            while (Colors[sink] != GraphColor.White)
                VertexBuffer Q = new VertexBuffer();
                ResidualEdgePredicate ep = new ResidualEdgePredicate(ResidualCapacities);

                BreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm bfs = new BreadthFirstSearchAlgorithm(resg,Q,Colors);
                PredecessorVisitor pred = new PredecessorVisitor(Predecessors);

                if (Colors[sink] != GraphColor.White)
                    Augment(src, sink, pred.Predecessors);
            } // while

            double flow = 0;
            foreach(Edge e in src.OutEdges)
                flow += (EdgeCapacities[e] - ResidualEdgeCapacities[e]);

            return flow;
Esempio n. 12
        public void Simple()
            var graph = new Graph<int>(false);

            var vertices = new Vertex<int>[20];

            for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                vertices[i] = new Vertex<int>(i);

            for (var i = 0; i < 17; i += 2)
                var edge = new Edge<int>(vertices[i], vertices[i + 2], false);

            var trackingVisitor = new TrackingVisitor<int>();


            Assert.AreEqual(trackingVisitor.TrackingList.Count, 20);

            for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
Esempio n. 13
        protected void AddVertex(Face face, Vertex vertex)

            HalfEdge h1 = face.HalfEdge;
            HalfEdge h2 = h1.Next;
            HalfEdge h3 = h2.Next;

            HalfEdge h4 = new HalfEdge(h1.Origin);
            HalfEdge h5 = new HalfEdge(h2.Origin);
            HalfEdge h6 = new HalfEdge(h3.Origin);
            HalfEdge h7 = new HalfEdge(vertex);
            HalfEdge h8 = new HalfEdge(vertex);
            HalfEdge h9 = new HalfEdge(vertex);
            HalfEdges.AddRange(new List<HalfEdge> {h4, h5, h6, h7, h8, h9});

            h4.Twin = h7;
            h7.Twin = h4;
            h5.Twin = h8;
            h8.Twin = h5;
            h6.Twin = h9;
            h9.Twin = h6;

            // Set all next
            h1.Next = h5;
            h5.Prev = h1;
            h5.Next = h7;
            h7.Prev = h5;
            h7.Next = h1;
            h1.Prev = h7;

            h2.Next = h6;
            h6.Prev = h2;
            h6.Next = h8;
            h8.Prev = h6;
            h8.Next = h2;
            h2.Prev = h8;

            h3.Next = h4;
            h4.Prev = h3;
            h4.Next = h9;
            h9.Prev = h4;
            h9.Next = h3;
            h3.Prev = h9;

            Triangle t1 = new Triangle(h1);
            Triangle t2 = new Triangle(h2);
            Triangle t3 = new Triangle(h3);


            Tree.Add(vertex, t1, t2, t3);

            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry("Adding edges.", this);
Esempio n. 14
        public static Vertex[] CalculateSphereVertices(float radius, float height, byte segments, byte rings)
            var data = new Vertex[segments * rings];

            int i = 0;

            for (double y = 0; y < rings; y++)
                double phi = (y / (rings - 1)) * Math.PI; //was /2
                for (double x = 0; x < segments; x++)
                    double theta = (x / (segments - 1)) * 2 * Math.PI;

                    Vector3 v = new Vector3()
                        X = (float)(radius * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Cos(theta)),
                        Y = (float)(height * Math.Cos(phi)),
                        Z = (float)(radius * Math.Sin(phi) * Math.Sin(theta)),
                    Vector3 n = Vector3.Normalize(v);
                    Vector2 uv = new Vector2()
                        X = (float)(x / (segments - 1))%1,
                        Y = (float)(y / (rings - 1))%1
                    // Using data[i++] causes i to be incremented multiple times in Mono 2.2 (bug #479506).
                    data[i] = new Vertex() { Position = v, Normal = n, TexCoord = uv };


            return data;
Esempio n. 15
	public Sprite2DBatch( GraphicsContext graphics, int maxSpriteCount )
		int maxVertexCount = maxSpriteCount * 4 ;
		int maxIndexCount = maxSpriteCount * 6 ;

		graphicsContext = graphics ;
		vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer( maxVertexCount, maxIndexCount, vertexFormats ) ;
		spriteCapacity = maxSpriteCount ;
		vertexData = new Vertex[ maxVertexCount ] ;
		indexData = new ushort[ maxIndexCount ] ;

		spriteList = new Sprite2D[ maxSpriteCount ] ;
		sortedList = new Sprite2D[ maxSpriteCount ] ;
		if ( sinTable == null ) {
			sinTable = new float[ 4096 ] ;
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4096 ; i ++ ) {
				sinTable[ i ] = FMath.Sin( i * ( FMath.PI / 2048.0f ) ) ;
		#endif // ENABLE_SIN_TABLE
Esempio n. 16
    /// <summary>
    /// returns projection of point on the grid defined by center, width and height
    /// </summary>
    public Vertex GetPointOnGrid(Vertex point)
        int xVal = point.x / stepX;
        int zVal = point.z / stepZ;

        Vertex closestCenter = new Vertex(666, 666);
        for(int xi = -1; xi <= 1; xi++)
            for (int zi = -1; zi <= 1; zi++)
                Vertex centerOnGrid =
                    new Vertex(
                        globalCenter.x + (xVal + xi) * stepX,
                        globalCenter.z + (zVal + zi) * stepZ);

                if (Vector3.Distance(point, centerOnGrid) <
                    Vector3.Distance(point, closestCenter))
                    closestCenter = centerOnGrid;

        return closestCenter;
Esempio n. 17
    public void CutoffRiverPart(Direction direction)
        int maxIndex = -1;
        switch (direction)
            case Direction.up:
                for(int i=0;i<riverPath.Count;i++)
                    if(riverPath[i].z < 0)
                        maxIndex = i;
                    botVertex = riverPath[maxIndex + 1];
            case Direction.down:
                for (int i = 0; i < riverPath.Count; i++)
                    if (riverPath[i].z > terrain.terrainSize)
                        maxIndex = i;
                    topVertex = riverPath[maxIndex + 1];

        for(int i = maxIndex; i >= 0; i--)
            Debug.Log("cutting: " + riverPath[i]);
Esempio n. 18
        public void DirectedValue()
            var graph = new Graph<int>(true);
            var vertex1 = new Vertex<int>(1);
            var vertex2 = new Vertex<int>(2);
            var vertex3 = new Vertex<int>(3);


            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex3, vertex2);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex3);

            Assert.AreEqual(graph.Edges.Count, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(graph.Vertices.Count, 3);


            Assert.AreEqual(graph.Edges.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(graph.Vertices.Count, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(graph.Edges.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(graph.Vertices.Count, 2);
Esempio n. 19
 public Dictionary<Vertex, DFSVisitingInfo> DepthFirstSearch(Vertex v)
     var visits = new Dictionary<Vertex, DFSVisitingInfo>();
     visits[v] = new DFSVisitingInfo(null);
     DepthFirstSearch(v, visits);
     return visits;
Esempio n. 20
 public TraveledPathData SynchronousSearch(Graph graph, Vertex root, Vertex goal)
     this.graph = graph;
     this.root = root;
     this.goal = goal;
     return this.SyncSearch();
Esempio n. 21
        public void Undirected()
            var graph = new Graph<int>(false);
            var vertex1 = new Vertex<int>(1);
            var vertex2 = new Vertex<int>(2);
            var vertex3 = new Vertex<int>(3);
            var vertex4 = new Vertex<int>(4);


            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex3, vertex2);
            graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex3);


            graph.AddEdge(vertex2, vertex4);


            graph.RemoveEdge(vertex2, vertex3);


            graph.RemoveEdge(vertex1, vertex3);

 public List<Implication> GetImplications(Vertex leaf, int nextTime)
     var triggeredActions = this.GetTriggeredActions(leaf.ActualWorldAction, leaf.ActualState, leaf.Time);
     var possibleFutureStates = this.GetPossibleFutureStates(leaf.ActualWorldAction, leaf.ActualState, leaf.Time);
     return possibleFutureStates.Select(possibleFutureState =>
         new Implication { FutureState = possibleFutureState, TriggeredActions = triggeredActions.ToList() }).ToList();
Esempio n. 23
File: DBPath.cs Progetto: ipbi/sones
        public DBPath(Vertex myStartVertex, Vertex myEndVertex, IEnumerable<Vertex> myVertices, IEnumerable<EdgeLabel> myEdges)
            #region Initial Checks

            if (myStartVertex == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            if (myEndVertex == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            if (myVertices == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            if (myEdges == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            if (myVertices.Count() != myEdges.Count() - 1)
                throw new ArgumentException();


            StartVertex = myStartVertex;
            EndVertex   = myEndVertex;
            Vertices    = myVertices;
            Edges       = myEdges;
            Length      = (UInt64) myEdges.LongCount();
Esempio n. 24
         * collapse vertex u to vertex v
        private void collapse(Vertex u, Vertex v)
            // remove the adjacent face of both vertex u and vertex v
            for (int i = 0; i < u.adjacent_faces.Count; ++i) {
                if (u.adjacent_faces[i].has(v)) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                        Vertex v_temp = u.adjacent_faces[i].triangle_vertices[j];
                        if (!v_temp.Equals(u)) {
                            for (int k = 0; k < v_temp.adjacent_faces.Count; ++k) {
                                if (v_temp.adjacent_faces[k].Equals(u.adjacent_faces[i])) {

            // replace vertex u with vertex v in adjacent faces of neighbor vertices of vertex u
            for (int i = 0, i_count = u.neighbor_vertices.Count; i < i_count; ++i) {
                Vertex v_temp = u.neighbor_vertices[i];
                for (int j = 0, j_count = v_temp.adjacent_faces.Count; j < j_count; ++j) {
                    if (v_temp.adjacent_faces[j].has(u)) {
                        v_temp.adjacent_faces[j].replaceVertex(u, v);

            // replace vertex u with vertex v in adjacent faces of vertex u
            for (int i = 0, count = u.adjacent_faces.Count; i < count; ++i) {
                u.adjacent_faces[i].replaceVertex(u, v);

            // remove vertex u

            // remove vertex u in neighbor vertices of vertex u
            // add neighbor vertices of vertex u to vertex v
            // add vertex v to neighbor vertices of vertex u
            // update collapse cost at neighbor vertices of vertex u
            for (int i = 0, count = u.neighbor_vertices.Count; i < count; ++i) {
                if (!u.neighbor_vertices[i].Equals(v)) {

            // add new faces to vertex v and update collapse cost of vertex v
            for (int i = 0, count = u.adjacent_faces.Count; i < count; ++i) {
Esempio n. 25
 public Edge this[Vertex strartVertex, Vertex endVertex]
         return this[strartVertex.Label, endVertex.Label];
Esempio n. 26
        private void ApplyVelocity(ref Vertex position, ref Vertex velocity)
            float newX = position.X + velocity.X;
            if (newX < 0)
                position.X = -newX;
                velocity.X *= -1;
            else if (newX >  openGLControl1.ActualWidth)
                position.X -= (newX - (float) openGLControl1.ActualWidth);
                velocity.X *= -1;
                position.X = newX;

            float newy = position.Y + velocity.Y;
            if (newy < 0)
                position.Y = -newy;
                velocity.Y *= -1;
            else if (newy > openGLControl1.ActualHeight)
                position.Y -= (newy - (float) openGLControl1.ActualHeight);
                velocity.Y *= -1;
                position.Y = newy;
Esempio n. 27
 public override void AsynchronousSearch(Graph graph, Vertex root, Vertex goal)
     this.graph = graph;
     this.root = root;
     this.goal = goal;
     new Thread(AsyncSearch).Start();
Esempio n. 28
        public void VertexAndEdge()
            var graph = new Graph<int>(true);

            var vertex1 = new Vertex<int>(3);

            var vertex2 = new Vertex<int>(4);

            var vertex3 = new Vertex<int>(5);


            graph.AddEdge(vertex2, vertex1);

            vertex2 = SerializeUtil.BinarySerializeDeserialize(vertex1);

            TestIsCopy(vertex1, vertex2);

            Assert.AreEqual(vertex2.IncidentEdges.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(vertex1.IncidentEdges.Count, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(vertex2.EmanatingEdges.Count, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(vertex1.EmanatingEdges.Count, 0);

            TestIsCopy(vertex2.IncidentEdges[0], vertex1.IncidentEdges[0]);
Esempio n. 29
        public static Vertex Rung4(GraphData d)
            Vertex v = new Vertex();
            v.Include = Root + "Rung4.html";
            Edge e;

            string NextVertexName = "TraditionalCrises_Rung5";

            e = new Edge(d);
            e.State.VertexName = NextVertexName;
            //e.State.Stakes += 5;
            e.HTML = "A public and irrevocable increase in the stakes";

            e = new Edge(d);
            e.State.VertexName = NextVertexName;
            //e.State.PublicAwareness += 20;
            e.HTML = "Officially inspire newspaper stories to the effect that the chief of state takes a serious view of the matter.";


            return v;
Esempio n. 30
 public void OnNextVertex(Vertex <TVertexId> vertex, Vertex <TVertexId> neighbour)
Esempio n. 31
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public List <RectangleGrid2D> GetPartitions(PolygonGrid2D polygon)
            IList <Vector2Int> points = polygon.GetPoints();

            var vertices = new List <Vertex>();

            var prev = points[points.Count - 3];
            var curr = points[points.Count - 2];
            var next = points[points.Count - 1];

            // Process vertices
            for (var i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                prev = curr;
                curr = next;
                next = points[i];
                bool concave;

                if (prev.X == curr.X)
                    if (curr.X == next.X)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Should not happen as polygons must be normalized");

                    var dir0 = prev.Y < curr.Y;
                    var dir1 = curr.X > next.X;

                    concave = dir0 == dir1;
                    if (next.Y == curr.Y)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Should not happen as polygons must be normalized");

                    var dir0 = prev.X < curr.X;
                    var dir1 = curr.Y > next.Y;

                    concave = dir0 != dir1;

                var vertex = new Vertex(curr, i - 1, concave);

            // Build interval trees for segments
            var horizontalSegments = new List <Segment>();
            var verticalSegments   = new List <Segment>();

            for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                var from = vertices[i];
                var to   = vertices[(i + 1) % vertices.Count];

                if (from.Point.X == to.Point.X)
                    verticalSegments.Add(new Segment(from, to, false));
                    horizontalSegments.Add(new Segment(from, to, true));

                from.Next = to;
                to.Prev   = from;

            var horizontalTree = new RangeTree <int, Segment>(horizontalSegments, new SegmentComparer());
            var verticalTree   = new RangeTree <int, Segment>(verticalSegments, new SegmentComparer());

            //Find horizontal and vertical diagonals
            var horizontalDiagonals = GetDiagonals(vertices, verticalTree, false);
            var verticalDiagonals   = GetDiagonals(vertices, horizontalTree, true);

            //Find all splitting edges
            var splitters = FindSplitters(horizontalDiagonals, verticalDiagonals);

            foreach (var splitter in splitters)

            //Split all concave vertices

            var rectangles = FindRegions(vertices);

Esempio n. 32
        public static Graph <T> DijkstrasAlgorithm <T>(Graph <T> weightedGraph, Vertex <T> fromVertex)
            #region Parameter Checks

            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(weightedGraph, "weightedGraph");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(fromVertex, "fromVertex");

            if (!weightedGraph.ContainsVertex(fromVertex))
                throw new ArgumentException(Graph <T> .couldNotBeFoundInTheGraph, "fromVertex");


            var heap =
                new Heap <Association <double, Vertex <T> > >(
                    new AssociationKeyComparer <double, Vertex <T> >());

            var vertexStatus = new Dictionary <Vertex <T>, VertexInfo <T> >();

            // Initialise the vertex distances to the maximum possible.

            foreach (var vertex in weightedGraph.Vertices)
                vertexStatus.Add(vertex, new VertexInfo <T>(double.MaxValue, null, false));

            vertexStatus[fromVertex].Distance = 0;

            // Add the source vertex to the heap - we'll be branching out from it.
            heap.Add(new Association <double, Vertex <T> >(0, fromVertex));

            while (heap.Count > 0)
                var item = heap.RemoveRoot();

                var vertexInfo = vertexStatus[item.Value];

                if (!vertexInfo.IsFinalised)
                    var edges = item.Value.EmanatingEdges;

                    vertexStatus[item.Value].IsFinalised = true;

                    // Enumerate through all the edges emanating from this node
                    for (var i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++)
                        var edge          = edges[i];
                        var partnerVertex = edge.GetPartnerVertex(item.Value);

                        // Calculate the new distance to this distance
                        var distance = vertexInfo.Distance + edge.Weight;

                        var newVertexInfo = vertexStatus[partnerVertex];

                        // Found a better path, update the vertex status and add the
                        // vertex to the heap for further analysis
                        if (distance < newVertexInfo.Distance)
                            newVertexInfo.EdgeFollowed = edge;
                            newVertexInfo.Distance     = distance;
                            heap.Add(new Association <double, Vertex <T> >(distance, partnerVertex));

            return(BuildGraphDijkstra(weightedGraph, fromVertex, vertexStatus));
Esempio n. 33
        public static Graph <T> KruskalsAlgorithm <T>(Graph <T> weightedGraph)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(weightedGraph, "weightedGraph");

            // There is going be Vertices - 1 edges when we finish
            var edgeCount = weightedGraph.Vertices.Count - 1;

            var vertexToParent = new Dictionary <Vertex <T>, Vertex <T> >();
            var oldToNew       = new Dictionary <Vertex <T>, Vertex <T> >();

            var edgeQueue =
                new Heap <Association <double, Edge <T> > >(
                    new AssociationKeyComparer <double, Edge <T> >());

            // Now build the return graph, always return non directed.
            var returnGraph = new Graph <T>(false);

            // As we mew the new vertices for the new graph from the old
            // one, we also map the old ones to the new ones, and set up
            // our dictionary used to track forests of vertices.
            foreach (var vertex in weightedGraph.Vertices)
                var vertex2 = new Vertex <T>(vertex.Data);
                oldToNew.Add(vertex, vertex2);

                vertexToParent.Add(vertex, null);

            // We need to move the edges into a priority queue
            // and use the weight in the association to sort them.
            foreach (var e in weightedGraph.Edges)
                edgeQueue.Add(new Association <double, Edge <T> >(e.Weight, e));

            // We know when we are done, when we hit the number of edges
            // or when there is no more edges.
            while ((edgeQueue.Count > 0) && (edgeCount > 0))
                // Pull off the least weight edge that hasn't been added or discarded yet.
                var association = edgeQueue.RemoveRoot();

                // Save the value of the association to the proper type, an edge
                var edge = association.Value;

                // Here is the start of search to make find the heads
                // of the forest, because if they are the same heads,
                // there is a cycle.
                var fromVertexHead = edge.FromVertex;
                var toVertexHead   = edge.ToVertex;

                // Find the head vertex of the forest the fromVertex is in
                while (vertexToParent[fromVertexHead] != null)
                    fromVertexHead = vertexToParent[fromVertexHead];

                // Find the head vertex of the forest the toVertex is in
                while (vertexToParent[toVertexHead] != null)
                    toVertexHead = vertexToParent[toVertexHead];

                // Check to see if the heads are the same
                // if are equal, it is a cycle, and we cannot
                // include the edge in the new graph.
                if (fromVertexHead != toVertexHead)
                    // Join the FromVertex forest to the ToVertex
                    vertexToParent[fromVertexHead] = edge.ToVertex;

                    // We have one less edge we need to find

                    // Add the edge to the new new graph, map the old vertices to the new ones
                    returnGraph.AddEdge(oldToNew[edge.FromVertex], oldToNew[edge.ToVertex], edge.Weight);

            // All done :)
Esempio n. 34
        public bool AddVertex(Point p)
            var v = new Vertex(p);

        private DependencyGraph(IList <T> melons)
            int size = melons.Count;

            vertices = new Vertex[size];
            Dictionary <string, Vertex> nameLookup = new Dictionary <string, Vertex>(size);

            // Create a vertex in the dependency graph for each Melon to load
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                Assembly melonAssembly = melons[i].Assembly;
                string   melonName     = melons[i].Info.Name;

                Vertex melonVertex = new Vertex(i, melons[i], melonName);
                vertices[i] = melonVertex;
                nameLookup[melonAssembly.GetName().Name] = melonVertex;

            // Add an edge for each dependency between Melons
            SortedDictionary <string, IList <AssemblyName> > melonsWithMissingDeps       = new SortedDictionary <string, IList <AssemblyName> >();
            SortedDictionary <string, IList <AssemblyName> > melonsWithIncompatibilities = new SortedDictionary <string, IList <AssemblyName> >();
            List <AssemblyName> missingDependencies    = new List <AssemblyName>();
            List <AssemblyName> incompatibilities      = new List <AssemblyName>();
            HashSet <string>    optionalDependencies   = new HashSet <string>();
            HashSet <string>    additionalDependencies = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (Vertex melonVertex in vertices)
                Assembly melonAssembly = melonVertex.melon.Assembly;

                MelonOptionalDependenciesAttribute optionals = (MelonOptionalDependenciesAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(melonAssembly, typeof(MelonOptionalDependenciesAttribute));
                if ((optionals != null) &&
                    (optionals.AssemblyNames != null))

                MelonAdditionalDependenciesAttribute additionals = (MelonAdditionalDependenciesAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(melonAssembly, typeof(MelonAdditionalDependenciesAttribute));
                if ((additionals != null) &&
                    (additionals.AssemblyNames != null))

                MelonIncompatibleAssembliesAttribute incompatibleAssemblies = (MelonIncompatibleAssembliesAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(melonAssembly, typeof(MelonIncompatibleAssembliesAttribute));
                if ((incompatibleAssemblies != null) &&
                    (incompatibleAssemblies.AssemblyNames != null))
                    foreach (string name in incompatibleAssemblies.AssemblyNames)
                        foreach (Vertex v in vertices)
                            AssemblyName assemblyName = v.melon.Assembly.GetName();
                            if ((v != melonVertex) &&
                                (assemblyName.Name == name))
                                v.skipLoading = true;

                foreach (AssemblyName dependency in melonAssembly.GetReferencedAssemblies())
                    if (nameLookup.TryGetValue(dependency.Name, out Vertex dependencyVertex))
                    else if (!TryLoad(dependency) && !optionalDependencies.Contains(dependency.Name))

                foreach (string dependencyName in additionalDependencies)
                    AssemblyName dependency = new AssemblyName(dependencyName);
                    if (nameLookup.TryGetValue(dependencyName, out Vertex dependencyVertex))
                    else if (!TryLoad(dependency))

                if (missingDependencies.Count > 0)
                    // melonVertex.skipLoading = true;
                    melonsWithMissingDeps.Add(melonVertex.melon.Info.Name, missingDependencies.ToArray());

                if (incompatibilities.Count > 0)
                    melonsWithIncompatibilities.Add(melonVertex.melon.Info.Name, incompatibilities.ToArray());

            // Some Melons are missing dependencies. Don't load these Melons and show an error message
            if (melonsWithMissingDeps.Count > 0)

            if (melonsWithIncompatibilities.Count > 0)
        private void TopologicalSortInto(IList <T> loadedMelons)
            int[] unloadedDependencies = new int[vertices.Length];
            SortedList <string, Vertex> loadableMelons = new SortedList <string, Vertex>();
            int skippedMelons = 0;

            // Find all sinks in the dependency graph, i.e. Melons without any dependencies on other Melons
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
                Vertex vertex          = vertices[i];
                int    dependencyCount = vertex.dependencies.Count;

                unloadedDependencies[i] = dependencyCount;
                if (dependencyCount == 0)
                    loadableMelons.Add(, vertex);

            // Perform the (reverse) topological sorting
            while (loadableMelons.Count > 0)
                Vertex melon = loadableMelons.Values[0];

                if (!melon.skipLoading)

                foreach (Vertex dependent in melon.dependents)
                    unloadedDependencies[dependent.index] -= 1;
                    dependent.skipLoading |= melon.skipLoading;

                    if (unloadedDependencies[dependent.index] == 0)
                        loadableMelons.Add(, dependent);

            // Check if all Melons were either loaded or skipped. If this is not the case, there is a cycle in the dependency graph
            if (loadedMelons.Count + skippedMelons < vertices.Length)
                StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder("Some Melons could not be loaded due to a cyclic dependency:\n");
                for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
                    if (unloadedDependencies[i] > 0)
                        errorMessage.Append($"- '{vertices[i].name}'\n");
                errorMessage.Length -= 1;                 // Remove trailing newline
Esempio n. 37
        public MainWindow()

            modelLoader = new OBJModelLoader();

            this.Closing += MainWindow_Closing;

            wave = new Wave();


            // Declare scene objects.
            Viewport3D      myViewport3D    = new Viewport3D();
            Model3DGroup    myModel3DGroup  = new Model3DGroup();
            GeometryModel3D myGeometryModel = ConvertModel(modelLoader.LoadModel(@"C:\Users\Kenley Strik\Desktop\M4.obj"));
            ModelVisual3D   myModelVisual3D = new ModelVisual3D();
            // Defines the camera used to view the 3D object. In order to view the 3D object,
            // the camera must be positioned and pointed such that the object is within view
            // of the camera.
            PerspectiveCamera myPCamera = new PerspectiveCamera();

            //myPCamera.Position = new Point3D(0, 1.5f, 10);
            //myPCamera.Position = new Point3D(0, 0.5f, 2);
            //myPCamera.Position = new Point3D(0, 2.5f, 10);
            //myPCamera.Position = new Point3D(0, 10f, 100);
            myPCamera.Position = new Point3D(0, 20f, 20);
            //myPCamera.LookDirection = new Vector3D(0, 0, -1);
            //myPCamera.LookDirection = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, -0.6, -1);
            //myPCamera.LookDirection = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, -0.4, -1);
            myPCamera.LookDirection = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, -1, -1);
            myPCamera.FieldOfView   = 60;
            myViewport3D.Camera     = myPCamera;

            DirectionalLight myDirectionalLight = new DirectionalLight();

            myDirectionalLight.Color = Colors.White;
            //myDirectionalLight.Direction = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(-0.61, -0.5, -0.61);
            myDirectionalLight.Direction = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, -1, -1);

            ImageBrush colors_brush = new ImageBrush();

            colors_brush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"C:\Users\Kenley Strik\Desktop\M4_Albedo.png", UriKind.Absolute));
            DiffuseMaterial myDiffuseMaterial = new DiffuseMaterial(colors_brush);

            myGeometryModel.Material     = myDiffuseMaterial;
            myGeometryModel.BackMaterial = myDiffuseMaterial;

            RotateTransform3D   myRotateTransform3D   = new RotateTransform3D();
            AxisAngleRotation3D myAxisAngleRotation3d = new AxisAngleRotation3D();

            //myAxisAngleRotation3d.Axis = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(0, 3, 0);
            //myAxisAngleRotation3d.Angle = angle;
            myRotateTransform3D.Rotation = myAxisAngleRotation3d;
            //myGeometryModel.Transform = myRotateTransform3D;

            float time = 0;

            this.timer          = new Timer(1);
            this.timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler((object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) =>
                angle += 0.5f;
                time  += 0.01f;
                if (time >= 100.0f)
                    time = 0;
                Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Positions.Count; i++)
                        Vertex vertex = new Vertex(new MLlib.Vectors.Vector3D((float)verticesS[i].X, (float)verticesS[i].Y, (float)verticesS[i].Z),
                                                   new MLlib.Vectors.Vector2D((float)uvCoordinatesS[i].X, (float)uvCoordinatesS[i].Y),
                                                   new MLlib.Vectors.Vector3D((float)normalsS[i].X, (float)normalsS[i].Y, (float)normalsS[i].Z));

                        wave.CalucluateVertexPosition(vertex, time);
                        mesh.Positions[i] = new Point3D(vertex.Vertice.X, vertex.Vertice.Y, vertex.Vertice.Z);
                        //mesh.Normals[i] = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(vertex.Normal.X, vertex.Normal.Y, vertex.Normal.Z);

                    //myAxisAngleRotation3d.Angle = angle;

            //for(int i = 0; i < mesh.Positions.Count; i++)
            //    Vertex vertex = new Vertex(new MLlib.Vectors.Vector3D((float)verticesS[i].X, (float)verticesS[i].Y, (float)verticesS[i].Z),
            //                                new MLlib.Vectors.Vector2D((float)uvCoordinatesS[i].X, (float)uvCoordinatesS[i].Y),
            //                                new MLlib.Vectors.Vector3D((float)normalsS[i].X, (float)normalsS[i].Y, (float)normalsS[i].Z));

            //    wave.CalucluateVertexPosition(ref vertex, 0);
            //    mesh.Positions[i] = new Point3D(vertex.Vertice.X, vertex.Vertice.Y, vertex.Vertice.Z);
            //    mesh.Normals[i] = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(vertex.Normal.X, vertex.Normal.Y, vertex.Normal.Z);

            Water water1 = new Water(Application.Current.Dispatcher);
            Water water2 = new Water(Application.Current.Dispatcher);

            water1.GetWaterPlane().GetModel().Transform = new TranslateTransform3D(5.2, 0, 0);
            water2.GetWaterPlane().GetModel().Transform = new TranslateTransform3D(-5.2, 0, 0);

            RotateTransform3D   rotateTransform   = new RotateTransform3D();
            AxisAngleRotation3D axisAngleRotation = new AxisAngleRotation3D();

            axisAngleRotation.Axis   = new System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
            axisAngleRotation.Angle  = 45;
            rotateTransform.Rotation = axisAngleRotation;

            Transform3DGroup transform3DGroup = new Transform3DGroup();

            //transform3DGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform3D(0, 5, -10));
            //water2.GetWaterPlane().GetModel().Transform = transform3DGroup;


            myModelVisual3D.Content = myModel3DGroup;
            this.Content = myViewport3D;

 void Mesh.IChangeListener.SplitMidpointEnd(HalfEdge e, Vertex mid)
Esempio n. 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Split all concave vertices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices"></param>
        private void SplitConvave(List <Vertex> vertices)
            var leftSegments  = new List <Segment>();
            var rightSegments = new List <Segment>();

            foreach (var v in vertices)
                if (v.Next.Point.X == v.Point.X) // TODO: prob his mistake
                    if (v.Next.Point.Y > v.Point.Y)
                        leftSegments.Add(new Segment(v, v.Next, false));
                        rightSegments.Add(new Segment(v, v.Next, false));

            var leftTree  = new RangeTree <int, Segment>(leftSegments, new SegmentComparer());
            var rightTree = new RangeTree <int, Segment>(rightSegments, new SegmentComparer());

            var i = 0;

            while (i < vertices.Count)
                var v = vertices[i];

                if (!v.Concave)

                var  y = v.Point.Y;
                bool dir;

                if (v.Prev.Point.X == v.Point.X)
                    dir = v.Prev.Point.Y < y;
                    dir = v.Next.Point.Y > y;

                var direction = dir ? 1 : -1;

                Segment closestSegment  = null;
                var     closestDistance = direction == 1 ? int.MaxValue : int.MinValue;

                if (direction > 0) // TODO: prob his mistake
                    foreach (var s in rightTree.Query(v.Point.Y))
                        var x = s.From.Point.X;

                        if (x > v.Point.X && x < closestDistance)
                            closestDistance = x;
                            closestSegment  = s;
                    foreach (var s in leftTree.Query(v.Point.Y))
                        var x = s.From.Point.X;

                        if (x < v.Point.X && x > closestDistance)
                            closestDistance = x;
                            closestSegment  = s;

                //Create two splitting vertices
                var splitA = new Vertex(new Vector2Int(closestDistance, v.Point.Y), 0, false);
                var splitB = new Vertex(new Vector2Int(closestDistance, v.Point.Y), 0, false);

                //Clear concavity flag
                v.Concave = false;

                //Split vertices
                splitA.Prev = closestSegment.From;
                closestSegment.From.Next = splitA;

                splitB.Next            = closestSegment.To;
                closestSegment.To.Prev = splitB;

                var tree = leftTree;
                if (direction > 0)
                    tree = rightTree;

                tree.Add(new Segment(closestSegment.From, splitA, false));
                tree.Add(new Segment(splitB, closestSegment.To, false));


                //Cut v, 2 different cases
                if (v.Prev.Point.X == v.Point.X)
                    // Case 1
                    //             ^
                    //             |
                    // --->*+++++++X
                    //     |       |
                    //     V       |
                    splitA.Next = v.Next;
                    splitB.Prev = v;
                    // Case 2
                    //     |       ^
                    //     V       |
                    // <---*+++++++X
                    //             |
                    //             |
                    splitA.Next = v;
                    splitB.Prev = v.Prev;

                //Fix up links
                splitA.Next.Prev = splitA;
                splitB.Prev.Next = splitB;
 void Mesh.IChangeListener.Added(Vertex v)
 void Mesh.IChangeListener.SplitMidpointEnd(Face f, Vertex mid)
Esempio n. 42
    public static IEnumerator Fragment(GameObject toFragmentObject, Stats returnedStats, bool areaInsteadOfSites = false)
        returnedStats.totalTime = 0L;
        Debug.Log("Fragmentation started!");
        Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();


        // Gather fragmentation properties for the current game object. The program checks the
        // current game object and the topmost game object of the hierarchy for such properties.
        // If none are found, assume default properties.
        FragmentsProperties fragmentsProperties = toFragmentObject.GetComponent <FragmentsProperties>();

        if (fragmentsProperties == null)
            GameObject          root = toFragmentObject.transform.root.gameObject;
            FragmentsProperties rootFragmentsProperties = root.GetComponent <FragmentsProperties>();

            fragmentsProperties = (rootFragmentsProperties == null)
                ? toFragmentObject.AddComponent <FragmentsProperties>()
                : rootFragmentsProperties;

        // Create new game object as parent of future generated fragments. This game object will
        // replace the current game object in the hierarchy and will retain its fragmentation properties.
        GameObject parentObject = new GameObject( + Constants.FragmentStr);

        CopyTransforms(parentObject.transform, toFragmentObject.transform);
        parentObject.transform.SetParent(toFragmentObject.transform.parent, false);

        FragmentsProperties.Copy(parentObject.AddComponent <FragmentsProperties>(), fragmentsProperties);

        // Iterate through the mesh's triangles and divide each triangle in separate Voronoi diagrams.
        // The generated fragments will retain the original mesh's materials, normals and uv coordinates.
        int  totalFragments = 0;
        Mesh mesh           = toFragmentObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

        for (int subMeshIndex = 0; subMeshIndex < mesh.subMeshCount; ++subMeshIndex)
            int[] triangles = mesh.GetTriangles(subMeshIndex);
            // TODO paralelize
            for (int ti = 0; ti < triangles.Length; ti += 3)
                Vertex[] v = new Vertex[3];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    v[i].position = mesh.vertices[triangles[ti + i]];
                    // Assume zero values if missing normal or uv coordinates
                    v[i].normal = (mesh.normals.Length <= triangles[ti + i])
                        : mesh.normals[triangles[ti + i]];
                    v[i].uv = (mesh.uv.Length <= triangles[ti + i])
                        : mesh.uv[triangles[ti + i]];
                List <GameObject> fragments = GenerateVoronoiFragments(v[0], v[1], v[2], fragmentsProperties, areaInsteadOfSites);

                foreach (GameObject fragment in fragments)
                    if (fragment.GetComponent <MeshFilter>() != null)
                        // Create new game object with fragment's mesh
               = Constants.FrozenFragmentStr + totalFragments;
                        fragment.transform.SetParent(parentObject.transform, false);
                        fragment.tag = Constants.FrozenFragmentStr;

                        MeshRenderer goMeshRenderer       = toFragmentObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                        MeshRenderer fragmentMeshRenderer = fragment.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                        int          materialIdx          = subMeshIndex % goMeshRenderer.materials.Length;
                        fragmentMeshRenderer.material = goMeshRenderer.materials[materialIdx];
                        // Hide current fragment's mesh until the destruction of the initial game object
                        // to prevent z-fighting effects.
                        fragmentMeshRenderer.enabled = false;

                        MeshCollider mc = fragment.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();
                        mc.convex = true;
                        Rigidbody rb = fragment.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
                        rb.detectCollisions = false;
                        rb.isKinematic      = true;
                        rb.interpolation    = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
                        rb.mass             = fragmentsProperties.density * FragmentVolume(fragment);
                        rb.angularDrag      = Constants.FragmentRBodyAngDrag;
                        rb.drag             = Constants.FragmentRBodyDrag;

                        fragment.AddComponent <JointBreakListener>();

                        // Missing fragment
                        Debug.Log($"Clipped site: {fragment.transform.localPosition}");

                // Ensure the current function operation does not take a lot of time
                // in a single frame
                if (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > Constants.MaxTimeMs)
                    Debug.Log("Fragmenter Yield in voronoi generation");
                    returnedStats.totalTime += stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    yield return(null);


            // Ensure the current function operation does not take a lot of time
            // in a single frame
            if (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > Constants.MaxTimeMs)
                Debug.Log("Fragmenter Yield submesh parsing");
                returnedStats.totalTime += stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                yield return(null);


        Debug.Log($"Fragmentation Ended at: {returnedStats.totalTime / 1000.0f}");

        // Create an undirected graph with all fragments. Each fragment represents a node in the
        // graph. The edges represent the connectivity between the fragments. Each node will have
        // a direct edge to each of its touching neighbours.
        var graph = new Graph <GameObject, HingeJoint>();

        foreach (Transform child in parentObject.transform)
            if (!child.CompareTag(Constants.FrozenFragmentStr))

            GameObject        go = child.gameObject;
            List <GameObject> possibleNeighbours = new List <GameObject>();

            // To find the touching neighbours, do a rough and fast bounding box intersection first.
            foreach (Transform child2 in parentObject.transform)
                GameObject go2 = child2.gameObject;
                if (go != go2)
                    Bounds b1 = go.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().bounds;
                    Bounds b2 = go2.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().bounds;

                    if (b1 == null)
                        Debug.Log($"{go} does not have a Mesh Collider");
                    if (b2 == null)
                        Debug.Log($"{go2} does not have a Mesh Collider");

                    if (b1 != null && b2 != null && b1.Intersects(b2))

            // Do a more fine and more computational heavy intersection. To do so, the mesh collider's
            // size will be slightly increased. The actual mesh collider's size cannot be modified,
            // thus a new game object will be created with a bigger mesh and a mesh collider.
            GameObject biggerGo = new GameObject($"Big_{}");
            CopyTransforms(biggerGo.transform, go.transform);

            biggerGo.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh     = ScaleMesh(go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh, Constants.MeshUpscaling);
            biggerGo.AddComponent <MeshCollider>().convex = true;

            if (!graph.ContainsNode(go))
            foreach (GameObject neighbour in possibleNeighbours)
                Collider colBigg  = biggerGo.GetComponent <Collider>();
                Collider colNeigh = neighbour.GetComponent <Collider>();

                if (Physics.ComputePenetration(
                        colBigg, go.transform.position, go.transform.rotation,
                        colNeigh, neighbour.transform.position, neighbour.transform.rotation, out _, out _))
                    if (graph.ContainsEdge(go, neighbour) || graph.ContainsEdge(neighbour, go))

                    if (!graph.ContainsNode(neighbour))

                    void CreateJoint(GameObject go1, GameObject go2)
                        Vector3 center1 = FragmentCenter(go1);
                        Vector3 center2 = FragmentCenter(go2);

                        HingeJoint hj = go1.AddComponent <HingeJoint>();

                        hj.connectedBody   = go2.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                        hj.enableCollision = false;
                        hj.breakForce      = Constants.FragmentHingeBreakForce;
                        hj.anchor          = center2;
                        hj.axis            = center2 - center1;

                        JointLimits hinjeLimits = hj.limits;

                        hinjeLimits.min               = Constants.FragmentHingeMinAngleDeg;
                        hinjeLimits.bounciness        = 0.0f;
                        hinjeLimits.bounceMinVelocity = 0.0f;
                        hinjeLimits.max               = Constants.FragmentHingeMaxAngleDeg;
                        hj.limits    = hinjeLimits;
                        hj.useLimits = true;

                        graph.AddEdge(go1, go2, hj);

                    CreateJoint(go, neighbour);
                    CreateJoint(neighbour, go);

            // Ensure the current function operation does not take a lot of time
            // in a single frame.
            if (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > Constants.MaxTimeMs)
                Debug.Log("Fragmenter Yield in graph creating");
                returnedStats.totalTime += stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                yield return(null);

        //Debug.Log($"Min Area: {minSurface}, Max Area: {maxSurface}");
        FragmentsGraph fragmentsGraph = parentObject.AddComponent <FragmentsGraph>();

        fragmentsGraph.graph = graph;

        // Chose anchor fragments. An anchor fragment is a fragment which is considered crucial in
        // a mesh structural stability. These have to be manually specified. The program decides
        // if a fragment is an anchor if it intersects a 3D object with "Anchor" tag and layer.
        AnchorList anchorList = toFragmentObject.GetComponent <AnchorList>();

        if (anchorList == null)
            anchorList = toFragmentObject.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <AnchorList>();
        if (anchorList != null)
            // Fast and rough intersection
            List <GameObject> possibleAnchored = new List <GameObject>();
            foreach (Transform fragment in parentObject.transform)
                foreach (GameObject anchor in anchorList.gameObjects)
                    Bounds b1 = fragment.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds;
                    Bounds b2 = anchor.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().bounds;
                    if (b1.Intersects(b2))

            // Slow and accurate intersection
            HashSet <GameObject> anchoredFragments = new HashSet <GameObject>();
            foreach (GameObject fragment in possibleAnchored)
                Collider col1 = fragment.GetComponent <Collider>();
                foreach (GameObject anchor in anchorList.gameObjects)
                    Collider col2 = anchor.GetComponent <Collider>();
                    if (Physics.ComputePenetration(
                            col1, fragment.transform.position, fragment.transform.rotation,
                            col2, anchor.transform.position, anchor.transform.rotation, out _, out _))
                        //Debug.Log($"Anchored {}");
            fragmentsGraph.anchoredFragments    = anchoredFragments;
            fragmentsGraph.initialAnchoredCount = anchoredFragments.Count;

        foreach (Transform child in parentObject.transform)
            child.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled = true;
            Rigidbody rb = child.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            rb.isKinematic      = fragmentsGraph.anchoredFragments != null && fragmentsGraph.anchoredFragments.Contains(rb.gameObject);
            rb.detectCollisions = true;

        returnedStats.isDone                 = true;
        returnedStats.fragments              = totalFragments;
        returnedStats.fragmentedGameObject   = parentObject;
        fragmentsGraph.initialFragmentsCount = fragmentsGraph.currentFragmentsCount = totalFragments;

 void Mesh.IChangeListener.Deleted(Vertex v)
Esempio n. 44
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source"></param>
 /// <param name="target"></param>
 /// <param name="tsRel">target to source relation (if target is parent of source = Parent)</param>
 /// <param name="stRel">source to target relation (if target is parent of source = Child)</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool AddRelation(Vertex source, Vertex target, RelationKind tsRel, RelationKind stRel)
     return(fGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(source, target, 1, (int)tsRel, (int)stRel));
Esempio n. 45
    /// <summary>
    /// Given a triangle, subdivide it in multiple polygons using Voronoi diagrams.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="v0">First vertex of the triangle.</param>
    /// <param name="v1">Second vertex of the triangle.</param>
    /// <param name="v2">Third vertex of the triangle.</param>
    /// <param name="fragmentsProperties">Properties of the resulted fragments.</param>
    /// <returns>A list with all generated fragments' meshes. If the function failes to generate
    /// a fragment, it will the site of the fragment as a placeholder.</returns>
    private static List <GameObject> GenerateVoronoiFragments(
        Vertex v0, Vertex v1, Vertex v2, FragmentsProperties fragmentsProperties, bool areaInsteadOfSites = false)
        if (fragmentsProperties == null)
            throw new System.ArgumentNullException("fragmentsProperties");

        float area = 0.5f * Vector3.Cross(v0.position - v1.position, v0.position - v2.position).magnitude;
        //Debug.Log($"Area {area}");
        //Debug.Log($"Max Area: {fragmentsProperties.maxArea}");

        // The Voronoi API suffers from innacurate floating-point approximations and provides erroneous
        // results when dealing with small numbers. A current solution to this problem is to upscale
        // the whole mesh, do the calculations and then downscale the result to the original scale.
        Vector3 scale = new Vector3(
            Constants.VoronoiScale, Constants.VoronoiScale, Constants.VoronoiScale
        Vector3 reverseScale = new Vector3(
            1.0f / Constants.VoronoiScale, 1.0f / Constants.VoronoiScale, 1.0f / Constants.VoronoiScale


        // The Voronoi API requires 2D points while the trianlge is in 3D space. In order to reduce
        // one dimension, all points must have the same z coordinate. Thus, rotate the triangle such
        // that its normal will become (0, 0, 1).
        Vector3    center          = (v0.position + v1.position + v2.position) / 3.0f;
        Vector3    triangleNorm    = Vector3.Cross(v1.position - v0.position, v2.position - v0.position).normalized;
        Quaternion rotation        = Quaternion.FromToRotation(triangleNorm, Vector3.forward);
        Quaternion reverseRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, triangleNorm);
        Vector3    p0rot           = (rotation * (v0.position - center) + center);
        Vector3    p1rot           = (rotation * (v1.position - center) + center);
        Vector3    p2rot           = (rotation * (v2.position - center) + center);
        float      z = p0rot.z;

        // Try to make all fragments have similar area
        int sitesNum = areaInsteadOfSites ? Math.Max(3, (int)(area / fragmentsProperties.maxArea)) : fragmentsProperties.sitesPerTriangle;//Math.Max(3, (int)(area / fragmentsProperties.maxArea));

        //Debug.Log($"Sites num: {sitesNum}");
        Vector2[] sites = new Vector2[sitesNum];

        // Generate random points inside the triangle. These will be the sites passed to the Voronoi API.
        for (int i = 0; i < sites.Length; ++i)
            Vector3 p         =;
            int     triesLeft = 50;
            while (triesLeft > 0)
                float r1 = Random.Range(0.1f, 0.9f);
                float r2 = Random.Range(0.1f, 0.9f);

                p = (float)(1.0f - Math.Sqrt(r1)) * p0rot +
                    (float)(Math.Sqrt(r1) * (1.0f - r2)) * p1rot +
                    (float)(r2 * Math.Sqrt(r1)) * p2rot;
                if (PointInTriangle(p0rot, p1rot, p2rot, p))
                Debug.Log($"Bad point {p:F5}\n" +
                          $" inside triangle, ({p0rot:F5}, {p1rot:F5}, {p2rot:F5})\n" +
                          $"{triesLeft} tries left");
            sites[i] = p;

        // Calculate the Voronoi diagram containing the given sites
        VoronoiCalculator calc    = new VoronoiCalculator();
        VoronoiClipper    clip    = new VoronoiClipper();
        VoronoiDiagram    diagram = calc.CalculateDiagram(sites);

        Vector2[] triangleClipper = new Vector2[3]
            new Vector2(p0rot.x, p0rot.y),
            new Vector2(p1rot.x, p1rot.y),
            new Vector2(p2rot.x, p2rot.y)
        List <Vector2>    clipped   = new List <Vector2>();
        List <GameObject> fragments = new List <GameObject>(sites.Length);

        // Generate a mesh for each site's polygon
        for (int i = 0; i < sites.Length; ++i)
            clip.ClipSite(diagram, triangleClipper, i, ref clipped);

            if (clipped.Count > 0)
                // Rotate the points back to their original rotation
                Vector3[] originalSpacePoints = new Vector3[clipped.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < clipped.Count; ++j)
                    Vector3 v = new Vector3(clipped[j].x, clipped[j].y, z);
                    originalSpacePoints[j] = reverseRotation * (v - center) + center;

                Vertex[] vertices = CalculateNormalsAndUVs(v0, v1, v2, originalSpacePoints);

                // Revert the upscaling and scale to original object scale
                for (int j = 0; j < clipped.Count; ++j)

                float thickness = Random.Range(fragmentsProperties.minThickness, fragmentsProperties.maxThickness);
                fragments.Add(PolygonToFrustum(vertices, thickness));
Esempio n. 46
        public int ShortestPathByLeeBFS(int[,] matrix, Point srcPoint, Point destPoint, Stack <Point> resultPath)
            if (matrix == null || matrix.GetLength(0) == 0 || matrix.GetLength(1) == 0)

            if (matrix[srcPoint.xPos, srcPoint.yPos] != 1 || matrix[destPoint.xPos, destPoint.yPos] != 1)

            bool[,] visited = new bool[matrix.GetLength(0), matrix.GetLength(1)];

            // Mark the source cell as visited
            visited[srcPoint.xPos, srcPoint.yPos] = true;

            Queue <Vertex> vertexQueue = new Queue <Vertex>();

            Vertex s = new Vertex()
                Point = srcPoint, Distance = 0

            vertexQueue.Enqueue(s);  // Enqueue source cell

            // These arrays are used to get row and column numbers of 4 neighbours of a given cell
            int[] rowNum = { -1, 0, 0, 1 };
            int[] colNum = { 0, -1, 1, 0 };

            // Do a BFS starting from source cell
            while (vertexQueue.Count > 0)
                Vertex currVertex = vertexQueue.Dequeue();
                Point  currPoint  = currVertex.Point;

                // Reached the destination cell, we are done
                if (currPoint.xPos == destPoint.xPos && currPoint.yPos == destPoint.yPos)

                for (int lpCnt = 0; lpCnt < 4; lpCnt++)
                    int rowPos = currPoint.xPos + rowNum[lpCnt];
                    int colPos = currPoint.yPos + colNum[lpCnt];

                    // If adjacent cell is valid, has path and not visited yet, enqueue it.
                    if (Point.IsSafePoint(matrix, rowPos, colPos) == true && visited[rowPos, colPos] == false)
                        visited[rowPos, colPos] = true;
                        Point point = new Point()
                            xPos = rowPos, yPos = colPos
                        Vertex Adjcell = new Vertex()
                            Point    = point,
                            Distance = currVertex.Distance + 1
Esempio n. 47
 public void SetScale(Vertex scale)
     COL.Model.Scale = scale;
Esempio n. 48
    Mesh GenerateCube(float xScale, float yScale, float zScale, int depth)
        Vector3[] v = new Vector3[8];
        Dictionary <Face, Vector3>      fDict = new Dictionary <Face, Vector3>();                        // Face dict key = Face, value = face point
        Dictionary <Vector3[], Vector3> eDict = new Dictionary <Vector3[], Vector3>(new EdgeComparer()); // Edge dict key = Edge, value = edge point
        Dictionary <Vector3, Vector3>   vDict = new Dictionary <Vector3, Vector3>();                     // Vertex dict key = Vertex, value = barycenter

        v[0] = new Vector3(1 * xScale, 1 * yScale, 1 * zScale);
        v[1] = new Vector3(1 * xScale, -1 * yScale, 1 * zScale);
        v[2] = new Vector3(1 * xScale, -1 * yScale, -1 * zScale);
        v[3] = new Vector3(1 * xScale, 1 * yScale, -1 * zScale);
        v[4] = new Vector3(-1 * xScale, 1 * yScale, -1 * zScale);
        v[5] = new Vector3(-1 * xScale, -1 * yScale, -1 * zScale);
        v[6] = new Vector3(-1 * xScale, -1 * yScale, 1 * zScale);
        v[7] = new Vector3(-1 * xScale, 1 * yScale, 1 * zScale);

        // Save faces and their face points
        Face f0 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]
        Face f1 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[4], v[3], v[2], v[5]
        Face f2 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[7], v[4], v[5], v[6]
        Face f3 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[0], v[7], v[6], v[1]
        Face f4 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[7], v[0], v[3], v[4]
        Face f5 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[5], v[2], v[1], v[6]

        fDict.Add(f0, f0.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f1, f1.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f2, f2.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f3, f3.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f4, f4.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f5, f5.facePoint);

        // Save edges and their edge points
        Edge e0  = new Edge(v[0], v[1], f0, f3);
        Edge e1  = new Edge(v[1], v[2], f0, f5);
        Edge e2  = new Edge(v[2], v[3], f0, f1);
        Edge e3  = new Edge(v[0], v[3], f0, f4);
        Edge e4  = new Edge(v[6], v[7], f2, f3);
        Edge e5  = new Edge(v[5], v[6], f2, f5);
        Edge e6  = new Edge(v[4], v[5], f1, f2);
        Edge e7  = new Edge(v[4], v[7], f2, f4);
        Edge e8  = new Edge(v[3], v[4], f1, f4);
        Edge e9  = new Edge(v[0], v[7], f3, f4);
        Edge e10 = new Edge(v[2], v[5], f1, f5);
        Edge e11 = new Edge(v[1], v[6], f3, f5);

        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[0], v[1]
        }, e0.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[1], v[2]
        }, e1.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[2], v[3]
        }, e2.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[0], v[3]
        }, e3.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[6], v[7]
        }, e4.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[5], v[6]
        }, e5.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[4], v[5]
        }, e6.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[4], v[7]
        }, e7.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[3], v[4]
        }, e8.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[0], v[7]
        }, e9.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[2], v[5]
        }, e10.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            v[1], v[6]
        }, e11.edgePoint);

        // input adj faces and adj edges for each vertex
        Vertex v0 = new Vertex(v[0], new HashSet <Face> {
            f0, f3, f4
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e0, e3, e9
        Vertex v1 = new Vertex(v[1], new HashSet <Face> {
            f0, f3, f5
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e0, e1, e11
        Vertex v2 = new Vertex(v[2], new HashSet <Face> {
            f0, f1, f5
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e1, e2, e10
        Vertex v3 = new Vertex(v[3], new HashSet <Face> {
            f0, f1, f4
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e2, e3, e8
        Vertex v4 = new Vertex(v[4], new HashSet <Face> {
            f1, f2, f4
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e6, e7, e8
        Vertex v5 = new Vertex(v[5], new HashSet <Face> {
            f1, f2, f5
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e5, e6, e10
        Vertex v6 = new Vertex(v[6], new HashSet <Face> {
            f2, f3, f5
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e4, e5, e11
        Vertex v7 = new Vertex(v[7], new HashSet <Face> {
            f2, f3, f4
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e4, e7, e9

        vDict.Add(v0.coord, v0.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v1.coord, v1.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v2.coord, v2.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v3.coord, v3.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v4.coord, v4.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v5.coord, v5.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v6.coord, v6.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v7.coord, v7.barycenter);

        return(this.GetComponent <MeshSubdivision>().Subdivide(fDict, eDict, vDict, v, depth));
Esempio n. 49
        public string GetRelationship(GEDCOMIndividualRecord targetRec, bool fullFormat = false)
            if (targetRec == null)
            Vertex target = fGraph.FindVertex(targetRec.XRef);

            if (target == null)

                IEnumerable <Edge> edgesPath = fGraph.GetPath(target);

                string       tmp     = "";
                RelationKind prevRel = RelationKind.rkNone;
                RelationKind finRel  = RelationKind.rkNone;
                int          great   = 0;

                GEDCOMIndividualRecord src = null, tgt = null, prev_tgt = null;
                string part, fullRel = "";

                foreach (Edge edge in edgesPath)
                    GEDCOMIndividualRecord xFrom  = (GEDCOMIndividualRecord)edge.Source.Value;
                    GEDCOMIndividualRecord xTo    = (GEDCOMIndividualRecord)edge.Target.Value;
                    RelationKind           curRel = FixLink(xFrom, xTo, (RelationKind)((int)edge.Value));

                    if (src == null)
                        src = xFrom;
                    prev_tgt = tgt;
                    tgt      = xTo;

                    if (tmp != "")
                        tmp += ", ";
                    tmp += xFrom.XRef + ">" + GKData.RelationSigns[(int)curRel] + ">" + xTo.XRef;

                    if (prevRel != RelationKind.rkUndefined)
                        int g, lev;
                        finRel = KinshipsMan.FindKinship(prevRel, curRel, out g, out lev);
                        great += g;

                        // it's gap
                        if (finRel == RelationKind.rkUndefined && fullFormat)
                            part    = GetRelationPart(src, prev_tgt, prevRel, great);
                            src     = prev_tgt;
                            great   = 0;
                            prevRel = RelationKind.rkNone;

                            if (fullRel.Length > 0)
                                fullRel += ", ";
                            fullRel += part;

                            finRel = KinshipsMan.FindKinship(prevRel, curRel, out g, out lev);
                            great += g;

                        prevRel = finRel;

                IndividualsPath = targetRec.XRef + " [" + tmp + "]";

                if (!fullFormat)
                    string relRes = FixRelation(targetRec, finRel, great);
                    part = GetRelationPart(src, tgt, finRel, great);

                    if (fullRel.Length > 0)
                        fullRel += ", ";
                    fullRel += part;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogWrite("KinshipsGraph.GetRelationship(): " + ex.Message);
    /// <summary>
    /// Get all nav mesh surfaces
    /// Update all navmesh datas for each NavMeshSurfaces
    /// Calculate triangulation
    /// Add each triangle in the triangulation to a list of triangles
    /// Link Triangles with its neighbors
    /// </summary>
    public void GetNavPointsFromNavSurfaces()
        isBuilding = true;
        List <NavMeshSurface> _surfaces = NavMeshSurface.activeSurfaces;

        foreach (NavMeshSurface surface in _surfaces)
        NavMeshTriangulation _tr = NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();

        Vector3[]  _vertices        = _tr.vertices;
        List <int> _modifiedIndices = _tr.indices.ToList();

        if (_tr.vertices.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogWarning("No Vertices found");
        int _previousIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < _vertices.Length; i++)
            Vector3 _pos = _vertices[i];
            if (navPoints.Any(p => p.Position == _pos))
                ////GET THE SAME POINT
                Vertex _existingPoint = navPoints.Where(p => p.Position == _pos).First();
                //// ORDER THE INDEX
                for (int j = 0; j < _modifiedIndices.Count; j++)
                    // REPLACE INDEX
                    if (_modifiedIndices[j] == _previousIndex)
                        _modifiedIndices[j] = _existingPoint.ID;
                    if (_modifiedIndices[j] > _previousIndex)
                navPoints.Add(new Vertex(_pos, navPoints.Count));
        for (int i = 0; i < _modifiedIndices.Count; i += 3)
            Vertex _first  = navPoints.Where(p => p.ID == _modifiedIndices[i]).FirstOrDefault();
            Vertex _second = navPoints.Where(p => p.ID == _modifiedIndices[i + 1]).FirstOrDefault();
            Vertex _third  = navPoints.Where(p => p.ID == _modifiedIndices[i + 2]).FirstOrDefault();

            Vertex[] _pointsIndex = new Vertex[3] {
                _first, _second, _third
            Triangle _triangle = new Triangle(_pointsIndex);
        foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
        isBuilding = false;
Esempio n. 51
    Mesh GenerateBody(int depth)
        Vector3[] v = new Vector3[20];
        Dictionary <Face, Vector3>      fDict = new Dictionary <Face, Vector3>();                        // Face dict key = Face, value = face point
        Dictionary <Vector3[], Vector3> eDict = new Dictionary <Vector3[], Vector3>(new EdgeComparer()); // Edge dict key = Edge, value = edge point
        Dictionary <Vector3, Vector3>   vDict = new Dictionary <Vector3, Vector3>();                     // Vertex dict key = Vertex, value = barycenter

        float topTailHeight    = Random.Range(1f, 3.5f);
        float bottomTailHeight = Random.Range(0, topTailHeight + 0.1f);
        float topWidth         = Random.Range(0, 2f);
        float bottomWidth      = Random.Range(0.9f, 2f);
        float neckHeight       = Random.Range(1, 4f);

        // use the eyePos's x value to save how "wide" the eyes need to be
        // the width of top (and a bit of the bottom) influences how "wide"
        // taller neck means less influence from width
        eyePos    = new Vector3(Mathf.Pow((topWidth + bottomWidth) / (neckHeight), 0.1f), neckHeight, -1.1f);
        beakPos   = new Vector3(0, neckHeight - Random.Range(0, 0.2f), -1.5f);
        legHeight = Random.Range(0.5f, 2.4f);

        v[0]  = new Vector3(-1, 1 + neckHeight, 0);
        v[1]  = new Vector3(1, 1 + neckHeight, 0);
        v[2]  = new Vector3(1, 1 + neckHeight, -2);
        v[3]  = new Vector3(-1, 1 + neckHeight, -2);
        v[4]  = new Vector3(-1, 1, 0);
        v[5]  = new Vector3(1, 1, 0);
        v[6]  = new Vector3(1, 1, -2);
        v[7]  = new Vector3(-1, 1, -2);
        v[8]  = new Vector3(-1 - bottomWidth, -1, 0);
        v[9]  = new Vector3(1 + bottomWidth, -1, 0);
        v[10] = new Vector3(1, -1, -2);
        v[11] = new Vector3(-1, -1, -2);
        v[12] = new Vector3(-1 - topWidth, 1, 2);
        v[13] = new Vector3(-1, 0 + topTailHeight, 3);
        v[14] = new Vector3(1, 0 + topTailHeight, 3);
        v[15] = new Vector3(1 + topWidth, 1, 2);
        v[16] = new Vector3(-1 - bottomWidth, -1, 2);
        v[17] = new Vector3(-1, -1 + bottomTailHeight, 3);
        v[18] = new Vector3(1, -1 + bottomTailHeight, 3);
        v[19] = new Vector3(1 + bottomWidth, -1, 2);

        // Save faces and their face points
        Face f0 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[3], v[0], v[1], v[2]
        Face f1 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[4], v[12], v[15], v[5]
        Face f2 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[12], v[13], v[14], v[15]
        Face f3 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[10], v[9], v[8], v[11]
        Face f4 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[9], v[19], v[16], v[8]
        Face f5 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[19], v[18], v[17], v[16]
        Face f6 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[3], v[2], v[6], v[7]
        Face f7 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[7], v[6], v[10], v[11]
        Face f8 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[1], v[0], v[4], v[5]
        Face f9 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[14], v[13], v[17], v[18]
        Face f10 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[2], v[1], v[5], v[6]
        Face f11 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[6], v[5], v[9], v[10]
        Face f12 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[5], v[15], v[19], v[9]
        Face f13 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[15], v[14], v[18], v[19]
        Face f14 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[0], v[3], v[7], v[4]
        Face f15 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[4], v[7], v[11], v[8]
        Face f16 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[12], v[4], v[8], v[16]
        Face f17 = new Face(new Vector3[4] {
            v[13], v[12], v[16], v[17]

        fDict.Add(f0, f0.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f1, f1.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f2, f2.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f3, f3.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f4, f4.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f5, f5.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f6, f6.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f7, f7.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f8, f8.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f9, f9.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f10, f10.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f11, f11.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f12, f12.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f13, f13.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f14, f14.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f15, f15.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f16, f16.facePoint);
        fDict.Add(f17, f17.facePoint);

        // Save edges and their edge points
        Edge e0  = new Edge(v[3], v[2], f0, f6);
        Edge e1  = new Edge(v[7], v[6], f6, f7);
        Edge e2  = new Edge(v[11], v[10], f7, f3);
        Edge e3  = new Edge(v[0], v[1], f0, f8);
        Edge e4  = new Edge(v[4], v[5], f8, f1);
        Edge e5  = new Edge(v[8], v[9], f3, f4);
        Edge e6  = new Edge(v[12], v[15], f1, f2);
        Edge e7  = new Edge(v[16], v[19], f4, f5);
        Edge e8  = new Edge(v[13], v[14], f2, f9);
        Edge e9  = new Edge(v[17], v[18], f5, f9);
        Edge e10 = new Edge(v[2], v[1], f0, f10);
        Edge e11 = new Edge(v[6], v[5], f10, f11);
        Edge e12 = new Edge(v[10], v[9], f11, f3);
        Edge e13 = new Edge(v[3], v[0], f0, f14);
        Edge e14 = new Edge(v[7], v[4], f14, f15);
        Edge e15 = new Edge(v[11], v[8], f15, f3);
        Edge e16 = new Edge(v[5], v[15], f12, f1);
        Edge e17 = new Edge(v[9], v[19], f12, f4);
        Edge e18 = new Edge(v[4], v[12], f1, f16);
        Edge e19 = new Edge(v[8], v[16], f4, f16);
        Edge e20 = new Edge(v[15], v[14], f2, f13);
        Edge e21 = new Edge(v[19], v[18], f13, f5);
        Edge e22 = new Edge(v[12], v[13], f2, f17);
        Edge e23 = new Edge(v[16], v[17], f17, f5);
        Edge e24 = new Edge(v[2], v[6], f6, f10);
        Edge e25 = new Edge(v[6], v[10], f7, f11);
        Edge e26 = new Edge(v[3], v[7], f6, f14);
        Edge e27 = new Edge(v[7], v[11], f7, f15);
        Edge e28 = new Edge(v[1], v[5], f10, f8);
        Edge e29 = new Edge(v[5], v[9], f11, f12);
        Edge e30 = new Edge(v[0], v[4], f14, f8);
        Edge e31 = new Edge(v[4], v[8], f15, f16);
        Edge e32 = new Edge(v[15], v[19], f12, f13);
        Edge e33 = new Edge(v[12], v[16], f16, f17);
        Edge e34 = new Edge(v[14], v[18], f13, f9);
        Edge e35 = new Edge(v[13], v[17], f9, f17);

        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e0.vert1, e0.vert2
        }, e0.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e1.vert1, e1.vert2
        }, e1.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e2.vert1, e2.vert2
        }, e2.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e3.vert1, e3.vert2
        }, e3.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e4.vert1, e4.vert2
        }, e4.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e5.vert1, e5.vert2
        }, e5.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e6.vert1, e6.vert2
        }, e6.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e7.vert1, e7.vert2
        }, e7.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e8.vert1, e8.vert2
        }, e8.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e9.vert1, e9.vert2
        }, e9.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e10.vert1, e10.vert2
        }, e10.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e11.vert1, e11.vert2
        }, e11.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e12.vert1, e12.vert2
        }, e12.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e13.vert1, e13.vert2
        }, e13.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e14.vert1, e14.vert2
        }, e14.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e15.vert1, e15.vert2
        }, e15.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e16.vert1, e16.vert2
        }, e16.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e17.vert1, e17.vert2
        }, e17.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e18.vert1, e18.vert2
        }, e18.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e19.vert1, e19.vert2
        }, e19.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e20.vert1, e20.vert2
        }, e20.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e21.vert1, e21.vert2
        }, e21.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e22.vert1, e22.vert2
        }, e22.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e23.vert1, e23.vert2
        }, e23.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e24.vert1, e24.vert2
        }, e24.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e25.vert1, e25.vert2
        }, e25.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e26.vert1, e26.vert2
        }, e26.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e27.vert1, e27.vert2
        }, e27.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e28.vert1, e28.vert2
        }, e28.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e29.vert1, e29.vert2
        }, e29.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e30.vert1, e30.vert2
        }, e30.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e31.vert1, e31.vert2
        }, e31.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e32.vert1, e32.vert2
        }, e32.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e33.vert1, e33.vert2
        }, e33.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e34.vert1, e34.vert2
        }, e34.edgePoint);
        eDict.Add(new Vector3[2] {
            e35.vert1, e35.vert2
        }, e35.edgePoint);

        // input adj faces and adj edges for each vertex
        Vertex v0 = new Vertex(v[0], new HashSet <Face> {
            f0, f8, f14
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e3, e13, e30
        Vertex v1 = new Vertex(v[1], new HashSet <Face> {
            f0, f8, f10
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e3, e10, e28
        Vertex v2 = new Vertex(v[2], new HashSet <Face> {
            f0, f6, f10
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e0, e10, e24
        Vertex v3 = new Vertex(v[3], new HashSet <Face> {
            f0, f6, f14
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e0, e13, e26
        Vertex v4 = new Vertex(v[4], new HashSet <Face> {
            f1, f8, f14, f15, f16
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e4, e14, e18, e30, e31
        Vertex v5 = new Vertex(v[5], new HashSet <Face> {
            f1, f8, f10, f11, f12
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e4, e11, e16, e28, e29
        Vertex v6 = new Vertex(v[6], new HashSet <Face> {
            f6, f7, f10, f11
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e1, e11, e24, e25
        Vertex v7 = new Vertex(v[7], new HashSet <Face> {
            f6, f7, f14, f15
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e1, e14, e26, e27
        Vertex v8 = new Vertex(v[8], new HashSet <Face> {
            f3, f4, f15, f16
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e5, e15, e19, e31
        Vertex v9 = new Vertex(v[9], new HashSet <Face> {
            f3, f4, f11, f12
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e5, e12, e17, e29
        Vertex v10 = new Vertex(v[10], new HashSet <Face> {
            f3, f7, f11
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e2, e12, e25
        Vertex v11 = new Vertex(v[11], new HashSet <Face> {
            f3, f7, f15
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e2, e15, e27
        Vertex v12 = new Vertex(v[12], new HashSet <Face> {
            f1, f2, f16, f17
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e6, e18, e22, e33
        Vertex v13 = new Vertex(v[13], new HashSet <Face> {
            f2, f9, f17
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e8, e22, e35
        Vertex v14 = new Vertex(v[14], new HashSet <Face> {
            f2, f9, f13
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e8, e20, e34
        Vertex v15 = new Vertex(v[15], new HashSet <Face> {
            f1, f2, f12, f13
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e6, e16, e20, e32
        Vertex v16 = new Vertex(v[16], new HashSet <Face> {
            f4, f5, f16, f17
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e7, e19, e23, e33
        Vertex v17 = new Vertex(v[17], new HashSet <Face> {
            f5, f9, f17
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e9, e23, e35
        Vertex v18 = new Vertex(v[18], new HashSet <Face> {
            f5, f9, f13
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e9, e21, e34
        Vertex v19 = new Vertex(v[19], new HashSet <Face> {
            f4, f5, f12, f13
        }, new HashSet <Edge> {
            e7, e17, e21, e32

        vDict.Add(v0.coord, v0.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v1.coord, v1.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v2.coord, v2.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v3.coord, v3.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v4.coord, v4.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v5.coord, v5.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v6.coord, v6.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v7.coord, v7.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v8.coord, v8.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v9.coord, v9.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v10.coord, v10.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v11.coord, v11.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v12.coord, v12.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v13.coord, v13.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v14.coord, v14.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v15.coord, v15.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v16.coord, v16.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v17.coord, v17.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v18.coord, v18.barycenter);
        vDict.Add(v19.coord, v19.barycenter);

        return(this.GetComponent <MeshSubdivision>().Subdivide(fDict, eDict, vDict, v, depth));
Esempio n. 52
 public void OnEdgeToVisited(Vertex <TVertexId> vertex, Vertex <TVertexId> neighbour)
Esempio n. 53
 public Triangle(Vertex _first, Vertex _second, Vertex _third)
     first  = _first;
     second = _second;
     third  = _third;
Esempio n. 54
 public void ForRoot(Vertex <TVertexId> root)
Esempio n. 55
 private static String FormatVertex(Vertex v)
     return(String.Format("({0},{1},{2})", v.X, v.Y, v.Z));
Esempio n. 56
        public override ObjectData GetData(NodeFactory factory, bool relocsOnly = false)
            // This node does not trigger generation of other nodes.
            if (relocsOnly)
                return(new ObjectData(Array.Empty <byte>(), Array.Empty <Relocation>(), 1, new ISymbolNode[] { this }));

            // Build the GVM table entries from the list of interesting GVMTableEntryNodes
            foreach (var interestingEntry in factory.MetadataManager.GetTypeGVMEntries())
                foreach (var typeGVMEntryInfo in interestingEntry.ScanForInterfaceGenericVirtualMethodEntries())
                    AddGenericVirtualMethodImplementation(factory, typeGVMEntryInfo.CallingMethod, typeGVMEntryInfo.ImplementationType, typeGVMEntryInfo.ImplementationMethod);

            // Ensure the native layout blob has been saved

            NativeWriter    nativeFormatWriter = new NativeWriter();
            VertexHashtable gvmHashtable       = new VertexHashtable();

            Section gvmHashtableSection = nativeFormatWriter.NewSection();


            // Emit the interface slot resolution entries
            foreach (var gvmEntry in _interfaceGvmSlots)

                MethodDesc callingMethod = gvmEntry.Key;

                // Emit the method signature and containing type of the current interface method
                uint   typeId     = _externalReferences.GetIndex(factory.NecessaryTypeSymbol(callingMethod.OwningType));
                var    nameAndSig = factory.NativeLayout.PlacedSignatureVertex(factory.NativeLayout.MethodNameAndSignatureVertex(callingMethod));
                Vertex vertex     = nativeFormatWriter.GetTuple(

                // Emit the method name / sig and containing type of each GVM target method for the current interface method entry
                vertex = nativeFormatWriter.GetTuple(vertex, nativeFormatWriter.GetUnsignedConstant((uint)gvmEntry.Value.Count));
                foreach (MethodDesc implementationMethod in gvmEntry.Value)
                    nameAndSig = factory.NativeLayout.PlacedSignatureVertex(factory.NativeLayout.MethodNameAndSignatureVertex(implementationMethod));
                    typeId     = _externalReferences.GetIndex(factory.NecessaryTypeSymbol(implementationMethod.OwningType));
                    vertex     = nativeFormatWriter.GetTuple(

                    // Emit the interface GVM slot details for each type that implements the interface methods

                        var ifaceImpls = _interfaceImpls[implementationMethod];

                        // First, emit how many types have method implementations for this interface method entry
                        vertex = nativeFormatWriter.GetTuple(vertex, nativeFormatWriter.GetUnsignedConstant((uint)ifaceImpls.Count));

                        // Emit each type that implements the interface method, and the interface signatures for the interfaces implemented by the type
                        foreach (var currentImpl in ifaceImpls)
                            TypeDesc implementationType = currentImpl.Key;

                            typeId = _externalReferences.GetIndex(factory.NecessaryTypeSymbol(implementationType));
                            vertex = nativeFormatWriter.GetTuple(vertex, nativeFormatWriter.GetUnsignedConstant(typeId));

                            // Emit information on which interfaces the current method entry provides implementations for
                            vertex = nativeFormatWriter.GetTuple(vertex, nativeFormatWriter.GetUnsignedConstant((uint)currentImpl.Value.Count));
                            foreach (var ifaceId in currentImpl.Value)
                                // Emit the signature of the current interface implemented by the method
                                Debug.Assert(((uint)ifaceId) < implementationType.RuntimeInterfaces.Length);
                                TypeDesc currentInterface = implementationType.RuntimeInterfaces[ifaceId];
                                var      typeSig          = factory.NativeLayout.PlacedSignatureVertex(factory.NativeLayout.TypeSignatureVertex(currentInterface));
                                vertex = nativeFormatWriter.GetTuple(vertex, nativeFormatWriter.GetUnsignedConstant((uint)typeSig.SavedVertex.VertexOffset));

                int hashCode = callingMethod.OwningType.GetHashCode();
                gvmHashtable.Append((uint)hashCode, gvmHashtableSection.Place(vertex));

            // Zero out the dictionary so that we AV if someone tries to insert after we're done.
            _interfaceGvmSlots = null;

            byte[] streamBytes = nativeFormatWriter.Save();


            return(new ObjectData(streamBytes, Array.Empty <Relocation>(), 1, new ISymbolNode[] { this, _endSymbol }));
Esempio n. 57
 public void OnExit(Vertex <TVertexId> vertex) => exits.Add(vertex);
Esempio n. 58
 public void AddVertex(Vertex v)
Esempio n. 59
 public void OnEntry(Vertex <TVertexId> vertex) => entries.Add(vertex);
Esempio n. 60
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameEngine">An instance of the <see cref="Tesseract"/> game engine.</param>
        protected override void CreateDeviceResources(Tesseract gameEngine)
            // Create a texture sampler state (in the base class)

            // Initialize variables needed to create the vertex & index buffers
            var device = gameEngine.DeviceManager.Device3D;
            Vector3 quadNormal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            Vector2 texCoords = new Vector2(0, 0);
            VertexArray = new Vertex[]
                new Vertex(new Vector3(1, 0,  0), quadNormal, Color.Lime,	texCoords),
                new Vertex(new Vector3(0, 0,  0), quadNormal, Color.Blue,	texCoords),
                new Vertex(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), quadNormal, Color.Red,	texCoords),
                new Vertex(new Vector3(1, 0, -1), quadNormal, Color.Yellow, texCoords),
            IndexArray = new ushort[]
                0, 1, 2, // Front A
                0, 2, 3, // Front B

            // Create the buffers
            VertexBuffer = ToDispose(Buffer.Create(device, BindFlags.VertexBuffer, VertexArray));
            VertexBufferBinding = new VertexBufferBinding(VertexBuffer, Utilities.SizeOf<Vertex>(), 0);
            IndexBuffer = ToDispose(Buffer.Create(device, BindFlags.IndexBuffer, IndexArray));